Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Distribution Lists

This section explains how to create a distribution list and how to add and delete members. It covers the following topics:

What is a Distribution List?

A distribution list is a list of users who are to be sent a particular report and provides for easy report distribution.

A distribution list can also be made up of other distribution lists.

Users and lists can be grouped into one distribution list to create a distribution hierarchy that reflects your organization's structure. You can then use a distribution list as an addressee when defining report processing by entering the list name in a Distribute To field.

Any modifications in the contents of a distribution list are automatically reflected in all reports using this list.

A distribution list can also be used to grant authorization to a group of users. For more information on authorization, see the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.

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Listing Distribution Lists

Start of instruction set To list the names of all defined distribution lists:

  1. Enter 4 in the command line of the "Main Menu".

    The "Distribution List Maintenance" screen appears:

      10:25:46             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2002-10-01
     User ID XYZ           - Distribution List Maintenance -                       
     Cmd List     Authoriz Description                              Members Part Of
     ___ ________ ________ ________________________________________ _______ ______ 
      __ ALLUSERS ADMIN    Reports for all users                          3        
      __ DRO-MAIL ADMIN    Dro's Dokumentverteiler                        6        
      __ FINANCE  ADMIN    Reports for Finance Department                 3    *   
      __ LIST-1   ADMIN    list 1                                         2    *   
      __ LIST1    ADMIN    Only Test                                           *   
      __ NOM141   ADMIN    Test list for NOM141                           5    *   
      __ NOM211   ADMIN    Test list for NOM211                           4    *   
      __ PERSONEL ADMIN    Reports for Personnel Department               5    *   
      __ SAGBDL1  ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                   5        
      __ SAGBDL2  ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                            
      __ SAGBDL3  ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                   2        
      __ SAGBLIS2 ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                            
      __ SAGBLST1 ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                            
      __ STEVELST ADMIN                                                        *   
      __ TEST1    ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                            
    Top Of Data                                                                    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu  

    This screen displays a list of all available distribution lists in alphabetical order, with their description and the number of members in them. An asterisk (*) in the Part Of field indicates that the list is part of another list.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Create a new distribution list.

Line Commands

Command Function
AD  Add a new member to a list.
AU  Authorize a user. See the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.
DE  Delete a distribution list definition.
LI  List members of a list.
LO  Display log information.
MO  Modify a distribution list definition.
RN  Rename distribution list.
XR  Cross references.


You can enter selection criteria ending with an asterisk (*) in all fields marked with an asterisk.

Fields Explanation
List Name * Enter selection criteria for the name of the list.
Description A short description of the list.
Members Number of members in the list.
Part Of An asterisk (*) in this field indicates that the list is part of another distribution list.

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Adding a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To add a new distribution list:

  1. Press PF2 (Add) on the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen.

    The "Define Distribution List" window opens:

    +------------------------ Define Distribution List ------------------------+
    !                                                                          !
    !   List Name ...... ________                                              !
    !   Description .... __________________________________________________    !
    !                                                                          !
    !                                                                          !
    !   Command => __________________________________________________________  !
    !                                                                          !
    !   PF1 Help PF2 Add Pf3 Exit PF5 Do PF6 Undo                              !

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add a distribution list.


Field Explanation
List Name Enter a name for the distribution list.
Description Enter a short description for the list.

Start of instruction set After entering data in the window, proceed as follows:

  1. Press ENTER to validate the data.

  2. Press PF5 (Do) to save your modifications.

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Listing the Members of a Distribution List

A member in a distribution list can be an individual user or another distribution list.

Start of instruction set To list the members of a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter the line command LI next to the appropriate list.

    The "Distribution List Members" screen appears:

      10:40:16             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-01
     User ID XYZ             - Distribution List Members -                         
                                   List Name PERSONEL                              
     Cmd  Member   List Description / User name                                    
      __  ABO           Bouchard, Albert                                           
      __  ALA           Lanier, Allen                                               
      __  DRO           Roeser, Donald                                       
      __  EBL           Bloom, Eric                                              
      __  JBO           Bouchard, Joe                                              
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu  

    The Distribution List Members screen displays a list of all the members in a distribution list. Members can be added to or deleted from a list.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add a member to the list.

Line Commands

Command Function
DE  Delete a member from the list.


You must give each list a unique definition. Distribution lists with identical definitions are rejected by the system.

Field Explanation
Member The user IDs or distribution lists that compose this distribution list.
List Description/User Name Descriptions of the distribution lists or the names of the users that compose this distribution list.

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Adding a Member to a Distribution List

Start of instruction set There are two ways to add a member to a list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Members" screen, press PF2 (Add).

    On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter the the line command AD next to the list to receive the new member.

    In both cases, the "Add a Member to a List" window opens:

    !                                      !                    
    !        Add A Member To A List        !                    
    !                                      !                    
    !       List Name .... PERSONEL        !                    
    !       Member ....... ________        !                    
    !                                      !                    
    !   PF3 Exit    PF5 Do                 !                    
    !                                      !                    


Field Explanation
List Name The name of the distribution list to which you are adding a member is displayed here.
Member Enter the member name. This is either a user ID or the name of a distribution list.

Selecting a Member to Add to a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To add a user or a distribution list as a member to a distribution list:

  1. Enter a question mark (?) in the Member field of the "Add a Member to a List" window.

    A window is displayed.

  2. Press one of the following keys:

    Key Name Function
    PF4  User-list Open a selection window displaying a list of users.
    PF5  Dist-list Open a selection window displaying a list of distribution lists.

    To select a user:

  3. Press PF4.

    A selection window with a list of users is displayed.

  4. Enter any character in the input field preceding the ID of the user you want to add.

    The user ID is written to the Member field of the Add a Member window.

  5. Press ENTER again.

    A message confirms that the member has been added to the distribution list.

  6. Press PF3 (Exit) to resume.

    To select a distribution list:

  7. Press PF5

    A selection window with a list of distribution lists is displayed.

  8. Enter any character in the input field preceding the name of the distribution list you want to add. The distribution list selected is added as a member to the main distribution list, and its name is written to the Member field of the Add a Member window.

  9. Press ENTER again. A message confirms that the member has been added to the distribution list.

  10. Press PF3(Exit) to resume.

Deleting a Member from a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To delete a member from a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Members" screen, enter the line command DE nexts the member you want to delete.

    A window opens, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the name of the member.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Displaying Cross References

Start of instruction set To display cross reference information for a distribution list:

  1. Enter the line command XR next to the appropriate list.

    The "XREF of Distribution List" window opens:

      11:11:28             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2002-10-01
     User ID XYZ           - Distribution List Maintenance -                       
     Cmd L!            - XREF of Distribution List -             !  Members Part Of
     ___ _!                       LIST-1                         !_ _______ ______ 
      __ A!                                                      !        3        
      __ D!   M  Relation Type                        Number     !        6        
      __ F!   _  ___________________________________  ________   !        3    *   
      XR L!   _  Authorization Report                            !        2    *   
      __ L!   _  Authorization Bundle                            !             *   
      __ N!   _  Authorization Printer                           !        5    *   
      __ N!   _  Authorization Distribution List                 !        4    *   
      __ P!   _  Report Definition (Distribute to)         216   !        5    *   
      __ S!   _  Member of a Distribution List               1   !        5        
      __ S!                                                      !                 
      __ S!   PF3 = Exit                                         !        2        
      __ S+------------------------------------------------------+                 
      __ SAGBLST1 ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                            
      __ STEVELST ADMIN                                                        *   
      __ TEST1    ADMIN    Test API distribution list 1                            
    Top Of Data                                                                    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu  

Start of instruction set To list the objects of the relation type:

  1. Mark the input field in the "M" column preceding the appropriate type.

    A window is displayed, listing all objects of the type selected.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF7  Top Return to top of list.
PF8  Down Scroll one screen forward.
PF9  Ext Toggle between display of long and short report/bundle names.
PF11  Sort Sort objects in alphabetical order.

Top of page

Other Distribution List Maintenance Functions

Modifying a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To modify a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter the line command MO next to the distribution list you want to modify.

    The "Define Distribution List" window opens for the distribution list you have selected.

    From this window, you can modify only the Description field.

  2. Enter a new description and press ENTER to save your modifications.

    A message confirms that the description has been modified.

If COMMIT is set to OFF, proceed as follows:

Start of instruction set To save your modifications before exiting:

  1. Press PF5 (Do).

    If you do not, a window opens which asks you to commit the modifications.

  2. To do so, enter "Y".

    A message confirms that all modifications have been committed.

To add or delete a member, see the sections Adding a Member to a Distribution List and Deleting a Member from a Distribution List.

Authorizing User Access to a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To authorize user access to a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter the line command AU next to the distribution list for which you want to grant authorization.

    The "Authorization List" window for distribution lists opens.

  2. To grant authorization to a user, proceed as described under Authorizing User Access to Objects.

Deleting a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To delete a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter line command DE next to the distribution list you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the distribution list name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

Displaying a Distribution List

See the section Listing the Members of a Distribution List.

Displaying Log Information for a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To display log information for a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter the line command LO next to the desired distribution list.

    The "Log Display" screen appears for the distribution list selected.

  2. You can display more information about a log entry by entering the the line command IN next to the entry.

For further details, see the sections Displaying Log Information for an Object and the Log Display screen.

Renaming a Distribution List

Start of instruction set To rename a distribution list:

  1. On the "Distribution List Maintenance" screen, enter the line command RN next to the distribution list you want to rename.

    The "Rename Distribution List" window opens.

  2. Type the new distribution list name in the input field provided.

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