
This section covers the following topics:

What is a Printout?

A printout in Entire Output Management is a report or a bundle queued for printing either upon user request or automatically by the Monitor.

Available Commands for Printouts

Start of instruction setTo list all available commands for printouts:

  1. In the object workspace, expand the Reports folder.

  2. Select a report and invoke the context menu.

    A list of available commands is displayed.

These are:

Command Shortcut Explanation
Active in Bundle --- Lists the active reports in the printout.
Browse Ctrl+B Displays the content of a printout (only possible for reports).
Delete Del Deletes a printout.
Display Ctrl+D Displays the attributes of a printout.
Filter F3 Lists printouts according to selection criteria.
Hold --- Puts a printout in hold status.
List F8 Lists printouts.
Open Ctrl+O Modifies a printout definition.
Release --- Releases a printout from hold status so that it can be printed.
Resume --- Resumes the failed printing of a printout.

Listing All Printouts

Start of instruction setTo list all printouts:

  1. In the object workspace, select the Printout Queue folder.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the List command.

    All printouts are listed in the content pane.

For each printout, the following information is displayed:

Field Explanation
Object Name of report or bundle to be printed.
Printout ID Internal unique identifier for the printout.
Type Report or bundle.
Printer Logical printer to be used.
Lines Number of lines already printed.
Kbytes Size of the printout in KB (for binary printouts only).
Status Status of the printout.
User ID ID of user printing or of report owner or bundle coordinator.
Job Name Job name of the printout in the job queue, if printing with a batch job.
Job Number Job number of the printout in the job queue, if printing with a batch job.
Scheduled Date/Time Date and time printout is scheduled.
Printed Date/Time Date and time printout was printed.

Listing Selected Printouts

Start of instruction setTo list printouts according to selection criteria:

  1. In the object workspace, select the Printout Queue folder.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Filter.

    The Filter Printouts window is displayed.

  3. Enter your selection criteria, or select them via the list boxes next to the input fields. The fields are described below.

  4. Choose OK.

    Now only printouts which satisfy the selection criteria appear in the expanded Printout Queue folder in the object workspace.

Selection Criteria

Field Explanation
Object name The name of the report or bundle to be printed.
Prefix / Substring

If you select Prefix, all reports/bundles whose names begin with the character string specified in the Object name field will be selected.

If you select Substring, all reports/bundles whose names contain the character string specified in the Object name field will be selected (this is the default).

User ID The ID of the user who has requested the printout; or of all users whose IDs begin with the specified character string.
Printer The name of the logical printer to be used; or of all logical printers whose names begin with the specified character string.
Status The status of the printout.
Creation date You can select printouts which were created:
  • today, yesterday, or the day before yesterday;

  • on/before/after a specific date/time, or within a specific date/time range.

Printout Attributes

Printout attributes consist of:

General Printout Attributes

Field Explanation
Printout ID The internal unique identifier of the printout.
Report name / Bundle name The name of the report or bundle to be printed.
Run number The internal run number of the report/bundle to be printed.
Status The status of the printout.
Copies Enter the number of copies to be printed.
Priority Enter the print priority. This is passed to JES when system printers are used.
User User ID of user printing, or of report owner, or of bundle coordinator.
Date/Time (Created, Scheduled, Printed) The date and time the printout was created/scheduled/printed.
Total (lines/size) The total number of lines in the printout. For binary documents, its size in KB (as indicated by a "K" after the number).
Lines printed / Printed size The number of lines currently printed. For binary documents, the portion already printed in KB.
Language The language to be used in the report/bundle separators.

Printer Printout Attributes

Field Explanation
Printout ID The internal unique identifier of the printout.
Logical Printer The name and description of the logical printer.
Physical Printer The name and location of the physical printer.
Printer Exit The member name of the exit to be executed for each line before it is printed, and the library containing the member.
Job Parameters
JCL skeleton The name of the Natural member containing the JCL skeleton to be used when submitting a print job.
Escape character The special character used as a prefix to identify substitution variables.
Jobcards The jobcards to be used when printing in batch mode. If you leave these lines blank, the specifications from the logical printer definition are used; see Adding a New Logical Printer.

Special Printout Attributes

The special printout attributes are printer-dependent. See Attributes of Physical Printers in the System Administration documentation for more information.

Modifying Printout Attributes

You can only modify printout attributes when the printout is in HOLD status.

Start of instruction setTo modify the attributes of a printout:

  1. Select the desired printout in the object workspace or in the printout list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

    The printout definition is displayed. It consists of: General Attributes, Printer Attributes and Special Attributes.

  3. To change the desired attributes, choose the appropriate tab.

  4. The corresponding window is displayed, and you can change the attributes. They are described under Printout Attributes.

  5. Choose OK to save your changes.

Displaying Printout Attributes

Start of instruction setTo displaythe attributes of a printout:

  1. In the object workspace or in the printout list, select the desired printout.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

    The printout attributes are displayed. They are explained under Printout Attributes.

Deleting a Printout

Start of instruction setTo delete a printout:

  1. In the object workspace or in the printout list, select the desired printout.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

    A dialog is displayed, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  3. Choose Yes to delete the printout, or No to cancel the operation.

Putting a Printout in HOLD Status

This function places a printout in HOLD to prevent printing. Printout characteristics can be modified only when the printout is in HOLD status.

Start of instruction setTo put a printout in HOLD status:

  1. Select a printout in the printout list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Hold command.

    "hold" is displayed in the Status column for the selected printout.

Releasing a Printout from HOLD Status

Start of instruction setTo release a printout from HOLD and queue it for printing:

  1. Select a printout in the printout list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Release command.

    "ready for printing" is displayed in the Status column.

Resuming a Failed Printout

Print tasks and batch jobs periodically record the number of lines printed so far. If a printout fails, it can be restarted from the last recorded printed line number.

Start of instruction setTo resume printing of a failed a printout:

  1. Select a printout in the printout list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Resume command.

    "ready for printing" is displayed in the Status column.

Browsing a Printout

This function is only available for printouts of type "report".

Start of instruction setThe display the content of a printout:

  1. Select a printout in the printout list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Browse command.

    The content of the printout is displayed in the editor screen.

Listing Active Reports in a Printout

Start of instruction setTo list the active reports contained in a printout:

  1. Select a printout in the object workspace or in the printout list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Active in Bundle command.

    The Active Report List in Bundle (Printout) is displayed. The fields are the same as described under Listing All Active Reports in an Active Bundle.