
This document covers the following topics:





Create a backup copy of various Con-nect objects.

To restore a backup to a hardware environment compatible to the one from where it came, use utility B09000 Restore. To transfer Con-nect data to a different hardware environment, you must use the Cabinet Transfer function (see Con-nect Administration for further information).

Online Input Screen

   8:45 AM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 31.Jul.97
  Cabinet LS                       Backup                                 B08000

       From Cabinet          ________   to Cabinet   ________

       Restore into Cabinet  ________

       Object Name           ________________________________
       Folder Name           _______________
       Keyword               _______________
       Created/Modified from 1.01.86         to   31.07.97

       Object Number(s)      __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __ (Default: All)

       Mark  _ to use this backup for cabinet deletion control

             _ to backup  o n l y  pending cabinets (marked for deletion)

             Menu  Quit  Restr DisCb
 Complete the information above and press ENTER to continue

Utility Parameters

Parameter Format Description
From Cabinet A8  
To Cabinet A8 Optional
Restore into Cabinet A8 Optional
Object Name A32 Optional
Folder Name A15 Optional
Keyword A15 Optional
Created/Modified from A11 Date range in which item was added or modified. Default: 1.Jan.86
Created/Modified to A11 Date range in which item was added or modified. Default: current date
Object Number(s) N2/8 Optional
Cabinet Deletion Control A1 Optional
Only Pending Cabinets A1 Optional


If no Object-numbers are specified, most objects are backed up, depending on the other input parameters. Up to eight Object-numbers can be specified.

An existing Con-nect cabinet must be specified in the From-cabinet parameter. Press PF5 to display a list of all available cabinets. The following information is displayed:


Cabinet ID.


User's first and last name, or a description of the cabinet.

Backup completed on

The date and time of the last two previous registered backups for the cabinet. They are displayed one below the other.

for Date Interval

The date range in which the item was added or modified.


Marked if the cabinet is pending for deletion.

To select a single cabinet, mark it with X or Y. To specify a range of cabinets, mark the first cabinet with X and the last cabinet with Y.

The target-cabinet (Restore-into-cabinet parameter) need not exist, thus enabling the transfer of data from one Con-nect system file to another. If a target-cabinet is specified, all records backed up are stored in that cabinet with a subsequent Restore procedure. Invitations to a meeting are only backed up, if a target cabinet is not specified.

The Keyword parameter applies only to the following objects: appointment, document, meeting and reference document. It does not apply to folders or files.

If the Cabinet-deletion-control parameter is marked, the date and time of this backup is registered for all cabinets processed. Even if no records are found for a cabinet, the backup is registered.


  1. In order to use the cabinet deletion control, you must first define the system defaults (see Con-nect Administration).
  2. The system retains the date and time of the two most current backups for each cabinet processed. The registered backups can then be used as a cabinet deletion control when utility B04000 Delete Objects is run.

If the Only-pending-cabinets parameter is marked, only those cabinets pending for deletion are processed.


The following objects can be backed up:

Object Name Number Keyword
Address 1  
Application 2  
Appointment 3 X
Command 8  
Distribution 10  
Document 11 X
Form 14  
Meeting 16 X
Menu 18  
Notepad 20  
PF-key 22  
Printer 23  
Program 26  
Reference 27 X
Reminder 28  
Todo 43  
User-defined Objects 80-99  


When entering a command alias in the parameter Object-name, the language code must be specified as the first character and an asterisk (*) as the last character.

Commands are added as records in the Con-nect system file. They are not automatically included in the command table - the command table is rebuilt for each specific cabinet the first time it is accessed.

Distribution List

All members of every distribution list found are unloaded.


Menus can be backed up by specifying the language code as the first character and then the object number in the parameter Object-name (e.g. for English menus, specify 118).


Calendar items are unloaded by entering the object number.

Specific calendar items can be unloaded by entering a date-time string in the Object-name parameter in the format YYYYMMDDIISS* (e.g. to unload all calendar items that start in October 1987, enter 198710*). Calender items that start before the specified month and continue until the specified month are not unloaded.

Duplicate calendar items are not replaced.

Outstanding reminders are not activated following a Backup and Restore procedure.


PF-keys are not contained in folders, nor do they have a key date. Thus, they must be specified explicitly (enter the object number).

Enter the language code as the first character and the set name as the second in the parameter Object-name. The set names are:

1: Menu

2: Display

3: Send

4: Modify

Bulletin Board

You must enter SYSCNTB as the cabinet name to unload all items in all bulletin boards and any other cabinet but SYSCNTB (e.g. SYSCNT) in the Restore-into-cabinet parameter. Optionally, a bulletin board name can be entered in the Folder-name parameter. After this utility and utility B09000 Restore are run, new folders are created in which the bulletin board items are restored as documents. The folder names reflect the names of the bulletin boards.

Cabinet Security

Objects marked as private are ignored when backing up to a different cabinet. Object security levels are reset to 0 when backing up to a different cabinet.

The private flag and security levels remain intact when backing up or restoring to the same cabinet.


The space usage factor is given greater importance than supplying optimum performance with regard to the time factor.

Unloaded data is written in a compressed form to the Natural work file 4 in order to use the minimal amount of storage space.

Empty fields are not unloaded.


The following information is returned by this utility:


Name of cabinet which was backed up.

Object Name

Name of object which was backed up (e.g. document name, folder name).


Type of object which was backed up (e.g. folder, reminder).

Date Start/Folder/File

If the object backed up is a calendar item, the date the calendar item starts is returned. For any other object, the folder or file in which that object is stored is returned.

Date Added/Modified

Date the object was added or modified, which ever is most recent.

Batch Example

This utility uses the Natural work file 4. Thus when executing this utility in batch, enter the following card in the JCL:

//CMWKF04 DD dataset
//CMPRT05 DD dataset

The definition of the dataset is as follows:


All documents beginning with DOC and all forms beginning with FORM in cabinet AB are to be backed up. This would be coded as follows:

B08000 AB,,,DOC*,,,,,11 

Backup of all objects in cabinet AB which have been added or modified after 6.Feb.91. Additionally, this backup is to be used for cabinet deletion control. This would be coded as follows:

B08000 AB,,,,,,6.Feb.91,,,,,,,,,,,X 