Direct Commands

Using direct commands is a quick way of executing PAA functions without needing to navigate through the PAA menu structure. You can also use direct commands to route the output of reports to a file.

This section describes the syntax of all available direct commands and includes a brief description of their function. Where a command has a corresponding function in a PAA menu, the function and menu name is indicated.

Issuing Direct Commands

There are two ways of issuing direct commands to PAA:

  • At the NEXT prompt in Natural, with library SYSPAA current.

    All commands except ADJUST must be preceded by "MENU".

    A command must fit on a single line. Command keywords and parameters can be separated by spaces or single delimiter characters (usually commas).

  • From a batch job in an appropriate order between the lines:


    where each command must start a new line.

When issuing the command ADJUST in batch, they must not be preceded by "MENU".

A command in batch can span several lines. The continuation character "%" must then be inserted at the end of each line except the last. Command keywords and parameters must be separated by single delimiter characters.

Handling Deployments

Direct commands for deployments are:


Command Syntax

REPORT DEPLOYMENT [range-of-application-names]


REPORT DEPLOYMENT application-name range-of-status-names


Writes to print file 1 lists of deployments according to specified selection criteria.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Select on Deployment Menu (Reporting).


Command Syntax

REFRESH DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name


Refreshes a deployment.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Refresh on Deployment Menu (Administration).


Command Syntax

PURGE DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name 


Purges a deployment.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Purge on Deployment Menu (Administration).


Command Syntax

RENAME DEPLOYMENT range-of-application-names
	 status-name-1 status-name-2


Changes the status parts of deployment names by replacing status-name-1 with status-name-2. Deployments whose names' application parts are within the specified range and whose names' status parts are status-name-1 are renamed.

A deployment is not renamed if status-name-2 is used by another deployment.

Corresponding Menu Function


Handling Locations

Direct commands for locations are:


Command Syntax

REPORT LIBRARY  [range-of-library-names
	[DBNR database-number [FNR file-number]]]
REPORT DBNR [database-number [FNR file-number]]
REPORT NODE  [ESY-node [DSN range-of-dataset-names]
	[VOL volume]]
REPORT NODE[ESY-node [DSN range-of-dataset-names]
	[TYPE LMS type]]


Writes to print file 1 lists of locations according to the specified selection criteria.

The first format is for lists of Natural locations, the second for lists of Predict locations, the third and the fourth for lists of foreign locations.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Select on Location Menu (Reporting).


Command Syntax

EXCLUDE location-specification
	[DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name]


  1. Excludes the location from the PAA if no deployment is specified.

  2. Excludes the location from the deployment if a deployment is specified.

Corresponding Menu Function

  1. Function Exclude on Location Menu (Administration).

  2. Function Exclude on Location Selection screen (Administration).


Command Syntax

FORGET location-specification
	[DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name]


  1. Forgets the location from the PAA if no deployment is specified.

  2. Forgets the location from the deployment if a deployment is specified.

Corresponding Menu Function

  1. Function Forget on Location Menu (Administration).

  2. Function Forget on Location Selection screen (Administration).

Handling Jobs

Direct commands for jobs are:


Command Syntax

REPORT JOB job-number
REPORT JOB [DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name]
	[FMDD date'yyyy-mm-dd' [FMTT time'hh:mm']]
	[TODD date'yyyy-mm-dd' [TOTT time'hh:mm']]


Writes to print file 1 lists of jobs according to the specified selection criteria and optional date/time parameters.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Select of Job Menu (Reporting).


Command Syntax

ACTIVATE JOB job-number
ACTIVATE JOB [DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name]
	[FMDD date'yyyy-mm-dd' [FMTT time'hh:mm']]
	[TODD date'yyyy-mm-dd' [TOTT time'hh:mm']]


Activates jobs according to job number or the specified selection criteria and date/time parameters.

If you specify a deployment, only the scheduled jobs of the deployment are activated.

Meaning of the date/time parameters:

FMDD Activates jobs scheduled for the specified date and time or later.
TODD Activates scheduled for the specified date and time specified or earlier.

Jobs are activated first according to increasing schedule times and then according to increasing job numbers.

Jobs are activated only if its schedule time has come or its schedule time is less than or equal to the time specified in a TODD parameter, and if no job of the specified deployment with earlier schedule times are still inactivated.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Activate of Job Menu (Administration).


Command Syntax

FINALIZE JOB job-number
FINALIZE JOB DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name
	[FMDD date'yyyy-mm-dd' [FMTT time'hh:mm']]
	[TODD date'yyyy-mm-dd' [TOTT time'hh:mm']]


Finalizes activated jobs according to job number or the specified selection criteria and date/time parameters.

If you specify a deployment, only the activated jobs of the deployment are finalized.

Meaning of the date/time parameters:

FMDD Finalizes jobs scheduled for the specified date and time or later.
TODD Finalizes scheduled for the specified date and time specified or earlier.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Finalize of Job Menu (Administration).


Command Syntax

BACKOUT JOB job-number
BACKOUT JOB DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name
[FMDD date'yyy-mm-dd'[FMTT time'hh:mm']]
[TODD date'yyy-mm-dd'[TOTT time'hh:mm']]


Backs out a job or jobs according to the specified selection criteria. Only current jobs are backed out.

Meaning of the date/time parameters:

FMDD restricts the set of jobs to be backed out to only those activated at the time specified or later.
TODD restricts the set of jobs to be backed out to only those activated at the time specified or earlier.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Back out on Job Menu (Administration).


Command Syntax

PURGE JOB job-number
PURGE JOB DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name
[STATE job-state]
[FMDD date'yyy-mm-dd'[FMTT time'hh:mm']]
[TODD date'yyy-mm-dd'[TOTT time'hh:mm']]


Purges a job or jobs according to the specified selection criteria.

Meaning of the date/time parameters:

FMDD restricts the set of jobs to be purged to only those activated at the time specified or later.
TODD restricts the set of jobs to be purged to only those activated at the time specified or earlier.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Purge of Job Menu (Administration).

Reporting on Objects

The direct command for objects is REPORT.


Command Syntax

REPORT OBJECT [range-of-object-names
	[STATE object-state]
	[DEPLOYMENT application-name status-name]
	[JOB job-number]
	[FMDD date'yyyy-mm-dd']
	[TODD date'yyyy-mm-dd']]


Writes to print file 1 lists of objects according to the specifies selection criteria.

Meaning of the date/time parameters:

FMDD Selects objects which were current on or after the specified date.
TODD Selects objects which were current on or before the specified date.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Select of Object Menu (Reporting).

Adjusting Locations and PAA

The direct command is ADJUST.


Available only at the NEXT prompt.

Command Syntax



Displays a screen from which any of the following can be modified:

  • PAA,

  • PAA's Natural locations residing in a Natural system file,

  • if relevant, a Predict system file,

  • one of PAA's Predict locations.

The PAA adjustment uses the PAA system file of the session. The file's database and file numbers are inserted wherever needed in the file itself and into the marker records in the Natural and Predict locations under PAA's control.

Adjusting the Natural locations means inserting their common new Natural system file database and file numbers (and, if relevant, their common new Xref carrying the Predict system file database and file numbers) wherever needed in the PAA system file.

Adjusting a Predict location means inserting its new Predict system file database and file numbers wherever needed in the PAA system file.


  1. The location of an FUSER is controlled by exactly one FPAA.
  2. An FUSER can be moved to a different database (DBID) or file number (FNR) using Adabas utilities. The information in the FPAA must then be adapted after the move using the ADJUST function. This also works vice versa: An FPAA can be moved to a different DBID/FNR. In this case, the information in the FUSER must be adapted using the ADJUST function.
  3. It is not possible to dissolve the link between an FUSER and the corresponding FPAA (for example to assign the FUSER to a different FPAA) with the ADJUST function .

Corresponding Menu Function


Reporting on Locks

The direct command is REPORT.


Command Syntax



Writes to print file 1 a list of all pending jobs, a list of all deployments currently in use, and a list of all locked Natural, Predict, and foreign locations.

Corresponding Menu Function

Function Lock Report on the System Functions menu (Administration).