Maintaining the Transport Service

This document explains the functions and screens which can be invoked from the Transport Service Administration screen in the order they appear. For a description of how to invoke this menu and the most frequently used commands and PF-keys, see Navigating Through the Transport Service Administration.

During the transmission of transport service items records are written to the spool file. These records must be deleted from the spool file on a regular basis. For further information, see Delete Spool File Entries.

This document covers the following topics:

Queue Maintenance

Select the Queue Maintenance function from the Transport Service Administration screen. As a result, the Queue Maintenance screen is displayed. All queue maintenance activities begin from this screen.

  3:50 PM              * * *  C o n - n e c t  3  * * *             14.Sep.2005
 Cabinet LS         Transport Service - Queue Maintenance              YM-Q-01B
 Cmd Type Queue ID Items  Last Active       I O R  Time  Description           
 --- ---- -------- ------ ----------------- - - -  ----  ----------------------
 __  IN   ***IN*** 0      16.Nov.2004  3:02 A E E     2  INBOUND  / EINGANG    
 __  RRDA NOHOFF44 0       1.Sep.1997 10:14 A E E     0  RECEIVE Q F RDA       
 __  RE62 RECVLU62 0      31.Dec.2003  4:35 A E E     0  RECEIVING QUEUE       
 __  SYS  ***CR*** 0      16.Nov.1998 11:56 I I I     0  Creation Queue        
 __  SYS  ***UD*** 0      16.Nov.1998 11:56 I I I     0  Undelivery Queue      
 __  OE62 CNT312CI 0      29.Dec.2003  4:05 A H E     0  DELIVERY TO CNT312CI  
 __  OE62 CNT312CO 1      30.Dec.2003  3:27 A H E     0  CNT312CO OUTBOUND     
 __  ORDA RDAUXNCR 0      13.Aug.2002 12:00 A E E     0  OUT Q F RDA UX        
 __  ORDA RDA312CO 0       6.Jul.2002  7:14 A I I     0  OUT Q F RDA           
 __  APPL A        0      16.Nov.2004  3:02 A E E     1  Application Queue     
 __  APPL K        0      20.Dec.2001 10:17 A E E     0  MOON UNIT CON-NECT    
 Cmd:  ST Start   SP Stop   RE Reset   DI Display Items   DQ Display Queue     
       MO Modify Queue   EI Erase Items   EQ Erase Queue                       
            Menu  Quit  Add                -     +    --    ++                 
Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key              

The following information is displayed in the Queue Maintenance screen:


The type of queue:

APPL Application queue
IN Inbound queue
OC62 CICS LU6.2 outbound queue
OE62 EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI) outbound queue
ORDA Remote database access outbound queue
RE62 Receiving queue for EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI)
RRDA Receiving queue for remote database access
SYS System queue
Queue ID

The name of the queue.

The following queues are created when your system is initialized:

***IN*** Inbound queue
***CR*** Creation queue
***UD*** Non-delivery queue

The number of transport items in a queue.

If the queue contains more than 9999 items, "!>9999" is shown in this column. It is recommended that you do not keep so many items in a queue and that you delete items in time.

Time Last Active

The date and time of the queue's last activity. The transport service records the last date and time that one of the queue server programs was scheduled, activated or deactivated.


Input status. Possible queue statuses are: A (active) and D (queue being drained).


Output status. Possible queue statuses are: I (inactive; only through administrator intervention), A (active), T (timer driven scheduling), E (event driven scheduling), " " (scheduled) and H (queue held).

The output status for timer-driven queues can have the following values: reset, timer, scheduled and active. If the output status is T, the timer is not activated. However, after serious errors, the output status is changed to H (held).


Reset status. The reset status is the initial value of the output status and describes the scheduling method which applies to that queue. Possible queue statuses are: I (inactive; scheduling only through administrator intervention), T (timer driven scheduling), E (event driven scheduling) and H (queue held).

If your system runs in batch mode the reset status must be either I (inactive) or H (held). It must not be set to T (timer driven) or E (event driven).


The timer interval in minutes.


Optional - a description of the queue.

You must ensure that the appropriate mechanisms for scheduling the transport service queue server programs have been established and activated. See Scheduling.

Queue Info

Your local transport service consists of an inbound queue and system queues (e.g. creation and non-delivery) created during the initialization process, and outbound queues defined when your network was configured.

Each queue-type handles a particular function within the network. See Queues.

To add a queue, press PF4 on the Queue Maintenance screen. A window appears which lists the various queue-types you can add. Mark the field to the left of the queue-type you want with any character and press ENTER. As a result, that queue's screen appears where you can enter the required information in the highlighted fields.

To display information concerning a queue, mark the queue with DQ (Display Queue) on the Queue Maintenance screen and press ENTER.

To modify information concerning a queue, mark the queue with MO (Modify Queue) on the Queue Maintenance screen and press ENTER.

Inbound Queue

If you select the inbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

   4:12 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service: Inbound Queue                     YM-Q-02

     Queue ID:       ***IN***
     Description:    INBOUND QUEUE_________
     Server Program: NC2T____
     Time Last Active:           14.Feb.94 12:21 PM
     Time Last Deactivated:      14.Feb.94 12:21 PM
     Time Last Scheduled:        14.Feb.94 12:21 PM
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  T                  Time Interval:  1____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

For a detailed description of the "Inbound Queue" fields, see Inbound Queue.

Outbound Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API)

If you are working under Com-plete and you select an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

 13:28               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               26.Jan.2000
 Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 API Outbound Queue                  YM-Q-01
    Queue ID:       CNT312CO            Description:  CNT312CO OUTBOUND_____   
    LU Name:        SAGNET.FCT4______   Mode Name:    LU62MODE  Node Nr: 171   
    Server Program: CTCPST__            TP Name:      TCRC____________         
    Time Last Active:         25.Jan.2000  8:37                                
    Time Last Deactivated:    25.Jan.2000  8:37                                
    Time Last Scheduled:      25.Jan.1999  8:37                                
    Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  I                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
    Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _        
    Output Status:              I                                              
    Queue Status:                                                              
    A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
    D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
    I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
            Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset                    
Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm                                          

For a detailed description of the EntireX LU6.2 API Outbound Queue screen, see Outbound Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API).

Outbound Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI)

If you are working under Com-plete and you select an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI) outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

 10:09               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 05.Aug.02
 Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 ACI Outbound Queue                 YM-Q-01B
    Queue ID:       CNT312CO            Description:  CNT312CO OUTBOUND_____   
    Broker ID:      EBV171______________________                           
    Server Program: CTCPST__            Server Name:  XSISFCT4                 
    Time Last Active:           Jul.31.02 16:26                                
    Time Last Deactivated:      Jul.31.02 16:26                                
    Time Last Scheduled:        Jul.31.02 16:26                                
    Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  E                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
    Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _        
    Output Status:              E                                              
    Queue Status:                                                              
    A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
    D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
    I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
            Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset                    
Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm                                          

For a detailed description of the EntireX LU6.2 ACI Outbound Queue screen, see Outbound Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI)

Outbound Queue - CICS LU6.2

If you are working under CICS and select a CICS LU6.2 outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

   4:32 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service - CICS LU6.2 Outbound Queue        YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:        PCNODE__          Description:   -> LU 6.2_____________
     Connection ID:   SAGC              Profile Name:  SINGLE62
     Server Program:  NC2T____          TP Name:       NCTR__________________
     Time Last Active:           12.Feb.94  5:40 PM
     Time Last Deactivated:      22.Dec.93  4:30 PM
     Time Last Scheduled:
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  I                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:              I
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

For a detailed description of the CICS LU6.2 Outbound Queue screen, see Outbound Queue - CICS LU6.2.

Outbound Queue - RDA

If you select a remote database access outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

   4:41 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              24.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS         Transport Service - RDA Outbound Queue              YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:        NYRDA1__                            DBID:     177
     Description:     -> F MACHINE (RDA)____              FNR:      145
     Server Program:  CPCTST__
     Time Last Active:           10.Feb.94  6:05 AM
     Time Last Deactivated:       6.Dec.93  9:05 AM
     Time Last Scheduled:        12.Feb.94 12:05 PM
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  E                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:              E
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

For a detailed description of the "RDA Outbound Queue" screen, see Outbound Queue - Remote Database Access (RDA).

Application Queues

If you select an application queue, the following screen is displayed:

   4:47 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Transport Service - Application Queue              YM-Q-01

     Application:     A_______         Description:    MULTINODE_____________
     Node ID:         THOST___         Appl Library:   SYSCNT2_
     Server Program:  CPCTST__         Appl Program:   YCINITO_
     Time Last Active:           13.Feb.94  8:15 PM
     Time Last Deactivated:       6.Jan.94  2:35 PM
     Time Last Scheduled:       
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  E                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:              E
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

For a detailed description of the Application Queue screen, see Application Queues.

System Queues - Creation and Non-delivery

If you select a system queue, the following screen is displayed:

   4:53 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS            Transport Service - System Queue                 YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:       ***CR***
     Description:    Creation Queue________           Scheduling Class:  _

             Menu  Quit        Conf
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

For a detailed description of the System Queue screen, see System Queues.

Receiving Queues

EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API)

If you select an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) receiving queue, the following screen is displayed:

 13:32               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               26.Jan.2000
 Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 API Receiving Queue                 YM-Q-01
    Queue ID:       RECVLU62            Description:  RECEIVING QUEUE_______   
    LU Name:        SAGNET.DAEFEAS1__   Mode Name:    LU62MODE  Node Nr: 171   
    Server Program: CTCPST__            TP Name:      CTCPST__________         
    Time Last Active:         25.Jan.2000  8:39                                
    Time Last Deactivated:    25.Jan.2000  8:39                                
    Time Last Scheduled:      25.Jan.1999  8:39                                
    Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  E                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
    Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _        
    Output Status:                                                             
    Queue Status:                                                              
    A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
    D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
    I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
            Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset                    
Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm                                          

For a detailed description of the EntireX LU6.2 API Receiving Queue screen, see Receiving Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API).

EntireX LU6.2 ACI Receiving Queue

If you select an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI) receiving queue, the following screen is displayed:

  10:18               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 05.Aug.02
  Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 ACI Receiving Queue                YM-Q-01B
     Queue ID:       RECVLU62            Description:  RECEIVING QUEUE_______   
     Broker ID:      EBV171__________________________                           
     Server Program: CTCPST__            Server Name:  DAEFEASV                 
     Time Last Active:           Aug.01.02 19:00                                
     Time Last Deactivated:      Aug.01.02 19:00                                
     Time Last Scheduled:        Jul.31.02 16:23                                
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  E                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
     Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _        
     Output Status:              E                                              
     Queue Status:                                                              
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset                    
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm                                          

For a detailed description of the EntireX LU6.2 ACI Receiving Queue screen, see Receiving Queue - EntireX Services (LU6.2 ACI).

Remote Database Access

If you select an RDA receiving queue, the following screen is displayed:

   5:22 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service: RDA Receiving Queue               YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:       RECVRDA_
     Description:    RECEIVES RDA REQUEST___
     Server Program: CPCTST__
     Time Last Active:           
     Time Last Deactivated:     
     Time Last Scheduled:       
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  I                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        A                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:              I
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

For a detailed description of the RDA Receiving Queue screen, see Receiving Queue - Remote Database Access.

Items in a Queue

If you mark a queue with DI for "Display Items" on the Queue Maintenance screen, the following screen listing the transport items in that queue is displayed:

  10:38 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS               Items in Queue:  EAPPC-Q                      YM-Q-02
          Cmd Orig Node  Orig Appl  Type  Prior  Incoming Date Time             
          --- ---------  ---------  ----  -----  --------------------           
          __  BOSTON1    F          S     b        14.Feb.94 12:01 PM           
          __  FHOST      A          S     b        14.Feb.94  8:38 AM           


  DI Display   ER Erase   TO Top   AD Recipients                                
             Menu  Quit              Erall  -     +    --    ++                 
 Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key              

The following information is displayed on the Items in a Queue screen:

Origin Node

The node from which the transport item originated.

Orig Appl

The application which originated the transport item.


Type of object: D (data object) or S (status object).


The priority options: a (highest) through z (lowest).

Incoming Date/Time

The date and time when the transport item was received.

Data Object

If you mark an item with DI for Display on the "Inbound Queue" or any of the system queue screens, the Data Object screen is displayed. It describes general information pertaining to a transport item within the queue.

  10:28 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service - Display Data Object              YM-Q-02


    Access ID:      KIOEAHEKEDFEKAAA    Incoming Time: 14.Feb.94  2:22 AM

    Origin Node:    BOSTON              Object ID:     KIOEAHEKEDFEKAAA
    Origin Appl:    A                   Object Type:   D


    Feedback Node:  BOSTON                 Notify:     1
    Feedback Appl:  A                      Priority:   b


             Menu  Quit                          Recip
 Press a PF-key

The following information is displayed on the Data Object screen:

Access ID

A unique identifier which was assigned to the transport item at the local node.

Origin Node

The node from which the transport item originated.

Origin Appl

The application which originated the transmission of the transport item.

Incoming Time

The time the transport item was received at the local node.

Object ID

Unique identifier which was assigned to the transport item when it was created.

Object Type

Type of object: D (data object).

Feedback Node

The node to which status objects for this object are to be sent.

Feedback Appl

The application to which status objects for this object are to be sent.


Specifies whether a delivery report is requested. The values are:

0 - no notification

1 - notification only in case of error

2 - notification always generated


The priority options: a (highest) through z (lowest).

Status Object

If you mark an item with DI for Display in the "Items on a Queue" screen, the Status Object screen is displayed. It describes general information pertaining to a particular transport item within the queue.

   4:28 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                   Status Object                             YM-Q-02
    Access ID:    KFGGIPJKNLAOLAAA      Incoming Time: 13.Feb.94  6:17 PM       
    Origin Node:  FHOST                 Object ID:     KFGGIPJKNLAOLAAA         
    Origin Appl:  K                     Object Type:   S                        
    Target Node:  THOST                 Priority:      f                        
    Target Appl:  A                     Status:        2                        
                              Referenced Object                                 
    Origin Node:  FHOST                 Object ID:    KFFBAKHPHDCPBAAA          
    Origin Appl:  A                     Object Type:  D                         
             Menu  Quit                          Addr                           
 Press a PF-key                                                                 

The following information is displayed on the Status Object screen:

Access ID

A unique identifier which was assigned to the transport item when it was received at the local node.

Origin Node

The node from which the transport item originated.

Origin Appl

The application which originated the transport item.

Target Node

The recipient node.

Target Appl

The recipient application.

Incoming Time

The time the transport item was received at the local node.

Object ID

Unique identifier which was assigned to the transport item when it was created.

Object Type

Type of object: S (status object).


The priority options: a (highest) through z (lowest).


The status of the object. The values are:

0 - delivered

1 - system failure

2 - routing failure

3 - application failure

Referenced Object

Origin Node

The node from which the referenced transport item originated.

Origin Appl

The application which originated the referenced transport item.

Object ID

Unique identifier which was assigned to the referenced transport item when it was created.

Object Type

Type of object: D (data object).

Transport Service Recipients

If you want to display a list of all addressees of a transport item, either press PF8 on the Status Object screen, or mark an item on the Items in a Queue screen with AD for Recipients and press ENTER. The following screen is displayed:

  10:41 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS         Transport Service - Display Recipients              YM-Q-02

                    Node       Appl       Resp  Recipient Number
                    --------   ---------  ----  ----------------
                    RESTON     A           1     00001

             Menu  Quit
 Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key

The following information is displayed on the Transport Service Recipients screen:


The recipient node.


The recipient application.


Responsibility flag used by the transport service to determine which queue server is responsible for the intended recipient. Possible values are:

0 - recipient has been processed

1 - responsibility of the router

2 - responsibility of an outbound queue server

3 - responsibility of an application queue server

Recipient Number

The recipient number.

Routing Entry Maintenance

The transport service requires information concerning the configuration of the network. Choose the Routing Entry Maintenance function from the Transport Service Administration screen. As a result, the Routing Entry Maintenance screen, which lists all routing entries for the nodes with which you want to communicate, is displayed.

  10:43 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service - Routing Entry Maintenance        YM-R-01

     Cmd Final Node     Next Node Queue      Description
     --- ------------   ---------------      ----------------------
     __   BOSTON        EAPPC-Q
     __   DALLAS        A                    TO CON-NECT 67/30
     __   DELEWARE      NYRDA1                 
     __   PORTLAND      PCNODE            

                              Position to Final Node: ________
     MO Modify   ER Erase
             Menu  Quit  Add
 Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key

The following information is shown on the Routing Entry Maintenance screen:

Final Node

The node for which the transport item is destined. An asterisk (*) indicates all nodes within the network.

Next Node Queue

The name of the outbound queue on the local node.


Optional - a description of the routing entry.

Position to Recipient Node

If the displayed list is longer than one page, enter the name of the recipient node which you want to scroll to the top of the display.

Log Information Maintenance

Each significant event that occurs during the execution of the transport service routines is recorded in the transport service log records. Significant events are: originating, routing, sending, receiving of transport items, as well as any kind of Natural or other exceptional conditions.

The transport service keeps log information for each significant action to facilitate problem determination and general supervision by a Con-nect administrator. To avoid excessive disk space usage, you should occasionally purge obsolete log data from the transport service; you can set up program YR-GETH to automatically erase log data. See Program YR-GETH.

Choose the Log Information Maintenance function from the Transport Service Administration screen to display the following screen:

   2:24 PM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                  5.Feb.98
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service - Log Information Maintenance      YM-L-01

  Cmd Actor    Program  Log Time            Ty Log Message
  --- -------- -------- ------------------- -- ---------------------------------
  __  APPLIC   Z-402    1998-02-04 13:07:17    CABINET: XSISVG1 ,UTID<DNOHOPE44K
  __  ROUTER   YR       1998-02-04 13:07:22 02 YR ROUTING DNOHOPE44KPPGKILEHFGEP
  __  APPLIC   YC-DRV-O 1998-02-04 13:07:27    MESSAGE UTID <DNOHOPE44KPPGKILEHF
  __  APPLIC   Z-402    1998-02-05 08:02:16    CABINET: XSISKU ,UTID<DNOHOPE44KP
  __  ROUTER   YR       1998-02-05 08:02:18 02 YR ROUTING DNOHOPE44KPPHKGGFLIOBH
  __  SEND     YOX8000  1998-02-05 08:05:58 18 CNT312COSAGNET.FCT4      LU62MODE
  __  SEND     YOX8000  1998-02-05 08:05:58 18 CNT312COSAGNET.FCT4      LU62MODE
  __  APPLIC   Z-402    1998-02-05 11:39:44    CABINET: XSISVG1 ,UTID<DNOHOPE44K
  __  ROUTER   YR       1998-02-05 11:39:45 02 YR ROUTING DNOHOPE44KPPHNHAANDLJF
  __  APPLIC   YC-DRV-O 1998-02-05 11:39:50    MESSAGE UTID <DNOHOPE44KPPHNHAAND
  __  ROUTER   YR       1998-02-05 11:39:50 02 YR ROUTING DNOHOPE44KPPHNHAEMFLAL
  __  APPLIC   YC-DRV-O 1998-02-05 11:39:50    STATUS  UTID <DNOHOPE44KPPHNHAEMF
  __  APPLIC   Z-400    1998-02-05 11:40:46    CABINET: XSISVG ,UTID<DNOHOPE44KP
  __  ROUTER   YR       1998-02-05 11:40:47 02 YR ROUTING DNOHOPE44KPPHNHDNDJBAB
  Cmd:                                     Position to Log Time: ______________
  DI Display   ER Erase   TO Top                                (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
             Menu  Quit              ErAll  -     +    --    ++
 Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key

The following information is shown in the Log Information Maintenance screen:


The name of the server program. See Queue Server Programs.


The name of the program which generated the log record.

Log Time

The time the log record was created.


Type. These values are internally used by the transport service.

Log Message

Information used for tracing.

Position to Log Time

If the list is longer than one page, you can enter a date and time in this line to scroll to the specified date and time.

If you mark an item with ER for Erase in this screen, the marked item is erased immediately. You are not asked to confirm the deletion.

Use the following PF-keys to page through the list of log records:

PF8 Display the previous page (-).
PF9 Display the next page (+).
PF10 Display the first page (--).
PF11 Display the last page (++).

You can also mark an item with TO for Top and press ENTER to scroll the marked item to the top of the list.

Extended Information for Marked Log Records

The following screen displays information which assist the Software AG staff if problems occur.

Mark any item with DI for Display on the Log Information Maintenance screen to obtain extended information about this item. A screen which is similar to the one below appears containing coded information about events or exceptional conditions:

  10:55 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Log Information Maintenance - Display Log            YM-L-01

  Program:  YIX7010                              Actor:        RECEIVER
  Log Time: 199402131021216                      Message Type: 77

  Log Message:


             Menu  Quit
 Press a PF-key

Program YR-GETH

Program YR-GETH is delivered as a source program. It can be set up to delete obsolete transport service log records.

When you define the parameters #HOURS and #LOGSETNUMBER and stow your modifications, this program is run each time a queue server program is activated.

When YR-GETH is run, it checks the transport service log records for records older than the value defined in parameter #HOURS. If any records are found, they are deleted. If the total number of old records is more than the value defined in parameter #LOGSETNUMBER, only the number of records defined in this parameter are deleted. The remaining records will be deleted the next time YR-GETH is run. If log records exist but are not older than the value in parameter #LOGSETNUMBER, they are not deleted.

To edit YR-GETH, enter the following at the Natural Next prompt:

0080 1 #HOURS        (N6)
0110 *
0120 * Value defined for #LOGSETNUMBER determines the number of logs
0130 * erased if they are older than #HOURS
0140 *
0150 COMPUTE #HOURS = 24
0170 *
0180 END

You can modify the following parameters:


Default is 24 hours. Defines the frequency, in hours, the log records will be erased.


Default is 100 records. Determines the total number of records deleted at one time. If the current number of log records is greater than this value, they will be deleted the next time YR-GETH is activated.


See Initialization.

If the transport service has been initialized and you select this function from the Transport Service Administration screen, a message is displayed indicating that the information already exists.

Address Conversion

Prior to Con-nect version 2.4, the Con-nect spool file was used to transmit mail items between Con-nect and other external mail nodes. Each node was assigned a unique spool file address to insure that mail items were transferred to the appropriate external mail node.

With Con-nect version 3, the spool file method can be replaced with the transport service. Since the transport service uses a different addressing format, all external addresses that use the spool file method must be converted to this format.

The conversion procedure is a two step process. First, for each spool file node you want to convert, a transport service node must be defined. Once a transport service node is defined, the actual conversion process can then be performed.

Defining a Transport Service Node

During the conversion process, the actual spool file node is not deleted, nor is the address information overwritten with the transport service's address information. Rather, the addresses are simply transferred to the transport service node. Therefore before you begin the conversion process, a transport service node must be defined for the spool file node.

Once addresses have been converted to the transport service method, you cannot convert them back to the spool file method.

See Adding an External Mail Node to define a transport service node.

Converting a Spool File Node

To begin the conversion process, select the Address Conversion function and press ENTER to display the screen below.

   5:42 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS           Address Conversion - Display Nodes                YM-C-01

  Mark Node ID  Description                              Lev Type         Method
  ---- -------- ---------------------------------------- --- ------------ ------
    _  KS       KANSAS CITY                                  A Con-nect   Transp
    _  KS-TS    KANSAS CITY                               7  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  KY       KENTUCKY                                  8  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  KY-TS    KENTUCKY W/TS                             8  A Con-nect   Transp
    _  ME       PORTLAND MAINE                            7  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  SPOOL    Spoolfile Method                          8  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  TS       Transport Service Method - 1              2  A Con-nect   Transp

 or Position to                                   Node Type A Con-nect

       Help  Menu  Quit        Cab   AddrC
 Mark one item and press a PF-key

The Address Conversion - Display Nodes screen lists all external nodes which are defined to the local Con-nect system. The following information is displayed for each external node:

Node ID

Node name.


Description of the node.


Address level of the external node.


Type of external node (e.g. A signifies Con-nect ).


Mailing method used:

Transp Transport service.
Spool Spool file.

To page to a particular node, you can enter a character or string of characters in the "Position to" field and press ENTER. This causes the list to scroll to the first node whose ID begins with the specified character(s).

To select the external node you want to convert, mark the corresponding field in the Mark column and press PF6.

As a result, the Select Transport Service Node window is displayed which lists all defined transport service nodes on your Con-nect system.

   5:37 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS           Address Conversion - Display Nodes                YM-C-01

  Mark Node ID  Descr   +---------------------------------------------------+---
  ---- -------- -----   !    Select Transport Service Node                     !
    X  KS       KANSA   +---------------------------------------------------+---
    _  KS-TS    KANSA   !    Node ID  Description                              !
    _  KY       KENTU   ! __ KS-TS    KANSAS CITY                              !
    _  KY-TS    KENTU   ! __ KY-TS    KENTUCKY W/TS                            !
    _  ME       PORTL   ! __                                                   !
    _  SPOOL    Spool   ! __                                                   !
    _                   ! __                                                   !
    _                   ! __                                                   !
    _                   ! __                                                   !
    _                   ! __                                                   !
    _                   ! __                                                   !
    _                   ! __                                                   !
                        ! or Position to ________                              !
  or Position to        +---------------------------------------------------+---

       Help  Menu  Quit
 Mark one item from the list above

Mark the appropriate transport service node and press ENTER.

If there is a discrepancy between the spool file and transport service address such as the address level is different, or the node type is different (in this instance you are unable to convert the addresses), the following window appears:

  5:44 PM               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS           Address Conversion - Display Nodes                YM-C-01

  Mark Node ID  Descr   +-----------   +---------------------------------------+
  ---- -------- -----   !    Select    ! Transport Service Address Conversion  !
    X  KS       KANSA   +-----------   +---------------------------------------+
    _  KS-TS    KANSA   !    Node ID   !                                       !
    _  KY       KENTU   ! X_ KS-TS     !                                       !
    _  KY-TS    KENTU   ! __ KY-TS     !  _  Mark to convert all addresses     !
    _  ME       PORTL   ! __ ME        !     defined to the Spool File Node    !
    _                   ! __           !                                       !
    _                   ! __           !                      KS               !
    _                   ! __           !                                       !
    _                   ! __           !     to the Transport Service Node     !
    _                   ! __           !                                       !
    _                   ! __           !                      KS-TS            !
    _                   ! __           !                                       !
                        ! or Positio   !                                       !
  or Position to        +-----------   +---------------------------------------+

 Address levels of source and destination node are different

Additionally, a message is displayed notifying you of the discrepancy. If you wish to continue with the conversion process, mark the field in the window and press ENTER. When you confirm the conversion, the addresses are converted to the selected transport service node displayed in the window.

If you decided to abort the conversion, press PF3 and you are returned to the Address Conversion - Display Nodes screen.

Once the conversion is completed, the total number of addresses converted is displayed as shown below:

  11:21 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS           Address Conversion - Display Nodes                YM-C-01

  Mark Node ID  Description                              Lev Type         Method
  ---- -------- ---------------------------------------- --- ------------ ------
    _  ABC      EXTERNAL NODE                                A Con-nect   Transp
    _  FHOST                                              9  A Con-nect   Transp
    _  KS       KANSAS CITY                                  A Con-nect   Transp
    _  KS-TS    KANSAS CITY                               7  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  KY       KENTUCKY                                  8  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  KY-TS    KENTUCKY W/TS                             8  A Con-nect   Transp
    _  ME       PORTLAND MAINE                            7  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  SPOOL    Spoolfile Method                          8  A Con-nect   Spool
    _  TS       Transport Service Method - 1              2  A Con-nect   Transp
    _  ZENTRALE                                           8  A Con-nect   Transp

  or Position to                                   Node Type A Con-nect

       Help  Menu  Quit        Cab   AddrC
  4  addresses of  4  were converted

The conversion process converts all spool file node addresses defined in cabinet SYSCNT. This includes nicknames and distribution lists.

Nicknames and distribution lists defined by a Con-nect user are also converted.

Cabinet Function

The cabinet function is used to view the number of addresses defined to the specified node, be it a spool file or transport service node.

This function can be helpful before and after the conversion process to insure that all addresses were converted to the transport service node.

To display the cabinets in which the addresses are defined to a node, select the node you want on the Address Conversion - Display Nodes screen and press PF5.

 11:15 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Address Conversion - Addresses for Node KS           YM-C-02
  Mark Cabinet  Description                              Number of Addresses    
  ---- -------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------
    _  LS       Long,Sonja                                5                     
    _  JM       Mayer, Julie                              10                    
  or Position to                                                                
       Help  Menu  Quit              AddrC                                      
 Mark one item and press a PF-key                                        

The Address Conversion - Addresses for Node node-name screen displays the following information:


Cabinet ID that has defined the addresses for the specified node.


Description of cabinet.

Number of Addresses

Number of addresses defined to the selected external node by the cabinet.

If no information is available for the selected node, this screen will not be displayed.

From this screen you can also convert the addresses contained in one or several cabinets to the transport service format - so long as the node you selected uses the spool file method. Only the addresses in the selected cabinets will be affected.

To do so, select the cabinet(s) you want to convert and press PF6. See Converting a Spool File Node.

Modifying the Transport Service Node ID

The following procedure does not apply if your system does not interact with the central directory via the directory synchronization functions, which means that the central directory is not defined in your Con-nect environment.

To modify your transport service node ID, the central directory must be available.

Node IDs which have been renamed are not deleted from the central directory until the central directory administrator deletes them from the list of Con-nect nodes in the central directory. See Central Directory. Therefore, you are disallowed to reuse a node ID if it has not been deleted from the central directory.

To modify the name of your transport service node ID, you select the Define Local Node function on the Administration - External Mail Nodes screen and press ENTER.

Type the new transport service node ID over the previously defined ID in the resulting window and press ENTER.

As a result, a screen similar to the one below displays the new transport service node ID as well as the node ID currently used by the directory synchronization. It also displays the number of addresses you have uploaded to the central directory that will be effected by the modification and the number of remote user entries that will be effected by the modification.

  10:42 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet           Update Node Name in Central Directory                 OLAN21

  New Transport Service Node Name:    PDENWALD

  Current Node Name
  in Central Directory:               ODENWALD

  The update will modify 152                        addresses
  in the Central Directory and 39         remote users.

     HELP  Menu  Quit  Updt
 Press a PF-key

To confirm your modification, press PF4. If you want to cancel your modification, press PF3.

How Address Data are Updated

When you confirm the modification of your transport service node name, all addresses which pertain to this transport service node name are not automatically modified. Initially, only the data in the central directory are modified, which includes:

  • all addresses you have uploaded to the central directory with the directory synchronization Upload function,

  • all addresses you have authorized for remote cabinet access, and

  • your Con-nect node data record (as defined in the central directory).

Then with the next download, all addresses which have been previously downloaded to other participating Con-nect nodes are modified. The following data is modified:

  • all profiles (defined with the directory synchronization Add Profile function) that pertain to your Con-nect node,

  • all addresses that were previously downloaded from the central directory (which originated from your Con-nect node), and

  • all addresses that were previously imported from the central directory (which originated from your Con-nect node).

Each address, which originated from your Con-nect node, that has been unlinked will not be modified.