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Prepare Integration Server for Automatic SYSTAT IDoc
In the Integration Server, you have to setup these elements to enable automatic status update via SYSTAT:
1. If you chose a different name from BUSCON for the logical system above, shutdown Integration Server and add the following parameter to ...\IntegrationServer\config\server.cnf:<NameOfLogicalSystem>.
Start the Integration Server again.
With BUSCON you can omit this step.
2. To mark a routing notification or ALE adapter notification for automatic status update, edit the notification and set the value for field "Monitor IDocs" to "On".
3. Go to Server > Scheduler > Create a scheduled task and schedule the service
Here you specify time intervals for the Service. You should try to schedule it for times when you know that there is little load on the system. On the other hand, in order to prevent the resulting SYSTAT IDocs from getting too big, you should schedule it often enough, so that at most around 2000 IDocs have been received by Adapter for SAP since the last run of the report service.
This service collects all the necessary information and error/success messages for those IDocs, which the notifications chosen in step 2 have processed since the last run. For each SAP system that has sent any such IDocs to Adapter for SAP, it creates and submits one SYSTAT IDoc containing all this information.