Configuring the Transport Service

A Con-nect system which uses the transport service must be configured to function in the network in which it will participate. This document describes the necessary steps to configure a Con-nect system which uses the transport service as part of its network.

This document covers the following topics:

Overview of Steps to Perform

Configuring a Con-nect system which uses the transport service requires some understanding of addressing, routing, and knowledge of the network in which the transport service will participate. This task should, if possible, be performed with assistance from someone in your organization who is responsible for networking and communications planning.

In order to configure the transport service, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Initialize the transport service.

  2. Add an external mail node which uses the transport service.

  3. Complete the required information for the inbound queue.

  4. Complete the required information for the system queues.

  5. Create a receiving queue if the local node uses EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI) or remote database access.

  6. Create outbound queues for each adjacent node in the network.

  7. Create an application queue if required.

  8. Define routing entries for each node in your network with which you want to communicate.

Initializing the Transport Service

Initializing the transport service consists of two parts: defining the transport service node ID and the actual initialization.

Transport Service Node ID

To define the transport service node ID, select the Define Local Node function on the Administration - External Mail Nodes screen and press ENTER.

  10:56               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 28.Aug.02
  Cabinet LS          Administration - External Mail Nodes                A06740
  Select a Function:     _ Add Mail Node                                        
                         _ Modify Mail Node                                     
                         _ Display Mail Node(s)                                 
                         _ Delete Mail Node                                     
                         _ Maintain Mail Nodes                                  
                         _ Display Spool File Entries                           
                         _ Delete Spool File Entries                            
                         x Define Local Node                                    
                         _ Define Capabilities of Node Types                    
                         _ Return to Menu                                       
      Define Local Node  ________  (Spool File Method)                          
       Help  Menu  Quit  Add   Modif Displ Delet Maint DisSp DelSp Local Cap    

The "Define Local Node" field is displayed at the bottom of the screen. First, enter the name of your spool file method and press ENTER. Then enter the name of your transport service and press ENTER again. This name, along with the transport service application ID, is used to create the transport service address.

You cannot quit from this screen (with PF3) without specifying your local node.


To initialize the transport service, select the Initialization function on the Transport Service Administration screen and press ENTER. During this process, an inbound, creation and non-delivery queue are created.

Information required for these queues must be defined after the initialization process is completed. See Inbound Queue and System Queues.

Adding an External Mail Node

To add a mail node which uses the transport service, enter a name in the "Mail Node/Type" field at the bottom of the Administration - External Mail Nodes screen (this is the name which is entered as the addressee when sending mail), and select the Add Mail Node function. As a result, the Administration - Add Mail Node screen is displayed.

Enter the necessary information for adding a new node and press ENTER. See Add a Mail Node.

Specify the address level and node type (A for Con-nect or G for Printer) and press ENTER to display the Select Service Type window.

 10:45 AM              * * *  C o n - n e c t  3  * * *             17.Aug.2004
 Cabinet LS             Administration - Add Mail Node                   A06740
         Node Name  FAIRFAX_          !         Select Service Type           !
       Description  _______________   !  Mark ONE of the Service Types        !
                                      !  ---- ------------------------------  !
     Address Level  _                 !   _    Transport Service              !
                                      !   _    Spool File Method              !
         Node Type  A                 !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
 A Con-nect      B Telex         F    !                                       !
 T Teletex                            !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
      Help  Menu  Quit        Displ                                            
Enter data and press ENTER to add                                              

Mark the service type "Transport Service" and press ENTER to display the Transport Service Destination Node window.

 10:46 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *              17.Aug.2004
 Cabinet LS            Administration - Add Mail Node                    A06740
         Node Name  FAIRFAX_          !   Transport Service Destination Node  !
       Description  _______________   !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
     Address Level  _                 !  Destination Node:  ________          !
                                      !                                       !
         Node Type  A                 !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
 A Con-nect      B Telex         F    !                                       !
 T Teletex                            !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
                                      !                                       !
      Help  Menu  Quit        Displ                                            
Enter data and press ENTER to add                                              

Enter the name of the destination node and press ENTER. As a result, a screen is displayed where you must complete additional address information required by the external mail node.

Define Capabilities of Node Types

See Define Capabilities of Node Types.

Inbound Queue

The inbound queue is created during the initialization process. All incoming transport items as well as transport items submitted by local applications are placed in this queue until they are processed by the queue server, TS_ROUTER.

To complete the required information, mark the inbound queue with MO on the "Queue Maintenance" screen and press ENTER.

  10:19 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service: Inbound Queue                     YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:       ***IN***
     Description:    ______________________
     Server Program: ________
     Time Last Active:           
     Time Last Deactivated:      
     Time Last Scheduled:       
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf        Start Stop  Reset
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm

The Inbound Queue screen consists of fields that are either automatically completed by the system (either during the initialization process, or each time the inbound queue is activated), and fields that you must complete.

Queue ID

Automatically provided - the name of the queue.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Server Program

If your queue servers run under:

Com-plete The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library. The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue.
CICS The transaction code under which the server program has been defined in the CICS PCT. The source module for the server program is CTCIST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate "started task" module in CICS and processes the items in the queue. If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.

The system keeps three time stamp values to control the scheduling of the queue server, i.e. the transport service program which routes distributions from this queue to other queues. The values are updated in the "Inbound Queue" screen, each time the queue is activated, in the three fields below. For additional information, see Scheduling.

These values also apply to the outbound, application and receiving queues.

Time Last Active

Automatically provided - the time the queue's server program was last activated.

Time Last Deactivated

Automatically provided - the time the queue's server program was last deactivated.

Time Last Scheduled

Automatically provided - the time the queue was last scheduled.

For each of the queues (e.g. inbound, outbound, application and receiving), you can select one of the following scheduling mechanisms as appropriate:

I inactive status - scheduling only at explicit operator intervention,
T timer driven scheduling (does not apply to systems which run in batch mode),
E event driven scheduling (does not apply to systems which run in batch mode), or
H hold status - no scheduling at all (the respective queue will not be serviced).
Reset Status

Possible queue statuses are: I (inactive), T (timer driven), E (event driven) and H (hold).

Input Status

Possible queue statuses are: A (active) and D (queue being drained).

Output Status

This field can only be modified from the "Modify" or "Add" screen by marking one of the following actions: Start(activate), Stop (deactivate), Hold or Reset (sets the output status to the value of the Reset Status).

If the queue server runs in batch mode, the actions described above cannot be used.

Time Interval

Only applicable for timer driven scheduling: the time interval (in minutes) in which the respective transport service server program is scheduled.

Scheduling Class

Optional - determines which watchdog task is responsible for supervising and re-adjusting the queue in the case of a temporary system failure. The value of this field is determined in the transport service parameter module and is evaluated by the task re-initiation (watchdog) program CTCPIN in the case of Com-plete, or CTCIIN in the case of CICS. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service).

The scheduling mechanism for the inbound queue can be event-controlled only if all Con-nect end-users invoke Con-nect under the same TP monitor in a Com-plete (with EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI)), or CICS LU6.2 environment.

If event-controlled scheduling is active, the appropriate server program is started each time a transport item is appended to the respective queue.

As a general rule with event-controlled scheduling, the task which places an entry in the respective queue must be able to start the queue server by means of a Com-plete ATTACH or CICS START command.

After you have completed your specification, press PF5 to confirm the entry.

System Queues

The creation queue is used to store all transport items during creation, while the non-delivery queue is used to store transport items which could not be delivered due to a system failure.

During the initialization process, the queue ID is defined for each of the system queues. If you want, you can include a description of the queue(s). Mark the appropriate system queue with MO in the "Queue Maintenance" screen and press ENTER.

  10:23 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS            Transport Service - System Queue                 YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:       ***CR***
     Description:    Creation Queue________           Scheduling Class:  _

             Menu  Quit        Conf
 Modify queue and press PF5 to confirm
Queue ID

The name of the queue. The default for the creation queue is "***CR***" and "***UD***" for the non-delivery queue.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Scheduling Class

Not used in this context.

After you have completed your modifications, press PF5 to confirm the entry.

Receiving Queues

With the transport service, your Con-nect system can use Software AG's EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI), remote database access, or CICS LU6.2 as a transport method. If you use EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI) or remote database access, you must configure a receiving queue.

To define a receiving queue, press PF4 from the Queue Maintenance screen. As a result, a window is displayed which list the respective queue-types you can add. Mark the field to the left of the queue-type you want with any character and press ENTER.

Receiving Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API)

If you specify an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) receiving queue, the following screen is displayed:

 12:40               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               26.Jan.2000
 Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 API Receiving Queue                 YM-Q-01
    Queue ID:       ________            Description:  ______________________   
    LU Name:        _________________   Mode Name:    ________  Node Nr: ___   
    Server Program: ________            TP Name:      ________________         
    Time Last Active:                                                          
    Time Last Deactivated:                                                     
    Time Last Scheduled:                                                       
    Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
    Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _        
    Output Status:                                                             
    Queue Status:                                                              
    A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
    D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
    I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
            Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++                 
Add queue and press PF5 to confirm                                             

Specify the following information on the EntireX LU6.2 API Receiving Queue screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.

LU Name

The LU name assigned to the local node's communication facility.

Server Program

The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library.

In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue.

The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.

If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Mode Name

The name of the VTAM log mode which must be used by an adjacent node's outbound queue server when establishing a communication link to this node.

Node No

The node number assigned to the respective EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) process.

TP Name

The TPN which identifies the local server program to EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API).

To establish a program-to-program connection between this queue's receiving program and the adjacent node's sending program, it must be identical to the TPN which is specified in the respective outbound queue of the adjacent node.

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the entry.

Receiving Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI)

If you specify an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI) receiving queue, the following screen is displayed:

  11:57               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 01.Aug.02
  Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 ACI Receiving Queue                YM-Q-01B
     Queue ID:       ________            Description:  ______________________   
     Broker ID:      ________________________________                           
     Server Program: ________            Server Name:  ________                 
     Time Last Active:                                                          
     Time Last Deactivated:                                                     
     Time Last Scheduled:                                                       
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _        
     Output Status:                                                             
     Queue Status:                                                              
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
             Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++                 
 Add queue and press PF5 to confirm                                             

Specify the following information on the EntireX LU6.2 ACI Receiving Queue screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.

Broker ID

The Broker identifier as defined in the EntireX Broker Attribute File.

Server Program

The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue.

The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.

If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field specifies the unique name to identify the server at the local node. It must be the same as the TPNAME value in the directory information of EntireX Broker Services. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Server Name

The name is used to locate the directory information for the server. The specified name must correspond with a member that exists in the data set specified on the EntireX Broker startup parameter APISERV.

See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the entry.

Receiving Queue - Remote Database Access

If you specify a remote database access receiving queue, the following screen is displayed:

  10:42 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service: RDA Receiving Queue               YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:       ________
     Description:    ______________________
     Server Program: ________
     Time Last Active:
     Time Last Deactivated:
     Time Last Scheduled:
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++
 Add queue and press PF5 to confirm

Specify the following information on the RDA Receiving Queue screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Server Program

If your system runs under:

Com-plete The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library. The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documenation, section Installing the Transport Service for Execution under Com-plete. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue.
CICS The transaction code under which the server program has been defined in the CICS PCT. The source module for the server program is CTCIST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documenation, section Installing the Transport Service for Execution in CICS. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate started-task module in CICS and processes the items in the queue. If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the entry.

Outbound Queues

For each node within the network that is adjacent to the transport service, an outbound queue must be defined as a temporary repository for the transport items that are destined for other nodes.

You can define more than one outbound queue to a single adjacent node. This allows you to choose different scheduling policies for distribution to different addresses sent to, or relayed through, the same adjacent node.

To define an outbound queue, press PF4 from the Queue Maintenance screen. As a result, a window appears which lists the respective outbound queue-types you can add. Mark the field to the left of the queue-type you want with any character and press ENTER.

The transport service provides several types of outbound queues for the various transport methods used by the queue server. They are as follows:

Outbound Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API)

If you specify an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

 12:46               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               26.Jan.2000
 Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 API Outbound Queue                  YM-Q-01
    Queue ID:       ________            Description:  ______________________   
    LU Name:        _________________   Mode Name:    ________  Node Nr: ___   
    Server Program: ________            TP Name:      ________________         
    Time Last Active:                                                          
    Time Last Deactivated:                                                     
    Time Last Scheduled:                                                       
    Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
    Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _        
    Output Status:                                                             
    Queue Status:                                                              
    A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
    D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
    I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
            Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++                 
Add queue and press PF5 to confirm                                             

Specify the following information in the "EntireX LU6.2 API Outbound Queue" screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.

LU Name

The LU name which is assigned to the adjacent node's communication facility.

Server Program

The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library.

The server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue.

If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.

The source module for the server program, CTCPST, and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Mode Name

The VTAM log mode name which is used whenever a communication link is established between this queue's server program and the corresponding receiving queue server on the respective adjacent node. You can obtain this information from your VTAM system programmer.

Node Nr

The node number which is assigned to the respective EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) process.

TP Name

The TPN which identifies the corresponding receiving program at the adjacent node.

If the adjacent node uses:

EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API) The TPN of that adjacent node's receiving queue entry.
CICS The transaction code assigned in the PCT to the TS_RECEIVE server program (source module name CTCIRC).

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the addition of the queue.

Outbound Queue - EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI)

If you specify an EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 ACI) outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

  12:24               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 01.Aug.02
  Cabinet LS           EntireX LU6.2 ACI Outbound Queue                 YM-Q-01B
     Queue ID:       ________            Description:  ______________________   
     Broker ID:      ________________________________                           
     Server Program: ________            Server-Name:  ________                 
     Time Last Active:                                                          
     Time Last Deactivated:                                                     
     Time Last Scheduled:                                                       
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min   
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _        
     Output Status:                                                             
     Queue Status:                                                              
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled   
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait                            
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait                            
             Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++                 
 Add queue and press PF5 to confirm                                             

Specify the following information on the EntireX LU6.2 ACI Outbound Queue screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.

Broker ID

The Broker identifier as defined in the EntireX Broker attribute file.

Server Program

The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue.

If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.

The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Server Name

The name is used to locate the directory information for the server. The specified name must correspond with a member that exists in the data set specified on the EntireX Broker startup parameter APISERV. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the entry.

Outbound Queue - CICS LU6.2

If you specify a CICS LU6.2 outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

  10:56 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service - CICS LU6.2 Outbound Queue        YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:        ________          Description:   ______________________
     Connection ID:   ____              Profile Name:  ________
     Server Program:  ________          TP Name:       ________________
     Time Last Active:
     Time Last Deactivated:
     Time Last Scheduled:
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++
 Add queue and press PF5 to confirm

Specify the following information on the "CICS LU6.2 Outbound Queue" screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.

Connection ID

The local system's TCT entry which defines the SNA LU6.2 communication link to the respective adjacent node.

Server Program

The transaction code under which the server program has been defined in the CICS PCT.

In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate started-task module in CICS and processes the items in the queue.

The source module for the server program, CTCIST, must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Profile Name

The communication profile as defined in CICS, which is used while establishing an LU6.2 communication link to the adjacent node.

Among other specifications, a communication profile can refer to a VTAM log mode name.

TP Name

The TPN which identifies the corresponding receiving program at the adjacent node.

If the adjacent node uses:

EntireX Broker Services (LU6.2 API or LU6.2 ACI) The TPN of that adjacent node's receiving queue entry.
CICS The transaction code assigned in the PCT to the TS_RECEIVE server program (source module name CTCIRC).

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the addition of the queue.

Outbound Queue - Remote Database Access (RDA)

If you specify a remote database access outbound queue, the following screen is displayed:

  11:00 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS         Transport Service - RDA Outbound Queue              YM-Q-01

     Queue ID:        ________                            DBID:     ___
     Description:     ______________________              FNR:      ___
     Server Program:  ________
     Time Last Active:
     Time Last Deactivated:
     Time Last Scheduled:
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++
 Add queue and press PF5 to confirm

Specify the following information on the "RDA Outbound Queue" Screen:

Queue ID

The name of the queue.


Optional - a description of the queue.

Server Program

If your system runs under:

Com-plete The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue. The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service.
CICS The transaction code under which the server program has been defined in the CICS PCT. The source module for the server program is CTCIST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Part 2. The Transport Service. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate started-task module in CICS and processes the items in the queue. If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.

The database ID and file number of the remote database containing the Con-nect spool file.

Time Interval

Applicable only when the Reset Status is set to T. In this case, the possible value can be between 1 to 99999 minutes.

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the addition of the queue.

Application Queues

Application queues are used to accommodate local applications such as Con-nect. Mail items which are sent to the local application are placed in these queues until they are processed by the local application.

To define an application queue, press PF4 on the "Queue Maintenance" screen. As a result, a window appears which lists the respective queue-types you can add. Mark the field to the left of the application queue-type with any character and press ENTER.

  11:07 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Transport Service - Application Queue              YM-Q-01

     Application:     ________         Description:    ______________________
     Node ID:         ________         Appl Library:   ________
     Server Program:  ________         Appl Program:   ________
     Time Last Active:
     Time Last Deactivated:
     Time Last Scheduled:
     Reset Status (I, T, E, H):  _                  Time Interval:  _____ Min
     Input Status (A, D):        _                  Scheduling Class:  _
     Output Status:
     Queue Status:
     A : Queue Active                 H : Queue Held          ' ' : Scheduled
     D : Queue being Drained          T : Timer Wait
     I : Queue Inactive               E : Event Wait
             Menu  Quit        Conf                          ++
 Add queue and press PF5 to confirm

Specify the following information on the Application Queue Screen:


The name of the application (external mail method) as it has been defined to the transport service.

The name specified must adhere to the naming conventions used with Con-nect external mail methods (e.g. A for Con-nect). See Add a Mail Node.

Node ID

Name of the local transport service node to which the transport items are to be transmitted.

Server Program

If your system runs under:

Com-plete The name under which the server program has been cataloged in the Com-plete program library. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate attached task in Com-plete and processes the items in the queue. The source module for the server program is CTCPST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Installing the Transport Service for Execution under Com-plete .
CICS The transaction code under which the server program has been defined in the CICS PCT. The source module for the server program is CTCIST and must be properly configured before it can be used. See the Con-nect Installation and Operations documentation, section Installing the Transport Service for Execution in CICS. In this case, the server program is used to startup a Natural session which runs as a separate started-task module in CICS and processes the items in the queue. If the server program is executed in batch mode, this field is not used.

Optional - a description of the queue.

Appl Library

The Natural application library where the application program resides (e.g. SYSCNT2 for Con-nect ).

Appl Program

The Natural application program which retrieves the transport items that reside in this queue (e.g. YCINITO for Con-nect ).

The values specified in the "Appl Library" and "Appl Progr" fields can also be referenced in the DYNAPPL keyword parameter of the CTPARM module.

The remaining fields are identical to the inbound queue screen. See Inbound Queue.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the addition of the queue.

Routing Entries

For each node in your network with which you want to communicate, you must define a routing entry which determines how the transport items are to be routed to that node.

To define the routing entries, you must know which nodes within your network you want to communicate with. You can obtain this information from your network administrator.

Select the Routing Entry Maintenance function from the Transport Service Administration screen. As a result, the Routing Entry Maintenance screen is displayed. Press PF4 to add a routing entry. The following screen is displayed:

  11:11 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3   * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Transport Service - Add/Modify Routing Entry         YM-R-01


      Final Destination:       ________

      Next Destination Queue:  ________

      Description:             ______________________________


             Menu  Quit        Conf
 Add routing entry and press PF5 to confirm

Specify the following:

Final Destination

The node for which the transport item is destined. An asterisk (*) indicates all nodes within the network.

Next Destination Queue

The name of an outbound queue from which transport items are to be sent to the next node, on the way to their final destination node.


Optional - a description of the path used to reach the destination node.

After you have completed your specifications, press PF5 to confirm the routing entry.