Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Operations  —

Profile Parameter Usage

Natural profile parameters affect the appearance and the response of your working environment.

This document covers the following topics:

The parameters are described in detail in the Parameter Reference.

Parameter Hierarchy

The values for the Natural parameters are taken from different sources. The priority of the parameters is as follows:

  1. Static Assignments
    Lowest priority. Static assignments are made by parameters specified in the Natural parameter file NATPARM.

  2. Dynamic Assignments
    Dynamic assignments are made by specifying an alternative parameter file and/or individual parameters when starting Natural.

  3. Runtime Assignments
    Highest priority. Runtime assignments are made during the session by specifying session parameters.

See the remainder of this section for further information on the different types of assignments.

When Natural Security is active, the use of specific parameters may be restricted.

The following graphic illustrates the parameter hierarchy:


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Static Assignment of Parameter Values

By default, the parameter specifications in the parameter file NATPARM are used to determine the characteristics of your Natural environment. Initially, this file contains the default values as supplied by Software AG. It can be changed using the Configuration Utility.

It is recommended that you do not modify the default parameter file NATPARM. If you want to use Natural with parameter values other than the default values, create your own parameter file (see also the following section).

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Dynamic Assignment of Parameter Values

Using the dynamic parameters, you can set up your own environment when starting Natural. When the session is started, the operating system passes the values for the dynamic parameters to Natural.

The dynamic parameters are valid for the current Natural session. They override the static assignments specified in the default parameter file NATPARM.

Using the Configuration Utility can also create your own parameter files. To use one of your own parameter files, you have to specify its name when starting Natural.

Start of instruction setTo start Natural with dynamic parameter values

Special Characters

Special characters like brackets and asterisks are interpreted by the operating system. Therefore, it is necessary to put the parameters which use these special characters in double quotation marks. Example:

natural "FNAT=(99,30) FUSER=(99,32)"

As an exception to this rule, the parameters FNAT, FDIC, FSEC, FDDM and FUSER can also be specified without brackets to avoid using quotation marks. Example:

natural FNAT=99,30 FUSER=99,32

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Runtime Assignment of Parameter Values

The runtime assignments are made during the session by setting session parameters. The values of the session parameters override static and dynamic assignments.

When using Natural Studio, you can set the session parameters in a window (this corresponds to issuing the system command GLOBALS without parameters). See Using Session Parameters in the documentation Using Natural Studio.

Session parameters can also be set with the system command GLOBALS. Example:


In reporting mode, session parameters can also be set with the SET GLOBALS statement in a program. Example:


In addition to setting the session parameters at session level (as described above), you can also set them at program, statement or field level. For further information, see Introduction to Session Parameters in the Parameter Reference.

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