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Using the ALE Monitoring Features Via Adapter for SAP
IDoc Trace
Status Update Via ALEAUD IDoc
Status Update Via SYSTAT IDoc
You can monitor the ALE transactions for a local Transaction Store and for a Centralized Transaction Store (CTS) in the same way, as described below. The behavior of monitoring will not change because the transactions are executed by individual adapters even in a CTS setup. Only the transaction results are stored in a CTS server.
When an IDoc is sent from an SAP system to Adapter for SAP, the status of the IDoc (as displayed in WE02) will always be "03, Data passed to port OK" (passed to the tRFC queue of the SAP system). However, this status does not provide any information regarding whether the IDoc could be processed successfully by Adapter for SAP and who the final recipient was. To get this kind of information, Adapter for SAP offers three options: IDoc Trace, ALEAUD IDoc and SYSTAT IDoc.
The IDoc Trace feature should be used if you sporadically want to look up the status of certain IDocs. The lookup is done manually and only for a specific selection of IDocs. If you want automatic status update, you should use one of the other two options described below.
Status update via ALEAUD IDoc can be used if the final recipient is again another SAP system. The most common case will be the connection of two SAP systems via the Internet like this:
SAP system (sender) -> Integration Server 1 ->Internet (http) -> Integration Server 2 -> SAP system (receiver).
In all other cases, status update via SYSTAT IDoc must be used. Integration Server acts here like an EDI Subsystem and returns status information and information about the final receiver (receiving e-mail address, Web Server URL, FTP Server, third party system, etc.) to the sender.