Reporting Functions

This section describes the PAA Reporting facility. It tells you how to execute reporting functions in menu mode. Before you start work with PAA menus, you are recommended to read the section User Interface.

This section covers the following topics:

The Reporting Menu

To access the PAA reporting functions online from Natural:

  1. Type SYSPAA on the Natural command line or at the NEXT prompt.

  2. Press ENTER.

To access the PAA reporting functions from the PAA Administration facility:

  1. Type MENU on the command line of any administration screen.

  2. Press ENTER.

In either case, the reporting facility main menu appears (following possibly the PAA banner screen).

13:53:33            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****         2000-09-20
  User SAGU                       - Reporting -                                 
                         Code  Entities                                         
                         ----  -----------------------                          
                           D   Deployments                                      
                           J   Jobs                                             
                           L   Locations 
                           F   File Translation Tables                             
                           O   Objects 
                           C   Compare Utility                                         
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  -----------------------                          
            Code ......... _                                                    
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

Displaying Deployments

The Deployment option on the Reporting main menu allows you to display information about PAA deployments and their locations.

This section covers the following topics:

Deployment Menu - Reporting

If you select function code D on the Reporting menu, the Deployment menu is displayed:

  14:56:32                  Predict Application Audit              2003-10-07
  User  DBA                   - Deployment Menu -                              
                         Code  Function                                         
                         ----  -----------------------------                    
                           D   Display Deployment                               
                           S   Select Deployments                               
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  -----------------------------                    
            Code ......... _                                                    
            Application .. ________________________________                     
            Status ....... ________________________________                     
            FTT name ..... ________________________________                     
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

The Deployment menu offers the following functions for deployment display:

Function Meaning
D Display deployment. You must supply an unambiguous deployment application name and status in the corresponding parameter input fields. If the deployment is not specified unambiguously, the function defaults to "S".
S Select deployment. Use this function to generate a selection list of deployments as described in Generating Selection Lists.

The Deployment menu offers the following parameter input fields:

Parameter Meaning
Application The application part of the deployment name.
Status The status part of the deployment name. This parameter is evaluated only if you have specified a full application name in the Application field (that is, no application selection criteria).
FTT The FTT part of the deployment name.

Selecting Deployments from a List

Function code S in the Deployment menu generates a list of deployments according to the selection criteria in the parameter input fields. The following figure illustrates an example Deployment Selection list.

  13:56:01           **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****         2000-09-20
  User SAGU                 - Deployment Selection -                            
  C            Application                  Status                      State   
  -  -------------------------------- --------------------------------  ------- 
  _  CLOVER                           PROA                              In Use  
  _  CLOVER                           PROB                              Dormant 
  _  CLOVER                           PROC                              Used    
  _  HEATHER                          PROA                              Used    
  _  HEATHER                          PROB                              Used    
  _  HEATHER                          PROC                              Dormant 
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit              Top                                 Canc   

The Deployment Selection list displays the deployment's application name and status, as well as the deployment current state. Possible state values are:

State Meaning
Dormant The deployment has not been used since its creation or last refresh.
In use The deployment is currently being used for a load, job processing or retirement operation.
Used The deployment has been used since its creation or last refresh. You can modify the deployment by excluding locations or after a refresh.

Available function codes for a listed deployment are:

Use this code to do this
D Display the deployment. The deployment display screen lists the Natural and Predict locations of the deployment and provides access to a separate display screen listing the foreign locations of the deployment.
J Display jobs associated with the deployment. This branches to the Job Menu with the Application and Status field filled. See Displaying Jobs.

Apart from the standard PF keys, the following PF key is available:

Press this PF key to execute this function
PF6 Top. Moves to the top of the deployment list.

Deployment Display

If you specify a deployment for display on the Deployment menu or select one from a Deployment selection list, the Deployment Display is produced. The following figure illustrates an example display of a deployment:

 11:33:04            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****             2001-04-05
  User UKMJ                  - Deployment Display -                             
 Application ...... HAIFI                              Modified .... 2001-04-03 
 Status ........... HPROD                              State ....... Used       
           NATURAL   Locations                                                  
  C   Library   DBnr   Fnr   FDIC DBnr   Fnr    File Translation Table          
  -   ----------------------------------------  --------------------------------
  _   FISPROD   164    247        164    132    FTTO                            
  _   FSRPROD   164    247        164    132                                    
  _   UKMJ-P    164    247                                                      
 Predict Locations ...... N                        Foreign Locations ...... N   
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Forgn       Dates             PRED              Canc   
  • The fields at the top of the information part of the screen tell you the application name and status of the deployment, the date it was last modified and the state it is in.

  • In the middle of the screen, the Natural locations of the deployment are listed, along with any assigned file translation tables.

  • Type "Y" in the Foreign Locations input field or press PF4 to display foreign (non-Natural) locations.

  • Press PF6 to see information on when and by whom the deployment was added and modified.

  • Type "Y" in the Predict Locations input field or press PF9 to display Predict locations.

 14:05:09           **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****          2000-09-20
 User SAGU            - Deployment Foreign Part Display -                      
 Application .. HEATHER                                                        
 Status ....... PROC                                                           
 C Node Type Fmt Dataset Name                                          LMS Type
 - ---- ---- --- ------------------------------------------------------ -------
 _ 199  FJCL  S  $SAGU.EMIGR-JCL-2                                       J     
 _ 199  FCOS  S  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-SRC-1                                   S     
 _ 199  FCOL  L  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-LDB-1                                   R     
 _ 199  FCOS  S  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-SRC-2                                   S     
 _ 199  FCOL  L  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-LDB-2                                   R     
Command ===> __________________________________________________________________
      Help  Menu  Exit              Dates                               Canc

Apart from indicating the deployment name, the list of foreign locations shows the following information:

Column Meaning
Node The Entire System Server node on which the location resides.
Type The user-defined location type. This determines the object type that can be loaded to this location.
Fmt The location format (S for source object, L for loadable object).
Name Name of the location.
Volume/LMS type Further specification of the location, depending on the operating environment.

Available function codes for the listed locations are:

Use this code to do this
O Display the objects (objects loaded, backed-up objects, and object records of removed objects) residing in the location. This function branches to the Object Menu with the location fields filled. See Displaying Objects.
T Display file translation tables.

Apart from the standard PF keys, the following PF keys are available:

Press this PF key to execute this function
PF4 Foreign (in the display of Natural and Predict locations). Display list of foreign locations
PF6 Dates. Displays when and by whom the deployment was added and modified.
PF9 Display Predict locations.

Displaying Jobs

The Jobs option on the Reporting main menu allows you to display information about the objects and records created by a load operation.

This section covers the following topics:

Job Menu - Reporting

If you select function J on the Reporting menu, the Jobs menu is displayed:

14:43:12            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2000-09-20
  User SAGU                      - Job Menu -                                   
                         Code  Function                                         
                         ----  -------------------------                        
                           D   Display Job                                      
                           S   Select Jobs                                      
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  -------------------------                        
            Code ......... _                                                    
            Application .. ________________________________                     
            Status ....... ________________________________                     
            Number ....... __________                                           
            State ........ _                                                    
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The Job menu offers the following functions for job display:

Function Meaning
D Display Job. You must specify a job unambiguously using the input parameter fields. If the job is not specified unambiguously, the function defaults to "S".
S Select Job. Use this function to generate a selection list of jobs using selection criteria in the parameter input fields as described in Generating Selection Lists.

The Job menu offers the following parameter input fields:

Parameter Meaning
Application Deployment application name on which the load operation was performed. If you specify this, you must also specify the Status.
Status Deployment status. If you specify this, you must also specify the Application.
Number Job load number.
State Possible values: P (pending), S (scheduled), A (ACTIVATED), F (FINALIZED), B (BACKED OUT). A job is pending if it is stuck in the process of loading.

Selecting Jobs from a List

Function code S in the Jobs menu generates a list of jobs according to the selection criteria in the parameter input fields. The following figure illustrates an example Jobs Selection list:

14:43:40            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2000-09-20
  User SAGU                     - Job Selection -                               
  C Job Name  No.  User-ID  Load Date-Time Migration Event             State    
  - -------- ----- -------- -------------- --------------------------- -------- 
  _ SAGU        13 SAGU   2000-09-20 14:36 HEATHER-CONTROL-PROB-1     Scheduled
  _ SAGU        12 SAGU   2000-09-20 13:56 CLOVER-CONTROL-PROA-1      Scheduled
  _ SAGU        10 SAGU   2000-09-19 20:50 HEATHER-CONTROL-PROA-1     Activated
  _ SAGU         7 SAGU   2000-09-19 20:04 HEATHER-CONTROL-PROB-1     Activated
  _ SAGU         6 SAGU   2000-09-19 16:10 CLOVER-CONTROL-PROC-1      Activated
  _ SAGU        11 SAGU   2000-09-19 21:59 CLOVER-CONTROL-PROA-1      Finalized
  _ SAGU         8 SAGU   2000-09-19 20:20 HEATHER-CONTROL-PROA-1     Backd out
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The Job Selection list displays the job name and number, user ID of the user who performed the load operation, load date and time, the PAC migration event of the application, and the current state of the job.

Available function codes for a listed job are:

Use this code to do this
D Display the Job Display screen for the job.
O Display the Object Menu screen with the Job field filled (see Displaying Objects). You can then list all objects belonging to the job, or impose further selection criteria on the objects to produce a restricted list of objects. Objects belonging to a job include those removed from their locations by retirements, job backouts, or finalizations of other jobs (without subsequent deletion of the object records).
Y Displays the job's deployment. This display lists the Natural and Predict locations of the deployment, and provides access to a display screen listing foreign locations of the deployment. See Deployment Display.

You can select several jobs with function code D, O or Y in one input operation. The functions are then processed successively top down as you return to the list of jobs and press ENTER.

Job Display

If you specify a job for display on the Job menu or select a job from a Job selection list, the Job Display is produced. The following figure illustrates an example display of a job. The information provided speaks for itself.

14:45:28            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2000-09-20
  User SAGU                       -Job Display -                                
  Load Information                                         Objects Loaded       
    Number ............ 6                                     Natural objects   
    User-Id ........... SAGU                                                    
    State ............. Activated                                               
    Event Name ........ CLOVER-CONTROL-PROC-1                                   
    Application ....... CLOVER                                                  
    Status ............ PROC                                                    
    Origin Status ..... CONTROL                                                 
    File Transl.Table .                                                         
  Date Information                                                              
    Loaded ............ 2000-09-19 at 16:10  by SAGU                              
    Authorized ........ 2000-09-19 at 16:03  by SAGU      from PCM29              
    Scheduled ......... 2000-09-19 at 16:03                                       
    Activated ......... 2000-09-19 at 18:10                                       
    Backed out ........                                                         
    Finalized .........                                                         
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

Displaying Locations

The Locations option on the Reporting main menu allows you to display information about PAA locations.

This section covers the following topics:

Locations Menu - Reporting

If you select function code L on the Reporting Menu, the Location menu is displayed:

  15:02:57                   Predict Application Audit             2003-10-07
  User DBA                     -Location Menu -                                
                         Code  Function                     Location Type       
                         ----  ---------------------------  -------------       
                           D   Display Location              N  NATURAL         
                           S   Select Locations              P  PREDICT         
                           ?   Help                          F  Foreign         
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  ---------------------------  -------------       
            Code ......... _                       Type .... _                  
 NATURAL Library ... ________ DBnr .. _____  Fnr .. _____                       
 PREDICT .................... DBnr .. _____  Fnr .. _____                       
 ESY Node ...... ___  DSN ______________________________________________________
                      Volume/LMS Type ..... ______                              
 FTT name ...... ________________________________                               
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

The Location menu offers the following functions for displaying locations:

Function Meaning
D Display Location. You must supply an unambiguous location using the input parameter fields. If the location is not specified unambiguously, the function defaults to "S".
S Select Location. Use this function to generate a selection list of locations using the parameter input fields as described in Generating Selection Lists.

The Location menu offers the following parameter input fields:

Parameter Meaning
Type One of N (Natural), P (Predict) or F (foreign). Required for both the Display and Select functions.
Natural Library For type N, specify name of the Natural library, and the database and file numbers of the Natural system file.
Do not to confuse the Predict system files of Natural locations with Predict locations; the former carry cross-references, the latter DDMs.
Predict For type P, specify the database and file numbers of the Predict system file.
ESY node For type F, specify the Entire System Server node number and the name of the dataset.
Volume/LMS Type For type F, specify volume (if required) of the PDS on z/OS systems, or LMS type on BS2000 systems.
FTT name For type N specify the name of the FTT associated with a location.

Selecting Locations from a List

The following three figures illustrate an example list each for the location types Natural, Predict and foreign.

Each selection list reflects the selection criteria used to generate the list, and indicates the current state of each location. Available function codes are described following the third example.

List of Natural Locations

14:09:07            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2000-09-20
  User SAGU               - Natural Location Selection -                        
  Select Location *                                                             
  C  Library   DBnr Fnr   Fdic DBnr Fnr   State                                 
  -  --------  --------   -------------   ---------                             
  _  LIB1      222  127        222  128   Unlocked                              
  _  LIB2      222  127        222  128   Unlocked                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

List of Predict Locations

14:09:54           **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****         2000-09-20
  User SAGU               - Predict Location Selection -                        
  Select Location *                                                             
  C  Predict DBnr Fnr   State                                                   
  -  ----------------   ---------                                               
  _          222  128   Unlocked                                                
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

List of Foreign Locations

The example for foreign locations is taken from a BS2000 environment:

14:36:20            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2000-09-20
  User SAGU                - Foreign Location Selection -                       
  Select Location *                                                             
  C  Node  Dataset Name                                        LMS Type  State  
  -  --- ------------------------------------------------------ ------ --------
  _  199 $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-LDB-1                                  R      Unlocked 
  _  199 $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-LDB-2                                  R      Unlocked 
  _  199 $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-SRC-1                                  S      Unlocked 
  _  199 $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-SRC-2                                  S      Unlocked 
  _  199 $SAGU.EMIGR-JCL-1                                      J      Locked   
  _  199 $SAGU.EMIGR-JCL-2                                      J      Locked   
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The following functions are available for the locations listed:

Use this code to do this
D Invoke the location display screen for the location. This screen contains a list of the deployments that contain the location.
O Displays the objects residing in the location. This function branches to the Object Menu with the location fields filled (see Displaying Objects). You can then Select all objects known by the PAA to be in the location, to be backed up for it, or to be removed from it (with the object record undeleted); or you can specify further selection criteria on the objects to be reported on an Object Selection screen.

You can select several locations with function code D or O in one input operation. The functions are then processed successively top down as you return to the location list and press ENTER.

Displaying File Translation Tables

The File Translation Table option on the Reporting main menu allows you to display information about the defined PAA file translation tables. This is described under the following subsections:

File Translation Table Menu - Reporting

If you select function F on the Reporting Menu, the File Translation Table menu is displayed:

  11:27:27          **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****               2001-04-05
  User UKMJ        - File Translation Table Reporting Menu -                    
                    Code  Sub-Function                                          
                    ----  ----------------------------------                    
                      D   Display File Translation Table                        
                      S   Select File Translation Table                         
                      ?   Help                                                  
                      .   Exit                                                  
                    ----  -----------------------------------                   
      Code .......... _                                                         
      FTT name ...... ________________________________                          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

The File Translation Table menu offers the following functions for File Translation Table display:

Function Meaning
D Display file translation table. You must specify a file translation table name using the input parameter fields. If the file translation table is not specified unambiguously, the function defaults to "S".
S Select file translation table. Use this function to generate a selection list of file translation tables.

Selecting File Translation Tables from a List

Function code S in the File Translation Table menu generates a list of file translation table's according to the selection criteria. The following screen illustrates an example File Translation Table Selection list:

  11:29:37            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****             2001-04-05
  User UKMJ             - File Translation Table Selection -                    
  C         FTT name                   Type Versions                            
  -  --------------------------------  ---- --------                            
  _  FTTA                              AND         1                            
  _  FTTO                              OR          2                            
  _  UKMJ_PROD_FTT                     OR          1                            
  _  UKMJ_PROD_FTT_001                 AND         1                            
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit              Top                                 Canc   

The File Translation Table Selection list displays the file translation table name, type and version number. Available function codes for a listed file translation tables are:

Use this code to do this
D Display the File Translation Table screen for the file translation table.
s Select the file translation table.

File Translation Table Display

If you specify a file translation table for display on the File Translation Table menu or select a file translation table from a file translation table selection list, the File Translation Table Display is produced.

The following screen illustrates an example display of a file translation table. The information provided speaks for itself.

  11:31:01          **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****               2001-04-05
  User UKMJ          - File Translation Table Allocation -                      
                                                          FTT type .. OR        
  Table name ........... FTTO                             Version  .. 2         
                                                          Modified .. 2001-03-21
           DBnr Origin   DBnr Dest.         Fnr Origin   Fnr Dest.              
           -----------   ----------         ----------   ---------              
              _____        _____                164          200                
              _____        _____                237           31                
              _____        _____                247           31                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____              _____        _____                
              _____        _____ Page .. 1    _____        _____  Page .. 1     
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Dates --    ++    -     +     Seq-D             Canc   

Displaying Objects

The Objects option on the Reporting main menu allows you to display information about the objects under the control of PAA.

This section covers the following topics:

Objects Menu - Reporting

If you select function O on the Reporting menu, the Objects menu is displayed:

  15:07:39                 Predict Application Audit             2003-10-07
  User DBA                     -Object Menu -                                  
                         Code  Function                                         
                         ----  ---------------------------                      
                           D   Display Object                                   
                           S   Select Objects                                   
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  ---------------------------                      
            Code ......... _                                                    
 Object ..... ________________________________         Job Number .. __________ 
 Type.. _ ____ _  State .. _  Version .. _____         Location Type ... _      
 NATURAL Library ... ________ DBnr .. _____  Fnr .. _____                       
 PREDICT .................... DBnr .. _____  Fnr .. _____                       
 ESY Node ...... ___  DSN ______________________________________________________
                      Volume/LMS Type ... ______      Current from .. __________
 Application ... ________________________________               to .. __________
 Status ........ ________________________________                   (yyyy-mm-dd)
 FTT name ...... ________________________________     FTT version ... _____     
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

The Object menu offers the following functions for Object display:

Function Meaning
D Display Object. You must specify an object unambiguously using the input parameter fields. If the job is not specified unambiguously, the function defaults to "S".
S Select Object. Use this function to generate a selection list of objects using selection criteria in the parameter input fields as described in Generating Selection Lists.

The Object menu offers the following parameter input fields:

Parameter Meaning
Object Object name
Job number Job number of the load that produced the object.
Type Subtypes of the object. If you specify subtype 2, you must also specify subtype 1. See the description of objects in the Terminology list.
State Scheduled (S), current (C), backed up (B), historical (H), removed (R), or <blank> (all states). An object with state "historical" arises when backed-up objects are made current. There are then two object records: one current and one historical.
Version If you specify a location, you can also specify a PAA version number here.
Location type One of Natural(N), Predict(P) or Foreign (F).
Natural library For location type N, the library name, database number and file number. You must specify all location parameters (that is, no selection criteria or blank).
Predict For location type P, the Predict database number and file number.
ESY node For location type F, the Entire System Server node number, dataset name, and volume or LMS (depending on the operating system).
Current from / to Specify a "current from" date to select objects which were current on or after that date. Specify a "current to" date to select objects which were current on or before that date.
Application Specify the PAC application to select the objects loaded from it. No wildcard selection is possible here.
Status Specify a status to select objects loaded to the deployment identified by the combination of this and the Application field. No wildcard selection is possible here.
FTT Name Specify the name of a FTT.
FTT Version The version number of the specified FTT Name.

Selecting Objects from a List

Function code S in the Objects menu generates a list of objects according to the selection criteria in the parameter input fields. The following figure illustrates an example Object Selection list:

14:59:03            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2000-09-20
  User SAGU                    - Object Selection -                             
  Objects ES_Z_P05                                                              
  C Object Name                      Type  State Vers  Location                 
  - -------------------------------- ------ ---- ----- ------------------------
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Source)                Progrm Schd       LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Catlg)                 Progrm Schd       LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (ref)                  Progrm Schd       LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Source)                Progrm Curr 00002 LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Catlg)                 Progrm Curr 00002 LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (ref)                  Progrm Curr 00002 LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Source)                Progrm Curr 00001 LIB2 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Catlg)                 Progrm Curr 00001 LIB2 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (ref)                  Progrm Curr 00001 LIB2 222 127 (222,128)   
  _ ES_Z_P05 (Source)                Progrm Remd 00001 LIB1 222 127 (222,128)   
 Reposition: ________________________________                                   
 Command ===> ______________________________________________________________    
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The Object Selection list displays the object name and type, an abbreviation of its state, its PAA version number, and its location (dataset names may be truncated). Available function codes for a listed object are:

Use this code to do this
D Display the Object Display screen for the object. This screen contains the information about the object relevant to PAA and provides access to an Object Directory Information Display screen (see below).
J Display the Job Display screen containing information about the job the object belongs to (see Job Display).

You can select several objects with function code D, or J in one input operation. The functions are then processed successively top down as you return to the list of objects and press ENTER.

Object Display

If you specify an object for display on the Object Menu or select an object from an Object selection list, the Object Display is produced. The following figure illustrates an example display of an object. The information provided speaks for itself.

  15:13:16               Predict Application Audit             2003-10-07
  User DBA                  - Object Display -                                 
 Object ...... AS-LL                              Type ..... Progrm             
 Version ..... 00001      PAC version ... 00004   Format ... Source             
 State ....... Backed up                                                        
 Location ..... Library AS0 164 31                                              
 Application .. APPLE                                                           
 Status ....... PRO4                                                            
 Job number ... 27                                                              
 File Trans.Table .. FTT-PROD-001                                                   
  Date Information                                                              
 Loaded .......... 2002-12-04 at 16:28 by XSETAS   from PACSTEP                 
 Scheduled .......                                                              
 Activated ....... 2002-12-04 at 16:28 by XSETAS   from PACSTEP                 
 Backed up ....... 2002-12-05 at 15:24 by XSETAS   from PACSTEP                 
 Removed .........                                                              
                                              Directory Information  N          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Job                                             Canc 

Type Y in the Directory Information field to display directory information about the object, see below.

Press PF4 to display the Job Display screen of the job the object belongs to.

Object Directory Information

You can invoke this screen from the Object Display screen (see above). The information items concerning object directory information speak for themselves.

                  **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****                 
  User SAGU           - Object Directory Information Display -                  
 Directory of Program ES_Z_P05                   Saved on ...2000-09-19 21:23:49
 Library .... * PAA  *   User-ID ...... SAGU      Mode ......... Structured     
 TP-System .. RTIO       Terminal-ID .. PCM29     PAC version .. 2              
 Op-System .. BS2000     Transaction .. B.NRT227  PAA version .. 2          
 NAT-Ver .... 2.3.3                                                             
 Size in ESIZE ........................ 767     Bytes                           

Invoking the Compare Utility

The Compare Utility option on the Reporting main menu allows you to compare PAA-controlled objects as well as Natural objects in this environment.

If you select function C on the Reporting Menu, the Compare Utility main menu is displayed:

 11:53:16            ***** Predict Application Control *****           02-01-16
 User UKMJ                 - PAA Compare Main Menu -              Library SYSPAA
                                                                    Mode PAA

                        Code  Function or Mode
                        ----  ---------------------------------
                         A   Compare PAA Objects
                         N   Compare Natural Objects
                         x   Direct Command Mode
                         ?   Help
                         .   Exit

 Command ===>

       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Clear

The Compare Utility can be used in either Natural mode, PAA mode or PAC mode. Therefore, the detailed description can be found in the PAC Reference documentation. Please see the sections Compare Utility and in particular PAA Mode.