System Configuration

This document covers the following topics:

System Configuration Overview

This section tells you how to configure some items in the Natural ISPF system to suit your installation's needs. The following points are described:

Other configuration tasks such as user definitions and menu customization are described in separate sections.

The following subsections describe these functions in the order you are advised to follow when configuring Natural ISPF. All settings can be modified later in any order by an authorized user.

Further Customization Using Open NSPF

In addition to the administration functions mentioned above, you can further customize Natural ISPF to the requirements of your site using the Open NSPF facility. This allows you to:

  • Define site-specific commands (for example, MAIL to check your automatic office system for a new item).

  • Define site-specific objects and relate them to functions (for example, define EMPLOYEE as a new object and relate it to functions LIST, INFORMATION, DELETE).

The Open NSPF facility is described in detail in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

A Note about Library Names

All Natural libraries accessed during administration functions are referred to in this section by their descriptive names. For a list of library names as they appear on the installation medium, see Natural ISPF Libraries.

Editing the Configuration Member CONFIG

Select the ADMIN option on the Main Menu. You are presented with the Administrator Menu which contains all available administration options with a short description of their meaning, for example:

  ---------------------------- ADMINISTRATOR MENU -------------------------------
  OPTION  ===>
                                                                 User ID  FHI
                                                                 Time     15:38:16
    _ 1    CONFIG     - Configuration parameters                 Terminal DAEFTCS3
    _ 2    USER       - User maintenance                         Library  NSPF241
    _ 3    MENU LIST  - Display N-ISPF menu list                 Node     148
    _ 4    MENU       - Add/update N-ISPF menu
    _ 5    EXAMPLE    - Invoke example menu
    _ 6    NODES      - Update N-ISPF nodes table
    _ 7    SHORTLIB   - Edit global shortlib member
    _ 8    PANDEF     - Edit PANVALET definition member
    _ 9    LIBDEF     - Edit LIBRARIAN definition member
    _ 10   PDS VERS.  - Edit PDS versioned libraries list
    _ 11   NAT VERS.  - Edit NAT versioned libraries list
    _ 12   VSE VERS.  - Edit VSE versioned libraries list
    _ 13   VERSIONS   - Maintain versioning data
    _ 14   BPSTAT     - Display editor BufferPool status
    _ 15   BP FILES   - List all BufferPool files
    _ 16   BP RECS    - List all Recovery files
         Help  Relis §End  !Br : t;fin !inf  Up    Down  Susp; Left  Right Exc :

Select the CONFIG option on the Administrator Menu. The Configuration Menu appears:

   ---------------------------- CONFIGURATION MENU -------------------------------
   OPTION  ===>
                                                                 User ID  FHI
                                                                 Time     15:43:54
    _ 1    N-ISPF     - N-ISPF parameters                        Terminal DAEFTCS3
                                                                 Library  NSPF241
    _ 2    CONFIG     - Edit Config member                       Node     148
    _ 3    CONTROLU   - Edit Site control table
    _ 4    NCP        - Use NCP command processor
         Help  Relis §End  !Br : t;fin !inf  Up    Down  Susp; Left  Right Exc :

This menu contains all available configuration options with a short description of their meaning.

The User Profile Library can contain the member CONFIG which defines the installed subsystems and active user exits. If you wish to activate user exits, other subsystems and/or special purpose switches, you must modify the CONFIG member.

Without the CONFIG member, there are no active user exits and the subsystems enabled are Natural and your site's operating system (z/OS, z/VSE or BS2000). An example of the CONFIG member is contained in the System Profile Library. You can copy this example to the User Profile Library using the SYSMAIN utility.

The CONFIG option on the Administrator Menu provides direct write access to the CONFIG member using the Editor. Any modification made to this member will take effect next time you invoke Natural ISPF. It is therefore recommended that you restart Natural ISPF after modification of the CONFIG member.

The following subsubsections describe how to define subsystems, activate user exits and activate the logon screen.

Defining Installed Subsystems

The currently available subsystems are listed in a table in Subsystems Supported by Natural ISPF at the end of this documentation.

To enable a subsystem, enter its abbreviation preceded by a plus sign + starting in Column 1 of any line in the CONFIG member. You can only enter one subsystem per line.


The following example of a CONFIG member defines a Natural ISPF system with subsystems Natural, z/OS (MVS), SAT and CA Panvalet:

  EDIT-NAT:SYSISPFU(CONFIG)-Program->Struct-Free-45K ------------ Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000010 * Defined subsystems
  000020 *
  000050 +M  - MVS SUBSYSTEM
  000060 +S  - SAT      SUBSYSTEM
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************

The Natural ISPF menus distributed on your installation medium display the lines relevant to the subsystem(s) activated here; lines (menu options) which have been defined in these menus but which are not related to one of the activated subsystems will be invisible for all users at your site.

Activating Natural ISPF User Exits

You can activate a user exit for a Natural ISPF object in the CONFIG member by entering a 3-character abbreviation in a line preceded by an opening parenthesis ( . Multiple abbreviations separated by blanks can be entered in one line, and multiple lines are possible, all preceded by an opening parenthesis ( .

You can use the following abbreviations to activate the associated exit:

Abbreviation Object (Member: TAB-EXIT)
ACT Active jobs
BF BS2000 files
BJ BS2000 jobs
BPF Buffer pool files
BPR Buffer pool recovery files
CNF Configuration object
CON System console
CTN Incore container file
DA z/VSE Active jobs
DJ z/VSE Job
DS Data set
DV z/VSE volume
ERR Natural error
FIL z/VSE File
JV BS2000 job variable
LIB CA Librarian member
LMS BS2000 LMS elements
LMV BS2000 LMS elements version
LOG System log
LV CA Librarian member version
MAC Macro
MEM z/VSE member
MNU Natural ISPF menu
MV Members versions
NAT Natural object
NV NAT member version
OUT Work output
PAN CA Panvalet member
PDS PDS member
PV PDS member version
REC Recovery file
SUB z/VSE sublibrary
USR Natural ISPF user
VIW Database view
VOL Volume
VV z/VSE member version

Other Exits

Abbreviation Area of Application (Member: TAB-EXIT)
HSM or HSM-S z/OS migrated data set recall (HSM, DMS archiving facility or similar product).
GROUPS Locate group profiles that apply for users
LOGON Logon procedure
LOGOFF Logoff procedure
NODE Access a Node
PROFIL Editor profile name
RESUME Return to Natural ISPF
SESS Submit or export from edit session
SUSP Suspend Natural ISPF

See also the subsection Special Purpose Switches and the detailed descriptions of the user exits in section User Exits.


The following example of a CONFIG member activates the user exits for Natural objects and PDS members.

  EDIT-NAT:SYSISPFU(CONFIG)-Program->Struct-Free-45K ------------ Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000010 * Defined subsystems
  000020 *
  000040 +M  - MVS SUBSYSTEM
  000050 +P  - PANVALET
  000060 *
  000070 * Active user exits
  000080 *
  000090 (NAT PDS
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

This means that when a user issues a specified command for any of these object types, the related user exit is called before the command is executed. For more information on user exits, see section User Exits.

Activating Logon Screen

You can add a line in the CONFIG member which causes a logon screen to be displayed when a user invokes Natural ISPF.

The line must start with a dollar sign ($) in column 1 followed by the word LOGON:


You can enter up to two additional parameters in the same line, separated by blanks. The following are possible:

Parameter Meaning
PROCESS Causes automatic logon to Entire System Server.
USER=user-id Displays the logon screen only to the specified user. This feature is useful if no security check is performed at your site. The user ID specified here should be the ID passed to Natural by the TP monitor.

Versions File Node Number

You can optionally add the following parameter in a line of the CONFIG member:


It is recommended that you use this parameter only if your site has several Entire System Server nodes that access different computers in your environment. The node number is then used as part of the identifier of versioning data.

This means that if you have more than one Entire System Server node on one computer, you are strongly advised not to use the VERSIONS-BY-NODE parameter.

Special Purpose Switches - APPLYMOD Parameters Member: APPLYMOD

Natural ISPF provides some special purpose switches, which for resource reasons can be controlled by setting a switch with a value in the CONFIG member. The general syntax for setting a switch is:

APPLYMOD nn = V        /* Comment


Parameter Meaning
nn is a 1 or 2 byte numeric value identifying the particular APPLYMOD.
V is a value assigned to the APPLYMOD to select a particular option.

The special purpose switches available are described in detail in the following.

Alphabetical List of APPLYMODs:


Activates a new syntax and semantic for specifying the SCAN parameter for LIST functions, which allows you to specify search strings containing blanks even as first or last character. The new syntax is similar to the syntax for the editor command FIND, this means that, if the search string contains blanks, it must be embedded in single (') or double (") quotes. Moreover, if the search string is embedded in single quotes, a single quote occurring within the search string must be specified as two single quotes ('' - two characters).

Example - To search for all occurrences of Marc's (embedded in blanks), specify either:

SC=' Marc''s '


SC=" Marc's "


  1. In some cases, the activation of APPLYMOD 10 causes different results for SCAN operations. For example, if APPLYMOD 10 is not activated, the command LIST * SC='STAT' results in a list of all members of the current library containing the string 'STAT' (embedded in single quotes). When APPLYMOD 10 is activated, the same command will result in a list of all members containing the string STAT, which is consistent with the semantic of the FIND command, where FIND STAT and FIND 'STAT' provide identical results. To list all members containing 'STAT', you would have to specify LIST * SC='''STAT''' or LIST * SC="'STAT'" in this case.
  2. Setting APPLYMOD 10 may also cause command scripts containing these kinds of SCAN operations to provide different results.

Possible values for APPLYMOD 10 are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off; SCAN results are identical to previous versions.
X Switch is on; new logic is enabled.

Default is APPLYMOD 10 =   (blank); i.e. switch is off.

Usage Notes

You should set this switch if you want to enable your users to scan for strings with trailing blanks, and if there is no need for scan operations to behave consistently with previous versions of Natural ISPF.


When working with Natural members, a maximum line length of 88 bytes is used. If you need a line size greater than 88 (for example, for editing or printing), you can enter the new line size here. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
0 Switch is off.
nn New line size in range from 88 to 233.

Default is APPLYMOD 16 = 0 (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if your Natural programs contain source lines longer than 88 bytes. Note that increasing this value means that Natural edit sessions will consume more space in the Editor Buffer Pool.


z/OS only: deactivates the selection of SYSOUT files for a specific output class. That is, all SYSOUT files for a given job are displayed in a list of SYSOUT files. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off. Listed SYSOUT files will be selected by job number and the assigned output class.
X Switch is on. In a list of SYSOUT files, all files of a job will be listed.

Default is APPLYMOD 18 =   (blank); i.e. switch is off.

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you set this switch only when notified by Software AG. In general, a difference between the two settings can only be seen with jobs that create output in more than one output class.


Activates the extended Natural/USPOOL interface under Com-plete. Using USPOOL functionality, for example, a logical printer driver can be invoked. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off. A DRIVER parameter specified with any PRINT command issued by a Natural ISPF user is interpreted as the name of a printer control character table (as defined with the NTCC macro - for further information, see the Natural documentation).
X Switch is on. When executing under Com-plete, a DRIVER parameter specified with any PRINT command issued by a Natural ISPF user is interpreted as the name of a Logical Output driver routine for Com-plete. See the subsection Logical Output Drivers in Section 3: TIBTAB-Terminal Information Block Table of your Com-plete System Programmer's Guide.

Default is APPLYMOD 22 =   (blank); i.e. switch is off.

Usage Notes

For installation of this feature, read also the related subsection of Optional Interfaces to Software AG Products in the Installation documentation.


Deactivates the compression of LMS member list under BS2000. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off.
X Switch is on.

Default is APPLYMOD 25 =   (blank); i.e. switch is off.

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you set this switch only when notified by Software AG.


Use this switch to control how Natural ISPF reacts, if the Natural source area is found non-empty at the time when Natural ISPF is started, or if it is first suspended (for example, with the session command Natural) and then re-entered. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
N Switch is off. This setting ensures that Natural ISPF acts in a way fully compatible with previous versions, this means that the source area contents are ignored in the situations described above.
X Switch is on. Natural ISPF opens an EDIT session for the object found in the source area, without prompting. When re-entering the program in this way, Natural ISPF is suspended again as soon as the new edit session is ended (users are prompted whether this is intended). This is the default setting.
P Switch is on, but users will be prompted if it is intended to open an EDIT session for the object found in the source area.
Y Switch is on, but suspension is performed without prompting.
Z Switch is on, but no automatic suspension is performed.

Default is APPLYMOD 26 = X (switch is on).

Usage Notes

Set this switch to N, if Natural ISPF is invoked from applications that use the source area for text generation and if you do not want users to modify the source area lines from Natural ISPF. You can also set the switch to Y or Z to suppress prompting in the situations indicated above.


Activates Con-nect Inbasket checking, when the Software AG office system is installed and the appropriate subsystem is activated in the Natural ISPF configuration member (see the subsection Defining Installed Subsystems). Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
0 Switch is off.
nn (<=150) Time interval in minutes after which your Con-nect Inbasket is checked. If the number of new items in the Inbasket has changed since the last check, the user is notified by a message. No error message is issued if the user does not have a personal Con-nect cabinet.
nn (>150) This option is similar to the above, that is, Inbasket checking is activated, but (nn-150) is used as the time interval in minutes and an error message is issued if the user does not have a personal Con-nect cabinet.

Default is APPLYMOD 42 = 0 (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Use this switch when Con-nect is installed and you want users to be notified of incoming Con-nect messages.


z/OS only: when browsing job output, this switch controls whether or not all SYSOUT data sets are shown as one file. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off - SYSOUT data sets are shown as separate files.
X Switch is on - SYSOUT data sets are shown as one file.

Default is APPLYMOD 47 = 0 (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if this function is requested at your site.


When browsing BS2000 files and/or LMS elements, this switch controls whether the data is held in the Editor buffer pool or if the session is handled as "external", that is, data is read from disk every time when scrolling or scanning (FIND operations) is performed. Possible values:

Parameter Meaning
N Switch is off - data is held in the Editor buffer pool.
F Activates external BROWSE mode for Files.
L Activates external BROWSE mode for LMS elements.
X Activates external BROWSE mode for Files and LMS elements.

Default is APPLYMOD 48 = X (switch is on, both for files and LMS elements).

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you modify this switch only when notified to do so by Software AG. Note that the default value of this switch has changed compared with older versions 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 of Natural ISPF.


Reduces Entire System Server (ESY) calls to check whether a data set is a GDG.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Check for GDG.
X Do not check.

Default is APPLYMOD 53 =   (blank); i.e. check for GDG.

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you are not using Natural ISPF together with GDG (Generation data sets).


Avoids timeout of Editor session 40, which contains Natural ISPF internal data, by doing STATUS calls every 10 minutes. Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Status calls not active.
X Status calls active.

Default is APPLYMOD 55 =   (blank), i.e. no status calls.

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you reduced the Delete file timeout value for the Editor Buffer Pool and some of your user get error messages like Write to BP failed.


Bypass for Adabas calls exceeded when printing empty SYSOUT data sets.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Bypass not active
X Bypass active

Default is APPLYMOD 57 =   (blank) (bypass not active).

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you set this switch only when notified by Software AG.


Activates a general limit for Editor FIND commands, when editing or browsing PDS members, LMS elements, sequential data sets or SYSOUT data sets. A FIND command will then display a message after scanning 5000 records, if you want to continue the search the command RFIND must be entered. The limit can always be modified (see also Editor command LIMIT).

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) No limit for FIND command.
X Default limit (5000) is activated.

Default is APPLYMOD 58 =   (blank) (no limit).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you are working with large data sets in a TP environment and FIND commands consume a lot of CPU and cannot be interrupted.


Activates full expiration date checking before writing to a data set. If you are working with expiration date and a data set has not yet expired, a prompt warns you that you are going to write to this data set.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) No expiration date checking.
X Full expiration date checking is active.

Default is APPLYMOD 59 =   (blank) (no check).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you are using expiration date to protect your data sets and you want to avoid overwriting and operator messages. If you are working without expiration date in most of your data sets, you should not set this APPLYMOD.


Activates display of REAL-RECORD-COUNT (number of records, including control records) in z/VSE job lists.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Use RECORD-COUNT.

Default is APPLYMOD 63 =   (blank).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you want to see the real number of records in your z/VSE job lists.


Defines whether any fields in the user defaults cannot be inherited from a group. This means that if the field is not defined in the user profile, Natural ISPF will not read group profiles to find a value for this profile field.

To activate this switch, you should assign a numeric value lower than 64; this value will be interpreted as bit-coded. This means, that for each bit set in the binary representation of that number, Natural ISPF will not search group profiles for a definition of the corresponding profile field, as shown in the table below. Of course, any definition found in the user profile of the individual user will always be honored, regardless of the value assigned to this switch.

Parameter Meaning
.......1 INIT-LOGON
......1. Default PRINTER
.....1.. Default FILE-TYPE
....1... Default DSNAME
...1.... Initial COMMAND

Default is APPLYMOD 65 =   (blank) (all fields are inherited).

Usage Notes

Set this switch, if the performance of the Natural ISPF initialization phase is dissatisfying, and if none or only some of the above-mentioned fields need to be inherited from group profiles.



If a user logs on to Natural ISPF and the profile does not contain a value for the fields INIT-LOGON and FILE-TYPE, Natural ISPF will not search for the group profiles of this user for these fields.


You can set this APPLYMOD to prevent concurrent editing of a z/VSE member. It activates a check as to whether the member has been modified somewhere else since start of the edit session. If this is the case, the SAVE command returns an error message.

Default is APPLYMOD 67 =   (blank) (SAVE is always executed).

Usage Notes

Set this switch to avoid concurrent editing of a z/VSE member.




Defines whether a warning is displayed whenever a user tries to access a data set which has been migrated by HSM, DMS or a similar archiving system. The user can cancel the action to avoid a RECALL or can continue processing.

Parameter Meaning
X Users are prompted for confirmation before recalling a migrated data set.
  (blank) Same as X.
D Prompting takes place only for data sets showing ARCIVE in the VOLSER field of the catalog entry (DMS).
H Prompting takes place only for data sets showing MIGRAT in the VOLSER field of the catalog entry (HSM).
N No warning window opens. An error message is issued which informs the user that the data set is not available.
C Users are prompted for confirmation before recalling a migrated data set. The VOLSERs that indicate a migrated data set are read from the CONFIG member. Enter up to four VOLSERs preceeded by an underscore (_) and set APPLYMOD 68 to character C.

Default is APPLYMOD 68 =   (blank) (users will be prompted before recall).

Usage Notes

  1. For the default setting, it is recommended that the Entire System Server startup parameter RECALL be set to NO for performance reasons.

  2. Asynchronous recalling is not part of standard Natural ISPF features but can easily be implemented by coding an appropriate job submission within the HSM user exit of Natural ISPF (see section User Exits). Do not set APPLYMOD 68 to N if you have activated this user exit.

  3. Set this switch to N (as in the example below) if you are using HSM or a similar product and you want to deny Natural ISPF users the right to recall and access migrated data sets.

  4. If you are not using HSM or a similar product, setting this switch to N will improve performance if your Entire System Server startup parameters do not contain the recommended setting RECALL=NO. This is because if the default setting RECALL=YES is in effect, each data set must be checked for migration before its file attributes can be queried from Entire System Server.




Defines whether windowing is suppressed when Natural ISPF is executed in batch. When executing Natural ISPF in batch, this switch can be used to overcome some Natural problems with windowing. This switch is evaluated in batch only.

Default is APPLYMOD 71 =   (blank) (windowing active in batch).

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you set this switch only when notified to do so by Software AG.




Improves performance with export PC for large data sets. Prompt for PC file name is displayed without delay in minutes.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Prompt after reading to the end of the file to determine the number of records contained.
X Prompt immediately.

Default is APPLYMOD 75 =   (blank) (no improvement).

Usage Notes

Set this switch to export large data sets or members to your PC.


Improves performance with the CC function for BS2000 jobs. This function searches for job variables related to a specific job.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Extended search is performed. The CC function checks the contents of all existing job variables within the current BS2000 user ID and reports their values, if they contain the specified job ID.
X The search is restricted to those job variables that contain the specified job ID as part of their names, and to a monitoring job variable specified when submitting the job, if any.

Default is APPLYMOD 80 =   (blank).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if many job variables are defined in your environment, and if performance of the CC function is not satisfactory. Note however, that the CC function will then provide reasonable results only for jobs that were submitted with a specified monitoring job variable, or for jobs creating job variables that contain the job ID (TSN) as part of their names, for example:




Modifies the header line of EDIT/BROWSE and LIST sessions. The node number is displayed in the header if it is different from the default node.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Node will not be displayed in header.
X Node will be displayed.

Default is APPLYMOD 87 =   (blank).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you are in a multi-CPU environment with different Entire System Server nodes and you are accessing different nodes from the same Natural ISPF environment.


Makes the handling of data entered in the Natural Objects Entry Panel identical to previous versions of Natural ISPF (although different from the general logic).

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Fields of the Natural Objects Entry Panel will be filled with the values contained when the user left this panel the last time.
X Field values from the last use are filled in only if these values do not refer to a library different from the current library, as shown on the Natural ISPF Main Menu (logic compatible with ISP 1.4).

Default is APPLYMOD 89 =   (blank).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if your users prefer the old way of handling the Natural Objects Entry Panel.


Controls the way in which the BR-CONSOLE session is to be filled in environments where the views CONSOLE and CONSOLE-LOG are both supported (i.e. in z/OS and z/VSE environments). Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Automatic selection. Natural ISPF will choose the access method which best suits the environment of the node being addressed.
L Session is filled using the view CONSOLE-LOG. Not supported for z/OS/JES3 environments. The local command LINES is supported.
N Session is filled using the new CONSOLE function, supported by Entire System Server version 2.1.1 onwards only for the environments z/OS/ESA SP 5.1.0 onwards or z/VSE SP 06.01 onwards. The local command LINES is supported to extend the CONSOLE session.
O Session is filled using old CONSOLE function, which is restricted to the size of one screen. The local command LINES is not supported.

Default is APPLYMOD 90 =   (blank) (automatic selection).

Usage Notes

It is recommended that you set/modify this switch only when notified to do so by Software AG.


Controls whether or not activating the session exit ISP--S-U will also cause this exit to be invoked when an EXPORT function is about to be executed.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Exit will be invoked for SUBMIT functions only, as described in section Session Exit ISP--S-U in this documentation.
X Exit will be invoked both for SUBMIT and EXPORT functions, thus making it possible to disallow a specific EXPORT operation, for example, after the size of the file being exported has been checked.

Default is APPLYMOD 91 =   (blank) (exit used for SUBMIT only).


Setting this APPLYMOD will enable access to DYNAM-D-controlled data sets.

This option is not a part of released N-ISPF functionality.

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Access to DYNAM-D-controlled data sets is rejected. This is the default.
X READ and WRITE access to DYNAM-D-controlled data sets is enabled. This allows the functions EDIT, BROWSE, PRINT, EXPORT and COPY. Other functions (e.g. RENAME, DELETE) will still be rejected.
Natural ISPF cannot check in advance whether or not a specific DYNAM-D-controlled data set exists. Therefore, specifying a non-existent dsname with function EDIT or BROWSE may cause an attempt to read that data set, which would generate a console message. We recommend not activating APPLYMOD 92 unless all of your users (at least those who are authorised to access VSE files) and all operators are informed and aware of this fact. If you wish to introduce additonal security measures in this context (e.g. reduce the number of users that are allowed to access DYNAM-D data sets), consider using the ISPF object exit ISDD---U for this purpose.


When working with z/VSE job output, a maximum line length of 133 bytes is used for browsing the job output lines, and a line length of 241 bytes is used for printing, exporting or copying job output data. If you need a line size greater than 133 for browsing, and/or greater than 241 for printing etc., you can enter the new line size here.

Parameter Meaning
0 Switch is off - the default values are in effect.
nnn New line size in the range from 133 to 253. (If the value is less than 241, it will affect BROWSE sessions only; for other functions, 241 will be used).

Default is APPLYMOD 95 = 0 (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if your POWER output data contain lines longer than 133 bytes.


To edit and save CA Librarian members, which contain CA Librarian control cards, starting with a hyphen (-) , the hyphen must be internally replaced with an equal sign (=) in column 1 of any data line. Set this switch to activate this substitution.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off - no substitution is performed.
X Switch is on - substitution is activated

Default is APPLYMOD 96 =   (blank) (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if your CA Librarian members contain data lines starting with the escape character, a hyphen (-), which is usually reserved for CA Librarian control cards.


This switch can cause an extended map to be used when the command NATP-LOGON (LOGON to an Entire System Server Node) is executed, allowing users to specify not only a user ID and a password but also Account Information. This can be useful in z/OS environments (for writing SMF records) or in a BS2000 environment for additional security checks, especially when the new startup parameter setting SECURITY=BS2A is being used.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off: NATP-LOGON does not allow ACCOUNT specification.
X Switch is on: NATP-LOGON allows ACCOUNT specification and checking.

Default is APPLYMOD 97 =   (blank) (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if you have specified SECURITY=BS2A in your Entire System Server startup parameters, and if your Entire System Server version allows it (see note above).


By default in Natural ISPF group profiles are searched for with prefix logic. This switch, on the other hand, can be used to search for user group profiles that are derived from user groups defined in Natural Security.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Switch is off. Group profiles are searched for with prefix logic, as in previous versions of Natural ISPF.
S Switch is on. Group profiles are derived from Natural Security definitions (both privileged and non-privileged groups).
P Switch is on. Group profiles are derived from Natural Security definitions (from privileged groups only).

Default is APPLYMOD 101 =   (blank) (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if Natural Security is installed, and if you would like profile characteristics that are not defined for a specific user to be inherited from profile definitions made for a user group that contains the specific user. Leave the switch unchanged if you would like profile characteristics defined for a matching user prefix (for example, AB* for user ABEG) to apply for these users.

If no matching group profile is found, but a profile definition for the default user * exists, this definition will be inherited, regardless of the setting of the above APPLYMOD parameter.


When displaying Natural map layouts with the function command FORMAT, the maximum line length is set to the current value of Natural's system variable *LINESIZE. If you need a greater line size for browsing, printing, or performing other functions on formatted maps, you can enter the new line size here.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
0 Switch is off.
nn New line size in the range from 80 to 250.

Default is APPLYMOD 103 = 0 (switch is off).

Usage Notes

Set this switch if your Natural maps have more columns than the displayable line size in your Natural ISPF environment. You will then be able to use the scroll commands RIGHT and LEFT to display the columns which do not fit on the screen.


As of Natural ISPF Version 2.4.1, the menu structure is cursor-sensitive. To select a menu item you can either mark it with an X, or simply place the cursor in front of it. To use menu screens as in earlier versions, without cursor-sensitivity, set this parameter to X.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Menus are cursor-sensitive.
X Menus are not cursor-sensitive.

Default is APPLYMOD 104 =   (blank) (switch is off).


In some cases, JES does not count all records of a SYSOUT file. This occurs if the compiler or the assembler outputs contain control records. The BOTTOM command of Natural ISPF does not point to the end of the SYSOUT file if these outputs report a record count without the control records.

This APPLYMOD instructs Natural ISPF not to rely on the record count reported by JES but to count the records themselves. Hence this may take some time, enable this switch if best performance is desired.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Take record count from JES.
X Count all records.

Default is APPLYMOD 105 =   (blank) (switch is off).


Affects the ALLOCATE function command for z/OS data sets. The default value for the RLSE parameter is NO. If this APPLYMOD is used, the RLSE option defaults to YES instead of NO.

Possible values are:

Parameter Meaning
  (blank) Default value of the RLSE parameter is NO.
X Default value of the RLSE parameter is YES.

Default is APPLYMOD 108 =   (blank) (switch is off).

Example: CONFIG Member

The following is an example of the CONFIG member with the APPLYMODs entered. Note that in this example, some APPLYMODs are activated, others are commented out (see also the subsection Using Comment Lines below).

  EDIT-CNF:SYSISPFU(CONFIG) ------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  000400 * The next line will determine whether to input logon-screen at the
  000410 * begining of NSPF.
  000420 * PROCESS keyword is optional and means to logon to natural process
  000430 * USER=xxx will ask for logon only if user = xxx
  000440 * $LOGON PROCESS
  000450 * APPLYMOD 16=132
  000460 * APPLYMOD 18=X
  000470 APPLYMOD 22=X
  000480 APPLYMOD 42=5  /* Inbasket every five minutes
  ****** **************************** bottom of data **************************** 

Using Comment Lines

You can enter comment lines in the CONFIG member to provide information or explanations of entries. Comment lines must start with an asterisk (*) in Column 1 of the line.

To deactivate any subsystem or user exit(s), it may be useful to turn the entry in the CONFIG member into a comment by entering an asterisk (*) in the first column of the corresponding line. This gives you a better overview of active and disabled items, and makes it easy to reactivate any available item.

When defining exits or APPLYMODs, you can enter comments at the end of the line if they are preceded by /* (see also the example above).

Editing the CA Panvalet Definition Member

The definitions for the Natural ISPF/CA Panvalet interface must be contained in the PANDEF member in the User Profile Library.

You can change some of these definitions. However, before you modify the PANDEF member, copy the example member from the System Profile Library to the User Profile Library. Then:

  1. Enable access to CA Panvalet in the CONFIG member (see the subsection Editing the Configuration Member CONFIG).

  2. Restart Natural ISPF.

  3. The Administrator Menu now includes the PANDEF option. Select this option to give you direct write access to the PANDEF member.

Defining the CA Panvalet Update Method

In the PANDEF member, you can specify how CA Panvalet members are updated. Any of the following options are possible, entered in a line of the PANDEF member starting in Column 1:

Option Explanation
-UPDATEMODE Default. An update deck containing only the modified lines of the CA Panvalet member is created and used for updates.
-REPLACEMODE The whole CA Panvalet member is replaced.
-MIXMODE Both modes UPDATE and REPLACE are allowed. When the SAVE command is issued, Natural ISPF will select the method that will cause the fewest lines to be sent to CA Panvalet.

Activating the Save Exit ISPT-SVU

If your installation requires special control for all CA Panvalet updates, you can activate the ISPT-SVU user exit. This exit receives control after each successful CA Panvalet update (PAM#1), and can be used to obtain the last output from CA Panvalet.

The ISPT-SVU exit is a Natural subprogram and can access Entire System Server to obtain the CA Panvalet output, analyze it, and write it to a data base, file or SPOOL file.

A sample exit is distributed in the Natural ISPF Exit Library. To activate this exit, copy your ISPT-SVU object to SYSLIB using the utility SYSMAIN and enter:


in Column 1 of any line of the PANDEF member. For a list of definable parameters, see the section User Exits.

Defining Mandatory Fields for New CA Panvalet Members

You can define which parameter fields on the CA Panvalet Entry Panel are mandatory when users add a new member to CA Panvalet (for example, the parameters USER, LANG, COMMENT). Users must then enter a valid value in these input fields on the CA Panvalet Entry Panel or specify the corresponding object parameters when using the EDIT function command syntax for a new member.

The following text entered in the PANDEF member starting in Column 1 defines the corresponding parameters as mandatory:


CA Panvalet Language Definition

The PANDEF member contains language and sequence number definitions. You must ensure that the language definitions (sequence numbers and message line) correspond to your CA Panvalet definitions, as Natural ISPF uses them to create update decks (in UPDATE and MIX mode). You can check these definitions by displaying a CA Panvalet member using the Editor in BROWSE mode.

In the example of a PANDEF member that follows, these language definitions follow the fields defined as mandatory when users create new CA Panvalet members:

   EDIT-CNF:SYSISPFU(PANDEF) ------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
   000040 $SAVEEXIT
   000060 /USER
   000070 /LANG
   000080 /COMMENT
   000090 *SCREEN LANG
   000100 *     !COMMAND LANG
   000110 *     !         !SEQ START - END
   000120 *     !         !       !GENERATED MESSAGE LINE
   000130 !AUTOC!AUTOCODER!001-005!N
   000140 !ASMB !BAL      !073-077!Y
   000150 !COBOL!COBOL    !001-006!N
   000160 !ANSCB!ANSCOBOL !001-006!N
   000170 !COB72!COBOL72  !001-006!N
   000180 !FORT !FORTRAN  !073-077!N
   000190 !PL/1 !PL/1     !073-077!N
  Help  SORT  End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The above example was created using a German-language keyboard. For the separator (!), use the character that corresponds to X'4F'.

Editing the CA Librarian Definition Member

The definitions for the Natural ISPF/CA Librarian interface must be contained in the LIBDEF member in the User Profile Library.

You can change some of these definitions. However, before you modify the LIBDEF member, copy the example member from the System Profile Library to the User Profile Library. Then:

  1. Enable access to CA Librarian in the CONFIG member (see the subsection Editing the Configuration Member CONFIG).

  2. Restart Natural ISPF.

  3. The Administrator Menu now includes the LIBDEF option. Select this option to give you direct write access to the LIBDEF member.

The following topics are covered below:

Defining Mandatory Parameters for New or Existing CA Librarian Members

You can define which parameter fields on the Librarian Entry Panel are mandatory when users wish to edit a CA Librarian member (for example, the parameters PROGRAMMER and LANGUAGE for new members). Users must then enter a valid value in these input fields on the Librarian Entry Panel or specify the corresponding object parameters when using the EDIT function command syntax for a new member.

Additionally, you can specify other mandatory parameters that do not appear on the Librarian Entry Panel, but the user is prompted by a window when requesting an edit session:

  • If you specify the DESCRIPTION parameter, the user, when requesting to edit a new member, is prompted by a window in which he can describe the new member. This description appears on a list of members in the appropriate column.

  • If you specify the HISTORY parameter, the user, when requesting an edit session with an existing member, is prompted by a window in which he must enter the reason for changing the member.

The following text entered in the LIBDEF member starting in Column 1 defines the corresponding parameters as mandatory:

Option Explanation
/PGMR PROGRAMMER field on Entry Panel.
/LANG LANGUAGE field on Entry Panel.
/HIST HISTORY prompt (reason for change).

Handling of the PROGRAMMER Attribute during Member Update

You can control the way in which a member's PGMR attribute is handled during update (that is, when saving the contents of an EDIT session) by specifying one of the following entries, instead of the entry /PGMR mentioned in the subsection above.

Each of these entries must start in Column 1.

Option Explanation
/PGMR=STD This is identical to a plain /PGMR entry, that is, the PGMR attribute is left unchanged during update (and must be specified when adding a new member).
/PGMR=OPTUPDATE Specifies similar handling for ADD (prompt, if field is empty). However, if for an update, the PGMR field is either explicitly specified by the user or supplied by an active user exit, ISPL---U, it will be passed to CA Librarian for updating.
/PGMR=NATUSERID Specifies that *USER will be used as PGMR attribute both for adding new members and updating existing ones. No prompting will take place.
/PGMR=NSCUNAME1 This is like NATUSERID, but PGMR will be based on the Natural Security definition (first "word" of *USER-NAME).
/PGMR=NSCUNAME2 This is like NSCUNAME1, but the PGMR attribute will be formed from the first character plus last "word" of *USER-NAME separated by a period (.).

Expansion of -INC Statements

If you wish to have -INC statements expanded by default when browsing CA Librarian members, add the following entry to the LIBDEF member:


CA Librarian Language Definition

Apart from your own site-specific definitions described above, the LIBDEF member contains language and sequence number definitions which you must not modify.

Below is an example of a LIBDEF member.

  EDIT-NAT:SYSISPFU(LIBDEF)-Program->Struct-Free-44K -- >>> Versioning is invoked
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000020 /LANG
  000030 /DESC
  000050 *
  000090 *
  000110 *CODE LANG
  000120 *   !SYNONYM
  000130 *   !       !SEQ START - END
  000140 *   !       !
  000150 !ASM!ASM    !073-080
  000160 !BAS!BASIC  !000-000
  000170 !CMD!CLIST  !000-000
  000180 !JCL!CNTL   !073-080
  000190 !COB!COBOL  !001-006
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso


  1. The above example was created using a German-language keyboard. For the separator (!), use the character that corresponds to X'4F'.
  2. In the above example, the HISTORY parameter is commented out. This means that users are not prompted to give a reason for modifying a member.

Defining Short IDs for Libraries

In the User Profile Library, you can create a text member ULIBID, in which you can define two-character abbreviations for data set names or file names.

Users can use short IDs when addressing data sets/libraries in the input fields of Entry Panels or in the object parameters of function command syntax.

The short IDs defined here are valid system-wide (global short names). However, users can define their own short IDs in their user profile, for example by using the SHORTLIB command. When a short ID is used, the user profile is searched first. For further information see the following subsections in the Natural ISPF User's Guide:

To define global short library names, select the SHORTLIB option from the Administrator Menu. This gives direct write access to member ULIBID in Editor format.

Example of global short library name definitions:

  EDIT-NAT:SYSISPFU(ULIBID)-Program->Struct-Free-45K -- >>> Versioning is invoked
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000010 * table with global shortlibs
  000040 NL FRZ.NAT215.MVSLOAD
  000060 OJ OPS.COMN.JCL
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Each entry consists of a two-character short name followed by a blank followed by the full library name. If the library is not cataloged, the library name must be followed by a blank and the volume serial number to eliminate the catalog request at access time.

Lines beginning with an asterisk (*) are interpreted as comment lines.

When defining short names for libraries, it is advisable to observe naming conventions for easy identification. The following convention is suggested:

  • The first character could describe the system or product, for example, A for Adabas.

  • The second could describe the library type, for example, L for LOAD, S for SOURCE, J for JCL.

Using this convention, the library short name AL could easily be identified as the Adabas load library currently in use.

Natural ISPF Parameters

You can set the default parameters for the Natural ISPF system by selecting the N-ISPF option from the Configuration Menu and then entering the required value in the following parameter table:

   ------------------------------ NSPF PARAMETERS --------------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
      NATPROC DBID   148   ( Natural Process dbid)
      MACRO CHAR     §     ( Character for macro program facility)
      MACRO SMODE    S     ( Mode (Struct,Report) for non Natural macro)
      VERSIONS DBID    9   ( Versions file dbid)
      VERSIONS FNR    33   ( Versions file number)
      MAX VERSIONS    21   ( Maximum versions for member in versions file)
      PROCESSOR ID   A     ( NCP command processor id to be used)
                           ( Printer handled by ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT)
  Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the Parameters

Parameter Member: ISPPARAM
NATPROC DBID Entire System Server data base ID as defined in the NTDB macro in the NATPARM module. This field is for information only and cannot be modified.
MACRO CHAR Special character to be used for macro statements in objects that use the Macro facility.

Defines the mode of a non-Natural object that uses the Macro facility (for example, a JCL member stored as PDS member). Possible values:


This system parameter cannot be modified by a user while editing.

VERSIONS DBID * Physical DBID of versioning data.
VERSIONS FNR * File number of versioning data.
MAX VERSIONS Maximum number of previous versions kept for any one member. At the next SAVE, the oldest version is deleted.
PROCESSOR ID Last byte of the NCP command processor to be used. For details, see the subsection NCP Concept.

* All versioning data (modified lines, known as "update decks", of Natural members, PDS members and z/VSE members) are stored in an Adabas or VSAM file. When a user selects a previous version from a list, the current object version with the appropriate update deck is displayed. You must specify the file by data base ID and file number here. You can use the Natural system file (FNAT) to store the versioning data, but it is strongly recommended that you load a separate file (see also the Installation documentation).

The VERSIONS DBID and VERSIONS FNR fields must be set once after the versioning file has been installed to activate versioning.

When the NTFILE/LFILE parameter is used, regardless if with or without PASSW, the values for VERSIONS DBID and VERSIONS FNR in the Natural ISPF parameters are ignored, but some values must be set in these fields to activate versioning. It is highly recommended to use the correct numbers to prevent confusion.

Parameter Meaning
NOM PRINTER To use the extended interface between Natural ISPF and Entire Output Management (NOM), enter the logical printer profile which is handled by NOM. Prerequisite is the NAF/NOM interface. Assume your NOM PRINTER is FROM-ISP. The following table shows the required definitions.


With this definition all reports created by Natural ISPF can be handled by a user routine in Entire Output Management. An example UEXSPF is delivered in the Example Library. For modification and execution it must be copied to the library SYSNOMU. For further details, see the Entire Output Management System Programmer's documentation, section Printer Exits, User Separation Routines, Separator Pages.

NCP Concept - Member: NCPUSAGE

Usually Natural ISPF offers commands/functions and objects for several subsystems such as z/OS, z/VSE or BS2000. Depending on the installation, only a comparatively small subset of all functions is activated (with the subsystem definitions in the CONFIG member). The Natural ISPF command processor has to interpret the command entered on the screen by reading the whole CONTROL table, which contains commands, functions and objects and by tailoring this table with information from the CONFIG member.

The following figure illustrates Natural ISPF command processing:


All tables are stored in a database and are read during processing.

This overhead can be reduced by using a command processor (NCP) as illustrated below:


The command processor replaces CONFIG and the CONTROL member(s) and is stored in the Natural buffer pool improving performance of Natural ISPF command processing.

When using an NCP, which can be considered as a compiled object of the CONTROL and CONFIG tables, changes to the Natural ISPF table sources are not effective until the NCP is regenerated. For this reason the NCP should be used in stable environments, where changes to the Natural ISPF tables are infrequent.

The following changes in CONFIG affect the NCP:

  • Activating/deactivating a subsystem

  • Activating/deactivating object exits

In addition, any change to the Site Control Table CONTROLU affects the NCP. *

After installation of a new Natural ISPF release or maintenance level, the NCP must be regenerated to reflect changes in tables delivered by Software AG.

* For a detailed description of the Site Control Table, see the subsection Defining a User Object in section Open NSPF of the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

The following topics are covered below:

How to Generate an NCP Object for Natural ISPF

To generate an NCP (which is an option) enter the command GENNCP or select the NCP option from the Configuration Menu. The following window opens:

   ---------------------------- CONFIGURATION MENU -------------------------------
   OPTION  ===> 4
                                                                 Userid   BRY
               +-----Generation of NCP processor-----+           Time     14:03:46
      1    N-I !                                     !           Terminal DAEFTC45
               ! Enter processor name    :  A        !           Library  NSPFHELP
      2    CON !                                     !           Node     148
      3    CON ! Select one/more functions           !
               !  Generate and compile    :          !
      4    NCP !  Compile only            :          !
               !  Copy processor to SYSLIB:          !
               !  Generate report         :          !
               !                                     !
Field Meaning
Enter processor name Instead of overwriting an existing NCP, you can create a new one whenever necessary. Enter a 1-byte name (x) and the generated NCP is stored in the library SYSISPFU with the name IS-NCP-x.
Generate and compile With the current contents of the Natural ISPF tables, an NCP source is generated and compiled to create an object in SYSISPFU.
Compile only Mark this option if the generation of a previous execution was successful but the compilation failed.
Copy processor to SYSLIB When a compiled NCP object exists in SYSISPFU, it must be copied to SYSLIB before it can be activated.
Generate report Mark this option to perform a report, during generation, containing a log of functions. The report will then be written to the Natural ISPF workpool.

Activating a Specific NCP Object

A compiled NCP object that has been copied to the library SYSLIB and that follows the naming pattern IS-NCP-x can subsequently be activated by selecting the N-ISPF (parameters) option from the Configuration Menu and assigning the name suffix x to the field PROCESSOR ID.

Runtime Considerations When Using NCP

If a NAT0888 occurs with NCP, increase the Natural parameter DATSIZE. If the defined NCP cannot be used by Natural ISPF (defined processor deleted or not accessible), an error message is displayed and Natural ISPF automatically invokes its standard command processing logic without NCP. A defined NCP can be deactivated by resetting its name in the NSPF Parameters screen.

Predefined Command Processors

With Natural ISPF, the following command processors are loaded to SYSLIB and can be used if no user-defined objects and commands are defined and no user exits are to be activated.

Name Supported subsystems
IS-NCP-N Natural, Incore database
IS-NCP-M Natural, Incore database, z/OS
IS-NCP-P Natural, Incore database, z/OS, CA Panvalet
IS-NCP-L Natural, Incore database, z/OS, CA Librarian
IS-NCP-D Natural, Incore database, z/VSE
IS-NCP-B Natural, Incore database, BS2000
IS-NCP-A Natural, Incore database, z/OS, z/VSE, BS2000, CA Panvalet, CA Librarian

Defining Versioned Libraries

The parameters for storing previous versions of some edited Natural ISPF objects are described in the subsection Natural ISPF Parameters. The versioning function is activated by the user using the VERSIONS ON setting in the user profile. For further information, see the following subsections in the Natural ISPF User's Guide:

Additionally, you can enforce or exclude versioning for specific Natural libraries, partitioned organized (PO) data sets and z/VSE libraries or sublibraries. Previous versions of members in these libraries are always stored according to the parameters set in the Natural ISPF system parameter table, irrespective of the VERSIONS setting in the user profile.

Versioning for specific libraries is enforced by specifying the library names in a member in the User Profile Library. Together with the library name, you can specify whether Natural ISPF will prompt the user to give a reason for changing a member when issuing the SAVE or STOW command.

This is done by adding the keyword REASON to the library name (see the examples below). The reason for change is then displayed when the user requests a lists of versions for the member (see the subsection Versioning in section Useful Features in the Natural ISPF User's Guide).

With added keyword NOVERSION you can exclude versioning for specific Natural libraries, partitioned organized (PO) data sets and z/VSE libraries or sublibraries.

Natural Versioned Libraries

The names of all Natural libraries for which versioning is to be enforced or excluded at all times are maintained in the member VERLSTN in the User Profile Library. The NAT VERS option on the Administrator Menu gives direct write access to this member.

The following is an example of the member VERLSTN:

EDIT-CNF:SYSISPFU(VERLSTN)-Program->Struct-Free-45K ----------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  000010 NSPFvrs REASON
  000030 SYSISPFU
  000040 SYSISP2S
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Versioning is activated or excluded (NOVERSION) for all Natural libraries listed (one library per line). Note that when a user SAVEs or STOWs a member after modification in the library NSPFvrs (in the example map above, vrs is a placeholder for the current version, release and system maintenance level number), a prompt window allows the user to enter a reason for the change.

PDS Versioned Libraries

The names of all data sets for which versioning is to be active or inactive (NOVERSION) at all times are maintained in member VERLSTP in the User Profile Library. The PDS VERS option on the Administrator Menu gives direct write access to this member.

The following is an example of the member VERLSTP:

  EDIT-CNF:SYSISPFU(VERLSTP)-Program->Struct-Free-45K ----------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Versioning is activated or excluded (NOVERSION) for all data sets listed (one data set per line). Note that when a user SAVEs a member after modification in the library EDITOR.COMN.SYSTEM.SRCE, a prompt window allows the user to enter a reason for the change.

z/VSE Versioned Libraries

The names of all libraries/sublibraries for which versioning is to be active or inactive (NOVERSION) at all times are maintained in member VERLSTDP in the User Profile Library. The z/VSE VERS option on the Administrator Menu gives direct write access to this member.

The following is an example of the member VERLSTDP:

  EDIT-CNF:SYSISPFU(VERLSTDP) ----------------------------------- Columns 001 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
  ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The library notation can be as follows:

  • library-name

    Versioning is active or inactive for all members in all sublibraries in the library.

  • library.sublibrary

    Versioning is active or inactive for all members in the specified sublibrary.

Versioning is defined for all libraries/sublibraries listed (one data set per line). For library/sublibrary USRLIB.WHE, the versioning is excluded.

Maintaining Versioning Data

Available maintenance functions on versioning data are:

  • List versioned members

  • Delete versioned member

Access to versioning data is provided by the VERSIONS option on the Administrator Menu. If you select this option, the Versions Objects Entry Panel appears:

  ---------------------- VERSIONS OBJECTS - ENTRY PANEL -------------------------
  COMMAND ===>
     Object type   ===>                         ( VSE,NAT,PDS,* )
     DSN / Library ===>
     Sub Library   ===>
     Member        ===>
     Member Type   ===>
     Node          ===>
     DBID          ===>
     FNR           ===>
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

If your site does not have z/VSE, the corresponding fields are not displayed on the Entry Panel (Sub Library, Member Type).

You can enter a command in the command line and specify the versioned object you wish to maintain in the parameter fields.

Meaning of the parameter fields:

Field Meaning
Object type NAT, PDS, or z/VSE. When using the LIST function, the asterisk wildcard (*) selects all types. The list is then sorted in the sequence PDS, z/VSE, NAT.
DSN / Library Data set or library name of versioned object. When using the LIST function, you can enter a prefix followed by the asterisk wildcard (*). For example, enter NSPF* to list all library names starting with NSPF.
Sub Library For z/VSE only: sublibrary of versioned object. When using the LIST function, you can enter a prefix followed by the asterisk wildcard (*). For example, enter TEST* to list all sublibrary names starting with TEST.
Member Name of versioned member. When using the LIST function, you can enter a prefix followed by the asterisk wildcard (*). For example, enter NAT* to list all member names starting with NAT.
Member Type For z/VSE only: when using the LIST function, specify user-defined type to restrict list to the group of members defined for the type. You can enter a prefix followed by the asterisk wildcard (*). For example, enter N* to list all types starting with N.
Node Specify the Entire System Server node to be searched. If no node is specified, all nodes (from 1 to 255) are searched.
DBID / FNR For NAT objects: when using the LIST function, you can restrict the search to a specific database ID, a file number, or both. If no DBID or FNR is specified, all are searched.

The following topics are covered below:

Function Commands

The following maintenance function commands are available for versioned objects:

Command Parameter Syntax
LIST library/*(member/*) TYPE=t NODE=id DBID=db FNR=n
DELETE library/*(member/*) TYPE=t NODE=id DBID=db FNR=n

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the Versions Maintenance facility, you must specify the object-type parameter MV before the object parameters.

The following topics are covered below:

Example: LIST for TYPE=NAT

The following example is the result of the command:


It shows all versioned members in all Natural libraries that start with SYSISP:

  LIST-MV:NAT:SYSISP*(*)/DBID=*/FNR=* ------------- Row 0 of 45 - Columns 006 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     TYPE          LIBRARY(MEMBER)                                       NUM SIZE
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPDB(IDBC---N)                              001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPDB(IDBI---L)                              001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPDB(IDBI---N)                              001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPE(IDB-C22N)                               001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPE(MAC-MVS4)                               001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPFU(CONFIG)                                010 0010
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPFU(ISP-LONU)                              001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPFU(LIBDEF)                                003 0003
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPFU(ULIBID)                                002 0002
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPFU(VERLSTN)                               002 0002
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPFU(VERLSTP)                               002 0002
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(BJOBMENU)                              001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(BS2FMENU)                              004 0008
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(BS2000)                                001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(DOCNAME)                               001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(EXAMPLE)                               011 0016
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(INDEX)                                 001 0001
     NAT           <9,80>SYSISPH1(ISUO-9)                                001 0001
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
TYPE Object type.
LIBRARY(MEMBER) For Natural members, this field shows DBID, FNR, library name and member name.
NUM Number of versions of the member.
SIZE Number of records in the versions file.

Example: LIST for TYPE=PDS

The following example is the result of the command:


It shows all versioned members in all PDS libraries that start with MBE. Note that if the NODE parameter is not specified, all nodes are searched:

  LIST-MV:PDS:MBE.COMN.SOURCE(*)/NODE=* ------------ Row 0 of 6 - Columns 006 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
     TYPE          LIBRARY(MEMBER)                                       NUM SIZE
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     PDS           <148>MBE.COMN.SOURCE(ISPUPSUM)                        001 0016
     PDS           <148>MBE.COMN.SOURCE(PRINTER2)                        002 0002
     PDS           <148>MBE.COMN.SOURCE(SCRIPT)                          005 0005
     PDS           <148>MBE.COMN.SOURCE(TEST)                            002 0002
     PDS           <148>MBE.COMN.SOURCE(VERSIONS)                        002 0003
     PDS           <069>MBE.SYSE.SOURCE(VSE)                             020 0021
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
TYPE Object type.
LIBRARY(MEMBER) For PDS members, this field shows the node ID, library name and member name.
NUM Number of versions of the member.
SIZE Number of records in the versions file.

Example: LIST for TYPE=VSE

The following example is the result of the command:


It shows all versioned members in the library NATPROC.IV131.SYSTEM.LIBRARY in sublibrary TEST1 (note that in the command, the standard label library name is used):

  LIST-MV:VSE:NATPROC.IV214.SYSTEM.LIBRARY*.TEST1(*. Row 0 of 1 - Columns 006 076
  COMMAND===>                                                     SCROLL===> CSR
     TYPE          LIBRARY(MEMBER)                                       NUM SIZE
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     VSE           <33>NATPROC.IV214.SYSTEM.LIBRARY.TEST1(UEDTB1.A)      003 0003
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s

Meaning of the column headings:

Column Meaning
TYPE Object type.
LIBRARY(MEMBER) For z/VSE members, this field shows the DSN name, sublibrary name, member name and type.
NUM Number of versions of the member.
SIZE Number of records in the versions file.

Line Commands

You select a versioned member from a list by entering a line command in the input field preceding the member name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command:

Line Command Corresponding Function Command

Local Commands

In List Mode

You can use the commands ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the subsections in section Useful Features of the Natural ISPF User's Guide.

Entire System Server Node Table

If you select the NODES option from the Administrator Menu, you can edit the table that is used to offer active help for the field NODE. This field that appears in several Natural ISPF screens is used for easy selection of a node.

This table is required if you intend to use Mainframe Navigation functionality under Natural for Windows. In this environment, only nodes defined in this table can be accessed by Mainframe Navigation. For running Mainframe Navigation, it is important that the nodes are activated (see below). When the nodes are active, it is recommended to edit and save this table for getting the complete operating system information.

The following figure illustrates an example node table:

  COMMAND ===>
      Node Description           Name
      ----  --------------------  ----
      148  F Maschine__________  F-MC
      _68  Alsbach_____________  ALSA  NOT ACTIVE
      _69  E Maschine__________  E-MC
      _70  A Maschine__________  A-MC
      ___  ____________________
      ___  ____________________
      ___  ____________________
      ___  ____________________
      ___  ____________________
      ___  ____________________
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the fields:

Field Meaning
Node Node number (Entire System Server DBID).
Description Short description of node.
Name Node name.

If the node is not active, Entire System Server notifies you with a message. You can add, modify or delete node definitions by overtyping existing node definitions or entering data in empty input fields. To save the node table, issue the END command (usually assigned to PF3).

User access to nodes is not restricted to the nodes that appear in this table. If you wish to restrict access to specific nodes, you can do so with user exits.