Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Operations  —

System Files

Natural for Windows stores objects in files accessible by operating system functions. Unlike Natural for Mainframes where the objects are stored in Adabas system files, Natural for Windows stores the objects in specific directories on the disk. Thus, a database such as Adabas is not required to run Natural for Windows.

This document covers the following topics:

System File Structure

By default, the Natural libraries are created as subdirectories below the Natural root directory of a specific Natural version. The subdirectories have the same names as the libraries.

The Natural objects are stored as files in the subdirectories. The file name for a Natural object has the following form:

file-name This the name of the object. See also Object Naming Conventions in Using Natural Studio.
N The first character of the extension is always "N". It stands for "Natural".
The second character of the extension can be one of the following:
S for source files
G for generated programs
R for resources
T The third character of the extension stands of the type of the object. For valid values, see the list below.

For example, the source program TESTPROG is stored as file TESTPROG.NSP, while the generated code for the map TESTMAP is stored as file TESTMAP.NGM.

The file name is not always identical to the object name. Both the current object name and the corresponding internal object name are documented in the file FILEDIR.SAG.

The following object types and the respective letters and numbers are used for the extensions available:

Letter or Number Object Type
A Parameter data area (PDA)
C Copycode
G Global data area (GDA)
H Helproutine
L Local data area (LDA)
M Map
N Subprogram
P Program
S Subroutine
T Text
3 Dialog
4 Class
5 Command processor
6 Adapt view
7 Function
8 Adapter

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System Files FNAT and FUSER

The Natural system files FNAT (for system programs) and FUSER (for user-written programs) are located in different subdirectories.

FNAT assumes the following directory structure:


The file LIBDIR.SAG, which is only available for FNAT, contains information on all further installed Software AG products using Natural. This information can be displayed by using the system command SYSPROD.

FUSER assumes the following directory structure:


The name of a user library must not start with "SYS".

The directory structure is generated during the installation of Natural. The directories representing the system and user libraries contain the following:

DDMs can be stored in local libraries. If DDMs are used by a program, Natural first searches the current library, then the steplibs, and then the library SYSTEM. If the DDMs are not found, the program does not compile and displays an error message. However, if FDDM mode has been activated, Natural searches for the DDMs only in the system file FDDM.

The paths to the system files FNAT, FUSER and FDDM are defined in the Configuration Utility. System files are version-dependent. Therefore, Natural can only access system files of the current Natural version. It is recommended that you only have one FNAT system file. It is possible, however, to define several FUSER system files (for example, when you have different development areas for different purposes).

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System File FDDM

The system file FDDM is a container in which all DDMs can be stored.

FDDM assumes the following directory structure:


By default, the system file FDDM is not active. If you want to use it, you have to activate FDDM mode as described below.

Activating FDDM Mode

If FDDM mode is activated (both database ID and file number do not equal 0 in the global configuration file), all DDMs are stored and read in the system file FDDM. DDMs stored in libraries will no longer be accessible from Natural. This is similar to the mainframe, where all DDMs are stored in the system file FDIC.

If the FDDM system file is undefined in the global configuration file, the DDMs are stored in the Natural libraries FUSER and FNAT, and the FDDM system file is displayed as an inactive environment.

Start of instruction setTo activate FDDM mode

  1. Create an empty directory in which the DDMs are to be stored in FDDM mode. The directory can have any name which corresponds to the Natural naming conventions.

  2. Invoke the Configuration Utility.

  3. In the global configuration file (category System Files), assign a database ID and file number for the system file FDDM and define the path to the directory that you have created in the first step.

  4. Select the required parameter file.

  5. Locate the parameter FDDM.

    Locate this parameter by searching for "FDDM". See Finding a Parameter in the Configuration Utility documentation for further information.

  6. Select the required path for the parameter FDDM from the drop-down list box.

  7. Save your changes.

  8. Migrate all required DDMs to the system file FDDM as described below.

Migrating DDMs to the System File FDDM

All DDMs that are to be available in FDDM mode must be contained in the system file FDDM. Especially the example DDMs delivered with Natural in library SYSEXDDM must be available in the system file FDDM.

For migration of DDMs to the FDDM system file, you can choose between different alternatives:

These alternatives are described below in detail.

The INPL utility loads DDMs either to Natural libraries if FDDM mode is not active or to the system file FDDM if FDDM mode is active. This may have some impact if the loaded INPL files are intended to work in both modes. It may be necessary that the DDMs are available in the Natural libraries as well as in the FDDM system file.

Start of instruction setTo migrate DDMs to the system file FDDM using the Object Handler

  1. Activate FDDM mode as described above.

  2. Start Natural Studio using the modified parameter file (that is, the parameter file in which path for the parameter FDDM has been defined).

  3. From the Tools menu, choose Development Tools > Object Handler to start the Object Handler.

  4. From the Options menu of the Object Handler, choose Settings.

  5. In the resulting dialog box, select the option button Additional Options and choose the Set button.

  6. In the resulting dialog box, select the Special page.

  7. Deactivate the check box Use FDDM file for DDMs.

    This activates your old environment (which contains the DDM to migrated). If you do not deactivate this check box, you cannot access the DDMs that are to be migrated.

  8. Unload the DDMs stored in Natural libraries (either with the wizard or in advanced-user mode).

  9. Activate the check box Use FDDM file for DDMs (see the above steps).

    This activates your new environment containing the FDDM system file.

    In different libraries, DDMs can exist with identical names. To prevent overwriting DDMs in the FDDM system file and to detect DDMs with identical names, it is recommended to load the DDMs with the Do not replace option. This option is located on the same page as the check box Use FDDM file for DDMs.

  10. Load the DDMs into the FDDM system file (either with the wizard or in advanced-user mode).

Start of instruction setTo migrate DDMs to the system file FDDM using the copy or move function of Natural Studio

  1. Start Natural with the dynamic parameter FDDM=0,0 as shown below:

    natural FDDM=0,0

    This activates your old environment containing the DDM to migrated. If you do not override the new FDDM specification in your modified parameter file, you cannot access these DDMs.

  2. Copy or move all required DDMs from the Natural libraries into the library SYSTEM in your designated FDDM file. This file is displayed in the inactive environment of Natural Studio.

  3. Terminate Natural.

    The next time you start Natural without the above-mentioned dynamic parameter, the FDDM system file will be used.

Checking whether the System File FDDM is Used

When you have migrated all DDMs to the system file FDDM, you can check whether FDDM is used.

Start of instruction setTo check whether FDDM is used

  1. Start Natural.

  2. From the Tools menu, choose System Information > System Files. See also System Files in the documentation Using Natural Studio.

    The SYSPROF dialog box appears.

  3. If the FDDM file is displayed, Natural will access only DDMs stored in this system file.

    If the FDDM file is not displayed or if the expected files are not displayed, revise the parameter file used for your session.

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Important Information and Warnings

A Natural developer must have read, write and delete rights for all objects.

An end-user must only have read rights for the generated programs (and in some special cases also read rights for the sources).

Do not access Natural files with operating system utilities. These utilities might modify and destroy the Natural directory information.

Do not store private data files in the directories FNAT, FUSER and FDDM, since Natural may delete or modify them in an unexpected way.

Do not use one of the directories FNAT, FUSER and FDDM as working directories for your Windows applications, since this can cause problems when issuing Natural system commands.

The file name (i.e path including file name in 8.3 format) of any object accessed by Natural must not exceed 255 bytes.

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The file FILEDIR.SAG supports up to 60000 objects. It contains internal library information used by Natural including the programming mode of an object (structured or reporting) and internally converted object names. These internal object names are automatically created when storing Natural objects to disk with:

Internal object names are unique and consist of an abbreviation of the current object name and an arbitrary number. Both the current object name and the corresponding internal object name are documented in FILEDIR.SAG.

Even if an object is located in the correct directory, it can only be used by Natural after this library information is included in FILEDIR.SAG. For objects created within Natural, the library information is included automatically. Information on how to import other objects can be found in the section Importing Objects in the documentation Using Natural Studio.

The utility FTOUCH can be used to update FILEDIR.SAG without entering Natural.

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Portable Natural System Files

Starting with Natural Version 6.2, the directory file FILEDIR.SAG in a Natural library as well as the Natural error message files are created in a portable platform-independent format. This offers, for example, the possibility of exchanging FUSER libraries between different Windows, UNIX and OpenVMS platforms simply by copying the libraries via operating system commands.

The FNAT system file belongs to a Natural installation and is both version-specific and platform-specific. Therefore, it is not recommended to share FNAT system files among different platforms. Especially the FNAT system file on a Windows platform contains a completely different set of utilities as the FNAT system file on some UNIX or OpenVMS platforms.

Although it is now possible to share an FUSER system file among different platforms, this possibility should by handled with care because Natural's locking mechanism does not cross machine boundaries and hence it would be possible for two Natural sessions on different platforms to modify the same object at the same time with unpredictable results.

All libraries that are newly created as of Natural Version 6.2 have a new FILEDIR.SAG structure. Especially the FNAT system file delivered and installed as of Natural Version 6.2 has only libraries with the new structure.

The following topics are covered below:

Language-dependent Objects

When the application to be ported uses the system variable *LANGUAGE, you have to take notice of the following information.

Almost all Natural objects are stored in the system file with a name which contains only upper-case characters. An exception are the language-dependent objects (that is: the objects which have been created for a specific language). Language-dependent objects may contain lower-case characters in their names. Since Windows is a case-preserving operating system (whereas UNIX is a case-sensitive operating system), it may happen that names which have been created under UNIX cause a conflict in Windows, or that an application which has been developed under UNIX yields unexpected results in Windows.

OpenVMS behaves similar to Windows. It does not distinguish between upper-case and lower-case characters. However, file names are always created with upper-case characters.


The command SAVE PGM& creates an object where the object name contains the language identifier. The resulting object name depends on the setting of *LANGUAGE:

Setting of *LANGUAGE An object with the following name is created
33 PGMX (with an upper-case X)
59 PGMx (with a lower-case x)

The separate objects which have been created under UNIX (PGMX.NGP and PGMx.NGP) get entries in the file FILEDIR.SAG with the names PGMX and PGMx. These two objects will be treated differently, depending on the environment in which Natural is being executed:

Migrating an Old FILEDIR.SAG File

Starting with version 6.2, Natural can read old platform-specific FILEDIR.SAG files on the platform for which they were formerly generated, but it cannot modify old FILEDIR.SAG files. When a library with an old FILEDIR.SAG file is accessed for modification, FILEDIR.SAG is converted into the new format before any further modification takes place.

It is recommended that you create a backup copy of the old FUSER system file before executing any of the steps (which lead to a conversion of FILEDIR.SAG) listed below.

There are a number of possibilities that lead to a conversion of an old FILEDIR.SAG file into the new format:

The Natural versions prior to Natural Version 6.2 cannot access libraries with a new portable FILEDIR.SAG file. Therefore, system files cannot be shared between Natural Version 6.2 or above and an older version of Natural. This is only possible when all libraries are still in the old FILEDIR.SAG format and when no modify access has ever been made. In a production environment, it is possible, for example, to make use of an FUSER from Natural Version 6.1 with Natural Version 6.2 when no modification on the libraries is made. However, it is recommended not share system files between Natural Version 6.2 or above and an older version

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Using NFS to Store Natural Libraries

When you use NFS (Network File System) to store Natural libraries, you can run into problems when the directories in which the Natural libraries are stored are mounted via NFS from a file server in your network.

The reason for this is the need to lock the FILEDIR.SAG file stored in each library during update operations of Natural objects.

If your NFS locking is incompatible or not properly set up between the involved platforms, Natural can hang in an uninterruptible state while waiting for NFS locking requests to be processed. These requests are generally logged on the consoles of the involved systems or in some other system-dependent log file.

The work-around to solve this problem is to store Natural libraries only on local disks if problems with a hanging and uninterruptible nucleus occur.

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