Con-nect Administration

Con-nect meets the needs of a wide scope of users; ranging from those who use it to perform daily office tasks, to those who want to create their own customized environment.

As a Con-nect administrator, it is your responsibility to determine the needs of your environment and to customize it accordingly. This manual is designed to assist you in this process.

This documentation is subdivided into the following parts:

Part 1. Con-nect Administration Contains information about the basic Con-nect administration system (e.g. System Administration, Cabinet Administration, Locking and Unlocking Con-nect Cabinets).
Part 2. External Con-nect Nodes Contains special administrative functions which apply to Con-nect systems as external nodes.
Part 3. Maintaining the Con-nect Spool File Method Contains special administrative function which applies to maintaining the spool file method.
Part 4. Printers as External Mail Nodes Contains special administrative functions which apply to printers external mail nodes.
Part 5. The Transport Service Describes how to administer the transport service.
Part 6. Teleservices Nodes Describes how to administer Con-nect Teleservices.
Part 7. Con-nect SNADS Describes how to administer Con-nect SNADS.
Part 8. Directory Synchronization Contains information pertaining to the directory synchronization. It also includes a section for solving problems that may occur while using directory synchronization.
Part 9. Central Directory Contains information about the administration of the central directory.