Common Objects

This document explains all the functions you can perform on , that is, objects available in all or any operating environment. Operating system-specific objects are described in subsequent sections.

Common objects are:

Natural Objects

This subsection explains all the functions you can perform on Natural objects. It also describes how to write program output to the user workpool, where it can be handled further.

If the object consists of job control, you can use the Natural ISPF macro facility. You can use all types of macro statements. Macro expansion is performed at submission time (see the SUBMIT command below).

When creating a new object, you can also use the Edit macro feature to automatically create text lines which can then be modified. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).

To enter the Natural objects maintenance facility, select the Natural option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The Natural Objects Entry Panel appears:

----------------------- NATURAL OBJECTS - ENTRY PANEL -------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                                   
    Library       ===>                                                          
    Member        ===>                                                          
    Type          ===>            ( Blank,P,S,N,C,M,G,L,A,H,T,O,4,8,Z,3,5,7,9 ) 
    Status        ===>            ( Blank,S,C,OS,OC )                           
    Scan for      ===>                                                          
    Edit macro    ===>                                                          
    Set number    ===>                                                          
       Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Specify the Natural object you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line. The meaning of the input fields is explained in the following table:

Field Meaning
Library Natural library name. The library used last is displayed in this field. Select any other library by overtyping this name. You can use the wildcards (* _ < >) to list accessible libraries. (See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in section Command Logic.). See also Example: LIST (4).
Member Name of required member. You can use the wildcards (* _ < >) to list members. (See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in section Command Logic.)

Type of member; possible options:

A - Parameter area

C - Copy code

G - Global area

H - Help routine

L - Local area

M - Map

N - Subprogram

O - Macro object

P - Program

S - Subroutine

T - Text

Z - Recording

3 - Dialog

4 - Class

5 - Processor

7 - Function

8 - Adapter

9 - Resource

For example, you can enter an asterisk (*) in the Member field and P in the Type field to list all Natural members which are a program. A combination of up to five types is possible. For example, the notation PSNM lists all programs, subroutines, subprograms and maps according to the other selection criteria entered in the Entry Panel.


Status of object. Use this field for selection criteria when listing members. Possible options:

C - List members which have a cataloged object

OC - List members which have a cataloged object only

OS - List members which have an uncataloged source only

S - List members which have a source

Scan for Selection criterion for listing Natural members: all members as specified in the above fields are listed which contain the string entered here.
Edit macro Name of macro object to be used as a model for the member. The specified macro is executed and loaded into the Editor. See section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide for more details. Used with LIST, the list will contain all objects that use the specified macro as model.
Set number Enter a set number to list members in the set created for the library. Alternatively, enter an asterisk (*) to list sets created for the library. Sets are created using Predict cross referencing for Natural objects (see the Predict Reference documentation).


  1. When editing a macro object, you must not use the Natural statement END.
  2. You can access the Predict Cross-Reference menu directly from any Natural ISPF screen to maintain sets using the command: NAT L X.

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE library(member)
CATALOG library(member)
COMPARE library(member)
COPY library(member), object-type object-parms NODE=id, REP
DELETE library(member)
DESCRIPTION library(member)
DOWNLOAD library(member)
EDIT library(member) TYPE=t MACRO=name
EXECUTE library(member)
EXPORT library(member), target-environment
FORMAT library(member)
HOLD library(member)
INFORMATION library(member)
LIST library(..*) TYPE=t ST=s SC=string MACRO=name SET=n
PLAY library(member)
PRINT library(member), printer-name CC NO
RENAME library(member)
RUN library(member)
SUBMIT library(member), TARGET=node-id
UNCATALOG library(member)
UPLOAD library(member)
UNLOCK library(member)


  1. The library parameter can be optional, depending on where the command is issued. If you specify only the member, the current library is assumed.
  2. When you issue a CATALOG, RUN or SUBMIT command for a Natural program that includes inline macros, a macro expansion is performed before the program is compiled if the macro expansion function is enabled with the MACRO ON command or in your User Defaults profile (see also the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).
  3. The COPY command only works for Natural sources. If you wish to copy compiled objects, you must use the Natural SYSMAIN utility.
  4. Before using the CATALOG command, it is recommended that you enable or disable the macro facility using the MACRO ON/OFF command as appropriate. If you issue a CATALOG command with MACRO ON for an object that does not use the macro facility, resources are wasted as the object is checked for the macro character.
  5. If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the Natural facility and NAT is not the default object type specified in your profile, you must specify the object type N before the object parameters.

A full description of these commands is contained in section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the Natural Objects Entry Panel.

Below are some examples of the INFORMATION, LIST, FORMAT and COMPARE functions using command syntax.


An information screen similar to the following is displayed as a result of the command:


The screen shows information on Natural member MYPROG in library MYLIB. The data provided are self-explanatory.

---------- NATURAL PROGRAM INFORMATION----MYLIB(MYPROG)-Subprogram ------------
COMMAND ===>                                                                   
                     SOURCE      OBJECT       GDA USED:  ISP----G              
    ORIGIN LIBRARY:  MYLIB       SYSNSPF      SUBROUTINES    ( From  1       ) 
    USERID:          BLI          ''          INTERPRET-L-COMMAND-2   ISP-SUBR
    TERMINAL ID:     DAEFTC46    DAEFTC11     MAKE-WINDOW             ISP-WINS
    DATE SAVED:      2011-01-31  2011-02-07   CHECK-MACRO-TYPE        ISPNIN-N
    TIME SAVED:      18:27:42    13:18:57                                     
    OP SYSTEM:       MVS/ESA      ''                                          
    TP SYSTEM:       COMPLETE     ''                                          
    NAT VERSION:     8.2 0001     ''                                          
    CODEPAGE:                    IBM01140                                       
    OBJECT SIZE IN DATSIZE:         10224     ACTUAL  NO. OF VERSIONS  : 22   
    OBJECT SIZE OF GLOBAL DATA:     16304                                     
    OBJECT SIZE OF OPT-CODE:                                                  
    OPT STRING:                                                               
      Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

You can modify the MAXIMUM NO. OF VERSIONS for the object to override the default set by the system administrator (see also the subsection Versioning in section Useful Features).

Example: LIST (1)

The following display is the result of the command:


The list shows all Natural programs starting with A in the library MYLIB.

   LIST-NAT:MYLIB(IS*)P ----------------------------- Row 0 of 3 - Columns 010 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   ISP-TECH          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110124 17:57 01.26
   ISP-TEC1          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110117 15:00      
   ISP-TEC2          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110117 15:15      
** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
MEMBER Name of member
PGM TYPE Type of member

Natural mode. Possible values:

R - Reporting

S - Structured


Status of member. Possible values:

S - Source

C - Cataloged object

S/C - Source and cataloged object

VERSION Release version of Natural for member
USERID ID of user who last modified member.
DATE Date of last modification.
TIME Time of last modification. If DATE/TIME of source and object is different, the save date of the source is shown in the list. It is highlighted to indicate that a time stamp difference exists between source and object.

Version number and modification level of the current version of the member. When a member is modified for the first time with versioning active, this field contains 01.01. With each modification with versioning on, the MM value is increased by one. This field can also contain:

  (blank) - No previous versions exist.

The HOLD command for the member increases the VV value by one and resets the MM value to 00.

You can change the layout of this list according to your needs. For detailed information, see the subsection LAYOUT Command for Lists in section Useful Features.

Example: LIST (2)

The following figure is the result of the command:


This list contains all program-type, global area-type and macro-type objects in the Natural library SYSISPE whose names start with EX and which contain the string FILE-NAME.

  LIST-NAT:SYSISPE(EX*)PGO/SCAN=FILE-NAME----------- Row 0 of 9 - columns 010 071
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ***************************** top of list *****************************
     EXF1              Macro       S  S/C    5   1 #FILE-NAME(A32)
     EXF2              Macro       S  S/C    7   1 #FILE-NAME(A32)
     EXF3              Program     S  S/C    2   1 #FILE-NAME(A32) INIT <'AU
     EXF4              Program     S  S/C    2   1 #FILE-NAME(A32) INIT <'PE
     EXF6              Macro       S  S/C    1   MOVE     'NOFILE'   TO #OPT
     EXF9              Program     S  S/C    2   1 #FILE-NAME (A32) INIT <'AUT
     EXTG              Global      S  S/C    1   **DF            A  32 1#FILE-
     EXT1              Macro       S  S/C    7   * #FILE-NAME(A32)
     EXT2              Program     S  S/C    1   MOVE 'PERSONNEL' to #FILE-N
  ** *************************** bottom of list ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The meaning of the information in the right hand columns is:

Column Meaning
NUM Number of occurrences of specified string in this member
FIRST FOUND Line with the first occurrence of specified string

The lists appear in Natural ISPF Editor format in browse mode. This means you can use all available Editor browse commands (UP, DOWN, BOTTOM, TOP, FIND, LOCATE).

When selecting a member from a list generated using the Scan for option with EDIT or BROWSE, the cursor is positioned to the first occurrence of this string in the member. The RFIND command places the cursor on the next occurrence of the string.

Example: LIST (3)

The following figure is the result of the command:


The list contains all sets created for the Natural library NSPFWORK:

   LIST-SET:NSPFWORK -------------------------------- Row 0 of 4 - Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE
      Nr Count Description
   ** ****************************** top of list *****************************
       4  1015 SELECT IS*
       7     4 DA-AREA ISP-PR-L (*) REF PROG * (*) BLOCK *
       8     2 PROG ISP-HL1N (*) REF PROG * (*) WITH * VIA *
       9     6 PROG ISP-FILN (*) REF PROG * (*) WITH * VIA *
      11    20 VIEW SYSTEM2 REF PROG * (*) USAGE *
   ** **************************** bottom of list ****************************
         Help  e :c  Save; Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso  

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
Nr Set number assigned by Predict.
Count Number of objects in the set.
Description Information on object name and type according to which the set was created. The above list shows, for example, that set number 4 contains 1015 objects whose names start with ISP.

The available line command from the list of sets is L for LIST. This lists the objects in the selected set. The following figure illustrates the list of objects for set 1:

   LIST-NAT:NSPF821(*)/SET=18 ---------------------- Row 0 of 19 - Columns 010 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      ISP-COP1          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20101114 14:43
      ISP-COP2          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110223 19:20
      ISP-COP3          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110120 18:53
      ISP-COP4          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  FHI      20110117 15:20
      ISP-ENVP          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  FHI      20101031 14:56
      ISP-LCPR          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110318 11:47
      ISP-PLYP          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20101030 14:03
      ISP-PUTG          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20101115 18:26
      ISP-RERN          Subprogram  S  S/C 8.2 0001  FHI      20101121 13:52
      ISP-RSTP          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110223 17:53
      ISP-SOUT          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110321 19:40
      ISP-STAS          Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20101115 19:21
      ISP-SUSU          Subprogram  S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20110120 18:59
      ISP-WINS          Subroutine  S  S/C 8.2 0001  FHI      20110116 09:52
      ISP-WLOG          deleted
      ISPFERR           Program     S  S/C 8.2 0001  BLI      20101203 15:08
      ISP0600N          Subprogram  S  S/C 8.2 0001  FHI      20101018 17:10
      NAT00012          deleted
         Help  Relis §End  !Br : t;fin !inf  Up    Down  Susp; Left  Right Exc :

Note that you can access this list of objects directly from the Natural Objects Entry Panel using the Set number field, or using the command:


You can maintain the objects on this list as any other Natural object.

Example: LIST (4)

The following figure is the result of the command:


The list contains all Natural libraries beginning with the string SYSISP for which you are authorized. For example:

   Z*LIST-NLI:SYSISP* ------------------------------ Row 0 of 13 - Columns 010 050
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE
      Library           Description
   ** ******************* top of list ******************
      SYSISPE           NSPF example library
      SYSISPH1          ISPF help texts
      SYSISPIU          User information for ISPF
      SYSISPR           ISPF recordings
      SYSISPST          ISPF tables for testmode
      SYSISPS1          ISPF system tables/menus
   ** ***************** bottom of list *****************
         Help  e :c  Save; Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso  

You can now select a library with the line command L (for LIST). This displays all members in the library beginning with the letter A.


  1. The entries in the Description column of the above figure are taken from Natural Security (if installed).
  2. Note that even if you wish to list libraries only, you must still enter the asterisk in parenthesis (*) for listing all members in the command syntax. If you enter only the library prefix (SYSISP*), it is interpreted as member prefix in the current Natural library.

Example: FORMAT

This function command applies only to Natural objects of type map. The map layout is displayed in a Natural ISPF Editor session. Modifiable fields (AD=A and AD=M) are replaced by a special filler character (_). Variable output fields (AD=O) are replaced by a period (full stop) (.).

   FORMAT-NAT:NSPF211(ISPTIN-1)-Map ------------------------------ Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
   000001 DSName  : ............................................
   000002 Member  : ..........
   000003 Language: _________
   000004 Status  : _   (Test/Production)
   000005           _   (Active/Inactive)
   000006           _   (Enabled/Disabled)
   000007 User    : ____
   000008 Level   : ___
   000009 Comment : __________________________________________________
   ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************

Example: COMPARE

The COMPARE function compares Natural sources stored in the Natural system file.

For example, to compare the source of the member ISPJ---U in the library NSPFEXAM with its source in the library NSPF141, enter the library and member name in the input fields and CR in the command line of the Natural Objects Entry Panel:

----------------------- NATURAL OBJECTS - ENTRY PANEL -------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                                   
    Library       ===>                                                          
    Member        ===>                                                          
    Type          ===>            ( Blank,P,S,N,C,M,G,L,A,H,T,O,4,8,Z,3,5,7,9 ) 
    Status        ===>            ( Blank,S,C,OS,OC )                           
    Scan for      ===>                                                          
    Edit macro    ===>                                                          
    Set number    ===>                                                          
       Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The member entered in the Entry Panel is assumed to be the old source.

Press ENTER.

The following window opens in which you can enter the location of the new source and several compare options:

  ----------------------- NATURAL OBJECTS - ENTRY PANEL -------------------------
   COMMAND ===> CR
      Library       ===> NSPFEXAM
      Member        = +------COMPARE-NATURAL:NSPFEXAM(ISPJ---U)-------+
      Type          = !                                               ! ,H,T,O )
      Status        = ! Location of new source                        !        )
      Scan for      = !   Library                 NSPF141             !
      Edit macro    = !   Member                  ISPJ---U            !
      Set number    = !                                               !
                      ! Compare options                               !
                      !   Ignore comments         Y                   !
                      !   Ignore indentation      Y                   !
                      !   Display  differences    Y                   !
                      !   Show all differences    Y                   !
                      !   Number of sync lines        2               !
                      ! Enter to perform , PF3 to exit                !
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The meaning of the input fields is explained in the following table:

Field Meaning
Location of new source:  
Library Enter the name of the Natural library containing the source to be compared. The name of the library last used is displayed. You can select another library by overtyping it. Enter the asterisk wildcard (*) and press ENTER to list Natural libraries.
Member Enter the name of the newer member to be compared. If Natural ISPF detects that this member was saved before the old member, member names are swapped and a message is displayed.
Compare options:  
Ignore comments Enter Y to ignore comments while comparing sources.
Ignore indentation Enter Y to ignore differences coming from indentation caused by the STRUCT Editor command.
Display differences Enter Y to list all differences found in the source lines of a compared object. Otherwise, a message simply indicates whether the compared sources are identical or not.
Show all differences Enter Y to display differences completely. Otherwise a short form of listing is used to print different ranges of more than 6 lines in the following way:
Number of sync lines Enter the number of synchronization lines. The default is 2. This parameter influences the compare mechanism. At least this number of consecutively equal lines must be found before the program assumes to have found an equal portion of code.

When you have made all entries, press ENTER. The successful compare displays an edit session containing the source differences. In our example, all options have been set to Y:

   COMPARE-NAT:NSPFEXAM(ISPJ---U)-Subprogram->Struc >>> Old and new member swapped
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      0110 == 0110 1 #FUNCTION(A2)
      0120 >       1 #SES-DATA(A128)
            < 0120 PARAMETER USING ISPJ---L
            < 0130 PARAMETER
      0130 == 0140 1 #ERROR-CODE(N3)
      0190 == 0200   2 #JOB-PREFIX (A8)
      0200 >       LOCAL USING ISPJ---L
      0210 == 0210 LOCAL
      0260 == 0260   VALUE 'LS'
      0270 >           MOVE #SES-DATA TO #SES-DATA-J    /* GET SESSION DATA
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Last save date of old and new source are compared and old and new member are always set to reflect the sequence of their last save dates. In the example above, the message "Old and new member swapped" appears in the upper right corner of the screen. This means that Natural ISPF has detected that the "new" member (in library NSPF141) was saved before the "old" member (in library NSPFEXAM) and that the member names have been exchanged.

The format of the above screen is explained on the following page.

Output of the COMPARE program:

Column Heading Explanation
OLD   NEW    



MMMM SOURCE LINE All lines are equal in old and new source up to this line. NNNN and MMMM are equal







MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE Old lines NNNN have been modified to the new lines MMMM. The number of lines in OLD and NEW may be different. To perform this modification, delete the lines marked with > and add the ones marked with <.










Such a block of three lines indicates that the NNNN-lines are equal to the MMMM-lines. NNNN and MMMM may be different.




  SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE Only lines specifying line numbers in the OLD column marked with > have been deleted.










Another block of equal lines. The number of lines is equal as well (of course).




MMMM MMMM MMMM SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE SOURCE LINE Only lines specifying line numbers in the NEW column, all marked with < , have been inserted.



MMMM SOURCE LINE These last lines indicate that the rest of the source is equal from line number NNNN in the OLD version and line MMMM in the new version.

Differences between Old and New coming from different indentation as a result of executing STRUCT are ignored. Single equal lines within a block of modified lines are also ignored, i.e. the whole block including the single equal lines are marked as modified. It takes at least two non empty lines (lines containing only an asterisk (*) are considered to be empty) to cause an output of a block of equal lines.

Line Commands

From lists of Natural sets

Select a set from a list of Natural sets with the line command L (for LIST). This lists the members in the set (see also the third example of the LIST command).

From lists of Natural libraries

Select a library from a list of Natural libraries with the line command L (for LIST). This lists the members in the library (see also the fourth example of the LIST command).

From lists of Natural members

To select a member for further maintenance from a list of Natural objects type a line command in the input field preceding the member name and press ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command (but note the LIST command for a member):

Line Command Corresponding Function Command
L LIST previous versions of the member

Line commands can be used as valid abbreviation for function commands entered in the command line of any screen.

Local Commands

When displaying Natural objects in Editor format, you can use the following local commands:

In LIST mode:


From a list of Natural objects, you can catalog multiple objects using the CATALL local command. The following are examples of the CATALL command:

Command Meaning
CATALL Catalogs all objects in the list
CATALL ISP* Catalogs all objects in the list whose names start with ISP.

When a CATALL command is issued, a window opens on your screen showing the name of the program being cataloged. After the cataloging process, those objects for which an error was detected are indicated by the message *ERROR in the message field, and the nature of the error is displayed in the statistical data fields.


You can use the commands ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in section Useful Features.

The following figure shows the result of the CATALL EX* command issued from a list of Natural objects:

  LIST-NAT:SYSISPE----------------------------------------- >>> 2 errors detected
   COMMAND===> catall ex*                                         SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ***************************** top of list *****************************
     EXF1              Macro       S  S/C    5   1 #FILE-NAME(A32)
     EXF2              Macro       S  S/C    7   1 #FILE-NAME(A32)
     EXF3              Program     S  S/C    2   1 #FILE-NAME(A32) INIT <'AU
     EXF4     *ERROR   Program     ERROR 2 AT LINE 20
     EXF6              Macro       S  S/C    1   MOVE     'NOFILE'   TO #OPT
     EXF9              Program     S  S/C    2 1 #FILE-NAME (A32) INIT <'AUT
     EXTG              Global      S  S/C    1 **DF            A  32 1#FILE-
     EXT1              Macro       S  S/C    7   * #FILE-NAME(A32)
     EXT2     *ERROR   Program     ERROR 2 AT LINE 20
  ** *************************** bottom of list ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Before using the CATALL command, it is recommended that you enable or disable the macro facility using the MACRO ON/OFF command as appropriate. If you issue a CATALL command with MACRO ON for an object that does not use the macro facility, resources are wasted as the object is checked for the macro character.

In EDIT mode:

You can use the following Natural commands as local commands from the Editor command line when editing a Natural object:

Command Meaning
CHECK Checks syntax of the Natural program being edited. *
IMPORT Edit mode only: imports a PC file or Con-nect document into the Natural member (see the section Useful Features).
SM OFF Sets structured mode off.
SM ON Sets structured mode on.
STOW 'text' Stores the Natural program in source and object form. **

When stowing a program after modification with versioning active, you can specify a reason for the change with text parameter.

STRUCT Performs structural indentation of Natural source statements and identifies any structural inconsistencies (not applicable for macro-type programs).
TYPE <t>

Specifies Natural program type, where t can stand for any of the following:

C - Copy code

H - Help routine

N - Subprogram

O - Macro object

P - Program

S - Subroutine

T - Text

4 - Class

* If the Natural object is a macro object, the CHECK command also checks the processing statements and variables to be substituted. The command does not check that the lines generated by the macro object are valid Natural source (see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).

** If you issue a STOW command for a Natural program that includes inline macros, a macro expansion is performed before the program is compiled, if the macro expansion function is enabled with the MACRO ON command or in your User Defaults profile (see also the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).

For more information on Natural commands, see the Natural documentation.

You can also use a special COPY command which may be useful when editing Natural programs (use Editor target line commands A, B or O to mark the place where the data are to be copied). You can copy other Natural objects or other object types into the edit area. The following object types can be copied:

Object type Meaning
BF BS2000 file
D Dataset (sequential)
DJ Job (z/VSE)
FIL z/VSE file
J Job (z/OS)
LIB CA Librarian member
LMS LMS element
LMV LMS element version
MAC Macro object
MEM z/VSE member
N Natural object
O Output file in workpool
P PDS member
PAN CA Panvalet member
V Database view


Command Meaning
COPY mapname Generates a Natural INPUT statement for the Natural map mapname and copies the map's variable definition into the current program at the marked place.
COPY VIEW viewname Copies the definition of view viewname into the current program.
COPY data-area-name Generates a data definition source from the Natural data area and copies it into the current program at the marked place.
COPY MACRO name Performs a macro expansion of the macro object name and copies the result into the current member at the marked place.

If you issue the COPY command without parameters, you are prompted for object type and object name.


Starts an edit session with the output of the current program in the user workpool (only valid after a RUN command issued from the edit session).


Available for Natural programs written using the Edit macro option. Reexecutes the specified macro object and writes the result in protected lines in the current edit session. Any defined user code remains in place. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

Previous Versions

Previous versions of Natural objects can be retrieved and maintained (see also the line command L for LIST). They are separate objects in Natural ISPF, accessible via the Natural Objects Entry Panel, or using function commands with object type NV. To activate the versioning feature, you must issue the command VERSIONS ON before starting your edit session. For details, see the subsection Versioning in the section Useful Features.

"Write-To-Workpool" Feature

The Write-To-Workpool option is a simple yet powerful feature useful for checking the output of Natural programs. Using the Editor, you can write a Natural program and include a statement defining a printer for the program output. The Write-To-Workpool feature allows you to define the workpool as destination printer, for example:


When a write to printer 1 is performed (using a WRITE, PRINT or DISPLAY statement), the program output is written to the user workpool. Several reports can be written to the workpool by defining the workpool as destination for multiple printers (DEFINE PRINTER(2), etc).

You can use the WORKPOOL option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu to display and maintain the output (see the subsection User Workpool). Note that each time you run the program (RUN command), the existing output of the program in the user workpool is overwritten with the new output.

Using the split-screen feature, the Natural programmer can edit a program in one screen subsection and immediately see the resulting output in the other screen subsection by issuing the RUN command from the edit session. Checking and debugging programs is thus made very convenient.

The following is an example Natural program illustrating the use of the Write-To-Workpool feature.


If you issue the RUN command for this program, it reads the file AUTOMOBILES and writes the contents of the specified fields to the user workpool, where the program output can be accessed (see the subsection User Workpool).

The figure below illustrates two Natural ISPF sessions in split-screen mode, with the Natural program in the upper session and the program output in the lower session:

   EDIT-NAT:NSPF211(EXW1)-Program->Report-Free-46K ----------- >>> Source EXW1 run
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
   000010 * DEMO: WORKPOOL
   000020 *
   000040 *
   EDIT-OUT:EXW1 ------------------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
   000001 Page      1                                                  94-12-27  1
   000003 CHRYSLER       green      DODGE CORONET CUSTOM  255   4150   6 O35549448
   000004 CHRYSLER       GREEN      DODGE CHALLENGER SIX  150   3160   6 J92314635
   000005 CHRYSLER       BROWN      PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER  330   3695   6 L32433047
   000006 CHRYSLER       YELLOW     DODGE CHALLENGER SIX  150   3160   6 N58644909
   000007 CHRYSLER       WHITE      NEWPORT ROYAL         175   4210   6 J90372307
   000008 CHRYSLER       WHITE      DODGE MONACO          190   4310   6 O89730037
   000009 CHRYSLER       WHITE      PLYMOUTH FURY II      175   4040   6 L15260038
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Concurrent Editing of Natural Objects

When you save/stow a Natural program, Natural ISPF runs a check to see if the same program has been modified by another user or another session whilst you were editing. If this is the case, you are notified by a message and the save/stow operation is not executed.

You can use the BROWSE command to inspect the Natural object and you can decide whether you wish to override it with your latest modifications or not. If you wish to override it with your latest modifications, you can either:

  • use the REPLACE command for the existing object, or

  • delete the existing Natural object and then save/stow the version with your latest changes.

Natural Views

The VIEWS option on the Natural ISPF Main Menu allows you to select a data view, list its field names (view definition) and access the database to display the field contents. Natural programmers can use this facility to check their files in one session while editing programs in other sessions.

How to reference views and record fields in Natural programs is described in the Natural documentation.

To enter the views facility, select the VIEWS option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. This displays the Natural View Entry Panel on your screen:

  COMMAND ===>
     View Name     ===>
     Dbid          ===>                                    (For selection list)
     Fnr           ===>                                    (For selection list)
     Record Fields ===>                                            (Field list)
     Start value   ===>
     End value     ===>
     Max Records   ===>  100
     Password      ===>
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

You can specify the object you wish to display in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
View name Enter a view name. You can use the wildcards (* _ < >) to list available views. (See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in section Command Logic.)
Dbid Enter database ID of view. The value 0 (zero) is a valid database ID.
Fnr Enter file number of view.
Record fields Enter field names for content display. Adabas short names are also accepted. The first field must be a descriptor or superdescriptor.
Start value Enter value with which to start the list of records.
End value Enter value with which to end the list of records.
Max records Enter maximum number of records to be listed (default is 100).
Password Enter the Adabas security password for the BROWSE function (required if the file is protected by Adabas security).

Function Commands

The following function commands are available for view handling:

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE view-name, PASSWORD=pswd
COPY view-name, object-type object-parameters
DEFINITION view-name
DOWNLOAD view-name
LIST view-name (or ..*) DBID=id FNR=n
UPLOAD view-name

For an explanation of these commands, see the section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the Natural View Entry Panel.


  1. The COPY command copies the generated data definition statements. (For information on generated data definition statements, see the subsection Local Commands).
  2. If a view is not explicitly specified in the View Name field, the default function command is LIST.
  3. If a view is specified, but no record fields are entered, the default function command is DEFINITION.
  4. If a view and one or more record fields are specified, the default command is BROWSE.
  5. The DESCRIPTION function is also available as a line command for view elements. See the example for the DEFINITION command.

If you issue any of the above commands from outside the views facility, the object type parameter V must precede any object parameters in the command syntax.

Examples of function commands using full command syntax are described in the following subsections.

Example: LIST

The following figure illustrates a list of views displayed using the command:


The views are listed according to name, database ID, file number and type:

   LIST-VIW:* -------------------------------------- Row 0 of 92 - Columns 034 055
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      VIEW NAME                                 DBID FNR TYPE
   ** ********************* top of list *********************
      ACCOUNTING                                 148  34 P
      ACTIVE-JOBS                                148  29 P
      ADDRESS-SPACE                              148  21 P
      ALLOCATIONS                                148  22 P
      ARCHIVE                                    148 211 P
      AUTOMOBILES                                  0   2 A
      CATALOG                                    148   8 P
      CATALOG-UPDATE                             148  10 P
      COMMAND                                      1   1 C
      COMMON-DATA                                148  33 P
      CONSOLE                                    148  35 P
      CONSOLE-LOG                                148  25 P
      CONTAINER                                  147 199 A
      COPY-FILE                                  148  37 P
      DEVICE-NAMES                               148  30 P
      DICTIONARY                                 255 253 A
      EMPLOYEES                                    0  53 A
      EMPLOYEES-VS                               254   1 V
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Use the DBID= option and/or the FNR= option in the command syntax to display views on a specific database and/or with a specific file number. To select any view for further handling, use any line command described in the subsection Line Commands.

Example: BROWSE

The following prompt window opens as a result of the command:

 -------------------------- NATURAL ISPF MAIN MENU -----------------------------
                                                                 Userid   BRY
                                                                 Time     15:11:53
      0    PROFILE    - Profile maintenance                      Terminal DAEFTC30
      1    NATURAL    - Work with NATURAL objects                Library  BRY
     !                                                                       !
     ! View Name     ===> AUTOMOBILES                                        !
     ! Record Fields ===> MAKE MODEL WEIGHT                                  !
     ! Start value   ===> F                                                  !
     ! End value     ===> H                                                  !
     ! Max Records   ===> 20                                                 !
     ! Password      ===>                                                    !

The fields in the window correspond to the parameter fields on the Natural View Entry Panel. The screen on the following page shows database records listed as a result of entering the parameters as shown in the window on this page:

  BROWSE-VIW:AUTOMOBILES------------------------------------------Columns 001 043
  COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     MAKE           MODEL                WEIGHT
  ** *************** top of list **************
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
     FERRARI        DINO 246 GT           2380
     FERRARI        365 GTB/4             2640
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Cursor

The display shows the first 20 automobiles in a list starting with the letter F and ending with H, with information on make, model and weight.

  • Alternatively, you can enter an asterisk (*) in the Record Fields field in the prompt window and press ENTER. The following window opens:

       -------------------------- NATURAL ISPF MAIN MENU -----------------------------
                                                                     Userid   BRY
                          +-----------------BROWSE-VIEW:------------------+   15:11:53
          0    PROFILE    ! Select fields:                                ! l DAEFTC30
          1    NATURAL    !                                               !   BRY
         +--------------- ! _ 1   CAR-DESCRIPTION                         ! -----+
         !                ! _ 2 D MAKE                             A 14   !      !
         ! View Name      ! _ 2 D MODEL                            A 20   !      !
         ! Record Fields  ! _ 2 D BODY-TYPE                        A 15   !      !
         ! Start value    ! _ 2 D NUMBER-OF-CYLINDERS              N 2.0  !      !
         ! End value      ! _ 2 D HORSEPOWER                       N 3.0  !      !
         ! Max Records    ! _ 2   PISTON-DISPLACEMENT              N 5.0  !      !
         ! Password       ! _ 1   CAR-DETAIL                              !      !
         +--------------- ! _ 2   WEIGHT                           N 5.0  ! -----+
                          ! _ 2 D COLOR                            A 10   !
          10   SYSTEM     ! Entr-PF3--PF7--PF8--                          !
          11   ADMIN      ! Down End  Top  Down                           !
          NEWS CHANGES    +-----------------------------------------------+
          END  EXIT       - Exit NATURAL ISPF
          HELP HELP       - Display help information
             Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right TOP

    Select one or more fields with any character and press PF3 to display field contents.

  • If you select only 1 field here, a HISTOGRAM statement is generated for Adabas files. In addition to the field contents, the variable *NUMBER is also displayed:

       BROWSE-VIW:AUTOMOBILES -------------------------- Row 0 of 58 - Columns 016 026
        COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
          MAKE           NMBR
       ** ******* top of list ******
          ALPINE                   6
          AMERICAN MOTOR           3
          AMERICAN MOTOR          85
          AUDI                     7
          AUDI-80                  1
          BMW                     20
          CHRYSLER               167
          CITROEN                  8
          DAIMLER-BENZ             1
          DATSUN                  11
          DE TOMASO               11
          DKW                      1
          FERRARI                 30
          FIAT                    28
          FORD                   133
          GENERAL MOTORS         281
          GOLF                     3
          ISO                      6
          JAGUAR                  22
          LAMBORGHINI              7


The following view definition display is the result of the command:

   DEFINITION-VIW:EMPLOYEES-(254,1) ------------------------------ Columns 001 074
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      T L  DB  Name                             F Leng  S D Remarks
   ** ******************************* top of list ******************************
        1  AA  PERSONNEL-ID                     A    8    D
      *             CNNNNNNN
      *             C=COUNTRY
      G 1  AB  FULL-NAME
        2  AC  FIRST-NAME                       A   20  N
        2  AD  MIDDLE-NAME                      A   20  N
        2  AE  NAME                             A   20    D
        1  AF  MAR-STAT                         A    1  F
      *             M=MARRIED
      *             S=SINGLE
      *             D=DIVORCED
      *             W=WIDOWED
        1  AG  SEX                              A    1  F
        1  AH  BIRTH                            N  6.0
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
T Field type
L Level
DB Database field name
Name Field name

Field format. For example:

A - Alpha field

B - Binary field

N - Numeric field

Leng Field length

Special option. Possible values:

blank - No option defined

F - Fixed length

N - Nulls suppressed


Descriptor. Possible values:

D - Field descriptor

S -Superdescriptor

Remarks Comments

From the definition screen, you can use the DS line command to edit the description of a view element. An example is illustrated on the next page.

The following screen appears as the result of the line command DS entered for view element FIRST-NAME.

  EDIT-PRD:EL:PERSONNEL(FIRST-NAME) ----------------------------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000001           ====================================
  000002           Elem. field additional description
  000003           ====================================
  000004 A person's first name is required only if the surname (NAME) is not
  000005 unique.
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

You can edit and save the description as required.


The following view description display is the result of the command:

  EDIT-PRD:FI:AUTOMOBILES --------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000001           ====================================
  000002              File additional description
  000003           ====================================
  000004 This is the famous automobiles file.
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

You can edit the description as required and save it.

Line Commands

The following line commands are available from a list of views generated using the LIST command:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line.

The DS line command is also available for view elements displayed in the view definition, see the example for the DEFINITION command.

Local Commands

Besides Editor browse commands, you can use one local command from the Editor command line when displaying a view definition. The command:


generates data definition statements for a Natural source.


The following view definition is displayed as a result of the command:

   DEFINITION-VIW:EMPLOYEES-VS-(254,1) --------------------------- Columns 001 074
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      T L  DB  Name                             F Leng  S D Remarks
   ** ******************************* top of list ******************************
        1  AA  PERSONNEL-ID                     A    8    D
      *             CNNNNNNN
      *             C=COUNTRY
      G 1  AB  FULL-NAME
        2  AC  FIRST-NAME                       A   20  N
        2  AD  MIDDLE-NAME                      A   20  N
        2  AE  NAME                             A   20    D
        1  AF  MAR-STAT                         A    1  F
      *             M=MARRIED
      *             S=SINGLE
      *             D=DIVORCED
      *             W=WIDOWED
        1  AG  SEX                              A    1  F
        1  AH  BIRTH                            N  6.0
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

If you now issue the GENERATE command from the command line, the following data definition statements are generated:

   DEFINITION-VIW:EMPLOYEES-VS-(254,1) --------------------------- Columns 001 074
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      T L  DB  Name                             F Leng  S D Remarks
   ** ******************************* top of list ******************************
        2 PERSONNEL-ID
        2 FULL-NAME
          3 FIRST-NAME
          3 MIDDLE-NAME
          3 NAME
        2 MAR-STAT
        2 SEX
        2 BIRTH
        2 FULL-ADDRESS
          3 ADDRESS-LINE
          3 CITY
          3 ZIP
          3 FILLER
          3 COUNTRY
        2 TELEPHONE
          3 AREA-CODE
          3 PHONE
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

If you use the COPY command for a view, the generated data definition statements are copied.

Natural Error Messages Member: ERRMENU

The ERROR option on the Natural ISPF Main Menu allows you to edit the long and short texts of Natural error messages and user-defined messages.

To enter the error facility, select the ERROR option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The Natural Error Messages Entry Panel appears:

   ------------------- NATURAL ERROR MESSAGES - ENTRY PANEL ----------------------
   COMMAND ===>
      Library       ===>
      Type          ===>                         (N,U)
      Number from   ===>
      Number to     ===>
      Language code ===>
      Scan for      ===>

You can specify the Natural error message you wish to maintain in the input fields of the Natural Error Messages Entry Panel and enter a function command in the command line.

The meaning of the input fields is explained in the following table:

Field Keyword Meaning
Library -

Natural library name. The library used last is displayed in this field.

Select any other library by overtyping this name.


Possible values are:

N - Natural error message

U - User-defined message (default)

If the Library field is filled, message type U is assumed.

Number from FROM Starting value for the range of error messages to be listed, or the number of the error message to be browsed or edited.
Number to TO Ending value for the range of error messages to be listed. Required only when invoking the LIST function.
Language code LANGUAGE If this field is not filled, the value of *LANGUAGE is used.
Scan for SCAN Selection criterion for listing Natural error texts: all error messages as specified in the above fields are listed whose short text contains the string entered here.

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE library(error-number) TYPE=x LANG=l
DELETE library(error-number) TYPE=x LANG=l
EDIT library(error-number) TYPE=x LANG=l
LIST library(error-from) TO=error-to TYPE=x SCAN=string LANG=l

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the Natural Error Messages facility, you must specify the object-type parameter E before the object parameters.

Line Commands

The following line commands are available from a list of messages generated using the LIST command:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

The BROWSE and EDIT functions display short and long error texts in one edit session. This enables you to maintain both text types on one screen. The short text is always displayed in Line 1. Lines 2 to 21 contain the long text. You cannot save the message when more than 21 lines are in the Editor session.

Example of EDIT screen:

   EDIT-ERR:(3022)/TYPE=N ---------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
   000001 Invalid command.
   ==msg> Start of long error message
   .TX    Invalid command.
   000004 .
   000005 .
   .EX    The command entered was invalid:
   000007 .
   000008    - invalid command code;
   000009 .
   000010    - access-only user attempted to issue update command;
   000011 .
   000012    - non-ET-logic user issued BT command;
   000013 .
   000014    - CLU user issued ET command.
   000015 .
   000016 .
   000017 .
   000018 .
   000019 .
   .AC    Check program and correct error.
   000021 .

Local command NEXT

The NEXT command is available with the EDIT/BROWSE functions. In BROWSE mode, the next error text found is displayed. In EDIT mode, the current text is saved, if it has been modified, and the next error text is read from the system file for editing.

Predict Descriptions

Natural ISPF allows you to edit the long description of any Predict object type. To access the Predict description facility, select the Predict option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The Predict Description Entry Panel appears:

  -------------------- PREDICT DESCRIPTION - ENTRY PANEL ------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
     Library       ===>
     Member        ===>
     Type          ===>                     ( DA,EL,FI,KY,MO,PR,RL,RP,SY,US,VE)
     Object Name   ===>
     File name     ===>
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

Select a description by specifying the corresponding object in the parameter fields and pressing ENTER.

The selected object must already be defined in Predict.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Library Name of Natural library: for objects of type PR (program), you can specify the implementation pointer.
Member Name of Natural program: for objects of type PR (program), you can specify the implementation pointer.
Type Predict object type (for example, PR for program, DA for database, FI for file, EL for file element, VE for verification).
Object Name Name of the Predict object. For object type EL (file element), the element name.
File Name For object type EL only (file element). Enter the file name here and an element name in Object Name field.

Function Commands

Predict descriptions are separate objects in Natural ISPF with object type PRD. This means you can start an edit session with a Predict description from any system screen using the following function commands:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
BROWSE library(member)
BROWSE object-name TYPE=t FILE=file-name
EDIT library(member)
EDIT object-name TYPE=t FILE=file-name
LIST object-name TYPE=t FILE=file-name

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the Predict description facility, you must specify the object-type parameter PRD before the object parameters.

Example: EDIT



See also the function command DESCRIPTION in section Command Reference.

Con-nect Documents

The Natural ISPF interface to Con-nect enables you to access Con-nect documents for which you are authorized. Con-nect documents can be listed from Con-nect cabinets and folders in Editor format. Information can be displayed for a document, and documents can be added, deleted and maintained using the Editor in the same way as any other Natural ISPF object.

Additionally, using the Natural ISPF multi-session and split-screen features, you can easily transfer data to and from Con-nect documents.

To enter the Con-nect document maintenance facility, select the Con-nect option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The Con-nect Documents Entry Panel appears:

  --------------------- CON-NECT DOCUMENTS - ENTRY PANEL ------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
     Cabinet       ===>
     Folder        ===>
     File          ===>
     Document      ===>
     Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
     Keyword       ===>
     Sort sequence ===>                         ( A/D )
     Max documents ===>
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

You can specify the Con-nect document you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line. Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Cabinet Name of cabinet in which the document is or is to be filed.
Folder Name of folder in which the document is or is to be filed. Note that Natural ISPF does not support listing of folders.
File Name of file in which the document is or is to be filed. Note that Natural ISPF does not support listing of files.
Document Name of document to be added or maintained. Leave blank or use a combination of strings and wildcards (* _ < >) to list documents in the specified folder/file. (See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in section Command Logic.)
Password Password, if the cabinet is password-protected.
Keyword One of the keywords assigned to the document when using the LIST function. If you enter a keyword, all documents with this keyword are listed. The Folder, File and Document fields are ignored. Keywords can be assigned to existing documents using the INFORMATION function.
Sort sequence Relevant with LIST. Specifies whether to list documents in ascending (A) (default) or descending (D) alphabetical order.
Max documents Relevant with LIST. Specifies the maximum number of documents to be listed.

Function Commands

The available function commands for Con-nect documents are as follows:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
BROWSE cabinet(document) PASSWORD=p
DELETE cabinet(document) PASSWORD=p
EDIT cabinet(document) FOLDER=fo FILE=fi PASSWORD=p
INFORMATION cabinet(document) PASSWORD=p
PRINT cabinet(document) PASSWORD=p

The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the Con-nect Documents Entry Panel. For a full description of these commands, see section Command Reference.


  1. If you issue any of the above commands from outside the Con-nect document facility, you must specify the object type DOC before the object parameters.
  2. The cabinet parameter is optional. Your personal cabinet is the default.
  3. When issuing the PRINT command for a Con-nect document, a window prompts you for the printer name and you can specify whether the document is to be printed formatted or not.

Example: LIST

The following figure shows an example of a list of all documents in a Con-nect file using the command:


The command lists all documents from the ISPF file in the WORK folder in cabinet MBE:

  LIST-DOC:MBE(*)/FOLDER=WORK ---------------------- Row 0 of 2 - Columns 045 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     Document                         Int.Number          Created    File
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     Editor 134                       0001485546          1989-11-24 ISPF
     Textfile                         0006907082          1993-05-06 ISPF
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

Meaning of the column headings:

Field Meaning
Document Document name.
Int.Number Internal number used by Natural ISPF to find the document.
Created Document creation date in format YY-MM-DD.
File Name of the Con-nect file in which the document is stored.


The following screen illustrates the information screen for a Con-nect document invoked using the command:


The screen shows information on document TEXTFILE from cabinet MBE:

 ----------------------- Information DOC:MBE(TEXTFILE) -------------------------
  Command ===>
     Document  ===> TEXTFILE
     Folder    ===> Work___________   File     ISPF___________
     Subject   ===> To test ISPF14______________________________________________
     Keywords  ===> TEST___________  ISPF___________  _______________
                    _______________  _______________  _______________
     Private   ===> _
     Exp-date  ===> 1994/05/06        Archive  _
     Attached  ===>                   Enclos
     Created   ===> 1993/05/06  11:12 By       MBE
     Modified  ===> 1993/05/06  14:48          MBE
     Mailed    ===>
     Forward   ===>
     Reply     ===>
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The information presented in this screen is the same as documented in the Con-nect User's Guide. You can modify the highlighted fields in this screen, for example, rename the document, edit the description in the Subject field or assign new keywords.

Line Commands

Select a document from a list by entering a line command in the input field preceding the document name and pressing ENTER.

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

When selecting a document with the PR line command, a window prompts you for the printer name and you can specify whether the document is to be printed formatted or not.

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

Local Commands

In Edit Mode:

If you display a Con-nect document in Editor format in EDIT mode, you can issue the following local command from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands:

Command Meaning
IMPORT Imports a PC file or another Con-nect document into the document (see section Useful Features).

In List Mode:

If you display lists of Con-nect documents in Editor format, you can issue the local commands ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT in addition to Editor scroll commands. For detailed information, see the subsections in section Useful Features.

User Workpool

The user workpool is an internal pool from which you can select output files of Natural programs, Natural utilities or job output for further maintenance.

The following objects are written to the user workpool;

  • The output of macro objects as a result of the RUN command;

  • The generated code of any object that includes inline macros or the INCLUDE-MACRO statement, as a result of the STOW, CATALOG or RUN command (Natural objects), or the SUBMIT command (other sources);

  • The output of any Natural program that defines the workpool as a printer and which includes the WRITE, PRINT and/or DISPLAY statements referring to that printer;

  • The output from Natural ISPF and Natural utilities by specifying the workpool as print destination;

  • A command script executed by the PLAY command. Also, if a command script is interrupted by the PAUSE command or error, the command lines not yet executed are kept in the workpool and can be modified;

  • Command sequences including (error) messages recorded by the RECORD session command;

  • A Zap generated with the GENERATE or SAVE command after a CSECT has been edited in Natural ISPF.

An example of objects that use the macro facility is contained in the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide. An example of a Natural program that uses the workpool as output destination is contained in the subsection Write-To-Workpool Feature. An example of specifying the workpool as printer in a Natural utility is contained in the example. For details on the other instances, see the description of the PLAY and RECORD commands in the section Useful Features, and the description of CSECT handling in the subsection Load Modules and CSECTs in the section z/OS Objects.

The workpool holds only one entry for each generated Natural program and report. If a program with output in the workpool is run, stowed or cataloged again, the existing output is replaced according to object type. You can browse, edit, save and delete output in the workpool.

Workpool files are intermediate files only. If you wish to keep source that was generated in the workpool, it is strongly recommended that you store it as another object elsewhere in Natural ISPF (see the subsection Saving Output).

To enter the user workpool, select the WORKPOOL option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. This displays the Workpool Entry Panel:

  -------------------------- WORKPOOL - ENTRY PANEL -----------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
      Program       ===>
      Type          ===>                  ( MACRO, REPORT, ZAP etc.  )

         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Program Name of program or member whose output is to be maintained. Enter the asterisk wildcard (*) to list all output files or enter a prefix followed by an asterisk (*) to list all file names with that prefix (see also the example of the LIST command).

Type of output. Leave blank to list all types according to the name selection criteria. Specify:

MACRO - To list only output of programs that use the macro facility.

PLAY - To list a command script executed or interrupted.

RECORD - To list recorded command sequences.

ZAP - To list Zaps generated after CSECT editing.

REPORT - To list all other output files (Natural programs that use the workpool as printer destination).

To select an output file for maintenance specify its program name in the Program input field and enter a function command in the command line. Alternatively, you can issue a function command with object type O and member name from any system screen.

Function Commands

The following function commands are available for the workpool facility:

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE output-name
COPY output-name, object-type object-parameters, REP
DELETE output-name
EDIT output-name
EXPORT output-name, destination
PLAY output-name
PRINT output-name, printer-id
SUBMIT output-name, TARGET=node-id

These commands are described in detail in section Command Reference.

If you issue any of these commands from outside the workpool facility, you must specify object type O (output) in the command syntax before the object parameters.

You can display your edit and the workpool sessions in split-screen mode and immediately see the effect of any modifications on the output using the RUN, CATALOG, STOW or SUBMIT command from the edit session as appropriate.

Below are some examples of function commands using full command syntax.

Example: LIST

The following figure illustrates the result of the command:


The list includes all output files that use the macro facility (macro objects and output of members that have inline macros):

  LIST-OUT:/TYPE=MACRO ----------------------------- Row 0 of 1 - Columns 028 049
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     PROGRAM           TYPE     DATE     TIME    LINES
  ** ****************** top of list ******************
     MYPROG            MACRO    19980116 14:03      22
     ##SUBMIT          MACRO    19980116 14:05      14
  ** ***************** bottom of list ****************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the column headings:

Field Meaning

Name of the member that generated this output:

name><: Name of macro object, or of Natural program that uses the workpool as printer destination.

##INLINE Output of Natural program that uses inline macros.

##SUBMIT Output of macro objects and non-Natural members as a result of the SUBMIT command.

TYPE Type of output (e.g., MACRO, REPORT, PLAY, ...)
DATE Date output was generated in the workpool.
TIME Time output was generated in the workpool.
LINES Number of lines in the output.

Line Commands

The following line commands are available from a list of output objects. Each line command is an abbreviation of the corresponding function command:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

Example 1: Printing output from a Natural utility to the workpool

This example shows you how to write selected messages from the Natural utility SYSERR to the workpool.

In the Natural SYSERR Utility Menu, specify function code PR, an appropriate message type and the required application (in our example, SYSISPS1). Then specify the required message range to be printed:

  17:28:33              ***** NATURAL SYSERR Utility *****               94-12-27
                                      - Menu -
                    Code  Function
                    ----  ----------------------------------------
                     AD   Add new messages
                     DE   Delete messages
                     DI   Display messages
                     MO   Modify messages
                     PR   Print messages
                     SC   Scan in messages
                     SE   Select messages from a list
                     TR   Translate messages into another language
                     ?    Help
                     .    Exit
                    ----  ----------------------------------------
             Code .. PR   Message type .... UL
                          Library ......... SYSISPS1
                          Message number .. 6800 - 6810
                          Language codes .. 1________
   Please enter code.
   Command ===>
         Help        Exit                                                  Canc

Press ENTER to display the printer specifications.

You must specify WORKPOOL as printer:

  17:28:33              ***** NATURAL SYSERR Utility *****               94-12-27
                                      - Menu -
                     +------Print User Defined Error Texts------+
                     !                                          !
                     !   Library .......... SYSISPS1            !
                     !   Language code .... 1                   !
                     !                                          !
                     !   Long texts, too .. Y                   !
                     !   Error number ..... 6800 -  6810        !
                     !   Lines per page ... 60_                 !
                     !   Left margin ...... 10                  !
                     !   Top margin ....... 0_                  !
                     !   Bottom margin .... 0_                  !
                     !   Printer .......... WORKPOOL            !
                     !                                          !
             Code .. PR   Message type .... UL
                          Library ......... SYSISPS1
                          Message number .. 6800 - 6810
                          Language codes .. 1________
   Command ===>
         Help        Exit                                                  Canc

Press ENTER to perform the function. If you entered UL as Message type, the specified messages are written to the workpool, including long texts.

You can view the messages by selecting the WORKPOOL option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu:

   BROWSE-OUT:PPRTUSR/TYPE=REPORT-1 ------------------------------ Columns 001 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
               SYSISPS16800 Invalid command
               Text:  The command that was entered was not a valid N-ISPF command.
               Expl:  .
               Actn:  .
               SYSISPS16801 Invalid parameter
               Text:  Invalid parameter
               Expl:  The parameter that was entered was not a valid N-ISPF parame
               Actn:  .
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

You can proceed as in the above example with all Natural utilities which prompt for a printer name. Output of other Natural utilities and Natural system commands can also be routed to the workpool by means of the Natural terminal command %H#WORKPOOL (see Natural Terminal Commands documentation).

Example 2: Printing output from any Natural ISPF screen to the workpool

From any Natural ISPF screen, enter the command:


In the command line of the resulting screen, enter the command:


Then press PF2 to print the expanded program list and return to Natural ISPF by pressing PF3. You can also handle the expanded list in the workpool as appropriate.

Example 3: Printing Predict object lists to the workpool

Within Software AG's Interactive Data Dictionary Predict, lists of objects can usually be shown in one of the display modes SELECT, LIST and DISPLAY. If you choose either the LIST or the DISPLAY mode and enter the terminal command %H#WORKPOOL, as reply to the MORE prompt, the complete list of Predict objects is written to the workpool where it can be further processed.

Saving Output

When browsing or editing output in the workpool, you can save the output currently displayed as another Natural ISPF object using the Editor command CREATE from the Editor command line.

You must mark the block of lines you wish to copy to the target source with two Editor line commands CC, and then issue the CREATE command in the format:

CREATE object-type object-parameters

If you omit the object-type and/or the object-parameters, prompt windows help you make a valid selection (note that the command format and prompt windows are the same as used for the COPY function command).

Example: CREATE

The command displayed in the Editor command line of the following screen creates PDS member MYJOB in the library MY.ONLY.SOURCE using all four lines of the displayed output (marked with two CC Editor line commands):

  EDIT-OUT:EXJCL/TYPE=MACRO------------------------------------- columns 001 072
   COMMAND===> CREATE P MY.ONLY.SOURCE(MYJOB                      SCROLL===> CSR
  ***** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  CC001 //* FR=//* ,
  00002 //* SV #VOL = COM811
  ***** **************************** bottom of data ***************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Alternatively, you can copy output from the workpool with the:

  • CP line command from a list of workpool entries or

  • COPY function command from any system screen in the format:

    COPY O name,object-type object parameters,REP

Recovery Files

If you set RECOVERY ON in your Editor profile, recovery files are written while you are editing. Recovery files can be retrieved after an abnormal termination. The frequency at which recovery files are written can also be specified in your Editor profile. For example, a value of 10 means that a recovery file is written every 10th line you modify (see the subsection Editor Profile in section Profile Maintenance).

Recovery files are separate objects in Natural ISPF with object type REC, though they have no Entry Panel. If there is an abnormal termination while you are editing, the next time you log on to Natural ISPF, you are notified with the message: You have lost files. Enter RECOVER command to recover. If you issue the RECOVER command (an implicit LIST REC), you are presented with a list of recoverable files (see the example of the LIST command). Alternatively, you can issue another function command with the object-type parameter REC.

Authorized users such as the system administrator can maintain recovery files of all users. Recovery files of all users have object type BPR, and available functions are LIST and DELETE (see also the Natural ISPF Administration Guide).

Function Commands

The following function commands are available for recovery files:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
DELETE REC member-name
EDIT REC member-name

where member-name is the name of the edited object.

Example LIST

The following display is a result of the LIST REC command after an abnormal termination during an editing session with a Natural program and a PDS member:

   LIST-REC: ---------------------------------------- Row 0 of 2 - Columns 030 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      NAT  00512 19981228 10:12:54          BRY(ISPJ---U)
      PDS  00723 19981228 10:14:29          BRY.COMN.SOURCE(ISPRULES)
   ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
TYPE Object type.
BLOCK Internal block number.
DATE Date recovery file was written.
TIME Time recovery file was written.
OBJECT-IDENTIFICATION Library and (object name).

Use a line command to select any recovery file from the list for further handling (see the subsection Line Commands).

Line Commands

The following line commands are available for a list of recovery files. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command.

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

A recovery file can be edited and saved as any normal edited member. After you have edited and saved a recovery file, the END command (usually assigned to PF3) returns you to the list of recovery files.

Once a recovery file has been edited or deleted, it is erased from the list of recovery files, regardless of whether the recovered edit session is terminated by the END or CANCEL command.

Container Files

Natural ISPF allows you to access the Incore database (IDB) container file. Container files are usually created by your application programs using IDB. Select the CONTAINER option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The IDB Container Entry Panel appears:

  ------------------------- IDB CONTAINER ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
      Type          ===>
      Group         ===>
      Name          ===>

The meaning of the input fields is explained in the following table:

Field Meaning




These 3 fields identify a container file.

If any of the fields contain an asterisk (*), the LIST function is invoked, if not, the container file is browsed.

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Parameter Syntax
BROWSE TYPE=type GROUP=group NAME=name
DELETE TYPE=type GROUP=group NAME=name
LIST TYPE=type GROUP=group NAME=name

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the container files facility, you must specify the object-type parameter CTN before the object parameters.

Line Commands

The following line commands are available:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command


For example, if you enter an asterisk (*) in the Type field and press ENTER, a list of container files appears in the following format:

   LIST-CTN:/TYPE=*/GROUP=/NAME=* ------------------ Row 0 of 50 - Columns 040 076
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
      Type     Group    Name                 Action   User     Date     Time
   ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
      PERSONNE CV       11100114                      MZC      19981201 11:02:21.6
      PERSONNE CV       11500327                      JWO      19970705 19:21:11.6
      PERSONNE CV       40008001                      MZC      19970714 12:26:48.7
      REPORT   PERSON   ADDRESSES                     JWO      19961120 15:21:01.6
      REPORT   PERSOX   ADDRESSES                     JWO      19981108 18:12:21.1
      SAETZE   TEST     WOHL                          MZC      19981201 11:13:10.0
      TEXT     CARS     JWO                           JWO      19970715 15:54:52.2
      TEXT     COMMENT  AL JARREAU                    MZC      19970624 12:30:06.7
      TEXT     COMMENT  BEACH BOYS                    JWO      19961124 08:23:10.0
      TEXT     COMMENT  BEATLES                       JWO      19970720 17:21:43.8
      TEXT     COMMENT  COMEDIAN HARMONISTS           MZC      19981212 22:11:31.4
      TEXT     COMMENT  DIE FANTASTISCHEN 4           MZC      19971209 11:44:11.1
   B  TEXT     COMMENT  ERIC BURDON          *Browsed MZC      19981212 22:21:43.9
      TEXT     COMMENT  F.SINATRA & C.BASIE           MZC      19980124 15:27:58.9
      TEXT     COMMENT  JETHRO TULL                   MZC      19971209 12:32:04.2
      TEXT     COMMENT  JIMI HENDRIX                  JWO      19970406 19:05:28.0
      TEXT     COMMENT  MARBLES                       JWO      19970706 14:43:15.8
      TEXT     COMMENT  MONKEYS                       JWO      19970624 14:23:25.0
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

If, for example, you select the file ERIC-BURDON for browsing with the B line command, the contents of the file are displayed as follows:

    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE
   =cols> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5
   ****** ******************* top of data ******************
   000001 An English singer who has been in  the  music  biz
   000002 for more than thirty years, in several formations,
   000003 the  most  successful  of  which   was   certainly
   000004 "Eric Burdon and War".
   000005 Some people say  he  is  the  blackest  among  all
   000006 these white blues singers !
   ****** ***************** bottom of data *****************
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso