TRS Folders

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

Any document with which you want to use Con-nect Text Retrieval must be filed in a TRS folder. You cannot retrieve text from a document which is not filed in a TRS folder, even if it contains the criteria that you have specified with the FIND command.

Before text from a document can be retrieved, the document must be inverted, i.e. you must FILE it. Con-nect Text Retrieval inverts all documents filed in a TRS folder according to the inverting rules of the folder.

You can retrieve text from documents by searching for specific words, categories, roots, synonyms, or parts of a text. In addition to this, you can also use the standard Con-nect search criteria: the information contained in the description lines of a document and/or the keywords.

Reference documents can also be filed in a TRS folder and can thus be retrieved by searching for the writer, the title, the information contained in the description lines of a reference document and/or the keywords.

Adding a TRS Folder

There are several types of TRS folder. Each type is associated with specific inverting rules.

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:

ADD Folder

As a result, the "Add Folder" screen appears.

  11:59 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 4.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                        Add Folder                            Friday
  Folder Name     _______________                                               
  Description     ____________________________________________________________  
  Sequence        1 (1-Ascending by Date 2-Descending by Date 3-User)           
  Files           _______________    Description  ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
                  _______________                 ____________________________  
      Private Use _ or Security Read 7  Modify 7                                
       TRS Folder _                                                             
 Complete the information above and press ENTER to add                          
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

See Adding a Folder in section Folders for detailed information. A TRS folder may also contain files.

If Con-nect Text Retrieval is installed in your system and you are allowed to use it, the "Add Folder" screen contains an additional field:

TRS Folder

You must mark this field with any character to add a TRS folder.

Press ENTER to display the "Define TRS Inverting Rules" screen.

  12:00 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 4.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS               Define TRS Inverting Rules                     Friday
                                           for Folder Contracts                 
        Mark to _ exclude categories                                            
                _ include categories                                            
                _ include marked words                                          
       Category ________________________________ Word-marking Symbol __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
                ________________________________                     __         
    Append inverted words to category  ________________________________         
 Enter a command, press a PF-key, or enter * to display commands                
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

Overview of Inversion Rules

The internal word length of Con-nect Text Retrieval is 32. Thus, words with more than 32 characters are inverted with the first 32 characters only.

You cannot add words or categories with blank spaces such as "New York" otherwise an error will occur.

You can take one of the following possible actions when you define the TRS inversion rules in the "Define TRS Inverting Rules" screen:

Invert All Words

  • Mark the "exclude categories" field.

Invert All Words Except those of Specific Categories

  • Mark the "exclude categories" field;

  • enter the names of the categories in the "Category" lines - one category per line.

Invert All Words of Specific Categories

  • Mark the "include categories" field;

  • enter the names of the categories in the "Category" lines - one category per line.

Invert All Marked Words

  • Mark the "include marked words" field;

  • enter one or more word-marking symbols in the "Word-marking Symbol" fields.

Invert the Marked Words of Specific Categories

  • Mark the "include marked words" field;

  • enter the names of the categories in the "Category" lines - one category per line;

  • enter a different word-marking symbol for each category in the "Word-marking Symbol" field adjacent to each "Category" line.

Invert All Words and Append them to a Special Category

  • Mark the "exclude categories" field;

  • enter the name of a category in the "Append inverted words to category" line.

Defining the TRS Inverting Rules

Specify the following information in the "Define TRS Inverting Rules" screen according to the type of TRS folder you want to create:

exclude categories

If you mark this field you have three possibilities:

  • You can invert all words of a document. You must not enter a category in the "Category" lines.

  • You can exclude the words belonging to the categories that you list in the "Category" lines. All words which do not belong to these categories are inverted and can be searched for.

  • You can invert all words of a document and append them to a special category. You must enter a category in the "Append inverted words to category" line.

include categories

You can mark this field if you want to include the words belonging to the categories that you list in the "Category" lines. Only the words belonging to the specified categories are inverted and can be searched for.

If you do not enter a category, the documents stored in this folder are not inverted and you cannot retrieve text from these documents.

include marked words

You can mark this field if you want to include only the marked words of a document. The description, keywords, writer and title are not inverted.

If you mark this field you have two possibilities:

  • You can invert all marked words of a document. You enter one or more word-marking symbols in the "Word-marking Symbol" fields. You must not enter a category in the "Category" lines.

  • You can invert all marked words of a document belonging to specified categories. You enter a category in the "Category" lines and enter a different word-marking symbol for each category in the "Word-marking Symbol" field adjacent to each "Category" line.


The names of the categories.

You enter the names of the categories according to the option specified above. You can enter one category per line; up to 10 categories are permitted.

You can either enter the names of new categories (they will be automatically created by Con-nect) or the names of already existing categories.

Word-marking Symbol

You use this option in conjunction with the "include marked words" option.

You can use any character or combination of two characters as a word-marking symbol. You are advised to use symbols that do not otherwise occur in the running text.

You can enter word-marking symbols either with or without assigning categories.

While adding or modifying a document, you must mark the words you want to invert with a word-marking symbol. For example, if you want to invert "tunafish", this word must be preceded by the word-marking symbol and an equal sign (e.g. aa=tunafish). The word-marking symbols are visible in the document text. Only the marked words are inverted and can be searched for.

Append inverted words to category

You use this option only in conjunction with the "exclude categories" option. You must not enter a category in the "Category" lines.

You can append all words contained in the documents which are stored in this TRS folder to a special category: you enter the name of the category in this line. You can either enter the name of a new category (it will be automatically created by Con-nect) or the name of an already existing category.

Press ENTER to add the TRS folder.

Inversion of Long Vocabulary Lists

The option "Append inverted words to category" is helpful if you want to create a long vocabulary list without inverting each word individually.

You proceed as follows:

  1. Define a TRS folder with the inverting rules "exclude categories" and enter a category name in the "Append inverted words to category" line (we will name this category "Terms").

  2. Create a document which is simply a list of all the words that you want to invert for future text retrieval (we will name this document "Vocabulary") and file this document in the TRS folder created above.

    As a result, all words of the document "Vocabulary" are assigned to the category "Terms". If you modify the document, all additional words are inverted and assigned to this category as well. If you erase words, these are removed from the list.

  3. Define a second TRS folder with the option "include category" and enter the name of the category "Terms".

  4. Add new documents and file them into this folder; or file existing documents into this folder.

    As a result, only the words which are contained in the category "Terms" are inverted in this folder.

Inversion of a Stopword List

To create a stopword list (words which are not to be inverted), you proceed as follows:

  1. Define a TRS folder with the inverting rules "exclude categories" and enter a category name (e.g. "Stopwords") in the "Append inverted words to category" line.

  2. Create a document which contains all of the stopwords, for example "maybe when how why" and file this document in the TRS folder created above.

    As a result, all words contained in this document are assigned to the category "Stopwords". If you modify the document, all additional words are inverted and assigned to this category as well. If you erase words, these are removed from the list.

  3. Define a second TRS folder with the option "exclude category" and enter the name of the category "Stopwords".

    As a result, all words in this folder - except the stopwords contained in the category "Stopwords" - are inverted.

Managing Your TRS Folders

A TRS folder is treated as any other folder in your cabinet.

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a list of all available folders:


As a result, the "Display Folders" screen appears.

  12:03 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 4.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                    Display Folders                           Friday
  Cmd Folder Name     Description                            Fil Fol Itm Trs Seq
  --- --------------- -------------------------------------- --- --- --- --- ---
  __  Compose                                                                 A 
  __  Connect                                                                 A 
  __  Contracts       TRS folder                                      x   x   D 
  __  Inbasket                                               5        x       D 
  __  Marketing                                              1        x       D 
  __  Outbasket                                                       x       D 
  __  Private                                                         x       D 
  __  References      Invert marked words                             x   x   D 
  __  Repeat-Delivery                                                         A 
  __  Reports         Invert all words of a document                  x   x   D 
  __  Research                                               4        x       D 
  __  TRS-XXL                                                                 A 
 Cmds are 1 or 2 characters from the list below (FLIP for PF-keys)              
    Command /                                                              /    
  Display  Erase    File     Info     Modify   Top                              

See Managing Your Folders in section Folders for a description of the "Display Folders" screen. The column "Trs" contains an X if the folder is a TRS folder.

Commands for TRS Folders

The command prompting line of the "Display Folders" screen shows all the commands which apply to folders. The commands are described in sections Commands and Commands for Folders. The following exceptions apply when working with a TRS folder:


When you issue the MODIFY command with a TRS folder, the "Modify Folder" screen contains an additional field:

Mark to modify Inverting Rules

To modify the inverting rules of this TRS folder, you must mark this field to display the "Define TRS Inverting Rules" screen (see Defining the TRS Inverting Rules).

If you modify the inverting rules for a TRS folder, you cannot retrieve text from documents previously stored in this folder according to the new rules; you can only retrieve text according to the inverting rules you defined before you modified them. The new inverting rules do not apply until the utility "Invert Contents of TRS Folders in Cabinet(s)" is run (see the Con-nect Utilities documentation for further information).

You can also add a new TRS folder with new inverting rules - rather than modifying the rules of an existing TRS folder - and move all documents from the old to the new TRS folder by issuing the FILE command.

Instead of marking the "Mark to modify Inverting Rules" field, you can also enter RULE in the command line of the "Modify Folder" screen to access the "Define TRS Inverting Rules" screen.


You can issue the command RULE in the command line of the following screens to display the TRS inverting rules:

  • "Modify Folder";

  • "Display Document-name";

  • "Info for Document-name";

  • "Display Reference Document";

  • "Modify Reference Document".

When these screens are displayed, you can modify the inverting rules by typing over the specifications shown and pressing ENTER.

These inverting rules are valid for all documents and reference documents which are contained in this folder.

If a document is stored in the system folder TRS-XXL, you can issue the command RULE in the command line of the following screens to display file information:

  • "Display Document-name";

  • "Info for Document-name".

The window "File Information about Folder TRS-XXL" is displayed and indicates where the document will be filed after the batch utility "Invert Long Documents" is run (see the Con-nect Utilities documentation for further information). Since the TRS-XXL folder is not a TRS folder, the inverting rules cannot be modified from these screens. For further information regarding the folder TRS-XXL, see Inverting Text.