Transport Service Abend Codes

The following transport service abend codes are provided for debugging purposes.

Abend Codes in a CICS Environment

In the case of problems during execution, the transport service start-up routines may terminate with a CICS abend code, or with one of the following transport service specific abend codes:

Code Description
CT00 Insufficient TWA size.
CT01 Missing parameters.
CT02 Invalid parameters.
CT03 Storage overflow when building dynamic parameter string.
CT04 CTPARM does not contain a dynamic parameter string specification for the required function.

Natural terminates with abend code NT06 whenever a terminal WRITE is attempted in non-interactive mode.

Abend Codes in a Com-plete Environment

In the case of problems during execution, the transport service start-up routines may terminate with a Com-plete abend code, or with one of the following transport service specific abend codes:

Code Description
1202 Missing parameters.
1203 Invalid parameters.
1204 Storage overflow when building dynamic parameter string.
1205 CTPARM does not contain a dynamic parameter string specification for the required function.

Natural terminates with a Com-plete abend code ZWRnnnn whenever a terminal WRITE is attempted in non-interactive mode.