Version 3.2.1
 —  System Administration  —

Archive Administration

This section covers the following topics:

For further information about Archiving, see the sections Automatic Archiving Defaults and Start Archiving Task.

Archive Datasets

Every time reports are archived to a tape, a dataset is created on the tape volume containing all the archived reports. This is called an archive dataset.

For each archive dataset, an entry is made on the Entire Output Management archive catalog, which contains control information regarding each archive process.

This information includes the date and time of the operation, the volser(s) on which the archive dataset has been catalogued, and an indication of whether the dataset still contains reports which must remain on archive.

When the reports contained in an archive dataset are no longer required, a message is displayed to the right of the dataset indicating that the volsers can be reused for other purposes.

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Listing Archive Datasets

Start of instruction set To display the list of datasets which have been archived:

  1. Enter 9 in the command line of the Main Menu.

    The Archive Datasets screen is displayed:

       17:31:17             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-04-30
      User ID XYZ                - Archive Data sets -                              
      Cmd Data set                      NVol  NumRp Created        Msg              
      ___ ______________________________ ___ ______ ______________ _________________
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0402               1      1 03-03-03 09:00                  
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0401               1        02-12-23 09:00 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0400               1        02-12-18 14:17 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0399               1        02-12-18 13:39 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.COND221.NOM0398              1        02-11-11 11:05 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0397               1        02-11-11 09:00 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0396               1        02-11-08 10:19 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0393               1        02-11-05 11:05 can be deleted   
       __ UKSJU.NOMUDA.NOM0392             1     11 02-11-01 16:10                  
       __ RDU.SJU.NOMUDA3.NOM0391          1        02-11-01 16:10 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0390               1        02-11-01 16:10 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0389               1        02-11-01 09:00 can be deleted   
       __ RDU.SJU.NOMUDA3.NOM0388          1        02-10-31 09:00 can be deleted   
       __ RDU.SJU.NOMUDA3.NOM0387          1        02-10-30 09:00 can be deleted   
       __ NOM.ARC221.NOM0386               1        02-10-02 09:00 can be deleted   
     Top Of Data                                                                    
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +           <     >    Menu  

    The datasets are listed in alphabetical order.

  2. The information displayed is spread over four screens. By repeatedly pressing PF11, you can display the information on the subsequent screens.

Line Commands

Code Function
CD Mark the dataset for condensing.
DE Delete the dataset from archive. Uncatalogs this dataset.
MV Modify the volser of an archive dataset.
RN Rename an archive dataset.
RP List the reports archived on this dataset.
VO List the volsers on which this dataset resides.


Field Explanation
Dataset The archived dataset name.
NVol The number of tape volumes the dataset occupies.
NumRp The number of archived reports contained on the dataset.
Created The date and time the dataset was created.
Msg When all reports archived on the dataset are no longer required and have been purged, the message "Delete" appears, advising you that the dataset can be uncataloged and the volsers reused.
Second Screen:

Logical Expiration Date. This is the date until which the dataset is to be kept. This can differ from the Physical Expiration Date (see below), if the expiration date of one or more active reports is extended or shortened after archiving.

If the Logical Expiration Date is later than the Physical Expiration Date, the line with the archive dataset is highlighted. Run a condense to synchronize the two dates.

PhysExpD Physical Expiration Date. This is the date until which the tape is to be kept and corresponds to the date supplied on the tape with the EXPDT parameter.
Third Screen:
# Expired The number of expired reports. This is calculated by subtracting the number of reports still active on this dataset from the number of reports originally archived. This number will not be displayed for old archive datasets.
Cdns This shows whether this archive is output from a condense or not.
Fourth Screen:
Arc Type Displays the archive type name, standard or user-defined.
Num Internally allocated number for archive type.

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Condensing an Archive Dataset

Start of instruction setTo condense an archive dataset:

  1. To mark an archive dataset for condensing, enter the line command CD on the Archive Datasets screen next to the dataset(s) to be condensed.

    The message "condense" appears in the Msg column:

       14:41:22             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-04-21
      User ID XYZ                - Archive Data sets -
      Cmd Data set                       NVol NumRp Created        Msg
      ___ ______________________________ ____ _____ ______________ _________________
       __ NOM.ARC.NOM0056                   1    60 13/10/99 13:48 condense
       __ NOM.ARC.NOM0055                   1    13 13/10/99 13:42 condense
       __ NOM.ARC.NOM0054                   1       22/09/99 15:03 can be deleted
       __ NOM.ARC.NOM0051                   1       22/09/99 14:50 can be deleted
       __ NOM.ARC.NOM0050                   1       20/09/99 11:38 can be deleted
       __ EOM.ARC.NOM0049                   1       20/08/99 14:35 can be deleted
       __ EOM.ARC.EOM0047                   1       12/08/99 15:45 can be deleted
  2. To start the condense task, enter the direct command START CONDENSE in the command line of any screen (see START command in the Commands documentation), or select option 9 on the System Administration Menu (see the section Start Condense Task).

    The job skeleton used for condensing has to be saved in library SYSNOMU and must be named JCDNSKEL.

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Deleting an Archive Dataset

An archive dataset can only be deleted when it contains no reports.

Start of instruction set To delete an archive dataset:

  1. On the Archive Datasets screen, enter the line command DE next to the dataset you want to delete.

    A window is diplayed asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter DELETE, and also specify whether or not the dataset is to be uncatalogued.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Listing Volsers Spanned by an Archive Dataset

Start of instruction setTo display the list of volsers spanned by an archive dataset:

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Renaming an Archive Dataset

This function renames the selected archive dataset and updates all active reports contained on it so that they point to the new dataset. Summary information on the results of this function is written to the Monitor log.

Start of instruction setTo rename an archive dataset:

  1. On the Archive Datasets screen, enter the line command RN next to the dataset you want to rename.

    The Rename Archive Dataset screen is displayed. It contains the following fields:

    Field Explanation
    From dataset name The old name of the dataset.
    To dataset name Here you specify the new name of the dataset.
    Log modifications of Reports

    This field determines whether or not messages about changed reports of archive dataset are written to the monitor log:

    • Y = Messages are written.

    • N = No messages are written (default).

    Adabas calls between screen writes The number of records to be updated between screen writes. The default value is 1000.
    Adabas updates between End Transactions The number of records to be updated between End-of-Transaction commands. The default value is 30.
  2. Enter the new dataset name, and press PF5 to perform the update.

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Modifying the Volser of an Archive Dataset

This function is used to change the volser of an archive dataset in and updates all active reports contained on it so that they point to the new volser.

This function can only be used for single-volume datasets. For multi-volume datasets, you condense the archive dataset to a new one; this which will also update the volsers.

Start of instruction setTo modify the volser of an archive dataset:

  1. On the Archive Datasets screen, enter the line command MV next to the desired dataset.

    A screen containing the following fields is displayed:

    Field Explanation
    Archive dataset The name of the dataset whose volser is to be modified.
    Current volser The current volser of the dataset.
    To volser Here you specify the new volser.
    Log modifications of Reports

    This field determines whether or not messages about changed reports of archive dataset are written to the monitor log:

    • Y = Messages are written.

    • N = No messages are written (default).

    Adabas calls between screen writes The number of records to be updated between screen writes. The default value is 1000.
    Adabas calls between End Transactions The number of records to be updated between End-of-Transaction commands. The default value is 30.
  2. Enter the new volser, and press PF5 to perform the update.

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Listing Reports in an Archive Dataset

Start of instruction set To display the list of reports contained in an archive dataset:

  1. On the Archive Datasets screen, enter the line command RP next to the appropriate dataset.

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Reports in Archive Dataset" screen takes the following form:

      17:57:36             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2007-12-31
      User ID XYZ            - Reports in Archive Data Set -
      Archive Data Set .... NOM.COND211.NOM0081
      Cmd Report                    Run-No   ExpDate     OrigExp     Status
      ___ _________________________ _______  __________ __________   ______
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19519  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19520  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19521  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19523  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19524  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19525  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19567  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                19568  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-ARCHIVER                20286  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-REVIVER                 19522  2005-11-20
       __ EOM-REVIVER                 20287  2005-11-20
       __ PWR-EMPL-STD3-D             20365  2005-11-20
       __ PWR-EMPL-STD3-D             20437  2005-11-20
       __ PWR-EMPL-STD3-D             20588  2005-11-20
     Top Of Data
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +    Ext               Menu

    The names of the reports deleted from active reports are marked with an asterisk (*).

  2. With PF9 (Ext), you can toggle to short names display.

Line Commands

Code Function
DE  Delete report from archive.
MO  Modify expiration date.
RS  Reset expiration date to original value.
RV  Revive report deleted from active reports.


Field Explanation
Report The name of the report archived.
Run-No Unique number identifying the report.
ExpDate Expiration date until which the report is to be kept.
OrigExp Original expiration date until which the report was to be kept (if the original value of ExpDate has been modified or deleted).
Status Report status.

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Modifying the Expiration Date of a Report in an Archive Dataset

Start of instruction set To modify the expiration data of a report in an archive dataset:

  1. On the "Reports in Archive Dataset" screen, enter MO in the command line next to the report in the dataset you want to modify.

    A window containing the following fields is displayed:

    Field Explanation
    Report The report name.
    Expiration Date The current expiration date. This can differ from the original expiration date.
    OrigExp Date This is the first valid expiration date. If the original date has already been modified, the original date appears here and the current expiration date appears in the Expiration Date field.
    New Expiration Date Enter the new expiration date here.
  2. Enter a new value in the field New Expiration Date.

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Resetting the Expiration Date of a Report in an Archive Dataset

Start of instruction setTo reset the expiration date of a report in an archive dataset:

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Deleting a Report from an Archive Dataset

Start of instruction set To mark a report in an archive dataset for deletion:

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Reviving a Report Deleted from Active Reports

If an archived report was deleted from active reports manually, but not deleted from the archive, the report is marked with a "D" on the "Reports in Archive Dataset" screen. Reports marked with "D" are automatically deleted on the following day.

Start of instruction set To revive an archived report deleted from active reports:

  1. Reset the report's expiration date with the line command RS as described above.

  2. Enter RV in the command line preceding the report name.

    The following window is displayed:

    !       Revive Report From Archive        !
    !        UKSJU-REP-001114                 !
    !                                         !
    !             Revive to                   !
    !              S Spool                    !
    !              D Data base                !
    !              C Connect                  !
    !                                         !
    ! Select => S                             !
    ! Bundle => _________________________     !
    !                                         !
    ! PF3 Exit                                !
  3. Enter:

    The letter you select here then appears on the Active Report List screen (see the section Active Reportsand Folders in the User's Guide) in the R column following the revived report (see also the explanation for the R column). The report is marked for the next scheduled reviving (see Reviving Parameters). If you enter the name of the bundle the report is added to an open active bundle at revive time. If there is no open active bundle, one is created if a master bundle with the same name exists. If there is no master bundle of the given an error message will be displayed.

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