Administration Functions

This section describes the PAA Administration facility. It tells you how to execute administration functions in menu mode.

Before you start work with PAA menus, you are recommended to read the section User Interface.

To execute PAA administration functions, you must be linked to library SYSPAAA.

This section covers the following topics:

Administration Menu

To access the PAA administration functions online from Natural:

  1. Type SYSPAAA on the Natural command line or at the NEXT prompt.

  2. Press ENTER.

To access the PAA administration functions from the PAA Reporting facility:

  1. Type MENU on the command line of any reporting screen.

  2. Press ENTER.

In either case, the administration facility main menu appears (following possibly the PAA banner screen).

 13:58:00            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****             2009-01-26
 User SAGU                   - Administration -                                
           Code  Function                     Jobs Awaiting Action             
           ----  -----------------           ----------------------            
             D   Deployments                 0 pending   job(s)                
             L   Locations                   0 scheduled job(s) due            
             J   Jobs                        0 scheduled job(s)                
             O   Objects                                                       
             F   File Translation Tables                                       
             S   System Functions                                              
             C   Compare Utility                                               
             ?   Help                                                          
             .   Exit                                                          
           ----  -----------------                                             
    Code ... _                                                                 
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

The screen structure of the Administration facility is similar to that of the Reporting facility. From the administration screens, all reporting functions are available for the listed entities (Deployments, Locations, Jobs, and Objects), plus the administration functions described in this section.

Under the heading Jobs Awaiting Action, the following information is displayed:

Information Item Meaning
Pending jobs the number of jobs in the process of loading.
Scheduled jobs due the number of scheduled jobs due for activation.
Scheduled jobs the number of scheduled jobs loaded but not yet activated.

PAA objects should not be processed individually. Whole sets of objects can be handled via the Jobs option. The Objects option on the Administration menu provides the same reporting functions as described in Displaying Objects.

To access a secondary menu:

  1. Type the appropriate function code in the Code field of the Administration main menu.

  2. Press ENTER.

Maintaining Deployments

The Deployment option on the Administration main menu allows you to maintain PAA deployments.

This section covers the following topics:

Deployment Menu - Administration

If you select function code D on the Administration menu, the Deployment menu is displayed:

  15:19:08                   Predict Application Audit             2008-10-07
  User  DBA                   - Deployment Menu -                              
                         Code  Function                                         
                         ----  -----------------------------                    
                           A   Add Deployment                                   
                           D   Display Deployment                               
                           F   Define FTT for Deployment                        
                           M   Modify Deployment                                
                           P   Purge Deployment                                 
                           R   Refresh Deployment                               
                           S   Select Deployments                               
                           U   Unlock Deployment                                
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  -----------------------------                    
            Code ......... _                                                    
            Application .. ________________________________                     
            Status ....... ________________________________                     
            FTT name ..... ________________________________                     
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

Functions Select and Display are described in the section Displaying Deployments. However, in addition to the reporting functions, the Deployment display screen also allows you to execute the EXCLUDE function (function code E) for locations in the deployment. See Maintaining Locations.

For functions Display, Add, Modify, Refresh, and Purge, you must specify a deployment unambiguously in the Application and Status fields, otherwise the function defaults to Select. You can then select a Deployment from a list using one of the available functions codes. See also Generating Selection Lists and Selecting a Deployment from a List.

If you select several deployments from a list using function code J , D M , R , P , or U, then the topmost function is processed first. On return to the Deployment Selection screen, the displayed information is updated (significantly if the function was a successful Refresh or Purge), and when you press ENTER, the next function from the top is processed.

Overview of Administration Functions for Deployments


You cannot add a deployment if a deployment of the same name already exists in the PAA system file.


Deployments can be modified when in either a used or dormant state.

  • Dormant

    Deployments in this state can have any location information altered.

  • Used

    Deployments that have already been used may have additional locations added to them, (both Natural as well as Predict locations) but may not have original location information altered.


Purging a deployment means:

  • removing the objects and deleting the object records associated with the jobs that have used the deployment,

  • deleting the job records,

  • deleting the deployment (record) itself.

If a domestic location in a purged deployment is not used by any other deployment, then the record in the location marking it as being under the PAA control is deleted, and the location becomes available to other PAAs. The record of any location is deleted when the last deployment referring to it is purged.

You cannot purge a deployment if any of its locations is locked, or if the deployment is in use (that is, it is being worked on by another user or by the same user in a concurrent session).


Refreshing a deployment means purging it minus the deployment deletion. Since the deployment record stays, the location marker and location record are also retained. A refreshed deployment can be modified.

You cannot refresh a deployment if any of its locations is locked, or if the deployment is in use (that is, it is being worked on by another user or by the same user in a concurrent session).


You unlock a deployment if an activity using it has terminated abnormally and has left it "in use".

Unlocking a deployment which is legitimately in use (e.g. objects are being migrated into it or a location is being excluded from it) can have unpredictable results.

Adding or Modifying a Deployment

Functions Add and Modify display the Deployment Definition screen. For function Add, the screen is empty; for function M, the screen shows the definitions for the selected deployment.

When Adding or Modifying locations in a deployment, keep in mind the information contained in the section Location Considerations.

Below is an example Deployment Definition screen displayed using the Modify function:

15:48:43            **** Predict Application Audit     ****        2008-09-20
  User VMU                   - Deployment Definition -                          
 Application ...... DEMO                                                        
 Status ........... PRODUCTION                                                  
 NATURAL   Locations         FDIC                                    FDIC      
 Library   DBnr   Fnr     DBnr   Fnr      Library   DBnr   Fnr     DBnr   Fnr  
 -------------------------------------    -------------------------------------
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 ________  _____  _____   _____  _____    ________  _____  _____   _____  _____
 Predict Locations .... N                           Foreign Locations ..... N   
 Enter details and press 'PF5' to update (PF3 to Exit)                          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Forgn Upd         -     +     PRED              Canc

With the Add function, you can specify a new deployment in the Application and Status fields. The Application and Status parameters are the name and status of the PAC application that is to use the deployment.

With the Modify function, you can add locations to or delete locations from the deployment, but you cannot change the deployment application name and status. You can modify the deployment status using the RENAME direct command, but you should do this only if absolutely necessary.

The following special PF keys are available from the Deployment Definition screen:

Press this PF key to execute this function
PF4 Display the Foreign Part Definition screen.
PF5 Save the deployment definition
PF6 Dates

The following is an example of a Foreign Part Definition screen:

15:49:19           **** Predict Application Audit     ****         2008-09-20
  User SAGU           -Deployment Foreign Part Definition -                     
  Application .. HEATHER                                                        
  Status ....... PROC                                                           
  Node  Type Fmt Dataset Name                                          LMS Type
  ----  ---- --- ------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
  199   FJCL  S  $SAGU.EMIGR-JCL-2_____________________________________  J_____ 
  199   FCOS  S  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-SRC-1_________________________________  S_____ 
  199   FCOL  L  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-LDB-1_________________________________  R_____ 
  199   FCOS  S  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-SRC-2_________________________________  S_____ 
  199   FCOL  L  $SAGU.EMIGR-COB-LDB-2_________________________________  R_____ 
  ___   ____  _  ______________________________________________________  ______ 
  ___   ____  _  ______________________________________________________  ______ 
  ___   ____  _  ______________________________________________________  ______ 
  ___   ____  _  ______________________________________________________  ______ 
  ___   ____  _  ______________________________________________________  ______ 
  ___   ____  _  ______________________________________________________  ______ 
 Enter details and press 'PF5' to update (PF3 to Exit)                          
 Command ===> _________________________________________________________________
       Help  Menu  Exit        Upd   Dates                               Canc

The information items to be provided or modified are as follows:

Column Meaning
Node The Entire System Server node on which the location resides.
Type You can define a type to indicate the object type that can be loaded to this location.
Fmt The location format (S for source objects, L for loadable objects).
Name Name of the location.
Volume/LMS type Further specification of the location, depending on the operating environment.

Defining a File Translation Table to a Deployment

By selecting the F option from the main Deployment menu the user is given the option to define a file translation table to a deployment. The user can either select or add an already defined file translation table to the Natural location(s).

Similiary by selecting the Predict locations option the user can add a file translation table to Predict location.

The following screen illustrates an example Deployment Location FTT Definition:

  11:59:39            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****             2008-04-05
  User UKMJ            - Deployment Location FTT Definition -                   
 Application ...... UKMJ_APPLICATION                                            
 Status ........... UKMJ_PRODUCTION                                             
           NATURAL   Locations                                                  
   Library   DBnr   Fnr   FDIC DBnr   Fnr    File Translation Table             
   ----------------------------------------  --------------------------------   
   UKMJP23   164    247        164    235    FTTA___________________________    
   UKMJP231  164    247        164    235    ________________________________   
 Predict Locations ...... Y                                                     
 Enter details and press 'PF5' to update (PF3 to Exit)                          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit        Upd         -     +     PRED              Canc   

The following special PF keys are available from the File Translation Table Definition screen:

Press this PF key to execute this function
PF5 Updates definition
PF9 Predict location FTT definition

If you choose Y in the Predict Locations field or press PF9, you access the Deployment Predict Part FTT Definition screen. The following screen shows an example:

  13:33:47            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****             2008-04-05
  User UKMJ           - Deployment Predict Part FTT Definition -                
 Application ...... UKMJ_APPLICATION                                            
 Status ........... UKMJ_PRODUCTION                                             
     DBnr    Fnr       File Translation Table                                   
     -----   -----     --------------------------------                         
     164     235       FTTO____________________________                         
 Enter details and press 'PF5' to update (PF3 to Exit)                          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit        Upd         -     +                       Canc   

Maintaining Locations

The Locations option on the Administration main menu allows you to maintain PAA locations. Maintaining locations means (apart from the reporting functions Display and Select) excluding and forgetting locations from PAA or from a specific deployment.

This section covers the following topics:

Location Menu - Administration

If you select function code L on the Administration menu, the Location Menu is displayed:

  15:52:48                Predict Application Audit             2008-10-07
  User DBA                     -Location Menu -                                
                         Code  Function                     Location Type       
                         ----  ---------------------------  -------------       
                           D   Display Location              N  NATURAL         
                           S   Select Locations              P  PREDICT         
                           E   Exclude Location              F  Foreign         
                           F   Forget Location                                  
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  ---------------------------  -------------       
            Code ......... _                       Type .... _                  
 NATURAL Library ... ________ DBnr .. _____  Fnr .. _____                       
 PREDICT .................... DBnr .. _____  Fnr .. _____                       
 ESY Node ...... ___  DSN ______________________________________________________
                      Volume/LMS Type ..... ______                              
 FTT name ...... ________________________________                               
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

Functions Select and Display are similar to the corresponding functions in the Reporting facility and are described in Displaying Locations. For function Display, however, the administration function EXCLUDE is available which excludes the location from the deployment.

Function Exclude requires you to specify a location unambiguously using the parameter input fields according to Type (N, P or F for Natural, Predict or foreign respectively). The location is then excluded from the PAA (see Excluding Locations).

If you do not specify a location unambiguously, the function defaults to Select. You can then select a location from a list using one of the available functions codes. See also Generating Selection Lists and Selecting a Location from a List. If you select a location from a list using function code E, the location is excluded from the PAA.

Excluding Locations

You can exclude locations from PAA or from a specific deployment.

To exclude a location from PAA:

Use function code E on the Location Menu and specify a location in the parameter input fields.


  1. Use function code S on the Location Menu and specify selection criteria in the parameter input fields to list locations (see Generating Selection Lists).

  2. Select a location from the resulting list with function code E. This excludes the location from the PAA.

Excluding a location from the PAA means removing the objects written into it by the PAA, deleting the object records, removing the location from any deployments, removing the marker record from the location if it is a domestic location, and deleting the location record from the PAA system file. The location is now available to other PAAs.

To exclude a location from a Deployment:

  1. Use function code D on the Location Menu and specify selection criteria in the parameter input fields to display the location.
    Generate a list of locations using function code S and selection criteria in the input parameters of the Locations Menu. Then select a location from the resulting list with function code D. The location is displayed, showing the list of deployments that refer to the location.

  2. Select the deployment with function code E. This excludes the location from the deployment (the deployment is removed from the list on the Location Display screen).

Excluding a location from a deployment means removing the objects written into it by the jobs that use the deployment, deleting the object records, and removing the location from the deployment. If the location is not listed in any other deployment, it is also excluded from the PAA.

If after the exclusion of a location a deployment has no location left, it is not automatically purged, it becomes modifiable. Excluding locations from single deployments does not affect job records.

Forgetting Locations

You can forget locations from PAA or from a specific deployment.

Start of instruction setTo forget a location from PAA

  • Use function code F on the Location Menu and specify a location in the parameter input fields.


    1. Use function code S on the Location Menu and specify selection criteria in the parameter input fields to list locations (see Generating Selection Lists).

    2. Select a location from the resulting list with function code F. This forgets the location from the PAA.

The forget location function works as the exclude function except it does not delete the current objects put there by the PAA.

The forget location function works as the exclude function except it does not delete the current objects put there by the PAA.

Start of instruction setTo forget a location from a Deployment:

  1. Use function code D on the Location Menu and specify selection criteria in the parameter input fields to display the location.

    Generate a list of locations using function code S and selection criteria in the input parameters of the Locations Menu. Then select a location from the resulting list with function code D.

    The location is displayed, showing the list of deployments that refer to the location.

  2. Select the deployment with function code F.

    This forgets the location from the deployment (the deployment is removed from the list on the Location Display screen).

The forget location function works as the exclude function except it does not delete the current objects put there by the PAA.

If after the forgetting a location a deployment has no location left, it is not automatically purged, it becomes modifiable. Forgetting locations from single deployments does not affect job records.

Maintaining Jobs

A PAA job is the set of PAA objects and control records created by a load. The Jobs option on the Administration main menu allows you to maintain PAA jobs.

This section covers the following topics:

PAA Job Number Limitations

PAA currently has a job number limitation of 65 535 and once that number is reached any migration into PAA will terminate with the message:

Job numbers exceeded.

At which point the job will terminate abnormally. In order to resolve this, a small change was implemented, so that PAA will be able to re-use previously allocated PAA job numbers.

Assuming that you have previously purged already allocated job numbers, when the PAA job number limit is reached, PAA will detect what job number is next available and then use that for processing. In order to aid this process and as part of the resolution the program PA2PAJOOR is provided (library SYSPAA). When executed it will provide a report of job numbers that you can purge and thus freeing up a previously allocated PAA job number for re-use by PAA. The program is parameter-driven and can use the following parameters as input:

MainParameter Function
R Tells the program to reproduce a report of all PAA job numbers that could be purged.
W Tells the program to unload the PAA direct commands (Purge Job nnnn) toCMWFK01, these can then be used as input into a separate JCL used to purge the listedjobs.

To aid in the reporting process, you can use four further parameters to supplement R:

  • Application name R

  • Status name

  • Date/Time from

  • Date/Time to

For example: PA2PJOOR R,SYSPAC_222,PRODUCTION,199912010800,200012011500

The above example can be described as follows: Show me all PAA job numbers that can be purged for application (SYSPAC_222), status (PRODUCTION), from (1st December 1999 at 08:00), to 1st December 2000 at 15:00).

Job Menu - Administration

If you select function code J on the Administration menu, the Job menu is displayed:

15:57:44            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****         2008-01-16
  User SAGU                      - Job Menu -                                   
                         Code  Function                                         
                         ----  -------------------------                        
                           D   Display Job                                      
                           S   Select Jobs                                      
                           A   Activate Job                                     
                           B   Backout Job                                      
                           F   Finalize Job                                     
                           P   Purge Job                                        
                           N   Purge Natural Buffer Pool                        
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  -------------------------                        
            Code ......... _                                                    
            Application .. ________________________________                     
            Status ....... ________________________________                     
            Number ....... __________                                           
            State ........ _                                                    
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

You identify a job using the available parameter input fields:

Parameter Meaning
Application Application name of the deployment on which the load operation was performed. If you specify this, you must also specify the Status.
Status Status part of the deployment name. If you specify this, you must also specify the Application.
Number Job load number.
State Job state. Possible values: P (pending), S (scheduled), A (ACTIVATED), F (FINALIZED), B (BACKED OUT). A job is pending if it is stuck in the process of loading.

Functions Select and Display are similar to the corresponding functions in the Reporting Facility, see Displaying Jobs. In a list of jobs, the functions Activate (A), Finalize (F), Back out (B), Purge (P), and Purge Natural Buffer Pool (N) are also available, under the conditions described in Administration Functions for Jobs.

For functions Display, Activate, Finalize, Back out, Purge, and Purge Natural Buffer Pool, you must specify a job unambiguously using the input parameters, otherwise the function defaults to select.

If you select several jobs from a list using function code D , O , Y , A , F , B , P , or N, then the topmost function is processed first. On return to the Job Selection screen, the displayed information is updated (significantly if the function was a successful Activate, Finalize, Back out, or Purge), and when you press ENTER, the next function from the top is processed.

Administration Functions for Jobs

Administration functions for jobs provide the means of making objects operational and removing objects under certain conditions.


By activating a job, you activate the objects that belong to it as a result of a load operation. Activation an object means:

  • Optionally backing up a like object in the location.

  • Assigning a PAA version number to the object being activated.

  • Making the object operational (the back-up object is unoperational).

  • Updating the object record in the PAA system file.

A job can be activated only if its state is "scheduled", its schedule time has come, and no jobs with earlier schedule times remain unactivated.

See also Activating Loaded Objects.


When a job is finalized, all objects whose records precede the records of the job's objects in the succession chains are removed. Only jobs in ACTIVATED state can be finalized.


When a job is backed out, all its objects are deleted from their locations (or, in the case of backed-up foreign objects, from the PAA system file). Their records are marked "removed" and excluded from the object succession chains. If a currently active object is removed that was backed up at activation, then this back-up object is made current.

Only jobs in ACTIVATED or FINALIZED state can be backed out. A job cannot be backed out if any of its objects has been superseded by subsequent activations and the superseding objects still exist.


Purging a job means backing it out and deleting all its object records as well as the job record. Any job can be purged.

Purge Natural Buffer pool

You can purge objects with the same name as Natural objects in a job from the Natural buffer pools of their locations.

Maintaining File Translation Tables

 12:01:24          **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****               2008-04-05
 User UKMJ        - File Translation Table Maintenance Menu -                  
                    Code  Sub-Function                                          
                    ----  ----------------------------------                    
                      A   Add File Translation Table                            
                      C   Copy File Translation Table                           
                      D   Display File Translation Table                        
                      M   Modify File Translation Table                         
                      P   Purge File Translation Table                          
                      S   Select File Translation Tables                        
                      ?   Help                                                  
                      .   Exit                                                  
                    ----  -----------------------------------                   
    Code ............ _                     FTT type O to add                   
    FTT name ........ ________________                                          
    New FTT name .... ________________________________                          
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

 12:02:27          **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT ****               2008-04-05
 User UKMJ          - File Translation Table Allocation -                      
                                                         FTT type .. OR        
 Table name ........... FTTC                             Version  .. 1         
                                                         Modified .. 2008-04-05
          DBnr Origin   DBnr Dest.         Fnr Origin   Fnr Dest.              
          -----------   ----------         ----------   ---------              
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____              _____        _____                
             _____        _____ Page .. 1    _____        _____  Page .. 1     
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Dates --          -     +     Seq-D Save        Canc   

System Functions

If you select option S from the Administration menu, the System Functions menu is displayed.

The system functions are available for monitoring and/or modification purposes.

15:50:29            **** PREDICT APPLICATION AUDIT  ****        2008-09-20
  User SAGU                  - System Functions -                               
                         Code  Function                                         
                         ----  -------------------------------                  
                           R   PAA State Report                                 
                           L   Lock Report                                      
                           S   System Defaults                                  
                           M   Applymods                                        
                           U   User Exits                                       
                           F   Foreign Object Type Description                  
                           ?   Help                                             
                           .   Exit                                             
                         ----  -------------------------------                  
            Code ......... _                                                    
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

PAA State Report

A PAA State Report contains:

  • the next available job number,

  • the date and time of the last migration to the PAA,

  • the database and file numbers of the PAA system file,

  • the version of PAA at work,

  • the PAA installation date,

  • a list of all pending jobs,

  • a list of all backed-out jobs.

Lock Report

A Lock Report contains:

  • a list of all pending jobs,

  • a list of all deployments currently in use,

  • a list of all locked Natural, Predict, and foreign locations.

System Defaults

The System Defaults which can be displayed and modified are:

  • Natural and Predict default DBnr and Fnr,

  • the maximum number of held ISNs (the ET parameter),

  • the maximum number of teleprocessing transactions between Natural task rolls (the TP parameter),

  • the title to appear at the top of the PAA screens,

  • the banner screen switch (Y(es) or N(o)),

  • the number of the Entire System Server node on which the PAA runs.


Applymod 1, when switched on, prevents a PAA job from being backed out. If any of the job's (versioned) objects has no predecessor in its object version succession chain.

Applymod 2, when switched on, prevents a PAA job from being backed out. If any of the job's (versioned) objects has no successor in its object version succession chain.

Applymod 3, when switched off allows any job to be purged. When switched on allows any job which has no current objects to be purged. If a job has at least one current object then the following error message is returned:

 PAA0053 (E): This job cannot be purged.

Applymod 4, when switched on, should any object of a particular PAA job fail to load then the whole PAA job will be re-scheduled including all of its objects. Thus no objects in the PAA job are loaded/activated. The state of the production system is thus returned to a state that it was in before the PAC/PAA job was started. When switched off then only the unsuccessful objects remain unloaded and successful objects will be loaded/activated.

User Exits

There are three user exits built into PAA. Each of them consists of one or more CALLNATs to a named subprogram which you must write. A user exit CALLNAT is executed only if you have "switched on" the exit.

The User Exits function is provided for the purpose of switching the exits on (Y for "YES") or off (N for "NO).

  • User exit 1 will invoke PAAEX001 (normally in library SYSPAAUS) when the PAA is started. In PAAEX001, you can program pre-PAA session actions, e.g. the recording of the PAA starter's data in a site log. PAA communicates with PAAEX001 by a parameter USER-AREA (A50), whose value can be subsequently retrieved at user exit 2.

  • User exit 2 will invoke PAAEX002 (normally in library SYSPAAUS) when the PAA is terminated. In PAAEX002, you can program post-PAA session actions, e.g. the recording of the PAA terminator's data in a site log. PAA communicates with PAAEX002 by a parameter USER-AREA (A50), which retains the value assigned to it at user exit 1.

  • User exit 3 will invoke MIGEX003 (normally in library SYSPACUS) whenever the PAA accesses a location in a Natural or Predict system file. In MIGEX003, you can specify a password or a cipher needed to access the file. PAA communicates with MIGEX003 by the following four parameters:

    DBID (N3) Database number of the file to be accessed
    FNR (N3) File number of the file to be accessed
    PSWD (A8) Password to be passed to the file (or use CIPH)
    CIPH (A8) Cipher to be passed to the file (or use PSWD)
  • User exit 4 is the node security exit for Entire System Server. When using Entire System Server to access a remote node, this exit allows you to specify a different user ID and password for protected partitioned datasets.

Foreign Object Type Description

The Foreign Object Type Description function lists all the foreign object types (the 4 bytes of Subtype2 plus the 1 byte of Subtype3) that occur in the deployment records and allows you to create, view, and change the descriptions of the types.

If a deployment that contains foreign object type descriptions is deleted then it is possible to remove these foreign object type descriptions from PAA. On entering the foreign object type description list types that are no longer used will be modifiable. Then on blanking out all descriptions of this type, the type will then be removed from PAA.