z/OS Objects

This document explains all the functions you can perform on objects only available in a z/OS environment. It covers the following topics:

PDS Members

In the PDS members maintenance facility, you can list, edit, delete, copy, rename and browse PDS members.

  • If the member consists of job control, you can use the Natural ISPF macro facility and all types of macro statements. Macro expansion is performed at submission time (see the SUBMIT command below). When creating a new member, you can also use the Edit macro feature to automatically create text lines which can then be modified. For details on the macro facility, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).

  • If the member is a load module, its attributes, applied Zaps and the external references to it can be displayed. You can also generate a list of all the load module's CSECTs. Note that CSECTs are a separate object type in Natural ISPF, see the subsection Load Modules and CSECTs.

Start of instruction setTo enter the PDS object maintenance facility

  1. Select the PDS option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu.

    The PDS Objects Entry Panel appears:

      COMMAND ===>
         Data Set Name ===> MBE.COMN.SOURCE
         Member        ===>
         Volume        ===>                         (If not catalogued)
         Password      ===>                         (If password protected)
         Scan for      ===>
         Edit macro    ===>
         Node          ===>
            Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso
  2. Specify the PDS object you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Data Set Name Displays the PDS name last used. You can select any other PDS by overtyping this name, or generate a list of datasets for a specified volume in the same way as described for the Member field below. See also the subsection Support of HSM.
Member Name of required member. Leave blank or use a combination of strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a list of member names in the specified library. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in section Command Logic. See also the subsection Support of HSM.
Volume Volume serial number. Required only for uncataloged datasets. Enter the asterisk wildcard (*) to list volume numbers or generate a list of volumes as described for the Member field above.
Password System password if file is protected. Must be specified irrespective of read or write protection.
Scan for Lists members which contain the string specified here. When you select a member from this list for EDIT or BROWSE, the cursor is placed on the first occurrence of this string in the member. Issue the RFIND command to find the next occurrence.
Edit macro Name of macro object to be used as a model for the member. The specified macro is executed and loaded into the Editor. See section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide for details. When used with LIST, the list contains all members according to the name criteria that use the specified macro as a model.
Node Select Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to open a window in which all node numbers are scrolled with an ACTIVE or INACTIVE status report. If you do not specify a node, the default node is assumed.

Support of HSM - Hierarchical Storage Manager

Your Natural ISPF system may be configured to prompt every time you are trying to access a dataset or a member of a dataset which has been migrated by HSM to secondary storage. The prompt window allows you to continue working or to abort the current function and avoid the overhead of recalling a dataset which you do not want to use.

Usually your system is set up to wait until a dataset recall has terminated, but it can also perform a asynchronous recall in batch using a Natural ISPF exit. If you have questions about your configuration, contact your administrator.

Function Commands

The available function commands for PDS members are as follows (but see also the subsection Automatic Transfer of Commands in section Useful Features):

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
COPY dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id, object-type object-parms, REP
DELETE dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
DOWNLOAD dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
EDIT dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p MACRO=name NODE=id
EXPORT dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id, target-environment
EXTERNS dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
INFO dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
HOLD dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
LIST dataset(*_*) VOL=n PASSWORD=p SC=string MACRO=name NODE=id
PLAY dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
PRINT dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id, printer-name CC
RENAME dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id, new-name
SUBMIT dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id1, TARGET=id2
UPLOAD dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id
ZAPS dataset(member) VOL=n PASSWORD=p NODE=id

The dataset parameter is optional, Natural ISPF then takes the current dataset name, or if you issue a command from outside the PDS facility, from your profile.

A full description of these commands is contained in the section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the PDS Objects Entry Panel.

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the PDS facility, you must specify the object-type parameter P before the object parameters.

For more information on the EXTERNS and ZAPS commands, see the subsection Load Modules and CSECTs.


The following display is the result of the command:

   -------------------------- PDS MEMBER INFORMATION -----------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
       Data set name :  FHI.SOURCE
         Volume Serial  :  ADA004
         Device Type    :  3380
         Organization   :  PO
         Record format  :  FB
         Record length  :  80
         Block size     :  6000
       Member        :  E2AIBM3            Alias of: E2AIBM
         Version        :  01.21          Maximum no. of versions  : 20_
         Created        :  2001-01-20     Actual  no. of versions  :
         Modified       :  2001-01-26 12:10
         User           :  FHI
         Initial        :  36
         Size           :  36
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The information fields in this display generally speak for themselves.


  1. If the member is an alias for another PDS member, Alias of contains the name of the original member. For example E2AIBM3 is an alias of E2AIBM.
  2. You can modify the Maximum number of versions field here to override the default value set by the system administrator.

Copying PDS members with aliases

With Entire System Server 3.2 and above, aliases are automatically copied when the member for which they are an alias is copied. Consequently, Natural ISPF ignores aliases when copying a complete PDS or PDSE dataset (that is, copying with no member selection criteria).

When copying a complete PDS or PDSE dataset with an earlier version of Entire System Server, aliases are not copied.

Listing Volumes, Datasets, Members and CSECTs

The following items can be listed using the LIST command and selection criteria in the parameter input fields of the PDS Objects Entry Panel:

  • Volumes according to prefix;

  • Dataset names according to prefix;

  • All datasets on a specified volume (VTOC); you can optionally narrow the list down by specifying a prefix, suffix or a string for dataset names using the asterisk wildcard (*) (see the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards);

  • Members in a partitioned dataset (PDS); you can optionally specify a prefix for member names using wildcards (* and _);

  • Members in a partitioned dataset (PDS) according to prefix or wildcard specification, but whose data contain a certain character string (Scan for option);

  • Previous versions of the specified member;

  • CSECTs, if the specified member is a load module.

If you wish to generate lists using function command syntax in the command line of any screen, you must address the following object types:

Type of List Object-Type
List of volumes VOL
List of datasets D
List of members, versions or CSECTs P

This section deals with maintenance of PDS members only. For details on dataset handling and volumes, see the subsection z/OS Dataset Maintenance. For details on previous versions, see the subsection Versioning in the section Useful Features. For details on CSECTs, see the subsection Load Modules and CSECTs.

Below are some examples of the LIST function command using full command syntax.

Example LIST (1)

The following figure shows an example of a list of all members in a PDS library generated using the command:

   LIST-PDS:FHI.SOURCE(*) -------------------------- Row 0 of 51 - Columns 010 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      ADACDEP           01.01  19940921 19940921 11:39    148    148       FHI
      A2EIBM            01.38  19940120 19940126 11:57     36     36       FHI
      A2ESIE            01.57  19940120 19940126 12:46     36     36       FHI
      A2EWIN            01.01  19950327 19950327 14:49     36     36       FHI
      E2AIBM            01.21  19940120 19940126 12:10     36     36       FHI
      E2ASIE            01.22  19940120 19940126 12:45     36     36       FHI
      E2AWIN            01.02  19950327 19950327 15:07     36     36       FHI
      FHITST            01.01  19980918 19980918 15:57      2      2       FHI
      FHITST5           01.21  19940120 19940126 12:10     36     36       FHI
      NATOSDF           01.01  19980115 19980115 16:54    376    376       FHI
      NAT1ZAP           01.01  19940329 19940329 15:02    180    180       FHI
      NAT2ZAP           01.01  19940329 19940329 15:02     54     54       FHI
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
MEMBER Name of member.
VV Version number of member. When a member is created, this field shows 01. It can be increased using the HOLD function command. 1
MM Modification level: shows the number of times the current version of the member has been modified. A plus sign (+) in this field means that previous versions exist for the member. 1
CREATED Date this member was created.
MODIFIED Date of last modification.
TIME Time of last modification.
SIZE Number of lines in member.
INIT Initial size of this version.
TID Terminal ID at which the member was last modified.
ID User who modified member last.

1 The string ALIAS in the columns below VV.MM indicates that the member name shown in this line is an alias name.

Example LIST (2)

The following figure illustrates a list of members generated using the SCAN= option in the command:

  LIST-PDS:MBE.COMN.SOURCE(NSPF*)/SCAN=NATURAL --- Row 0 of 12 - columns 010 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     MEMBER              NUM FIRST FOUND
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     NSPFINST             69 .chap1 'Installing NATURAL ISPF'
     NSPFREF0            111 .init 'NATURAL ISPF Reference Manual'
     NSPFREF1            122 .chap1 'Working with NATURAL ISPF'
     NSPFREF2             91 .chap1 'NATURAL Objects'
     NSPFREF3             10 NATURAL ISPF provides a facility with which you can
     NSPFREF4              9 (DATA SETS) from the NATURAL ISPF main menu. This di
     NSPFREF5              4 (SYSTEM) from the NATURAL ISPF main menu. This displ
     NSPFREF6             16 output files of NATURAL programs for further mainten
     NSPFREF7             24 with NATURAL ISPF.
     NSPFREF8             39 .chap1 'NATURAL ISPF Commands'
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************

The list displays all members starting with NSPF which contain the string NATURAL in the PDS library MBE.COMN.SOURCE.

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
MEMBER Name of member.
NUM Number of occurrences of specified string in member.
FIRST FOUND First occurrence of specified string in member.

The lists appear in Natural ISPF Editor format in browse mode. This means you can use all available Editor browse commands (UP, DOWN, BOTTOM, TOP, FIND, LOCATE).

If you select a member from a list generated with the Scan for option for EDIT or BROWSE, the cursor is placed on the first occurrence of the string. If you then issue the RFIND command, the cursor is placed on the next occurrence.

Example LIST (3)

the command:


opens an active help window containing a list of all datasets with prefix MBE on the default node. After selecting a dataset name from the list, all members in the dataset are listed that begin with A and also have an E in their name.

Line Commands

You select a member from a list by typing in a line command in the input field preceding the member name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command (exception - the special L line command for a member):

Line Command Corresponding Function Command
L LIST previous versions of the member, or, if the member is a load module, list the CSECTs.

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

Local Commands

In Edit Mode:

If you display a PDS member in Editor format in EDIT mode, you can issue local commands from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands.

The following local commands are available:

Command Meaning
IMPORT Imports a PC file or Con-nect document into the PDS member (see section Useful Features).
PASSWORD password If the dataset is password-protected, use this command to enter the valid password in order to update the member. If you enter the PASSWORD command without parameter, a window prompts you for the password. Password input in the window is invisible.
REGENERATE Available for members written using the Edit macro option. Reexecutes the specified macro object and writes the result in protected lines in the current edit session. Any defined user code remains in place. For details, see section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

In List Mode:

If you display lists of PDS libraries or members in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in section Useful Features.

Previous Versions

Previous versions of PDS members can be listed and retrieved (see the line command L for LIST). They are separate objects in Natural ISPF, accessible via the PDS Objects Entry Panel or using function commands that address object type PV from any screen. To activate the versioning feature, you must issue the command VERSIONS ON before starting your edit session, unless your administrator has activated obligatory versioning for the member's dataset. For details, see the subsection Versioning in the section Useful Features.

Load Modules and CSECTs

The LIST and INFORMATION displays of PDS load modules are different from those of other PDS members in that they show load module attributes. Additionally, all Zaps applied to a load module, and all external references of the load module can be displayed. CSECTs of a load module can also be listed, browsed or edited.

Natural ISPF provides commands to generate a Zap in the user workpool and apply the Zap to a load module. With Natural ISPF's DOWNLOAD and UPLOAD commands, you can transfer z/OS load modules to and from a PC via Entire Connection.

Example: LIST load modules

The following list is the result of the command:


where the specified library is a load library:

  LIST-PDS:JWO.COMN.LOAD(*) ----------------------- Row 0 of 15 - Columns 010 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     MEMBER            ATTRIBUTES
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     EDRPHSE           RENT REUS
     NATTXT2           RENT REUS
     NRMCMP            RENT REUS
     TEST1             RENT REUS
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

Meaning of the possible attributes:

Attribute Meaning
ALIAS Member name is an alias name
AUTH APF-authorized
LOADONLY Only loadable
NOTEXEC Not executable
OVLY Overlay
REFR Refreshable
RENT Reentrant
REUS Reusable
SCTR Scatter
TEST Test option (TSO)

Load modules can be selected from the list using the same line commands as described for PDS members, except that the EDIT and BROWSE commands apply to CSECTs and there are some more commands available. The functions specific to load modules and CSECTs are:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command and Meaning
B BROWSE a CSECT (select from prompt window).
E EDIT a CSECT (select from prompt window).
I INFORMATION on the load module.
L LIST CSECTs for the module.
XT EXTERNS. Display external references to the load module.
ZP ZAPS. Display all Zaps applied to the load module.

For complete function command syntax, see the subsection Function Commands.


The following display is the result of the command:


where the specified member is a load module:

   -------------------------- PDS MEMBER INFORMATION -----------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
       Data set name :  PPEX.NATURAL.LOAD
         Volume Serial  :  SYSF10
         Device Type    :  3390
         Organization   :  PO
         Record format  :  U
         Record length  :
         Block size     :  32760
      Module         :  IUPD
         Length         :  112        00000070
         Attributes     :
         Entry point    :  OSCOPY
         Linkage date   :  93/04/21
         Linkage editor :  566528408 V 2   R 4
         ZAPS           :  NONE
         Unresolved     :  NONE
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The information fields speak for themselves. Note, however, that the module length is given both in numeric and hexadecimal format and that the number of unresolved references is also given.

Example: EXTERNS

The following display is the result of the command:


where the specified member is a load module. The display shows a list of all external references made to load module NATPARM:

  EXTERNS-PDS:JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM) -------------- Row 0 of 62 - Columns 001 031
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ********* top of list *********
     000024  SYSPRM    ER   ACMPARM
     000064  ADATBLE   SD   ACMPARM
     0002B8  ACMLIST   WX   ACMPARM
     0002C4  CMRSP     WX   ACMPARM
     0002D0  ACMUB     WX   ACMPARM
     0002DC  ACMKEY    WX   ACMPARM
     0002E8  ACMZUL    WX   ACMPARM
     0002F4  CMDDP     WX   ACMPARM
     000300  CMMPP     WX   ACMPARM
     00030C  CMMA2     WX   ACMPARM
     000318  CMMA3     WX   ACMPARM
     000324  CMGLB     WX   ACMPARM
     000330  CMADA     WX   ACMPARM
     00033C  CMZAP     WX   ACMPARM
     000348  CMDIX     WX   ACMPARM
     000354  CMMASH    WX   ACMPARM
     000360  CMRADAR   WX   ACMPARM
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The display shows the external references to load module NATPARM.

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
ADDRESS Address of the external symbol.
REFERENCE Name of the external symbol.

External symbol type. Possible options:

CM Common

ER External symbol is unresolved.

LR Label reference

PC Private code

PS Pseudo register

SD External symbol is resolved.

WX Weak external symbol is unresolved.

IN-CSECT Name of the CSECT in which the reference to the external symbol appears.

Example: ZAPS

The following display is the result of the command:


where the specified member is a load module.

  ZAPS-PDS:JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM) ------------------ Row 0 of 1 - Columns 001 026
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******* top of list ******
     ACMPARM  93/02/08 NO IDENT
     ACMPARM  93/08/12 NO IDENT
  ** ***** bottom of list *****
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s

The display shows the Zaps applied to the load module NATPARM. Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
CSECT Name of Zap CSECT.
DATE Date the Zap was generated.
IDR-DATA Information on the Zap.

Example: LIST

The following display is the result of the command:


where the specified member is a load module. The display shows all CSECTs for the specified load module:

  LIST-CST:JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM)-/* --------------- Row 0 of 6 - Columns 001 055
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ********************* top of list *********************
     ACMPARM           000000 000709 ANY   24    00001 00000
     ADATBLE           000730 0000F4 ANY   24    00004 00000
     NSTATIC           000710 00001C ANY   24    00064 00000
     CMDBID            000828 0000FF ANY   24    00067 00000
     CMTRF             000928 000002 ANY   24    00068 00000
     ADBSYS            000930 000058 ANY   24    00069 00000
  ** ******************* bottom of list ********************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
OFFSET Offset of CSECT in physical block.
LENGTH Length of CSECT in hex.
AMODE AMODE assigned to CSECT.
RMODE RMODE assigned to CSECT.
ID ID of external symbol.
LR-ID ID of label reference (LR) symbol.

You can select a CSECT for further maintenance from the list using one of the following line commands:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command and Meaning
XT EXTERNS. Display external references of the CSECT
ZP ZAPS. Display all Zaps applied to the CSECT.

CSECTs are a separate object type in Natural ISPF. When requesting a function for a CSECT using function command syntax from any system screen, you must therefore use the object code CST.

Example: BROWSE

the command:


opens a prompt window in which you can specify the name of the required CSECT. The following display shows the result for CSECT ACMPARM:

  BROWSE-CST:JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM)-/ACMPARM -------------------- Columns 044 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     OFFSET DATA                                TEXT             DISASSEMBLY
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     000000 00007FF8 00007800 00010000 00050000 ??"8?? ?????????     SU      LE
     000010 000002A4 00006C00 40404040 40404040 ???u??%?                     MD
     000020 80000008 00000000 F0F0F0F7 000002A4  ???????0007???u SSM
     000030 00000000 003A000A 07D0040A C80A0606 ?????????§??H???
     000040 32010000 00000018 E2D6D9E3 40404040 ????????SORT     LTER
     000050 00000000 0000001E 000A00F9 00000000 ???????????9????
     000060 0000055C 00000730 40404040 40404040 ???*????             BALR    BCR
     000070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ????????????????
     000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000563 ???????????????
     000090 000A0000 00000000 00380028 00000000 ????????????????
     0000A0 00000000 00000684 00000006 00000703 ???????d????????             BCTR
     0000B0 40404040 40404040 0000FF00 00000928         ?? ????? STH STH STH STH
     0000C0 00000000 00000000 00010048 F140044B ??????????? 1 ?.
     0000D0 6B84427E 010301F1 B06F0000 00000000 ,d =???1 ??????? SD  STC
     0000E0 00001770 00000000 05F5E0FF 05F5E0FF ??? ?????5§ ?5§      XR
     0000F0 D900006C 643203F8 00851214 05F5E0FF R??% ??8?e???5§
     000100 00000011 8E60C1C0 10800009 00000000 ???? -A§? ??????         SRDA
     000110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ????????????????
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

If you enter the local command LINE 2, the Assembler commands in the column DISASSEMBLY are ordered in a separate line under the hexadecimal representation:

  BROWSE-CST:JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM)-/ACMPARM -------------------- Columns 044 059
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     OFFSET DATA                                TEXT
  ** *********************** top of list ***********************
     000000 00007FF8 00007800 00010000 00050000 ??"8?? ?????????
                SU       LE
     000010 000002A4 00006C00 40404040 40404040 ???u??%?
                         MD   STH STH  STH STH
     000020 80000008 00000000 F0F0F0F7 000002A4  ???????0007???u
            SSM               SRP SRP
     000030 00000000 003A000A 07D0040A C80A0606 ?????????§??H???
                              BCR SPM      BCTR
     000040 32010000 00000018 E2D6D9E3 40404040 ????????SORT
            LTER                       STH STH
     000050 00000000 0000001E 000A00F9 00000000 ???????????9????
     000060 0000055C 00000730 40404040 40404040 ???*????
                BALR     BCR  STH STH  STH STH
     000070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ????????????????
     000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000563 ???????????????
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

To revert to the default display, issue the LINE 1 local command.

Example: EDIT

The command:


opens a prompt window in which you can specify the name of the required CSECT. The resulting display is the same as for BROWSE (see above), but the hexadecimal characters are modifiable. Modifications can subsequently be evaluated in order to generate or apply Zaps to the edited CSECT of the module (see the description of local commands GENERATE and SAVE below).

Local Commands

If you display a CSECT in Editor format in EDIT or BROWSE mode, you can issue local commands from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands.

The following local commands are available:

In BROWSE mode:

Command Meaning
LINE 2 Displays CSECT in 2 line format: the Assembler commands appear directly under the corresponding hexadecimal representation (see example above).
LINE 1 Issued after LINE 2, redisplays CSECT in default format.

In EDIT mode:

Command Meaning
GENERATE Generates a Zap in the user workpool based on the modifications made to the CSECT.
SAVE Generates a Zap in the user workpool based on the modifications made to the CSECT, and applies the Zap using AMASPZAP to the load module.

You can display or edit the Zap generated in the user workpool by addressing object type OUT. For example, when you have edited CSECT ACMPARM and issued the command GENERATE, the following command opens an edit session with the Zap in the user workpool:

  EDIT-CST:JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM)-/ACMPARM ---------------------- Columns 044 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     OFFSET DATA                                TEXT             DISASSEMBLY
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     000000 00007FF8 00007800 00010000 00050000 ??"8?? ?????????     SU      LE
  EDIT-OUT:ACMPARM/TYPE=ZAP ------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000002 VER 000070 00000000
  000003 REP 000070 40404040
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The output in the workpool shows the name of the load module and CSECT, and offset and the change made.

z/OS Dataset Maintenance

The dataset maintenance facility allows you to perform functions on the following objects:

  • Sequential (PS) and PDS-type (PO) datasets. Available functions include LIST, BROWSE, RENAME, DELETE, COMPRESS, CATALOG/UNCATALOG, and ALLOCATE datasets. You can also display dataset information and access PDS members from a list of datasets.

  • GDG-type datasets (Generation Data Groups). These can be handled as any other dataset. When a GDG is allocated, Natural ISPF automatically allocates a model dataset, which appears on the catalog with type GDG-BASE. When the DELETE function is requested for a GDG, both the GDG and its associated files are deleted on confirmation.

  • Volumes. You can display information on volumes.

Start of instruction setTo enter the dataset maintenance facility

  • Select the DATASETS option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu.

    The Data Sets Entry Panel appears:

      COMMAND ===>
         Data Set Name ===>
         Volume        ===>                         ( If not catalogued     )
         Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
         Node          ===>
            Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

    You can specify the dataset you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Data Set Name Displays the dataset last used. You can select any other dataset by overtyping this name, or generate a list of datasets on the specified volume by using a combination of strings and asterisk wildcard (*) as described in the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in section Command Logic. See also the subsection Support of HSM.
Volume Required only if the dataset is not cataloged. To list volume serial numbers, leave the Data Set Name field blank and use the asterisk wildcard (*) as described above.
Password System password if dataset is protected.
Node Select Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to open a window in which all node numbers are scrolled with an ACTIVE or INACTIVE status report. If you do not specify a node, the default node is assumed.

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
ALLOCATE dataset VOL=n
BROWSE* dataset VOL=n NODE=id
CATALOG dataset VOL=n
COMPRESS** dataset VOL=n NODE=id
COPY dataset VOL=n NODE=id, object-type object-parameters, REP
DELETE dataset VOL=n NODE=id
EDIT* dataset VOL=n NODE=id
EXPORT* dataset VOL=n NODE=id
EXTENTS dataset VOL=n NODE=id
LIST *_* VOL=n NODE=id
PRINT* dataset VOL=n NODE=id, printer-name CC NO
RENAME dataset VOL=n NODE=id, new-name


  1. * Apply to sequential datasets only.
  2. ** Applies to partitioned datasets only.

A full description of these commands, including the function parameters, is contained in section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the Data Sets Entry Panel.


  1. If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the dataset facility, you must specify the object-type parameter D before the object parameters.
  2. In the case of multi-volume datasets, only the first volume need be specified in the VOL parameter.

Example: CATALOG

Use the CATALOG command to catalog a dataset. If you issue the CATALOG command and specify a volume serial number using the VOL option, the catalog function is performed without further prompting. If you issue the CATALOG command with only the dataset name, Natural ISPF presents you with the following screen:

  COMMAND ===>
    Data set Name ===> RW.COMN.SOURCE
    Volsers       ===>        ===>        ===>        ===>        ===>
                              ===>        ===>        ===>        ===>
                              ===>        ===>        ===>        ===>
                              ===>        ===>        ===>        ===>
    Device        ===>
   Press ENTER to catalog, END to cancel

Type in the volume serial number of the dataset and device type. Press ENTER to perform the catalog operation.


With the ALLOCATE command, you can allocate a new dataset specified in the dataset name parameter. Natural ISPF provides a special feature here. If you issue the ALLOCATE command for an existing (allocated) dataset, the information for the dataset is displayed in the following format:

  ----------------------------- ALLOCATE DATASET --------------------------------
     Data set name ===> MBE.SYSF.ISPF.141.DOC
        VOLume SERial        ===> COM811 /        /        /        /
     or Generic UNIT         ===> 3380
        Dataset Organization ===> PO
        Space Units          ===> CYL                            (BLK,TRK,CYL)
        Quantity:    Primary ===>            Secondary ===>
        Directory Blocks     ===> 70
        Record Format        ===> FB
        Record Length        ===> 80
        Block Size           ===> 3120
        Rlse                 ===> NO                             (YES,NO)
        Contiguous           ===> NO                             (YES,NO)
        Round                ===> NO                             (YES,NO)
        Expiration Date      ===>                                ('YYDDD')
        Catalog Data Set     ===> YES                            (YES,NO)
        GDG            limit ===>      More attributes ===>      (YES,NO)
        Node                 ===> 148
  Press ENTER to allocate
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

You can type in the name of the dataset to be allocated by overtyping the value in the Data set name field. Modify any other value as required and press ENTER to perform the allocation.

The ALLOCATE DATASET screen will also appear if you copy a dataset to a target which does not exist.

Meaning of the fields:

Field Meaning
Volume Serial Serial number of the volume on which the dataset is to be allocated. You can specify up to 5 volumes for multi-volume datasets.
Generic Unit If you do not specify a volume, specify the generic identifier from which a volume is to be selected (e.g. 3380).
Dataset Organ. For example:

PO (PDS), PS (sequential dataset), DA (direct access).

Space Units Space type for dataset. Possible values:

BLK Blocks

TRK Tracks

CYL Cylinders

Primary Qty. Initial quantity to be allocated.
Secondary Qty. Additional quantity to be allocated if dataset fills.
Directory Blocks Must be specified for PO-type datasets.
Record Format For example: FB (fixed block), VB (variable block), FBA (fixed block ANSI control characters), etc.
Record Length Given in bytes.
Block Size Given in bytes.
Rlse YES specifies that allocated space is released if not used by dataset.
Contiguous YES specifies that tracks or cylinders must be adjacent.
Round YES specifies that space is automatically rounded up to the nearest cylinder if tracks or blocks are specified as space units.
Expiration Date Date the dataset expires. Until this date is reached, each attempt to update or delete the dataset causes a console message, requiring an operator reply.
Catalog Data Set YES specifies the dataset is to be automatically cataloged when allocated.
GDG limit A value in this field identifies the file to be allocated as GDG. The value specifies the maximum number of Generation Datasets that can be associated with the GDG being defined.
More attributes Specify YES to define SMS attributes or more GDG attributes. Another window opens for entering additional data (see example below).
Node Entire System Server node number on which the dataset is to be allocated.

Type in the required values in the input fields and press ENTER to allocate the dataset.

When the allocation of a dataset fails and an error message showing a hexadecimal reason code is displayed, you can use the command HELP to display a more meaningful explanation of the error.

Example: ALLOCATE (More attributes)

Specifying YES in the More attributes field of the allocate screen opens the following window:

   ----------------------------- ALLOCATE DATASET --------------------------------
   COMMAND ==>
       +-------------------Additional dataset attributes-------------------+
       !                                                                   !
       !                        SMS ATTRIBUTES                             !
       ! MANAGEMENT CLASS           :  ________                            !
       ! STORAGE CLASS              :  ________                            ! L)
       ! DATA CLASS                 :  ________                            !
       !                                                                   !
       !                        GDG ATTRIBUTES                             !
       ! EMPTY ALL CATALOG ENTRIES, :  ___ (YES- all, NO - last only)      !
       !  WHEN LIMIT REACHED                                               !
       ! DSCB CLEAR FROM VTOC,      :  ___ (YES - deleted, NO - left)      !
       !   WHEN DSN IS UNCATALOGED                                         !
         Expiration Date      ===>                                ('YYDDD')
         Catalog Data Set     ===> YES                            (YES,NO)
         GDG            limit ===>      More attributes ===> yes  (YES,NO)
         Node                 ===> 148
   Press ENTER to allocate

Meaning of the fields:

Field Meaning
SMS Attributes:  
MANAGEMENT CLASS The management class to be used for obtaining the data management-related information for SMS (migration, backup and retention criteria) to allocate the dataset.
STORAGE CLASS The storage class to be used for obtaining the storage-related information for dataset allocation.
DATA CLASS The data class to be used for obtaining the data-related information (SPACE, LRECL, etc.) for dataset allocation.
GDG Attributes:  
EMPTY ALL CATALOG ENTRIES When the LIMIT value is reached:

YES specifies all Generation Datasets are uncataloged.

NO specifies only the oldest Generation Dataset is uncataloged.

DSCB CLEAR FROM VTOC When the Generation Dataset is uncataloged (due to DELETE command or EMPTY ALL value):

YES specifies the dataset's DSCB is deleted from the VTOC. The GDS no longer exists.

NO specifies the dataset's DSCB is not deleted from the VTOC. The DSCB is left in the VTOC and the dataset can be processed as any non-VSAM dataset.

For more information on Generation Data Groups, see the relevant section in the documentation MVS/DFP: Access Method Services for the Integrated Catalog Facility.

Examples: ALLOCATE

  • Assuming you have a cataloged dataset named MYFILE, the command:


    displays the information for the MYFILE. Modify the display for the dataset to be allocated.

  • If you wish to allocate a new, uncataloged dataset without a model, the command:

    AL D NEWFILE VOL=com811

    displays the blank allocation screen for file NEWFILE on volume COM811.

Example: INFORMATION (1)

The following figure is the result of the command:


The fields in the information screen reflect the specification of the allocation parameters described for the ALLOCATE command above, with additional information such as date of last reference, current number of cylinders or tracks and allocated extents, and in the case of PDS libraries, number of members, directory blocks and unused blocks:

   --------------------------- DATA SET INFORMATION ------------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
         VOLUME SERIAL  :  ADA004
         DEVICE TYPE    :  3380                CURRENT-ALLOCATION
         ORGANIZATION   :  PO                    ALLOCATED CYLINDERS:  10
         RECORD FORMAT  :  FB                    ALLOCATED EXTENTS :   1
         RECORD LENGTH  :  80
         BLOCK SIZE     :  6000                CURRENT UTILIZATION
         ALLOCATION TYPE:  CYL                   PERCENT USED:  37
         1ST EXTENT     :  10      CYL 0   TRK
         SECONDARY      :  1
         SECURITY       :  NONE
                                               PARTITIONED DATA SET
       CREATION DATE  :  1993-07-13              NUMBER-OF-MEMBERS :  51
       LAST-REFERENCE :  1998-09-29              DIRECTORY-BLOCKS  :  20
       EXPIRATION-DATE:  ********                UNUSED-BLOCKS     :
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Example: INFORMATION (2)

The following figure is the result of the command:


The fields in the information screen reflect the specification of the allocation parameters for a GDG described for the ALLOCATE command above. Additional information provided by this display is the number of generations with creation date, volume serial number and device series of each Generation Dataset, as well as the assigned name suffix indicating the version number with which as the Generation Datasets appears in a list:

  --------------------------- DATA SET INFORMATION ------------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
      GDG NAME      :  JWO.SYSF.GDG
        GDG LIMIT NUMBER     :  5         0   18/02/93 USR8A6 3380   '.G0002V00
        EMPTY ALL FROM CATLG :  NO       -1   30/11/92 USR8A6 3380   '.G0001V00
        EXPIRATION DATE      :  93356
        ORGANIZATION         :  PS
        RECORD FORMAT        :  VBA
        RECORD LENGTH        :  137
        BLOCK SIZE           :  9240
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The above example shows a GDG with a limit of 5 datasets. If this limit is reached, the oldest dataset is deleted from the catalog, but not from the VTOC. Currently, there are two generations. The attributes of the model dataset are shown at the bottom of the display.

Example: EXTENTS

The following figure is the result of the command:


The display shows the dataset name, volume serial number and number of extents, and lists the extents, giving the disk addresses (hexadecimal) and the size (decimal) of each one:

   EXTENTS-DS:MBE.COMN.SOURCE ------------------------------------ Columns 001 056
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ********************** top of list *********************
      COM810   0 0171  00       0173  0E             3  0
               1 018F  00       0191  0E             3  0
               2 02C1  00       02C1  0E             1  0
   ** ******************** bottom of list ********************
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Examples: DELETE

  • When deleting a dataset with CONFIRM ON, the confirmation window asks you for a catalog update. The following window opens as the result of the command:

    ! Confirm scratching  ISP.INST.ALL                                         !
    ! From catalog and all volsers                                             !
    ! with Y              _                                                    !
  • If you mark the input field with Y, the dataset catalog is updated after the DELETE operation.

    If you issue the DELETE command for an empty GDG, the following confirmation window appears. You can specify NO in the appropriate field to retain the model dataset on the disk:

    ! Confirm scratching GDG JWO.SYSF.GDG                                      !
    ! with Y              _                                                    !
    ! Delete also model DSN from catalog volume            YES (YES / NO)      !
    ! (GDG would be deleted, though retention period -------- not expired)     !
  • If you issue the DELETE command for a non-empty GDG, the following confirmation window opens. You can specify the delete parameters as appropriate before the deletion is performed:

    ! Confirm scratching GDG JWO.SYSF.GDG                                      !
    ! with Y              _                                                    !
    ! though GDG DSN's exist (DSN's would also be removed from catalog)        !
    ! Delete also all GDG DSN's from VTOC's                YES (YES / NO)      !
    ! Delete also model DSN from catalog volume            YES (YES / NO)      !

Example: Special BROWSE Command

The command:


lists dataset names for which short IDs are defined (see the subsection Library Definition in section Profile Maintenance). Select a dataset for display by marking it with any character in the window and pressing ENTER.

Example: Special LIST Command

The command:


lists available library short names (see also the subsection Library Definition in section Profile Maintenance).

Example: LIST Datasets

The following list of datasets is the result of the command:

LIST-DS:JWO.* ----------------------------------- Row 0 of 65 - Columns 046 076
 COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR 
   DATA SET NAME                                  VOLSER  SERIES CLASS TYPE    
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   JWO.COMN.ALLOC                                 DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.BIGNEU                                DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.BIGNEU22                              DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.BIGNEU23                              DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.CATTESN                               DCN010+ 3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.CPTEST                                COM811  3380   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.DEMOGGG                               DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.DEMOGGG1                                             -NA-  GDG     
   JWO.COMN.EMPTY1                                COM811  3380   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.JCL1                                  COM811  3380   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.LTEST                                 DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L133                                  DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L133A                                 DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L133B                                 DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L2500                                 DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L300                                  DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L300A                                 DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
   JWO.COMN.L80                                   DCN010  3390   DASD  NONVSAM 
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The list shows all cataloged datasets on the default node starting with JWO.COMN.

Use the RIGHT command (usually assigned to PF11) to scroll right and display the full TYPE field as in the example above.

Meaning of the data provided for each dataset:

Column Meaning
VOLSER Volume serial number. If a dataset resides on multiple volumes, only one line is displayed in the list and a plus sign (+) is added to the volser to indicate that it is a multi-volume dataset.
SERIES Device series .

Device class. Possible values:

COMM Communications

CTCA Channel-to-channel adapter

DASD Direct access

DISP Display station


UREC Unit record

TYPE Dataset type (for example, NONVSAM, CLUSTER, DATA, GDG BASE).

Example: LIST a VTOC

The following shows an example VTOC generated using the command:

   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE
     DATA SET NAME                                         DSORG LRECL BLKSZ RCFM
  ** ******************************* top of list ******************************
     SYS1.VTOCIX.COM811                                    PS    02048 02048 F
     ADABAS.COMN.V5.DEP.SOURCE                             PO    00080 06000 FB
     ADABAS.COMN.V5.DEP.MACLIB                             PO    00080 03600 FB
     PRD.COMN.NOC111.LOAD                                  PO    00000 06447 U
     ADABAS.COMN.V5.DEP.LOAD                               PO    00000 04096 U
     UP.COMN.PERS                                          PS    00068 10000 VB
     ADABAS.COMN.V5.LOAD                                   PO    00000 06447 U
     ADABAS.COMN.TELEX                                     PO    00080 03600 FB
     ADL100.COMN.LOAD                                      PO    06233 19069 U
     ALO.COMN.INPL                                         PS    04624 04628 VB
     ADL100.COMN.OUTPUT                                    PO    00132 05280 FB
     ADL100.COMN.UNLOAD                                    PS    09996 10000 VB
     ALO.COMN.SOURCE                                       PO    00080 03120 FB
     ADL100.COMN.LIB                                       PO    00080 03120 FB
     BF.COMN.SOURCE                                        PO    00080 03120 FB
     ALO.COMN.LOAD                                         PO    00000 19040 U
     BMRK.COMN.ADABAS.V513.LOAD                            PO    00000 19069 U
     AOS.COMN.V112.INPL                                    PS    04624 04628 VB
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The list contains all datasets on volume COM811. You must scroll right to display all the information provided (RIGHT command, usually assigned to PF11).

Meaning of the data provided for each dataset:

Column Meaning

Dataset organization. For example:

DA Direct access

PO Partitioned dataset (PDS)

PS Sequential dataset

LRECL Logical record length in bytes
BLKSZ Block size in bytes

Record format. For example:

F Fixed length record

F Fixed blocked record

F Fixed blocked record (ANSI control characters)

U Unformatted record

V Variable blocked record

SIZE CYL/TRK Size of dataset in cylinders and tracks
% USED Percentage of dataset used
CREATED Dataset creation date
LAST-ACC Date of last access
SMS SMS-controlled device/unit (YES, NO).
UPD Has the file been updated since the last backup (YES, NO)?

Example: LIST Volumes

Volumes are separate objects in Natural ISPF, but have no Entry Panel. You can access volume information using the Data Sets Entry Panel, or using a function command that addresses object type VOL.

The following figure illustrates a list of all volumes generated using the command:

  LIST-VOL:* ------------------------------------- Row 0 of 470 - Columns 013 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     100  BMC003          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT     64 , 0029         52 , 0000
     101  BMC004          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT     14 , 0031          5 , 0014
     102                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     103                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     104                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     105                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     106                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     107                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     108                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     109                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     10A                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     10B                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     10C                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     10D                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     10E                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     10F                  3380   OFFLINE               0 , 0000          0 , 0000
     110  BMCRES          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT     27 , 0036         11 , 0000
     111  BMC001          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT     81 , 0167         69 , 0014
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

You must scroll right to display all the information provided (RIGHT command, usually assigned to PF11).

Meaning of the data according to column heading:

Column Meaning
UNIT Unit address
VOLSER Volume serial number
SERIES Device series

Device status. Possible values:

CHANGE Device status is changing.

OFFLINE Device is offline.

ONLINE Device is online.


Device mount status. Possible values:

MOUNT PEND Mount is pending.

NOT READY Device not ready.

REMOVABLE Device is removable (e.g. a tape).

RESERVED Device is reserved.

RESIDENT Device is resident (e.g. a hard disc).

FREE(CYL/TRK) Number of free cylinders / unused tracks
CONTIG (CYL/TRK) Contiguous cylinders / tracks

Device class. Possible values:

COMM Communications

CTCA Channel-to-channel adapter

DASD Direct access

DISP Display station


UREC Unit record

SMS SMS-controlled device/unit (YES, NO).

You can select a volume and list its contents (VTOC) by entering the line command L in the input field preceding the UNIT notation (see the following subsection).

The line command I (INFORMATION) displays volume information. For details, see the example in the subsection z/OS System Operations.

Line Commands

When listing datasets, the line commands in the following table are available. When listing volumes, only the I and L line commands are available.

Line Command Corresponding Function Remarks
B BROWSE Sequential datasets only (but see the example of the special BROWSE command).
CM COMPRESS Partitioned datasets only.
E EDIT Sequential datasets only.
EX EXPORT Sequential datasets only.
L LIST From a list of volumes, lists datasets on a volume; from a list of datasets, lists members of a PDS.
PR PRINT Sequential datasets only.

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations for function commands entered in the command line of any screen.

Local Commands

In Edit Mode:

If you display a sequential dataset in Editor format in EDIT mode, you can issue local commands from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands.

The following local commands are available:

Command Meaning
IMPORT Imports a PC file or Con-nect document into the sequential dataset (see the section Useful Features).
PASSWORD password If the dataset is password-protected, use this command to enter the valid password in order to update the dataset.

In List Mode:

If you display lists of datasets or volumes, the following local commands are available in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in the section Useful Features.

z/OS Job Information

The job information facility enables you to display job information. You can also use this facility to handle SYSOUT files, and to hold, release or purge jobs that reside in the JES input or output queues.

To enter the job information facility, select the JOBS option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The Jobs Entry Panel appears, for example:

  COMMAND ===>
     Job Name      ===>
     Job Number    ===>
     Type          ===>                         ( J, S, T                )
     Queue         ===>                         ( X,I,O,H,W              )
     Class         ===>                         ( Output Class           )
     JOB Class     ===>                         ( Execution Class        )
     Sysout        ===>                         ( SI,JL,SM,SO,CC         )
     Sys Num       ===>                         ( Sysout file number     )
     User          ===>
     Node          ===>
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

You can specify the job or SYSOUT file you wish to handle in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

The meaning of the input fields is explained in the following table:

Field Meaning
Job Name Job name on the job card. Leave blank or use a combination of strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a list of jobs matching the job name pattern. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic.
Job Number Job number assigned

Type of job. Possible options:

J  Standard operating system job

S  Started task

T  TSO user

Combinations of types are possible, for example ST selects types S and T.


Job entry system queue. Possible options:

H  Output queue jobs on HOLD

I    Input queue (held and non-held jobs)

O  Output queue

X  Executing queue

W Input queue jobs on HOLD

Class Installation-specific output class. Combinations are possible to list jobs of several classes.
Jobclass Installation-specific execution job class. Only one class can be selected.

Type of file when using the BROWSE command. Possible options:

AL All SYSOUT files of the job

CC Summary of job steps and condition codes

JL JCL of selected job


SM System messages


Sys Num File number of SYSOUT type.
User Select job by user. For JES2, this the programmer. For JES3, this is the JOB owner.
Node Node ID of machine on which the job ran. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to list available nodes. Leave blank to select the default node.

Only the combination of job name and number uniquely identifies a submitted job (if more than one copy of the same job was started).

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
BROWSE job-number job-name SI=f FILE=n
CC job-number job-name NODE=id
CHANGE job-number job-name CLASS=c NODE=id, NEWCLASS=x DEST=d
COPY job-number job-name SI=f FILE=n NODE=id, object-type object-parms REP
EXPORT job-number job-name SI=f FILE=n NODE=id, target-environment
FOLLOW job-number job-name NODE=id
HOLD job-number job-name NODE=id
PRINT job-number job-name SI=f FILE=n NODE=id, printer-name CC NO
PURGE job-number job-name CLASS=c NODE=id
RELEASE job-number job-name CLASS=c NODE=id, NEWCLASS=x
STATUS job-number job-name NODE=id

A full description of these commands (including the function parameters) is contained in section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the Jobs Entry Panel.


  1. You can specify a job by name, number or both. If you use both, the job number must come first.
  2. The BROWSE, PRINT, COPY and EXPORT commands apply to Object Type S (SYSOUT). If any of these commands are issued for a job, the command is automatically transferred to Object Type S.
  3. The commands RELEASE and CHANGE accept parameter NEWCLASS to specify the new class in a direct command. The CHANGE command also accepts parameter DEST to change the destination of a job.
  4. The FOLLOW, STATUS, CC and HOLD commands are available for Object Type J (JOB) only.
  5. If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the JOBS facility, you must specify the appropriate object-type parameter (J or S) before the object parameters.
  6. For a detailed list of specific execution job classes, enter selection criteria in the Jobclass field and XI in the Queue field.

Listing Jobs and Queue Entries of the Job Entry Subsystem - JES

The following items can be listed using the LIST command and selection criteria in the parameter input fields of the JOBS Entry Panel:

Item Listed Use Input Field Function Command Syntax
Jobs according to a job name prefix Jobname LIST JOB prefix
TSO sessions, started tasks or standard batch jobs Type LIST JOB prefix TYPE=ttt
Jobs on the INPUT, EXECUTING, OUTPUT or HELD-OUTPUT queue Queue LIST JOB prefix QUEUE=qqqq
Jobs associated with one to four output classes Class LIST JOB prefix CLASS=cccc
Jobs associated with a specific execution job class Jobclass / Queue LIST JOB prefix JOBCLASS=j QUEUE=XI

As with other LIST functions, the selection criteria can be combined to reduce the number of listed entries.

Below are some examples of function commands using command syntax.

Example: LIST Jobs

The following figure shows the result of the command:


The list contains all jobs starting with the string OP:

The display of job information may vary from this example: some columns may be blank. This depends on the JES version in use, JES installation options and Natural ISPF configuration options. Ask your system administrator.

LIST-JOB:OP* ----------------------------------- Row 0 of 129 - Columns 024 076
 COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR 
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   OPDMSLST JOB 32031 O X 128 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPN09LNU JOB 31089 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL SAL                                
   OPN09ADU JOB 31088 O X 128 LOCAL   AVAIL SAL                                
   OPFWDMS4 JOB 30505 O 9 032 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPRST009 JOB 31026 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL SAL                                
   OPSMFREP JOB 31005 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL HEC                                
   OPSMFREP JOB 31004 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL HEC                                
   OPSMFREP JOB 31003 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL HEC                                
   OPSMFREP JOB 31001 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL HEC                                
   OPSMFREP JOB 31000 O X 144 LOCAL   AVAIL HEC                                
   OPFWDMS5 JOB 30507 O 9 032 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFWDMS2 JOB 30502 O 9 032 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFWDMS1 JOB 30501 O 9 048 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFWDMS3 JOB 30504 O 9 048 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFCOBTN JOB 30875 O X 128 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFCOBKP JOB 30866 O X 128 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFCOBDE JOB 30867 O X 128 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
   OPFCOBTS JOB 30868 O X 128 LOCAL   AVAIL TSR                                
      Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

This list of submitted jobs appears in Editor format in BROWSE mode and is refreshed every time you press ENTER.

Use the RIGHT command (usually assigned to PF11) to scroll right in order to display more information (next two screens):

LIST-JOB:OP* ----------------------------------- Row 0 of 129 - Columns 077 129
 COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR 
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   OPDMSLST JOB 32031 O X                 1133 20011212  12:49:11 2001121212:49
   OPN09LNU JOB 31089 O X                  380 20011212  08:54:47 2001121208:54
   OPN09ADU JOB 31088 O X                 1052 20011212  08:54:30 2001121208:54
   OPFWDMS4 JOB 30505 O 9                67029 20011212  03:00:09 2001121208:25
   OPRST009 JOB 31026 O X                  282 20011212  08:16:32 2001121208:18
   OPSMFREP JOB 31005 O X                   49 20011212  08:01:23 2001121208:01
   OPSMFREP JOB 31004 O X                   49 20011212  08:01:20 2001121208:01
   OPSMFREP JOB 31003 O X                   49 20011212  08:01:18 2001121208:01
   OPSMFREP JOB 31001 O X                   49 20011212  08:01:16 2001121208:01
   OPSMFREP JOB 31000 O X                   49 20011212  08:01:14 2001121208:01
   OPFWDMS5 JOB 30507 O 9                76020 20011212  03:00:10 2001121207:40
   OPFWDMS2 JOB 30502 O 9                40573 20011212  03:00:08 2001121206:53
   OPFWDMS1 JOB 30501 O 9                35613 20011212  03:00:08 2001121206:40
   OPFWDMS3 JOB 30504 O 9                31511 20011212  03:00:09 2001121205:53
   OPFCOBTN JOB 30875 O X                 1168 20011212  05:36:45 2001121205:42
   OPFCOBKP JOB 30866 O X                 1152 20011212  05:36:26 2001121205:42
   OPFCOBDE JOB 30867 O X                 1052 20011212  05:36:35 2001121205:42
   OPFCOBTS JOB 30868 O X                 1052 20011212  05:36:35 2001121205:41
      Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso
LIST-JOB:OP* ----------------------------------- Row 0 of 129 - Columns 086 138
 COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR 
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   OPDMSLST JOB 32031 O X        1133 20011212  12:49:11 2001121212:49:13 DAEF 
   OPN09LNU JOB 31089 O X         380 20011212  08:54:47 2001121208:54:50 DAEF 
   OPN09ADU JOB 31088 O X        1052 20011212  08:54:30 2001121208:54:34 DAEF 
   OPFWDMS4 JOB 30505 O 9       67029 20011212  03:00:09 2001121208:25:21 DAEF 
   OPRST009 JOB 31026 O X         282 20011212  08:16:32 2001121208:18:09 DAEF 
   OPSMFREP JOB 31005 O X          49 20011212  08:01:23 2001121208:01:24 DAEF 
   OPSMFREP JOB 31004 O X          49 20011212  08:01:20 2001121208:01:22 DAEF 
   OPSMFREP JOB 31003 O X          49 20011212  08:01:18 2001121208:01:19 DAEF 
   OPSMFREP JOB 31001 O X          49 20011212  08:01:16 2001121208:01:17 DAEF 
   OPSMFREP JOB 31000 O X          49 20011212  08:01:14 2001121208:01:15 DAEF 
   OPFWDMS5 JOB 30507 O 9       76020 20011212  03:00:10 2001121207:40:14 DAEF 
   OPFWDMS2 JOB 30502 O 9       40573 20011212  03:00:08 2001121206:53:41 DAEF 
   OPFWDMS1 JOB 30501 O 9       35613 20011212  03:00:08 2001121206:40:47 DAEF 
   OPFWDMS3 JOB 30504 O 9       31511 20011212  03:00:09 2001121205:53:41 DAEF 
   OPFCOBTN JOB 30875 O X        1168 20011212  05:36:45 2001121205:42:06 DAEF 
   OPFCOBKP JOB 30866 O X        1152 20011212  05:36:26 2001121205:42:02 DAEF 
   OPFCOBDE JOB 30867 O X        1052 20011212  05:36:35 2001121205:42:00 DAEF 
   OPFCOBTS JOB 30868 O X        1052 20011212  05:36:35 2001121205:41:45 DAEF 
      Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Use the LEFT command (usually assigned to PF10) to scroll left again.

Meaning of the column headings:

Field Meaning
JOBNAME Name of job on job card.
TYP Type of job:

Standard Job JOB
Started Task STC
TSO user session TSO

JOBNO JES job number.
Q JES queue type:

Input queue I
Executing queue X
Output queue O
Held output queue H

C JES job class (when Q=I or X) or output class (when Q=O or H).
PR JES priority within current queue.
DEST JES printout destination name.
STAT Job status (can be blank or HOLD).
OWNER ID of user who submitted the job.
STEP Name of step currently executed (only when job is active).
PROC Name of procedure currently executed (only when job is active).
CPU CPU time consumed in minutes consumed by the address space (only when job is active).
REG Amount of real storage used by address space in Kbytes (only when job is active).
IO Number of I/Os performed so far (only when job is active).
RECORDS Total number of records in job SYSOUT files.
EXECUTION START Date and time when job execution started.
END Date and time when job execution ended.
SYSID System in which job executes in a Sysplex environment.

In certain cases, a job may be represented by two or more lines of the LIST session. Typically this occurs if a job has produced output in several output classes.

Example: LIST Batch Jobs and Started Tasks

The following figure shows the result of the command:


The list contains all batch jobs (J) and started tasks (T) having the prefix DA. No TSO sessions are selected:

   LIST-JOB:DA*/TYPE=JS ---------------------------- Row 0 of 15 - Columns 026 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      DAEFTCP  STC 02018 X   15               DAEFTCP
      DAEFTCP2 STC 02019 X   15               DAEFTCP2
      DAEFCO   STC 02027 X   15               DAEFCO
      DAEFNWP  STC 02058 X   15               DAEFNWP
      DAEFETB  STC 02061 X   15               DAEFETB
      DAEFETB2 STC 02062 X   15               DAEFETB2
      DAEFWAP  STC 02064 X   15               ACF2STC
      DAEFPQA  STC 04218 X   15               DAEFPQA
      DAEFTMDB STC 04322 X   15               DAEFTMDB
      DAEFTCSM STC 04323 X   15               DAEFTCSM
      DAEFCOT  STC 04751 X   15               DAEFCOT
      DAEFETB  STC 02088 O C 08               DAEFETB
      DAEFETB2 STC 02091 O C 08               DAEFETB2
      DAEFPQA  STC 03731 O X 08               DAEFPQA
      DAEFCOT  STC 02102 O 9 08               DAEFCOT
   ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Example: LIST Jobs in HOLD

The following figure shows the result of the command:


The list contains only jobs in the held output queue with output in one of the specified output classes X and W:

   LIST-JOB:O*/QUEUE=H/CLASS=XW -------------------- Row 0 of 35 - Columns 026 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      OPGWDMS  JOB 01343 H W 00         JHOLD SOL
      OPQDDMS  JOB 01333 H W 00         JHOLD SOL
      OPGDDMS  JOB 01327 H W 00         JHOLD SOL
      OPHBV016 JOB 01312 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPDMPHBV JOB 01295 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPSDAYU  JOB 01304 H W 00         JHOLD +++++++
      OPHDDMS  JOB 01293 H W 00         JHOLD MEL
      OPPLGHBV JOB 01287 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPDMPHBV JOB 01269 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPDMPHBV JOB 01264 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPULDOPS JOB 07330 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPDMP008 JOB 05544 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPFWDMS1 JOB 05203 H W 00         JHOLD SOL
      OPDMPHBV JOB 05278 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPPLGHBV JOB 05251 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPDMPHBV JOB 05185 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPPLGHBV JOB 05156 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
      OPHBV016 JOB 05099 H W 00         JHOLD ACF2BAT
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Example: LIST SYSOUT Files

SYSOUT files are separate objects in Natural ISPF. You can access SYSOUT files via the Jobs Entry Panel, or using a function command from any system screen with object-type parameter S. You can also list the SYSOUT files of a specific job by issuing the L line command for the appropriate job in a list of jobs.

The following list of SYSOUT files is the result of the command:


The display shows all SYSOUT files for the job OPDMSEXD:

  LIST-JOB-FILES:OPDMSEXD(5025)--------------------- Row 0 of 8 - columns 010
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of data *******************************
     JL     1                   $JCL     W       7   1 STD      ****          ***
     SM     1          JES2     $JES2LOG W      13   1 STD      ****          ***
     SM     2          JES2     $JCLIMG  W       0   1 STD      ****          ***
     SM     3          JES2     $SYSMSGS W       5   1 STD      ****          ***
     SI     1 IXMAINT  A        SYSIN    W       1   1 STD      ****          ***
     SO     1 IXMAINT  A        CMDPRINT W       4   1 STD      ****          ***
     SO     2 IXMAINT  A        MSGPRINT W    2595   1 STD      ****          ***
     SO     3 IXMAINT  A        SYSPRINT W       9   1 STD      ****          ***
  ** ****************************** bottom of data ******************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the column headings:

Field Meaning
FILE File name.
NUM File number.
PROC Procedure being executed (if applicable).
STEP Job step referencing the file.
DD DD name.
C Output class.
RECORDS Number of records in the file.
COP Number of file copies.
FORM Print form.
FCB Form control buffer.
WRITER External writer.
FLSH Form overlay (flash).

Example: BROWSE

The command:


displays an active help window with a list of all jobs that start with COM. Select a job with any character and press ENTER to display the first SYSOUT file.

Example: RELEASE

The command:


releases held output of Job 3687 from Class O and assigns new Output Class Y (without prompting).

From a list of SYSOUT files, only SM and SO files can be subject to RELEASE operations.

Line Commands

The following line commands are available from lists of jobs and SYSOUT files:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command Remarks
B BROWSE For SYSOUT files only.
CC CC For jobs only.
CH CHANGE From a list of jobs or SYSOUT files, change job class (when Q=I) or output class (Q=O) and/or output destination of a JES queue entry. Opens a window in which you can specify a different class and/or destination.* **
CP COPY From a list of jobs, prompts for details of a specific spool file to be copied.
EX EXPORT From a list of jobs, prompts for details of a specific spool file to be exported.
FL FOLLOW For jobs only.
HL HOLD For jobs only.
L LIST From a list of jobs, lists SYSOUT files.
PG PURGE From a list of jobs, purges all SYSOUT. *
PR PRINT From a list of jobs, prompts for details of a specific spool file to be printed.
RL RELEASE From a list of jobs, releases job from HOLD queue (with optional specification of a new output class) or from HOLD status (when Q=I). The RELEASE command has no effect when Q=X or O. Opens a window in which you can specify a different class. *
ST STATUS For jobs only.

You can also use line commands as valid abbreviations for function commands entered in the command line of any screen.

* From a list of SYSOUT files, these commands are valid only if the selected file resides in the held output queue.

** From a list of jobs, CH is valid for jobs which are not in HOLD (that is for jobs with Q=O or Q=I). For jobs in the held output queue (Q=H), the command is valid only at sites where JES2.4.2 or a higher version of JES2 is installed.

Local Commands

In Browse Mode:

When displaying a SYSOUT file in Editor format, you can use the following local commands in addition to Editor scroll commands:

Command Meaning
FILE X Display SYSOUT file number X (e.g. FILE 4).
FILE name Display SYSOUT file with name name (e.g. FILE SO).
FILE name X Select SYSOUT file by number and name (e.g. FILE SO 4).
FILE AL Display all SYSOUT files as one file.
NEXT Display next SYSOUT file.
PREV Display previous SYSOUT file.

In List Mode:

If you display lists of SYSOUT files, the following local commands are available in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in the section Useful Features.

z/OS System Operations

With the system operations facility, you can perform certain monitoring and administrative functions: you can display the system log, active jobs, the console, lists of units, enqueues, and you can use IDCAMS services and issue operator commands.

To enter the system operations facility, select the SYSTEM option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The System Facilities Menu appears:

  ----------------------------- SYSTEM FACILITIES -------------------------------
  OPTION  ===>
                                                                Userid   MBE
                                                                Time     08:39:41
     1    LOG        - Display system log                       Terminal DAELC521
     2    ACTIVE JOBS- Display address space information        Library  MBE
     3    CONSOLE    - Console display and commands             Node     148
     4    UNITS      - Display unit information
     5    ENQUE      - Display ENQ  information
     6    IDCAMS     - IDCAMS services
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The System Facilities Menu provides the following options:

  • LOG:

    display system log;


    display active job information according to selection criteria;


    display console and issue operator commands;

  • UNITS:

    list units and display unit information;

  • ENQUE:

    list queues and dequeues resources, that is, remove locks from them;


    use IDCAMS services.

These options are described in more detail in the following subsections.

System Log

If you select the LOG option from the System Facilities Menu, the system log is displayed in Editor format in browse mode. The last screen page of the system log appears. You can use all Editor browse commands (UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, FIND).

The system log is a separate object in Natural ISPF with object type LOG. To invoke the system log from any screen, use the function command


where id is the Entire System Server node number of the CPU to be addressed (in multi-CPU environments).

Active Jobs Display

You can access active job information via the System Facilities Menu. Active jobs are also separate Natural ISPF objects with Object Type ACT (see the subsection Function Commands).

If you select the ACTIVE JOBS option from the System Facilities Menu, the Active Jobs Entry Panel appears:

  COMMAND ===>
     Job           ===>
     Type          ===>                   ( Combination of: S,T,J,I )
     Only IN       ===>                   ( Y, or blank)
     Node          ===>

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Job Job name. Use a combination of strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a selective list of jobs as described in the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic.

Job type. Possible values:

I Job entry system initiator (INI)

J Standard operating system job (JOB)

S Started task (STC)

T TSO user (TSU)

or any combination (e.g., JT selects all JOB- and TSU-type jobs).

Only IN Specify Y to display in-memory active jobs only. Leave blank to show all jobs as specified in Job and Type fields.
Node Optional. Specify Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to list available nodes. Leave blank to select the default node.

You can type selection criteria in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Function Commands

The following function commands are available for active jobs:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
BROWSE job-name NODE=id 1
INFORMATION job-name NODE=id 2
LIST *_ _* TYPE=t IN=Y/N NODE=id

1 The BROWSE command selects file SM1 of the job for display. You can use the local commands to select another SYSOUT file of the job.

2 The INFORMATION command lists the loaded modules of the job.

If you issue any of these commands from outside the active jobs facility, you must specify object type ACT before the object parameters in the command syntax.

Below is an example of the LIST command.

Example: LIST command

The following figure shows a list of active jobs generated using the command:

   LIST-ACT:*/TYPE=JT ------------------------------ Row 0 of 12 - Columns 001 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
       WKY                               TSU 04952 OUT 255     0 0:15.04      6520
       TKIL                              TSU 04965 OUT 255     0 0:14.67      1317
       SAGTMH                            TSU 04954 OUT 255     0 0:03.96       661
       BGW                               TSU 04975 OUT 255     0 0:01.40       362
       EB                                TSU 04788 OUT 255     0 0:02.99       519
       RAK                               TSU 05006 OUT 255     0 0:02.43       796
       EB1                               TSU 04960 OUT 255     0 0:01.73       652
       SAGT     K      NUC               JOB 04686 N-S  87   240 0:01.30       434
       IMSMAF1H M      STEP01   REGION   JOB 02100 N-S  88   108 0:00.20       289
       NQAN22X  M      NDBM222  REGION   JOB 04887 N-S  82   120 0:00.76       586
   ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The list shows all JOB- and TSU-type active jobs. The in-memory jobs appear highlighted in this list.

Meaning of the fields according to column heading:

Column Meaning
JOBNAME Job name.
CLASS JES2 batch initiator class(es) (JOB- or INI-type jobs only).
STEP Name of step currently executed.
PROC Name of procedure currently executed.
TYP Job type (JOB, TSU, STC, INI).
JOBNO Job number.
POS IN Job is in-memory.
N-S Not swappable.
OUT Job is not in-memory.
DSP Dispatching priority.
REG Amount of real storage used by address space in Kbytes.
CPU CPU time consumed by address space in minutes.
IO Number of I/O operations performed so far.

The list is refreshed every time you press ENTER.

Line Commands

Line Command Corresponding Function Remarks
B BROWSE From the list of SYSOUT files (obtained with the L line command), you can select a file for display using the B line command (BROWSE).
I INFORMATION The load modules of an active job can be listed using the INFO command from the list of active jobs.
L LIST This line command is available on a list of active jobs for listing the SYSOUT files for the job. SYSOUT files of active jobs can be handled as SYS-type objects described in the subsection z/OS Job Information.

Example: INFORMATION line command

The list obtained with the I line command appears in Natural ISPF Editor format in BROWSE mode. This means you can use all available BROWSE commands (UP, DOWN, BOTTOM, TOP, FIND, LOCATE). For example, the following list was generated by issuing the I line command for the job XCOM140:

   LIST-LMOD:XCOM140 --------------------------------------------- Columns 026 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      XCOMWOPN 000352D8 000510          PRB  000352D8 1   WAIT    00035340 008ED9E
      XCOMSMFW 0008C7F8 000808          PRB  0008C7F8 1   WAIT    0008C9CE 008EDCF
      XCOTABE  00108860 0017A0          LOAD 00108860 1                    008F621
      NATPCMDL 000CC290 0006B0          LOAD 000CC290 1                    008F621
      XCOMV206 00105CF0 001310          LOAD 00105CF0 1                    008F621
      XCOMV203 00103F60 0010A0          LOAD 00103F60 1                    008F621
      XCOMV204 00100E70 002190          LOAD 00100E70 1                    008F621
      XCOMVUSO 000EA028 000578          LOAD 000EA028 1                    008F621
      XCOMV200 000FE990 001670          LOAD 000FE990 1                    008F621
      XCOMV191 000FD6C8 000938          LOAD 000FD6C8 1                    008F621
      XCOMV190 000FB4E8 0008A8          LOAD 000FB4E8 1                    008F621
      XCOMV063 000FBD90 001270          LOAD 000FBD90 1                    008F621
      XCOMVUSI 000EF0A0 0005C0          LOAD 000EF0A0 1                    008F621
      XCOMV046 000F7308 000C80          LOAD 000F7308 1                    008F621
      XCOMV045 000E9090 000578          LOAD 000E9090 1                    008F621
      XCOMV044 000F9508 001AF8          LOAD 000F9508 1                    008F621
      XCOMV043 000F30E0 000D18          LOAD 000F30E0 1                    008F621
      XCOMV042 000F12F0 000908          LOAD 000F12F0 1                    008F621
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Use the RIGHT Editor command (usually assigned to PF11) to scroll right and display the last column for the list.

The meaning of the column headings:

Heading Meaning
MODULE Name of load module.
ADDRESS Load address of module.
LENGTH Length of module.

Module type:

LOAD - Module was loaded.

PRB - Module is an active program.

IRB - Interrupt request.

TIRB - Interrupt request.

SIRB - Interrupt request.

SVRB - Supervisor SVC.

ENTRY Entry point of module.
USE Use count of module.

Run state of program (TYPE is anything except LOAD):

WAIT - Program is in wait state.

RUN - Program is running.

SUSPEND - Program is suspended.

PSW Current Program Status Word for a program (when TYPE is anything except LOAD).
TCB Address of Task Control Block.
MOTHER TCB address of task which attached this task.

Example: BROWSE line command for load modules

You can select load modules from the list using the line command BROWSE which displays the module loaded in memory. The following screen shows the result of the BR line command for module NATPCMDL:

   BROWSE-LMOD:XCOM140(NATPCMDL) --------------------------------- Columns 001 059
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      OFFSET DATA                                TEXT
   ** *********************** top of list ***********************
      000000 47FF0024 D5D7D9C3 E5F1F3F4 D5C1E3D7 NPRCV134 NATP
      000010 C3D4C4D3 F9F460F0 F360F1F8 F1F64BF5 CMDL94-03-1816.5
      000020 F8404040 90ECD00C 18BF50D0 B5E841F0 805Y1022
      000030 B5E450FD 000841D0 B5E418F0 47FFB040 16987312
      000040 47F0B04C 47F0B0FA 47F0B53C 18215010 15778152
      000050 B6604110 B57C4100 B6580A18 86FFB572 11E35874
      000060 9200B672 4110B66C 41000006 D502B654 45901180
      000070 90004770 B07CD600 B6721000 41110001 05197543
      000080 41990003 4600B06C 9180B672 4780B572 35787924
      000090 95409000 4780B0C0 D403B668 B6684770 36897512
      0000A0 B0C00700 41009000 5810B0B0 47F0B0B4 58974587
      0000B0 80000000 0A0812FF 4770B0C0 5000B668 36587502
      0000C0 9110B5B4 4710B572 4510B0D0 8F0CC814 96852110
      0000D0 0A139110 B5B44780 B0F6D403 B664B664 36985743
      0000E0 4770B0F2 4800B5C2 4510B0EC 0A0A5010 A1578492
      0000F0 B6649201 B67347F0 B5725820 B6609180 0F342611
      000100 B6724780 B5389501 B6734770 B5385870 56F67543
      000110 B6645840 6008D201 B674401C D201B676 32587483
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Console Display

If you select the CONSOLE option from the System Facilities Menu, the console appears. The following figure shows an example console:

   BROWSE-CON:/NODE=148/TYPE=ALL --------------------------------- Columns 001 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      JOB05957  -QTRSRXBP N21SRXBP C           00    371    907    .01    .00
       7485   2     0     0     0     0
      JOB05957  IEF404I QTRSRXBP - ENDED - TIME=14.25.23
      JOB05957  -QTRSRXBP ENDED.  NAME-                     TOTAL TCB CPU TIME=
       TOTAL ELAPSED TIME=    .1
       .HASP309    INIT  4 INACTIVE ******** C=K
      JOB05956  -HPFCOB   COB                  12    434   1222    .00    .00
       4640   2     0     0     0     0
      STC05724  .P      J05929
      JOB05929  .HASP608 HPFCOB   AWAITING PURGE            PRIO  1 PURGE ANY
      JOB05956  -HPFCOB   LNK               FLUSH      0      0    .00    .00
         0   2     0     0     0     0
      JOB05929  .HASP250 HPFCOB   IS PURGED
      JOB05956  IEF404I HPFCOB - ENDED - TIME=14.25.25
      JOB05956  -HPFCOB   ENDED.  NAME-                     TOTAL TCB CPU TIME=
       TOTAL ELAPSED TIME=    .2
      JOB05956  .HASP395 HPFCOB   ENDED
       .HASP309    INIT  3 INACTIVE ******** C=K
   ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************

You can select information to be displayed by entering one of the following local commands:

Local Command Meaning
ALL Displays all information.
LINES nnn Control the number of lines held in the session (nnn <= 999).
LINES RESET Returns to the original number of lines: 1 screen size.
PEND Displays only those lines waiting for an operator reply (WTOR).

To monitor your system, you can use the REFRESH n command to automatically update the screen with the latest console messages. See also Automatic Screen Refresh in the section Useful Features.

The console screen is refreshed every time you press ENTER. You can enter any operator command in the command line if you precede it with the session command OPERATOR, usually assigned to the magic character stroke (/):


If you type a plus sign (+) after the command string, a window opens in which you can type an operator command string of up 80 characters in length. This is useful in the following situations:

  • if the command line is too short for the operator command;

  • if the command string contains special characters that have a special meaning in Natural ISPF (magic characters, delimiters). These characters are not interpreted as Natural ISPF characters when typed in the operator command window.

The Natural ISPF command OPERATOR followed by an operator command can be issued from any system screen.

The console is a separate object within Natural ISPF with object type CON. You can access the console from any system screen using the function command BROWSE in the following format:


where id is the Entire System Server node number of the CPU whose console is to be displayed (in multi-CPU environments).

System Units

The UNITS option on the System Facilities Menu allows you to list system units and request information on a specific unit.

  ------------------------ SYSTEM UNITS - ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
     Volser        ===>
     Class         ===>                     ( DASD,TAPE )
     Status        ===>                     ( ONLINE,OFFLINE,CHANGE )
     Unit          ===>
     Node          ===>
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You can specify the volume you wish to access in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Volser Volume serial number. Enter a volume name to display information about a specific volume. Enter the asterisk wildcard (*) to select all volumes or any volume, or a prefix with an * (for example, ABC*) to select all volumes starting with that prefix.
Class Select a specific class of units when generating a list of units. Examples of valid classes are: COMM, CTCA, DASD, DISP, TAPE, UREC.
Status Selection criterion when listing units: all units in the specified status are listed. Valid values are: CHANGE, OFFLINE, ONLINE.
Unit Selection criterion when listing units All units with the specified unit address or prefix (for example, 4*) are selected.
Node Optional. Specify Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to list available nodes. Leave blank to select the default node.

System units are separate objects in Natural ISPF with object type UNI. This means you can issue the relevant function command from any system screen (see the subsection on function commands below).

Function Commands

The following function commands are available for system units:

Command Object Parameter Syntax

The INFORMATION command is also available as line command (I) from lists of units generated with the LIST command.

Example: LIST (1)

The following list is the result of the command:

  LIST-UNI:/VOLSER=*/CLASS=DASD/UNIT=* ----------- Row 0 of 470 - Columns 019 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     DASD  100  BMC003          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT   PRIVATE
     DASD  101  BMC004          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT   PRIVATE
     DASD  102                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  103                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  104                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  105                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  106                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  107                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  108                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  109                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  10A                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  10B                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  10C                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  10D                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  10E                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  10F                  3380   OFFLINE
     DASD  110  BMCRES          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT   PRIVATE
     DASD  111  BMC001          3380   ONLINE  RESIDENT   PRIVATE
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The list shows all direct access units.

To display more information, issue the RIGHT command (usually assigned to PF11):

  LIST-UNI:/VOLSER=*/CLASS=DASD/UNIT=* ----------- Row 0 of 470 - Columns 077 134
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     DASD  100  BMC003   1   72 ,   29         60 ,    0        7     886      15
     DASD  101  BMC004   1   14 ,   31          5 ,   14       10     886      15
     DASD  102           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  103           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  104           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  105           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  106           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  107           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  108           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  109           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  10A           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  10B           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  10C           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  10D           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  10E           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  10F           0    0 ,    0          0 ,    0        0       0
     DASD  110  BMCRES   1   27 ,   36         11 ,    0       12     886      15
     DASD  111  BMC001   1   81 ,  167         69 ,   14       25     886      15
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning

Device class. Possible classes are:

COMM - Communications

CTCA - Channel-to-channel adapter

DASD - Direct access

DISP - Display station

TAPE - Tape

UREC - Unit record

UNIT Unit address in EBCDIC.
VOLSER Volume serial number currently mounted on the unit.
SERIES Device series.
STATUS Device status. Possible values are: CHANGE (status is changing), OFFLINE, ONLINE.
VOLUME Volume status. Possible values: PRIVATE, PUBLIC, STORAGE.
ACTIVITY Activity of device. Possible values: ALLOCATED, BUSY.
DENSITY Tape density. Possible values: 800, 1600, 6250, 800/1600, 1600/6250.
DCB Number of DCBs currently open on the unit.
FREE Number of free cylinders and tracks on disk pack.
CONTIG Number of cylinders and tracks in largest free extent.
FREE-EXT Number of free extents on disk pack.
TOT-CYL Total number of cylinders on disk pack.
TRK/CYL Number of tracks per cylinder.

Example: LIST (2)

The following list is the result of the command:


The list shows all tape units with addresses starting with 80. To display more information, issue the RIGHT command (usually assigned to PF11).

  LIST-UNI:/VOLSER=*/CLASS=TAPE/UNIT=80* ---------- Row 0 of 16 - Columns 019 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     TAPE  801                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  800                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  802  000673          3480   ONLINE  REMOVABLE                     800
     TAPE  803                  3480   ONLINE  NOT READY                     800
     TAPE  804                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  805                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  806                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  807                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  808                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  809                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  80A                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  80B                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  80C                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  80D                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  80E                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
     TAPE  80F                  3480   OFFLINE                               800
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
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For an explanation of the information displayed, see the first LIST example.


The following display is the result of the command:

   ---------------------- VTOC SUMMARY INFORMATION DBA003 ------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
       SERIES           :  3380
       UNIT             :  5C3
         TRACKS/CYL     :       15
         %USED          :       100
                          CYLINDER       TRACKS
         TOTAL SPACE    :     2656        39840
         FREE SPACE     :        0  +         0
         LARGEST        :        0  +         0
         FREE EXTENTS   :        0
         SMS CONTROL    :  NO
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Most of the information provided by this display repeats the information given for the volume in the list of units (see the example for DASD units), except that here, the usage of space is shown as a percentage of total space.

Some information displayed in the above screen is available only in z/OS environments and not in z/VSE environments.

Local Commands

When displaying a list of units in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands from the Editor command line in addition to scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in the section Useful Features.

System Enqueues

The ENQUE option on the System Facilities Menu allows you to list and delete system enqueues.

  ------------------------- SYSTEM ENQUE ENTRY PANEL ----------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
     Queue         ===>
     User          ===>
     Resource      ===>
     Job Name      ===>
     Node          ===>
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You can specify the enqueue you wish to access in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Queue Major name of the resource, which is usually the purpose of the enqueue (for example, SPFEDIT).
User Name of the user who holds the queue. Can be used as selection criterion when listing enqueues: enter the asterisk wildcard (*) to select all users or a prefix followed by an asterisk (for example, ABC*) to select all users beginning with that prefix.
Resource Minor name of the resource, which is usually the object of the enqueue (for example, a dataset name). Can be used as selection criterion when listing enqueues with the asterisk wildcard (*) (see User field).
Job Name Name of the job that holds the queue. Can be used as selection criterion when listing enqueues with the asterisk wildcard (*) (see User field).
Node Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to list available nodes. Leave blank to select the default node.

System enqueues are separate objects in Natural ISPF with object type ENQ. This means you can issue the relevant function command from any system screen, provided you have appropriate authorization to access Object Type ENQ.

Function Commands

The following function commands are available for system enqueues:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
DELETE Not applicable: available as line command only.

The DELETE command is available only as line command (D) from lists of enqueues generated with the LIST command. The DELETE command "dequeues" an enqueue, that is, the resource is released.

Example: LIST

The following list is the result of the command:

   LIST-ENQ:SPFEDIT*/JOB=XCOM148 ------------------- Row 0 of 33 - Columns 069 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      JOBNAME  QUEUE    RESOURCE-NAME                                     USERID
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  ADABAS.SYSF.QAS.KM.KM02.V600.SMP(KM020000)        KM
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  ADABAS.SYSF.QAS.KM.KM02.V600.SMP(KM020073)        KM
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  ADABAS.V61.DEP.SOURCE(SVCMVS)                     RR
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  SUG.CPS.SRC(MAINC)                                SUG
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  SUG.CPS.SRC(SECLOAD)                              SUG
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  KSI.JCL.ALL(KSIRPC1)                              KSI
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  RR.SYSF.SOURCE(ADAREP)                            RR
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  RR.SYSF.SOURCE(ADA7200)                           RR
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  ADABAS.V53.DEP.SOURCE(#GEN)                       RR
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  KHK.SOURCE(NA22PR32)                              KHK
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  TST.NAT228.JCL(NATSRCEV)                          DWI
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  ADASQL.PROBLEM(CEXAM1)                            RSH
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  HEB.SOURCE(COOR-IMP)                              HEB
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  COM.RDC.V34.SYSTEM(RDCFRT)                        SAGAWW
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  ADASQL.TEST.SOURCE(GOALC)                         RSH
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  AVB.V331.SOURCE(MCTAB)                            WGL
      XCOM148  SPFEDIT  NISPF.IV211.DV01.MVSSRCE(NATZAP)                  JWO
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Scroll right to display the STATUS column.

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
JOBNAME The job that enqueued.
QUEUE Major name of the resource (for example, SPFEDIT). Names with the prefix SYS are reserved for z/OS internal purposes.
RESOURCE-NAME Minor name of the resource (for example, dataset name if QUEUE is SPFEDIT).
USER User that holds the enqueue.

Status of ownership. Possible values:

OWNS - User is owner of resource.

WAIT - User is waiting for resource.

You can release a resource for use by other users with the DELETE command (D line command).

Local Commands

When displaying a list of enqueues in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands from the Editor command line in addition to scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in the section Useful Features.

IDCAMS Services

The IDCAMS services option on the System Facilities Menu allow you to use the interactive execution of IBM's IDCAMS utility program. If you select this option, the following window opens:

  ----------------------------- SYSTEM FACILITIES -------------------------------
  OPTION  ===> 6
                                                                Userid   MBE
                                                                Time     08:58:50
      !                                                                   !E
      !                        VSAM services                              !8
      !                                                                   !
      ! Select function:     LL -- Listcat Level(level)                   !
      !                      LE -- Listcat Entry(name)                    !
      ! Name or level  :                                                  !
      ! Catalog Name   :                                                  !
      ! List options   : S   ( S for short, D for detail)                 !
      !                                                                   !
      ! Direct Access Method Services Command:                            !
      !  ____________________________________________________________     !
      !  ____________________________________________________________     !
      !  ____________________________________________________________     !
      !  ____________________________________________________________     !
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The fields in this screen speak for themselves, but for more details on VSAM services, consult the following IBM publications:

  • z/OS Extended Architecture, VSAM Catalog Administration: Access Method Services Reference, GC26-4136-4

  • z/OS Extended Architecture, Integrated Catalog Administration: Access Method Services Reference, GC26-4135-5