Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Transaction Handling | Using the ALE Monitoring Features Via Adapter for SAP | Status Update Via ALEAUD IDoc | Further Setup in Adapter for SAP
Further Setup in Adapter for SAP
*To set up Adapter for SAP for status update via ALEAUD proceed along the following steps
1. For the routing notification or ALE adapter notification you want to use to monitor IDocs, set the value for the Monitor IDocs field to On using Digital Event Services.
2. After all this has been set up, the ALEAUD IDoc can be routed as usual like a "normal" IDoc. Here -and in all other cases, where sender/receiver information in the IDoc Control Header has been changed by a mapping-only one thing has to be taken into account: the last Integration Server, which pushes the ALEAUD into the original sending system, has to set the values of EDI_DC40-SNDPRN and EDI_DC40-RCVPRN to the inverse of their original values.
For example: If your original IDoc went out with a header segment such as:
SENDER Receiver
Then the ALEAUD has to be pushed in with this header:
This can be achieved by adding the service preprocessing service to the routing notification service.