Sending Mail

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

Using Con-nect, you can send mail to other users. You can modify the send defaults (for example, you can define another delivery date) or you can send an unformatted version of a Con-form document (which is usually formatted when sent) so that the addresssee can still see the Con-form instructions within the document text.

The address management system assists you if you are not sure about the names or user IDs of those to whom you want to send mail. It can also be used to specify the type of the mail you send (original, copy, blindcopy or private).

You can create distribution lists to speed addressing your mail and to make sure that no one is forgotten. See Adding a Distribution List.

You can create a personal address book containing the nicknames of addressees to whom you often send mail. See Your Personal Address Book.

If you cannot be reached via Con-nect for a while, you can set a mail status message. Thereafter, whenever another user sends mail to you, the message you have specified can be read by that user. See Mail Status Message.

Sending A Memo

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:


Memo is the default object for the SEND command, which means that if you enter SEND in the command line, without the object Memo, the "Send" screen is automatically displayed. However, there are two exceptions:

  • If a list of objects is displayed (e.g. the "Display Documents by Name" screen) and you issue the command SEND without an object you are asked to select an object from the list (i.e. you must mark an object with SE).

  • If an object (e.g. a document) is displayed and you issue the command SEND without an object, the currently displayed object is sent.

  12:55 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                18.Sep.95
  Cabinet LS                       Send Memo                              Monday

  Addressee(s)   ___________________________________ Selected 0    Sent to 0

  Subject        ____________________________________________________________
  Memo Text------------------------------------------------------- Use Editor _

 Fill in addressee(s), subject and note - use CONFIRM to send
    Command /                                                              /
       Help  Menu  Quit        Confm Mod   Dflt  Addr  Frmat       Last  Home

Specify the following information in the "Send" screen:


The names of the addressee(s). The addressees must be separated by a blank. You can enter any combination of:

  • last name;

  • last name followed by first name - separated by a comma;

  • user ID;

  • nickname (from your personal address book);

  • bulletin board;

  • cabinet ID;

  • distribution list; and

  • external mail node.

For example, when you enter a last name in this line and more than one Con-nect user has that last name, a window appears which lists all users with that last name. You must then mark the required addressee(s) with any character and press ENTER.

When you only remember the first letters of a last name, you can specify them in this line followed by an asterisk (*). In this case, a list of all users whose names start with these letters appears in the window.

When you specify a last name with an asterisk followed by a first name, the first name is ignored for performance reasons.

When you specify a first name, it is not possible to specify the first letters followed by an asterisk (*). In this case, you must always specify the entire first name.

See Address Management System if you need help in selecting the addressees, need to remove an addressee from the list, or want the addressee to receive a copy, a blindcopy or private mail.


The subject of a memo is the heading under which the mail item is listed both in the addressee's Inbasket and in your own Outbasket.

If you do not enter a subject, Con-nect enters "Memo" and the current date and time as the subject as soon as you press ENTER. You can change this by typing a new subject over it prior to sending the memo.

The subject can have a maximum of 60 characters. However, only the first 32 characters of the subject, including blanks, are displayed in the addressee's Inbasket.

Use Editor

Optional - if you need more space to write your memo, you must mark this field and press ENTER. The text which you have already written in the "Send" screen is supplied in the editor ("Modify Document-name" screen), so that you can continue typing where you left off.

You can also issue the MODIFY command from the "Send" screen to access the editor. See Text Processing for details on how to use the editor.

When you have completed your text, you must issue the QUIT command to leave the editor and to return to the "Send" screen.

When you leave the editor using any other Con-nect command, you will find your suspended mail item in the Outbasket. You can then resume the send operation by issuing SE with the mail item.

Memo Text

You type the text of the memo in the lines below the subject.

Word wrapping is automatically activated in the "Send" screen. When word wrapping causes a new line which does not fit in the lines shown, the editor is automatically accessed and you must activate word wrapping yourself, i.e. you must specify the text margins for the whole text (see the description of the SET command in section Text Processing).

Optional - press ENTER to review the addressees before you send the memo.

If a selected user has set a mail status message, the message is displayed in a window as soon as you press ENTER or issue the CONFIRM command. You must then press ENTER again to close that window.

If a selected user has defined a Cc in the mail status message and/or a Cc or Cc 2 in the user address (see Modifying Your Own User Address), this is also added to the list of addressees. Thus, when you specify one addressee, up to three Cc addressees may also be added.

The number of addressees is shown adjacent to the "Selected" indicator; the names of the first 12 addressees are shown in the lines below (if you entered a distribution list, each member of the list is shown).

If you specified more than 12 addressees and want to check the names of all addressees, you can access the address management system.

You can add more addressees at this point by entering them in the "Addressee(s)" line. You can also modify the send defaults (see Modifying the Send Defaults).

Issue the following command to send the memo:


The number of addressees to whom the memo was sent is shown adjacent to the "Sent to" indicator. The names of the addressees to whom the memo was sent are highlighted.

If the number shown adjacent to the "Selected" indicator is higher than the one shown adjacent to the "Sent to" indicator, one of the following may have occurred:

  • You have specified the same addressee more than once. In this case, all duplicate addressees are removed when you send the mail item.

  • You have sent a suspended mail item from your Outbasket where the addressees have already been specified before you suspended it. When the cabinet of an addressee has been deleted in the meantime, this addressee is removed from your addressee list.

  • You have sent mail to a bulletin board using a nickname that is no longer valid. For example, when the administrator deletes the bulletin board called "Education" and later creates a new one with the same name, your nickname is no longer valid.

After you have sent the memo, you can enter more names or user IDs in the "Addressee(s)" line and send it again by issuing the CONFIRM command once more. However, you cannot modify the text, since it has already been sent to the first set of addressees.

A copy of each memo is stored in your Outbasket - even if you did not send the memo by issuing the CONFIRM command. See Checking Your Outbasket.

If you wish to modify the memo text before sending it to other Con-nect users, you must access your Outbasket and file the memo in another folder (see the descriptions of the "File" windows and the FILE command for further information). You can then modify the text and send the modified memo to other users.

Sending Other Con-nect Objects

In addition to sending memos, you can send copies of the following objects from your cabinet to another Con-nect user: Application, Document, Form, Menu, Procedure, Program and Reference. See the appropriate sections for further information regarding these objects.

For example, to send a document, you must issue the SEND command in conjunction with that document:

SEND Document name

The "Send" screen is displayed and you must proceed as if you were sending a memo.

Since you are sending an existing object, Con-nect enters its name as subject in the "Send" screen. You can change this by typing a new subject over it.

You write the cover note in the lines below the subject.

If you want to send, for example, a reference document or program, you must write a cover note. However, when the addressee files this object, the cover note is lost. If you want to send important information with the object, you should send it as a separate memo.

When the addressee files a document which is stored in his Inbasket, the cover note is filed with the document. When the addressee files any other Con-nect object, the cover note is lost.

You can also access the editor (i.e. the "Modify Document-name" screen) for a longer cover note. For example, to use an already existing document as a cover note, you can issue the editor command "COPY document-name" in the "Modify Document-name" screen (see the description of the COPY command in section Text Processing). This can be useful if you want to attach frequently-used information to the object you are sending.

Issue the following command to send the object:


The keywords you specified for the object are not sent with the object.

A copy of each object is stored in your Outbasket - even if you did not send the object by issuing the CONFIRM command. See Checking Your Outbasket for further information.

Formatting Your Mail

The FORMAT command, when issued in the "Send" screen, alternates between formatted and unformatted sending of your mail (you can do this either before or after entering the message text):


See Documents for further information on the FORMAT command.

Sending a Formatted Con-form Document

A document which contains Con-form instructions is by default formatted when you issue the CONFIRM command. When you are about to send such a document, a message appears at the bottom of the screen, indicating that the document will be formatted.

Enclosures are not sent with a formatted Con-form document.

Sending an Unformatted Con-form Document

If you want to send an unformatted version of a document which contains Con-form instructions, you must issue the FORMAT command from the "Send" screen before you issue the CONFIRM command. When the addressee displays or modifies the document, the Con-form instructions are still shown.

Sending a Formatted Memo or Document

You can issue the FORMAT command from the "Send" screen for a memo or a document that does not contain Con-form instructions. A message appears at the bottom of the screen, indicating that the memo or document will be formatted (i.e. 3 blank lines will be inserted as a header) when you issue the CONFIRM command.

Modifying the Send Defaults

You can modify the send defaults at any point during a send function, provided that you have not yet sent the mail item (by issuing the CONFIRM command).

Issue the following command from the "Send" screen.


As a result, the "Send Defaults" screen appears.

  2:07 PM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Mar.2002
 Cabinet LS                    Send Defaults                           Thursday
                   Send Memo : Planning the next steps                         
                           Repeated Delivery                                   
   Delivery Date 14.Mar.2002  Delivery Time 2:07 PM_                           
         Deliver __ times    at an Interval _ ( 1 Daily, 2 Weekly, 3 Monthly ) 
 Expiration Date ___________ Expiration Time ________                          
                           Message Attributes                                  
 Mark to:                               Mark Priority:                         
   _ Format with Con-form                 _ Urgent    X Normal    _ Low        
   X Show Mail Status Message                                                  
   X Allow Alternate Recipient          Mark to send without:                  
   X Disclose Recipients to each other    _ Enclosures                         
   X Allow Message Conversion             X Attached Notes (Notepad)           
   _ Validate Recipient List only         _ Previous Cover/Forward Notes       
Modify defaults as desired and press ENTER                                     
   Command /                                                              /    
      Help  Menu  Quit                                      Flip  Last  Home   

The send defaults only apply to this specific send function. The next time you send the same mail item, the defaults you have specified no longer apply.

Modify the send defaults as described in the following sections below:

Press ENTER to modify the send defaults.

Issue the QUIT command to return to the "Send" screen and proceed as described under Sending a Memo.

Delivery Date/Time

You can modify the delivery date and time. This feature is helpful if you have written a memo or prepared a document for sending, but then decide that the delivery should be postponed.

Delivery Date

Con-nect supplies the current date. You can change the delivery date of the mail item to any future date by typing a new date over it.

Day, month and (optionally) year must be entered in the same sequence as shown in the upper right corner of the screen. When you abbreviate (truncate) the name of the month, you must make sure that the abbreviation is unique. When you enter a past date without the year, the following year is automatically provided.

Delivery Time

Con-nect supplies the current time. You can change the delivery time of the mail item to any future time by typing a new time over it.

When you issue the ADDRESS command with this mail item in the Outbasket, the message "Awaiting distribution" is displayed in the "Addressees for (Object-name)" screen. The delivery date and time you specified is also shown in this screen. When you did not specify a time, 12:01 AM is shown (or 0:00 when you use the 24 hour time format).

Repeat Instructions

You can specify a repeated delivery:

Deliver __ Times

If you wish to have the mail item delivered more than once, you must specify how many times the mail item should be delivered by entering a number in this field.

Delivery Interval

The mail item is delivered at the intervals you specify, starting from the delivery date and time specified above.

You must enter the code number for the desired interval:

1 daily
2 weekly
3 monthly

All mail items for which you have specified a repeated delivery are stored in the Repeat-Delivery folder of the addressee. The addressee cannot display this folder.

As long as the first mail item has not been put into the Inbasket of the addressee, the message "Awaiting distribution" is displayed in your Outbasket (i.e. when you issue the ADDRESS command with that mail item).

See the UNDO command in the section Checking Your Outbasket for a description of how to undo a mail item for which repeated delivery has been specified.

When you delete a mail item for which you specified repeated delivery from the Wastebasket, your mail item is delivered only once. However, if such a mail item is stored in another folder (such as Work or Wastebasket), it is delivered at the interval you specified.

When you have specified repeated delivery for a mail item and your cabinet is then deleted, your mail item is only delivered once after the cabinet has been deleted.


You specify the following information in the "Send Defaults" screen:

   1:09 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.96
  Cabinet LS                    Send Defaults                           Wednesday
                     Send Memo : Planning the next steps
                            Repeated Delivery

  Delivery Date 18.Feb.96__  Delivery Time 1:09 PM__
        Deliver 3_ times    at an Interval 1 ( 1 Daily, 2 Weekly, 3 Monthly )

This memo will be delivered three times. The first memo will be delivered on the specified date: 18.Feb.96. The delivery will be repeated two times: on 19.Feb.96 and 20.Feb.96.

The delivery interval refers to the date displayed as the delivery date. For example, if the delivery date is a Monday and you specify weekly delivery, this message will be repeated on the following Monday. If the delivery date is 20.Feb. and you specify monthly delivery, this message will be repeated on the 20th of the following month.

Expiration Date/Time

You can specify an expiration date and time. This feature is useful if your memo becomes obsolete after a certain date and time. When the expiration date and time has been reached, the memo is automatically deleted from the Inbasket of each addressee who has not yet read the memo - it is not placed in the Wastebasket.

Expiration Date

You can specify any future date in this line.

Day, month and (optionally) year must be entered in the same sequence as shown in the upper right corner of the screen. When you abbreviate (truncate) the name of the month, you must make sure that the abbreviation is unique. When you enter a past date without the year, the following year is automatically provided.

Expiration Time

You can specify any future time in this line.

Message Attributes

You can modify the message attributes and you can specify the priority of your mail item:

Format with Con-form

When this field is marked, a memo or document that contains Con-form instructions is formatted when it is sent.

When this field is not marked, a memo or document that contains Con-form instructions is not formatted when it is sent.

If you are sending a memo or a document which does not contain Con-form instructions and this field is marked, 3 blank lines are inserted as a header.

Show Mail Status Message

This option determines whether mail status status messages are to be shown when you select the addressees for a mail item.

By default, this field is marked with an X. This means that all mail status messages of other users are shown.

You can remove the X, if you do not want to see the mail status messages of other users.

Allow Alternate Recipient

This option determines whether the mail item may be delivered to a default cabinet, if the specified addressee cannot be found at the target node.

By default, this field is marked with an X. To make sure that confidential mail is not delivered to a default cabinet, you can remove the X. If the addressee is not known at the target node, the appropriate status message is displayed in the "Addressees for (Object-name)" screen in your Outbasket.

Disclose Recipients to Each Other

By default, this field is marked with an X. This means, that if an addressee issues the ADDRESS command with the mail item, the names of all addressees are displayed in the "Addressees for (Object-name)" screen.

You can remove the X, if the names of the addressees are not to be displayed.

Allow Message Conversion

Several mail systems require a mail conversion when receiving mail from another system.

By default, this field is marked with an X to allow message conversion. When you want to make sure that important attributes (e.g. formatting instructions or graphics) of your message are not lost due to conversion, you can remove the X to prohibit conversion. If the target node cannot handle your mail without conversion, the appropriate status message is displayed in the "Addressees for (Object-name)" screen in your Outbasket.

Validate Recipient List only

When you are not sure whether a certain addressee exists at the target node, you can mark this field with any character. Your message will not be delivered to the addressee; Con-nect just checks whether the specified addressee exists at the target node. If the addressee is not known at the target node, the appropriate status message is displayed in the "Addressees for (Object-name)" screen in your Outbasket. When this field is marked, a corresponding message is shown in the "Send" screen.

Mail Priority

Several mail systems distinguish mail priorities. Generally, mail items with higher priority are delivered before those with lower priorities.


When you remove the X in the "Normal" field and mark this field with any character, other mail systems handle your mail item with a higher priority.

You can also specify this option for mail to other Con-nect users.

When you receive mail with higher priority, "Urgent" is displayed with this mail item in the "Type" column of your Inbasket.


By default, this field is marked with an X.


This option has no influence on mail that you send to local Con-nect users.

Enclosed Items

When you send a document, you can specify whether the following items are to be sent with the document, or not:


By default, enclosures are automatically sent with a host document (see Enclosures for further information).

You can mark this field to specify that the enclosures are not sent with the host document.

Attached Notes (Notepad)

By default, attached notes are not sent with a document (see Attached Notes for further information).

You can remove the X from this field to specify that the attached notes are to be sent with the document.

Previous Cover/Forward Notes

By default, the previous cover notes are automatically sent with a document.

You can mark this field to specify that the cover notes are not sent with the document.

Address Management System

When you send mail you must specify one or more addressees. All users defined to Con-nect by the administrator are included in a list of addressees which is available to all Con-nect users. Con-nect provides an address management system which enables you to select addressees from this list.

The following topics are covered below:

Accessing the Address Management System

Access the address management system from the "Send" screen (either before or after you fill in addressees, subject and/or message text) by issuing the following command:


You can also access the address management system by entering an asterisk (*) in the "Addressee(s)" line of the "Send" screen and pressing ENTER.

 10:56 AM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               25.Jul.2002
 Cabinet LS                       Address                              Thursday
                    Send Memo : Planning the next steps                        
    Addressee ____________________________________________________________     
         Type *  N Last name  U User ID  A Address    B Bulletin    C Cabinet  
                 D Distribution list     M Members of distribution  E External 
Mark _ to display only addressees with active mail status message              
Cmd Type Addressee          MSM Mailed   Read Read/Delivery Notify   Reply Req.
--- ---- -------------------- - ----------- - ---------------------- ----------
 __  _ O Eshberry,John        X                 2   0     0 = Never           _
 __  _ O Mann,Katie                             2   0     1 = Non             _
 __  _ O Olivier,Karin                          2   0     2 = Always          _
Use commands below or specify mail type (O, C, B or P)                         
   Command /                                                              /    
 Display  Undo                                                                 

The addressee attributes "Read/Delivery Notify" and "Reply Req." only apply to transport items. See Specifying Addressee Attributes.

The type and name of the object you are sending are displayed in the third line of the "Address" screen. If you have already entered addressees, these are displayed by name in the "Addressee" column. An X in the "MSM" column indicates that the corresponding addressee has an active mail status message.

If you have specified more than 10 addressees, you must remove the asterisk (*) in the "Addressee(s)" line of the "Address" screen and press ENTER to display the next page.

Since you can re-send items from your Outbasket, the mailing date is displayed in the "Mailed" column if you have already mailed this item to an addressee. An X in the "Read" column indicates that the addressee has already read your mail.

You can now

as described in the following sections. You can also enter additional addressees in the "Addressee" line.

After you have completed your specifications in the "Address" screen, issue the QUIT command to return to the "Send" screen.

Issue the CONFIRM command in the "Send" screen to send the mail item.

You cannot send mail from the address management system.

Selecting Addressees

By default the "Addressee" line and the "Type" field at the top of the "Address" screen each contain an asterisk (*). If you press ENTER, an addressee selection window is displayed, listing all users in alphabetical order. If you have added addressees (nicknames) to your private address book, they are displayed before the users defined by the administrator.

To limit the addressees shown in the window, specify the following information in the "Address" screen:


To display a list of addressees beginning with a certain character or string of characters, you enter the character(s) followed by an asterisk (e.g. Li*).


To display a list of all addressees of a particular type (in alphabetical order), you enter one of the following codes:

N All users according to their last names and all external mail nodes for which a last name has been defined.
U All users according to their user IDs.
A All nicknames in your personal address book (except those who are not defined to Con-nect) followed by the nicknames which have been defined by the administrator (e.g. for external mail nodes).
B All bulletin boards.
C All cabinets.
D All distribution lists including those which have been added by yourself.
M All members of a distribution list. In addition to specifying M in the "Type" field, you must also enter the name of a distribution list in the "Addressee" line. In contrast to the other codes, the members of the distribution list are immediately displayed in the "Address" screen (i.e. the addressee selection window does not appear).
E All external mail nodes.

Press ENTER to display the addressee selection window.

 10:59 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               25.Jul.2002
 Cabinet LS                       Address                             Wednesday
                    Send Memo : Pla                                            
    Addressee L*___________________   +---------------------------------------+
         Type N  N Last name  U Use   !    Mark Addressees to Select          !
                 D Distribution lis   +---------------------------------------+
                                      !    Addressee            Mail ID  Type !
Mark _ to display only addressees w   ! __ Laing,George         GLA      Name !
Cmd Type Addressee          MSM Mai   ! __ Lancaster,Sue        SLA      Name !
--- ---- -------------------- - ---   ! __ Lardner,Philip       PLA      Name !
 __  _ O Eshberry,John        X       ! __ Lehnert,Jerry        JLE      Name !
 __  _ C Mannings,Kate                ! __ Lindsay,Valery       VLI      Name !
 __  _ O Pinkerton,Thomas             ! __ List,Ann             ALI      Name !
                                      ! __ Long,Sonya           LS       Name !
                                      ! __ Long,William         WLO      Name !
                                      ! __ Lorenz,Georia        GLO      Name !
                                      ! __ Lowell,Sean          SLO      Name !
                                      ! or Position to _________________ _    !
You can select 9996 addressees - use QUIT to close the window                  
   Command /                                                              /    
 Display  Undo                                                                 

To include an addressee, mark the field to the left of that addressee in the window with any character. You can press ENTER or press the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "+" to display the next page of the window. You can also press the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "-" to display the previous page of the window.

To scroll the list to a name beginning with a specific character or string of characters, you enter the character(s) followed by an asterisk (e.g. T* or Tas*) in the "or Position to" line at the bottom of the window and press ENTER.

You can also enter one of the codes described above (except M) in the field to the right of the "or Position to" line to display a list of all addressees of that type.

If a selected user has set a mail status message, the message is displayed in a window as soon as you press ENTER. You press ENTER again to proceed with the addressee selection.

Issue the QUIT command to close the window and to return to the "Address" screen.

The names you selected are shown in the "Addressee" columns of the "Address" screen. If you chose a distribution list, each member is displayed.

Displaying the Address of an Addressee

To display the address of a user or cabinet (including transport service addressees), you enter DI in the Cmd-column to the left of the addressee in the "Address" screen and press ENTER. When a mail status message is active, it is shown first.

Displaying Addressees with an Active Mail Status Message

After you have selected the addressees, you can choose to display only those addressees with an active mail status message. To do so, mark the "Mark _ to display only addressees with active mail status message" field (this field can be found above the list of selected addressees) and press ENTER. The name of the resulting screen indicates that only addressees with an active mail status message are displayed.

 11:01 AM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               25.Jul.2002
 Cabinet LS          Addressees with Mail Status Message               Thursday
                    Send Memo : Planning the next steps                        
    Addressee *___________________________________________________________     
         Type *  N Last name  U User ID  A Address    B Bulletin    C Cabinet  
                 D Distribution list     M Members of distribution  E External 
Mark _ to display all addressees                                               
Cmd Type Addressee          MSM Mailed   Read Read/Delivery Notify   Reply Req.
--- ---- -------------------- - ----------- - ---------------------- ----------
 __  _ O Eshberry,John        X                 2   0     0 = Never           _
                                                          1 = Non             _
                                                          2 = Always          _
Use commands below or specify mail type (O, C, B or P)                         
   Command /                                                              /    
 Display  Undo                                                                 

When only the addressees with an active mail status message are displayed, you can then return to the full list of selected addressees by marking the "Mark _ to display all addressees" field and pressing ENTER.

When you add new addressees on the screen showing only the addressees with an active mail status message, you are automatically returned to the full list of addressees.

Specifying the Mail Type (Copy, Blindcopy and Private)

By default, every addressee receives an original of the mail item. This is indicated by an O to the left of the addressee's name in the "Address" screen.

To send a copy or blindcopy instead of the original to a particular addressee, you enter C or B in the "Type" column to the left of the addressee in the "Address" screen and press ENTER. The subject of the mail item shown in the Inbasket of that addressee will be preceded by (C) for copy or (B) for blindcopy.

Names of addressees who receive a blindcopy are only displayed on your addressee list for the mail item. If an addressee issues the ADDRESS command to display the list of everyone receiving the item, the names of the addressees receiving a blindcopy are not included.

You can enter a P in the "Type" column to the left of the addressee in the "Address" screen and press ENTER to make sure that the mail item can only be read by this person. The subject of the mail item shown in the Inbasket of that addressee will be preceded by (P) for private. The subject cannot be seen by anyone else who has access to that cabinet (for example, if the addressee shares his cabinet).

Before you send the mail item, you can change the mail type as often as you please by repeating the procedure described above. Once the mail item has been sent, you can no longer change the mail type.

The copy, blindcopy and private options have no effect on telex, teletex, telefax and SNADS addressees.

Removing Addressees From the List (Undo)

To remove an addressee from the list, you enter UN in the Cmd-column to the left of the addressee in the "Address" screen and press ENTER.

Specifying Addressee Attributes

The transport service is a delivery method for sending mail to (and receiving mail from) other Con-nect nodes or mail systems.

When you send a transport item, you can modify the information in the following columns:

Read/Delivery Notify

The values in these columns depend on the mail service you use, and are determined by the administrator. You can modify these values for each addressee (provided that this has not been disallowed by your administrator).

If the mail item is not a transport service item, the fields in this columns are protected, i.e. you cannot modify the information in these fields.

The first column (Read Notify) determines, whether you want to be notified, when the addressee has touched (e.g. displayed, erased, filed) your mail.

The second column (Delivery Notify) determines, whether you want to be notified, when your mail has arrived at the external mail node.

Possible values for both columns are:

0 No read/delivery notification is requested.
1 A notification is only requested, if the mail item cannot be delivered.
2 A notification is always requested.

When you request notification, the appropriate status message is displayed in the "Addressees for (Object-name)" screen in your Outbasket. See the description of the ADDRESS command in section Commands for the Outbasket for further information.

Reply Req.

You can only mark the fields in this column, if the addressee's mail system supports this method.

You can mark a field with any character to request a reply from the addressee. When the addressee displays your mail, the message that the sender requests a reply is shown.

Printers as External Mail Nodes

Your administrator can define a printer as an external mail node. Thus, you can send mail to a printer (i.e. your mail is printed on the printer you specify).

You can also FORWARD mail to a printer (see the FORWARD command in section Commands for the Inbasket for further information). However, there is no indication that the mail has been forwarded by you.

The following topics are covered below:

Sending Mail to a Printer

To send mail to a printer, you must first access the "Send" screen (see Sending a Memo). Specify the name of the printer node in the "Addressee(s)" line.

If you do not know the name of the printer node, you can access the "Address" screen (see Address Management System). All printer nodes belong to the addressee type E (External).

You can add the address for a printer node to your personal address book (see Adding External Addresses to Your Personal Address Book).

Issue the following command to send your mail to the printer:


If applicable, the "Print Mail" window is displayed for each specified printer node. The following sections provide information on this window, depending on whether you are using the spoolfile method or the transport service to send mail. The window is displayed only when your administrator has allowed modifications.

Your name (i.e. the name of the sender) as well as the date and time of sending are printed at the top of the resulting output. The subject is also printed.


When you use the spoolfile method, you must specify the name of the printer node for each printer or user to whom you want to send mail. Even if you want, for example, send your mail item twice to the same printer, you must specify the name of the printer node twice in the "Addressee" line of the "Send" screen.

When you use the spoolfile method to send mail and when your administrator has allowed modifications, the following window appears after you issued the CONFIRM command:

  11:34 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.96
  Cabinet LS                       Send Memo                           Wednesday
                   (Created by: Long,Sonya LS 14.Feb.96 13:42)                  
  Addressee(s) ____________________________________________________________     
               Selected 1           Sent to 0                                   
  Eshberry, John    +---------------------------------------+                   
                    !             Print Mail                !                   
                    !  ___________________________________  !                   
                    !  ___________________________________  !                   
  Subject Review    !  ___________________________________  !_________          
 ------------------ !  ___________________________________  !-------------------
   Hello John,      !  ___________________________________  !                   
                    !  ___________________________________  !                   
   Please review th !    Program ________ for Header Lines  !                   
                    !            ________ for Printing      !                   
   Regards,         !    Printer 291_____ TID or LU         !                   
                    !     Cancel _                          !                   
   Sonya            !                                       !                   
 ------------------ +---------------------------------------+-------------------
  1 addressee(s) selected - use CONFIRM to send                                 
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit        Confm Mod   Dflt  Addr  Frmat Flip  Last  Home   

In the first six lines of the window, you can specify any text you choose. This text is printed before your mail. It can be, for example, the name and address of the intended recipient.

Furthermore, you can specify the following information in the "Print Mail" window:

Program for Header Lines

The name of the program that is used to prepare the header lines of the printed output. See your administrator for further information.

Program for Printing

The name of the program that is used to control the entire printout. See your administrator for further information.


The printer that has been defined by the administrator is automatically entered in this line.


You can cancel the mail item by marking this field with any character and pressing ENTER, or by pressing the PF-key assigned to the QUIT command. The "Sent to" field of the "Send" screen informs you that your mail item has been sent. However, the message line informs you that it has been canceled.

Send/print the mail item by pressing ENTER.

Transport Service

When the transport service is installed at your site, you need not (as required with the spoolfile method) specify the name of the printer node for each printer or user to whom you want to send mail. You specify the node name only once in the "Addressee" line of the "Send" screen and then specify all required information in the resulting window.

When the transport service is installed at your site and when your administrator has allowed modifications, the following window appears as soon as you press ENTER.

  11:34 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.96
  Cabinet LS                       Send Memo                           Wednesday
                   (Created by: Long,Sonya LS 14.Feb.96 13:42)                  
  Addressee(s) tspri_______________________________________________________     
               Selected 0           Sent to 0                                   
                    !              Print Mail                !                  
                    !  ___________________________________   !                  
                    !  ___________________________________   !                  
  Subject Review    !  ___________________________________   ! _______          
 ------------------ !  ___________________________________   ! -----------------
  Hello John,       !  ___________________________________   !                  
                    !  ___________________________________   !                  
  Please review th  !   Program ________ for Header Lines    !                  
                    !           ________ for Printing        !                  
  Regards,          !   Printer 289_____ TID or LU           !                  
    Command /                                                              /    
 Enter an addressee or use PF3 to quit the window                     
                   Quit        Save                                             

In the first six lines of the window, you can specify any text you choose. This text is printed before your mail. It can be, for example, the name and address of the intended recipient.

Furthermore, you can specify the following information in the "Print Mail" window:

Program for Header Lines

The name of the program that is used to prepare the header lines of the printed output. See your administrator for further information.

Program for Printing

The name of the program that is used to control the entire printout. See your administrator for further information.


The printer that has been defined by the administrator is automatically entered in this line.

Specify all required information and press PF5 to save the information.

As a result, the blank window re-appears and you can specify further information. For example, you can specify another printer or the name of another recipient. You must then press PF5 again to save the specified information.

When you have specified all information, press PF3 to close the window.

Issue the CONFIRM command in the "Send" screen to send/print the mail item.

The above-mentioned PF-keys are not affected by your own PF-key assignments.

Checking the Reception Status of Your Mail

A copy of each object you sent is stored in your Outbasket (see Checking Your Outbasket).

When you have specified a printer node as addressee and if you have sent the mail item to other Con-nect users at the same time, you cannot undo your mail to the regular Con-nect users.

When you display the Outbasket and issue the ADDRESS command with this mail item, the reception status is one of the following:

Awaiting Distribution

The mail item has been recorded internally by Con-nect and will be sent to the printer.


The mail item has reached the printer node. This does not indicate that the addressee has read the item.

Delivered to Inbasket

This message appears only when you use the Transport Service. It indicates that the mail item has been put into the Inbasket of the addressee (in this case, the addressee is a printer). It does notindicate that the addressee has read your mail.

Canceled by Sender

This message appears only when you use the spoolfile method to send mail. It appears if you canceled the mail item in the "Print Mail" window.

External Con-nect Nodes

Any Con-nect object which can be sent, can also be sent to an external Con-nect node.

You can also use the commands FORWARD and REPLY. However, there is no indication in the addressee's Inbasket whether the reply refers to one of his Outbasket entries or whether the mail has been forwarded by you.

The following topics are covered below:

Sending Mail to an External Con-nect Node

To send an object to an addressee at an external Con-nect node, you must first access the "Send" screen (see Sending a Memo). Specify the name of the external Con-nect node in the "Addressee(s)" line.

If you do not know the name of the external Con-nect node, you can access the "Address" screen (see Address Management System). All external Con-nect addressees belong to the addressee type E (External).

You can also specify the copy, blindcopy and private options for external Con-nect addressees.

You can add an external Con-nect address to your personal address book (see Adding External Addresses to Your Personal Address Book).

Issue the following command to send the object:


If applicable, a window is displayed for each specified node. The following sections provide information on this window, depending on whether you are using the spoolfile method or the transport service to send mail. The window is displayed only when the name of the addressee has not yet been specified.


When you use the spoolfile method, you must specify the node name for each user to whom you want to send mail. Even if, for example, two users are located at the same node, you must specify the node name twice in the "Addressee" line of the "Send" screen.

When you use the spoolfile method to send mail and when the name of the addressee has not yet been specified, the following window appears after you issued the CONFIRM command:

  11:34 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.96
  Cabinet LS                       Send Memo                           Wednesday
                   (Created by: Long,Sonya LS 14.Feb.96 13:42)                  
  Addressee(s) ____________________________________________________________     
               Selected 1           Sent to 0                                   
  Subject Revie !        Send to Con-nect Node DALLAS           !_____          
 -------------- !                                               !---------------
   Hello Charle !  Addressee ________________________________   !               
   please let u !     Cancel _                                  !               
   and the subs !                                               !               
   Regards,     +-----------------------------------------------+               
 Mark for editor to modify cover note or use CONFIRM to send                    
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit        Confm Mod   Dflt  Addr  Frmat       Last  Home   

The name of the Con-nect node you specified is shown in this window.

Specify the following information in this window:


The name of the person who is to receive your mail.


You can cancel the mail item by marking this field with any character and pressing ENTER, or by pressing the PF-key assigned to the QUIT command. The "Sent to" field of the "Send" screen informs you that your mail item has been sent. However, the message line informs you that it has been canceled.

Send the mail item by pressing ENTER.

Transport Service

When the transport service is installed at your site, you need not (as required with the spoolfile method) specify the node name for each user to whom you want to send mail. You specify the node name only once in the "Addressee" line of the "Send" screen and then specify all intended addressees at that node in the resulting window.

When the transport service is installed at your site and when the name of the addressee has not yet been specified, the following window appears as soon as you press ENTER.

  11:34 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.96
  Cabinet LS                       Send Memo                           Wednesday
                   (Created by: Long,Sonya LS 14.Feb.96 13:42)                  
  Addressee(s) tsnode______________________________________________________     
               Selected 0           Sent to 0                                   
  Subject Revi  !        Specify Multinode Addressee           ! _____          
 -------------- !                                              ! ---------------
  Hello Charle  !  Node  ECONNECT   User  ____________________ !                
  please let u  !                                              !                
  and the subs  +----------------------------------------------+                
    Command /                                                              /    
 Enter an addressee or use PF3 to quit the window                               
                   Quit        Save                                             

The name of the Con-nect node you specified is shown in this window.

Specify the following information in this window:


The person who is to receive your mail. You can enter the following information:

  • last name;

  • last name followed by first name - separated by a comma;

  • user ID;

  • bulletin board; or

  • cabinet ID.

You must ensure that the information you specify here uniquely identifies the intended addressee. Your local Con-nect system does not validate whether your information is unique or whether the intended addressee exits at the target node.

Specify an addressee and press PF5 to save the addressee.

As a result, the blank window re-appears and you can specify another addressee. You must save each addressee you specify by pressing PF5.

When you have specified all addressees, press PF3 to close the window.

Issue the CONFIRM command in the "Send" screen to send the mail item.

The above-mentioned PF-keys are not affected by your own PF-key assignments.

Checking the Reception Status of Your Mail

A copy of each object you sent is stored in your Outbasket (see Checking Your Outbasket).

When you have specified an external Con-nect user as addressee and if you have sent the mail item to other Con-nect users at the same time, you cannot undo your mail to the regular Con-nect users.

When you display the Outbasket and issue the ADDRESS command with this mail item, the reception status is one of the following:

Distribution in Progress

The mail item has been recorded internally by Con-nect and will be sent to the addressee.


The mail item has reached the external Con-nect node of the addressee. This does not indicate that the addressee has read the item.

Delivered to Inbasket

This message appears only when you use the Transport Service. It indicates that the mail item has been put into the Inbasket of the addressee. It does not indicate that the addressee has read your mail.

Canceled by Sender

This message appears only when you use the spoolfile method to send mail. It appears if you canceled the mail item in the "Send to Con-nect Node Node-name" window.

Con-nect Teleservices

If Con-nect Teleservices is installed at your site, your administrator can define telex, teletex or telefax mail nodes. Thus, any Con-nect object which can be sent, can also be sent as a telex, teletex or telefax.

You can also use the commands FORWARD and REPLY to send a telex, teletex or telefax. However, the addressee cannot recognize whether your reply refers to one of his Outbasket entries or that the mail item has been forwarded by you.

The following topics are covered below:

Sending a Telex, Teletex or Telefax

To send a telex, teletex or telefax, you must first access the "Send" screen (see Sending a Memo). Specify the name of the telex, teletex or telefax node in the "Addressee(s)" line.

If you do not know the name of the telex, teletex or telefax node, you can access the "Address" screen (see Address Management System). All telex, teletex or telefax nodes belong to the addressee type E (External).

The copy, blindcopy and private options have no effect on telex, teletex or telefax addressees.

You can add the address for a telex, teletex or telefax node to your personal address book (see Adding External Addresses to Your Personal Address Book).

Issue the following command to send the telex, teletex or telefax:


If applicable, the "Send Telex/Teletex/Telefax to Node-name" window is displayed for each specified addressee. This window contains, telex, teletex, or telefax send information, i.e. additional information which is not required when sending a memo or other objects. The window is displayed only when a telex, teletex or telefax number is not specified or when modifications are allowed before sending.

   4:24 PM               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                        Send                                  C09000
                                    Memo Request Test Results
  Addressee(s) ____________________________________________________________
  RE !                    Send Telex to RESTELEX                           !
     !                                                                     !
     !  To:       ________________________________________________________ !
     !  From:     Long,Sonya______________________________________________ !
  Su !  Subject:  Request Test Results_______________________________      !
 --- !                                                                     ! ---
   d !  Telex Number ________________________   Send Date 14.Feb.94__      !
     !   Answer Back ________________           Send Time 16:24___         !
     !  Number of Retries  0                       Device ________         !
     !                                                                     !
     !             Cancel _                                                !
     !                                                                     !
 or Mark to use Editor _
  1 addressee(s) selected - use CONFIRM to send
    Command /                                                              /
       Help  Menu  Quit        Confm Mod   Dflt  Addr  Frmat       Last  Home

The line at the top of the window shows the name of the telex, teletex or telefax node you specified. In addition, you can always modify the "To", "From" and "Subject" lines.


The name of the person who is to receive the telex, teletex or telefax. (The name of the addressee specified on the "Send" screen is the telex, teletex or telefax node name, and not necessarily the name of the intended recipient.)


The sender's (your) name - this is automatically filled in by Con-nect.


The subject of the telex, teletex or telefax. If this line has not been filled in, you must complete the missing information.

Telex, Teletex or Telefax Number

The addressee's telex, teletex or telefax number. If this line has not been filled in, you must enter the number.

Send Date

The date on which the telex, teletex or telefax should be sent.

By default, the current date is entered in this line. You can specify a different date if you are allowed.

Answer back

Telex and teletex numbers may have corresponding answer back messages.

If this message is entered, a check is made when the telex, or teletex is sent to see if the message and telex or teletex number correspond. If they do not correspond, the message "Cannot be delivered" appears in the telex or teletex reception status. If this line has not been filled in, you can fill it in; if you leave it blank, no check is made.

Send Time

The time at which the telex, teletex or telefax should be sent according to GMT.

By default, the current time is entered in this line. You can specify a different time. Enter the time in a 24h notation without delimiters, e.g. 1800 for 6 pm.

You cannot enter midnight as 24:00. Instead, you must enter 0:00 (i.e. 0000 in this case).

Number of Retries

The administrator may limit the number of times an attempt is made to send the telex, teletex or telefax, provided this facility is supported by the transmission hardware installed. You cannot make changes here.


The telexbox from where the message is sent (defined by the administrator).


You can always cancel the telex, teletex or telefax by marking this field with any character and pressing ENTER or by pressing the PF-key assigned to the QUIT command. This does not affect other addressees (nodes).

This is the only way to cancel a telex, teletex or telefax.

The "Sent to" field of the "Send" screen informs you that your telex, teletex or telefax has been sent. However, the when you issue the ADDRESS command (see below) you will see confirmation that it has been canceled.

After you have made all necessary modifications in the window, send the telex, teletex or telefax by pressing ENTER.

Checking the Reception Status of Your Mail

A copy of each telex, teletex or telefax you sent is stored in your Outbasket (see Checking Your Outbasket).

You cannot UNDO a telex, teletex or telefax after it has been sent. If you have specified a telex, teletex or telefax user as addressee and if you have sent the mail item to other Con-nect users at the same time, you cannot undo your mail to the regular Con-nect users.

When you display the Outbasket and issue the ADDRESS command with a telex, teletex or telefax, the reception status is one of the following:

Awaiting Distribution

The telex, teletex, or telefax has been recorded internally by Con-nect, and will be sent to the addressee at the time and date specified in the "Send Telex/Teletex/Telefax to Node-name" window.

Distribution in Process

The telex, teletex or telefax has been sent, i.e. it has been given to the telexbox.


The telex, teletex or telefax has reached the telex, teletex or telefax facility of the addressee.

This does not indicate that the addressee has read the item.

Cannot be Delivered

The telex, teletex or telefax transmission was not successful.

This message is returned if the addressee could not be reached (for example, due to a busy signal or a wrong number) within the number of retries specified by the administrator.

This message is also returned if an answer back message was specified in the "Send Telex/Teletex to Node-name" window and it does not correspond to the telex or teletex number.

Canceled by Sender

This message appears if you canceled the telex, teletex or telefax in the "Send Telex/Teletex/Telefax to Node-name" window.

In contrast to mail items which have been sent to Con-nect users within your environment, the "Read" column remains empty - even if the addressee has read your mail. Furthermore, telex, teletex or telefax addressees who have read your mail are not included in the number shown in the "Read" column of the "Contents of Folder Outbasket" screen.

Con-nect SNADS

If Con-nect SNADS is installed at your site, your administrator can define SNADS nodes. Thus you can send memos and documents to an addressee at a SNADS node.

You can also use the commands FORWARD and REPLY to send a memo or document to an addressee at a SNADS node. However, the addressee cannot recognize whether your reply refers to one of his Outbasket entries or that the mail item has been forwarded by you.

The following topics are covered below:

Sending Mail to a SNADS Node

To send a memo or document to an addressee at a SNADS node, you must first access the "Send" screen (see Sending a Memo). Specify the name of SNADS user in the "Addressee(s)" line. You can specify up to 256 SNADS addressees.

If you do not know the name of the SNADS node, you can access the "Address" screen (see Address Management System). All SNADS nodes belong to the addressee type E (External).

The copy, blindcopy and private options have no effect on SNADS addressees.

You can add the address for a SNADS node to your personal address book (see Adding External Addresses to Your Personal Address Book).

If you send a document with a cover note, it is sent as a DIA message. You can enter a maximum of 4 lines of cover note text, of which each line must not exceed 64 characters. If you write a longer cover note, the remaining text is ignored when sent.

If you send a final form document (Txt) which has no cover note, this message will be marked (in SNADS terms) as a note rather than as a document. You can avoid this by entering "DOCU" or "DOKU" - this can be either in upper case or lower case - as the first four characters in the "Subject" line of the "Send" screen. (There may be office systems that handle notes and documents differently.)

Issue the following command to send the mail item:


If applicable, the following window is displayed for each specified SNADS addressee. It contains SNADS send information, i.e. additional information which is not required for sending a normal mail item. The window is displayed only when a SNADS addressee has not fully been defined.

The window does not appear if all send information has been already filled in by the administrator or by the user with the ADD Address command.

  11:08 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                        Send                                  Friday
                                    Memo (new projects)                         
  Ad ----------------------------------------------------------------------     
     I                                                                    I     
   D I                         Send Message to                            I     
     I                                                                    I     
     I   Recipient Node ID  (Group:) NEW_____  (Element:) YORK____        I     
     I   Recipient User ID  (Group:) ________  (Element:) ________        I     
  Su I                                                                    I     
 --- I   Your own ID is assumed to be                                     I ----
   D I   Origin Node ID     (Group:) MINNE     (Element:) SOTA            I     
   t I   Origin User ID     (Group:) CONNECT1  (Element:) LS              I     
   r I                                                                    I     
   n I                                                                    I     
   c I                   or mark  _ to CANCEL                             I     
   R I                                                                    I     
   S ----------------------------------------------------------------------     
 or Mark to use Editor _                                                        
    Command /                                                              /    

The window also shows your local system's origin node ID (DSUN) and the origin user ID (DUN) which has been assigned to you. This is your SNADS address - another SNADS user can send a message to you by addressing it to the user ID and node ID which is displayed in this window.

Specify the following information in the window:

Recipient Node ID

The Distribution Service Unit Name (DSUN) of the recipient node. The DSUN identifies a specific SNADS node in the network and consists of two parts: the Routing Group Name and the Routing Element Name.

You cannot enter information here, if your administrator has already specified the recipient node ID (DSUN).

If your administrator has not entered information in the "Recipient Node ID" fields (i.e. if he has specified an asterisk (*) in either or both of the fields), you must supply the values for "Group" and/or "Element". You can obtain these names from your administrator.

Recipient User ID

The Distribution User Name (DUN) of the addressee. The DUN identifies a specific SNADS user in the network and consists of two parts: the Distribution Group Name and the Distribution Element Name.

If your administrator has not made all external SNADS addressees available by entering them in cabinet SYSCNT, you have to enter the recipient user ID here (if it is known to you).

Or mark _ to CANCEL

You can always cancel the mail item by marking this field with any non-blank character and pressing ENTER. This does not affect other addressees (nodes) because a new window is displayed for each addressee.

This is the only way to cancel the mail item.

The "Sent to" field of the "Send" screen informs you that your message has been sent. However, the respective Outbasket entry confirms that it has been canceled.

After you have made all necessary modifications in the window, send the mail item by pressing ENTER or any PF-key. (Even if you press the PF-key usually assigned to the QUIT command, the mail item will be sent, unless you mark the "Cancel" field in the window.)

You cannot send enclosures with a document. Send them as regular mail items.

Checking the Reception Status of Your Mail

A copy of each memo or document you sent is stored in your Outbasket (see Checking Your Outbasket).

You cannot UNDO a SNADS mail item after it has been sent. If you have specified a SNADS user as addressee and if you have sent the mail item to other Con-nect users at the same time, you cannot undo your mail to the regular Con-nect users.

When you display the Outbasket and issue the ADDRESS command with a SNADS mail item, the reception status is one of the following:

Awaiting Distribution

The memo or document has been recorded internally by Con-nect, and will be sent to the addressee.

The specification of a send date and of repeated delivery - by issuing the DEFAULT command - are ignored by Con-nect SNADS. However, you can format the text with Con-form.


The mail item has been put into the Inbasket of the addressee.

Further possible messages are "Routing Error", "Addressee unknown", "External System Failure", or "Object of this format cannot be distributed" which indicate that your mail item did not reach the addressee.

In contrast to mail items which have been sent to Con-nect users within your environment, the "Read" column remains empty - even if the SNADS user has read your mail. Furthermore, SNADS addressees who have read your mail are not included in the number shown in the "Read" column of the "Contents of Folder Outbasket" screen.