CA Panvalet Members

This document covers the following topics:

CA Panvalet Overview

The CA Panvalet facility enables access to CA Panvalet members, which you can maintain using Natural ISPF functions.

If the member consists of job control, you can make use of the Natural ISPF macro facility. You can use all types of macro statements. Macro expansion is performed at submission time (see the SUBMIT command below). When creating a new member, you can also use the Edit macro feature to automatically create text lines which can then be modified. For details on the macro facility, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

To enter the CA Panvalet facility, select the PANVALET option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The CA Panvalet Entry Panel appears:

   -------------------------- PANVALET - ENTRY PANEL -----------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
      Data Set Name ===>
      Member        ===>
      Language      ===>
      User          ===>
      Status        ===>
      Volume        ===>                         ( If not catalogued     )
      Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
      Expand        ===>                         ( Expand ++include      )
      Comment       ===>
      Scan for      ===>
      Edit macro    ===>
      Node          ===> 148
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right TOP

You can specify the CA Panvalet member you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Data Set Name Name of library in which the member resides. This field contains the name of the library last accessed. You can select any other library by overtyping the name.
Member Member name (up to ten alphanumeric characters). Leave blank or use strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a more selective list of member names. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic.
Language Language (format) of member, for example, JCL, ASMB (Assembler), COBOL, PL/1, etc.
User User code (up to four numeric digits).

Status of member. Any one or a combination of the following are possible:

First character: T or P - Test/Production

Second character: A or I - Active/Inactive

Third character: E or D - Enabled/Disabled

Volume Volume serial number. Required only for uncataloged datasets.
Password Appropriate access code if dataset is protected.

Specifies expansion of ++INCLUDE statements when using any of the following commands: BROWSE, SUBMIT, PRINT, COPY, INFORMATION, EXPORT.

Possible options:

Y Perform expansion.

N No expansion is performed.

Comment Comment to appear in list of members and in the information window. You normally add a comment describing the member when creating a new one. If you type a plus sign + as last character of the comment, a window opens in which you can extend the comment text.
Scan for Selection criterion for listing CA Panvalet members: all members as specified in the above fields are listed which contain the string entered here. When you select a member from this list for EDIT or BROWSE, the cursor is placed on the first occurrence of this string in the member. Issue the RFIND command to find the next occurrence.
Edit macro Name of macro object to be used as a model for the member. The specified macro is executed and loaded into the Editor. See the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide for details.
Node Select Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to open a window in which all node numbers appear with an ACTIVE or INACTIVE status report. If you do not specify a node, the default node is assumed.

For detailed information on CA Panvalet member characteristics, see the appropriate CA Panvalet documentation.

Apart from the Data Set Name and Member fields, some other parameter fields may be mandatory when creating a new member with the EDIT function command. Which fields are required and which are optional is specified in the system configuration (see the Natural ISPF Administration Guide, or ask your system administrator). Natural ISPF prompts you for required items.

Natural ISPF provides the session command CONTROL for CA Panvalet users.

CONTROL OFF suppresses the automatic control cards passed to CA Panvalet when a member is saved. Only the edited data (which may include user-defined control cards) are sent to CA Panvalet.

The command format is:


Meaning of the parameters:

Parameter Meaning
ON Re-activates the automatic control cards (default).
OFF Suppresses the automatic control cards. You can define your own control cards in the member.

You must issue the CONTROL command before opening the new Editor session.

Function Commands

The available function commands for CA Panvalet members are:

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p EXPAND=Y/N NODE=id
COPY dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p EXPAND=Y/N NODE=id, object-type object-parameters, REP
DELETE dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p NODE=id 
EDIT dataset(member) LANG=l USER=u VOL=v PASSWORD=p MACRO=name NODE=id
EXPORT dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p EXPAND=Y/N NODE=id, target-environment
LIST dataset(*_*) LANG=l USER=u ST=s VOL=v PASSWORD=p MACRO=name NODE=id
PLAY dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p NODE=id
PRINT dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p EXPAND=Y/N NODE=id, printer-name CC
RENAME dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p NODE=id, new-name
SUBMIT dataset(member) VOL=v PASSWORD=p EXPAND=Y/N NODE=id1, TARGET=id2

A full description of these commands is contained in the section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the CA Panvalet Entry Panel.

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the CA Panvalet facility, you must specify the object-type parameter PAN before the object parameters.

Below are some examples of function commands using full command syntax.


The following screen is displayed as a result of the function command


A window opens containing information on member MYMEM in library SYSA.PANLIB.OPT:

  --------------------------- PANVALET - ENTRY PANEL-----------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
     Data Set Name ===> MBE.COMN.SOURCE
     Member        ===>
     Language      ===>
     User      +-------------------------------------------------------------+
     Status    ! INFORMATION-PANVALET                                        !
     Volume    ! DSName  : SYSA.PANLIB.OPT                                   !
     Password  ! Member  : MYMEM                                             !
     Expand    ! Language: ASMB                                              !
     Comment   ! Status  : T   (Test/Production)                             !
     Edit macr !           A   (Active/Inactive)                             !
     Node      !           E   (Enabled/Disabled)                            !
               ! User    : 0007                                              !
               ! Level   :  24                                               !
               ! Comment : NISPF TEST PROGRAM                                !
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The fields in the information window correspond to the fields on the CA Panvalet Entry Panel, except the Level field.

Level is the modification level of the member. When a member is created, it is assigned Level 001. The level number is increased by 1 at each update (see the appropriate CA Panvalet documentation for more information).

You can use the INFORMATION command to change certain characteristics of the member. Simply overtype the current value with the new value in the information window. The fields Member, Language, Status, User, Level and Comment are all modifiable.

Example: LIST

The following list of CA Panvalet members is displayed as the result of the command:


The list contains all members starting with ISP in the library SYSA.PANLIB.OPT:

  LIST-PAN:SYSA.PANLIB.OPT(ISP*)------------------- Row 0 of 12 - columns 010 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     ISPJCL1234           1 2223 JCL    TAE 21/06/90 21/06/90     1      22 Insta
     ISPPROG1             2 2223 ASMB   TAE 21/06/90 21/06/90     1     107 Test
  1 1420 COBOL  TAE 22/06/90 22/06/90     1      17 Progr
     ISPSYSZ              1 2223 DATA   TAE 22/06/90 22/06/90     1       5 Text
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
MEMBER Name of member
LVL Modification level of member
USER User code
LANG Programming language of member

Status of member:

A Active

I Inactive

E Enabled

D Disabled

T Test

P Production

MAINTAIN Date of last change to member text and/or characteristics (for example, user code, comment)
ACCESSED Date of last access in read or write mode
BLKS Number of blocks occupied by member
STATMTS Number of lines in the member
COMMENT Comment describing member

To display the whole comment column, issue the Editor RIGHT command (usually assigned to PF11).

The modification level, user code, language, status and comment are modifiable in the information window invoked using the INFORMATION function command (see the example of the INFORMATION command).

Line Commands

You can select a CA Panvalet member from a list by typing a line command in the input field preceding the member name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command. The available line commands are:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line.

Local Commands

In Edit Mode:

If you display a CA Panvalet member in Editor format in EDIT mode, you can issue a local command from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands.

The following local command is available:

Command Meaning
IMPORT Imports a PC file or Con-nect document into the CA Panvalet member (see the section Useful Features).

In List Mode:

If you display lists of CA Panvalet libraries or members in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the corresponding subsections in the section Useful Features.

Handling CA Panvalet Control Cards

Natural ISPF provides some features for flexible handling of CA Panvalet control cards:

  • Using the expand feature, you can specify whether the ++INCLUDE statements in the member are expanded before browsing, printing, submitting, copying, exporting the member, or displaying information;

  • With the CONTROL OFF session command, you can submit the edited member to PAM#1 using the Editor SAVE command without the automatic control cards. Only the edited text, including any control cards you have added in the member are processed. You can use the OUTPUT function command to see the output of the member as processed.