Mailbox Definition

A mailbox is a logical entity within Entire Operations and serves to notify users of pending input conditions.

A mailbox can be specified for an input condition and for a user.

When the input condition is not fulfilled for a job, Entire Operations sends a message to the mailbox. The user associated with the mailbox is notified when he calls the Main Menu and can perform the prerequisite task and set the condition manually.

This document covers the following topics:

Related Topics:

Listing Mailboxes defined to Entire Operations

Start of instruction set To list mailboxes

  • Select the option Mailbox Definition from the System Services Menu.

    A Mailbox Definitions screen appears with a list of mailboxes already defined to the system:

     05.11.08               *** Entire Operations ***               14:34:29
                                   Mailbox Definitions
     Cmd  Mailbox Name      Description
      _   GHH-BOX
      _   DQA-BOX           for Quality Assurance purposes
      _   DWI-BOX
      _   ESTACION20        Espana por favor
      _   EXPORT-BOX        Test import/export tool
      _   GFR
      _   GFR1
      _   GFR10
      _   GFR11
      _   GFR2
      _   GFR3
      _   GFR4
     *********************************** m o r e **********************************
     D Delete  M Modify
     Command => ____________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   End         Save        Up    Down                    Menu

    The screen contains a list of mailboxes defined to Entire Operations (the list is empty if no mailboxes are defined).

The columns of the Mailbox Definitions are described in the following table:

Column Meaning
Cmd  One-character line command input field. For possibe line commands, see Line Commands: Mailbox Definitions.
Mailbox Name  User-defined name of the mailbox.
Description  Short descriptive text.

Line Commands: Mailbox Definitions

Line Command Description
M Modify mailbox.
D Delete mailbox.

Adding and Modifying Mailbox Definitions

Start of instruction set To add a mailbox definition

  1. Press PF2 (Add) on the Mailbox Definitions screen.

    A Mailbox Definition window opens in which you can enter the mailbox definition:

     05.11.08               *** Entire Operations ***               15:52:11
                                   Mailbox Definitions
     Cmd  Mailbox Name      Description
      _   GHH-BOX
      _   DQA-BOX           for Quality Assurance purposes
      _   DWI-BOX     +--------------------------------------------------+
      _   ESTACION20  !                                                  !
      _   EXPORT-BOX  !                 Mailbox Definition               !
      _   GFR         !                                                  !
      _   GFR1        !  Mailbox Name ==> __________                     !
      _   GFR10       !  Description  ==> ______________________________ !
      _   GFR11       !                                                  !
      _   GFR2        ! ---PF1---PF3-------PF5--------------------PF12-- !
      _   GFR3        !    Help  End       Save                   Menu   !
      _   GFR4        +--------------------------------------------------+
     *********************************** m o r e **********************************
     D Delete  M Modify
     Command => ____________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   End         Save        Up    Down                    Menu
  2. Enter the required definitions: see Fields: Mailbox Definition.

  3. Press PF5 (Save) to save the mailbox definition.

  4. Press PF3 (End) to close the definition window and return to the list of mailboxes.

    The new mailbox definition appears in the list.

Start of instruction set To modify a mailbox definition

  1. Enter M in the line command input field of a selected mailbox listed on the Mailbox Definitions screen and press ENTER.

    A Mailbox Definition window opens with the current definition.

  2. Modify the description as required by replacing the current value. See also Fields: Mailbox Definition.

  3. Press PF5 (Save) to save the modification.

  4. Press PF3 (End) to close the window and return to the list of mailboxes.

Fields: Mailbox Definition

The fields contained in the Mailbox Definition window are explained in the following table:

Field Meaning
Mailbox Name  User-defined name of mailbox.
Description  Short descriptive text.

Deleting a Mailbox Definition

Start of instruction set To delete a mailbox

  1. Enter D in the line command input field of the selected mailbox and press ENTER.

    A window opens in which you can enter the mailbox name to confirm the deletion.

  2. Enter the mailbox ID and press ENTER to perform the deletion and close the window.