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Status Update Via ALEAUD IDoc
Further Setup in Adapter for SAP
If the final receiver is an SAP system, the IDoc ALEAUD can be used to report status information from the receiver back to the sender. To setup this scenario, the following settings have to be created in the distribution models of the participating Systems:
(MATMAS is used in this example)
*Sending SAP System: For the LS that represents the receiver, set up a partner profile, that has MATMAS as an outbound parameter and ALEAUD with process code AUD1 as an inbound parameter.
*Receiving SAP System: For the LS that represents the sender, set up a partner profile with an outbound parameter ALEAUD and an inbound parameter MATMAS. Also in the distribution model the following model view has to be created:
Sender: T90CLNT090 (or LS, which received the IDoc, if different)
Receiver:LS of sender
Message type: ALEAUD
Here add a Filter with value "MATMAS".
Next you have to schedule a job, which executes a variant of the report RBDSTATE. The variant has to include the LS of the sender as selection parameter. This should send out an ALEAUD IDoc to the Integration Server.