
This document covers the following topics:





Restore Con-nect objects placed in Natural work file 4 by a previous Backup procedure.

To restore a backup to a hardware environment compatible to the one from where it came, run this utility. To transfer Con-nect data to a different hardware environment, you must use the Cabinet Transfer function (see Con-nect Administration).

Online Input Screen

  11:54 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                      Restore                                 B09000
                             Code Function                                      
                             ---- ---------------------------                   
                                  No Replace                                    
                             R    Replace                                       
                             S    Scan                                          
                             I    Info                                          
                             .    Terminate                                     
                             ---- ---------------------------                   
       Code                  _                                                  
       From Cabinet          ________    to Cabinet  ________                   
       Object Name           ________________________________                   
       Folder Name           _______________                                    
       Keyword               _______________                                    
       Created/Modified from 1.Jan.86          to  14.Feb.94                    
       Object Number(s)                                     (Default: All)      
             Menu  Quit  Bckup                                                  
 Complete the information above and press ENTER to continue                     

Utility Parameters

Parameter Format Description
Code A1  
From Cabinet A8  
To Cabinet A8 Optional
Object Name A32 Optional
Folder Name A15 Optional
Keyword A15 Optional
Created/Modified from A11 Date range in which item was added or modified. Default: 1.Jan.86
Created/Modified to A11 Date range in which item was added or modified. Default: current date
Object Number(s) N2/8 Optional


If no input data is supplied, all data on the tape is restored.

Specify one of the following codes:

Code Description
r Duplicate items with the same name are replaced. Exception: calender items are not replaced.
s The work file is scanned (DB updates will not take place). Any specified parameters are ignored.
i Returns backup-related data, e.g. date, time, user ID, operating system, TP monitor, application ID, and device active during the backup.
. Terminate.
  A blank results in duplicate items not being replaced.

The cabinet to be restored must exist prior to the restore action, otherwise an error message is issued and the items which are to be stored in that cabinet are ignored.

Folders and files which do not exist in the cabinet to be restored are automatically generated (with ascending date sequence).

Documents and reference documents that are restored into a TRS folder are inverted according to the rules of the folder.

Calendar items or items that are restored in the Inbasket, Outbasket, or Wastebasket are never overwritten, but added.


The following information is returned by this utility:


Name of cabinet which was restored.

Object Name

Name of object which was restored (e.g. document name, folder name).


The following action codes may be returned:

A record has been added
R record has been replaced
N record has not been replaced
S record has been scanned
L record is locked (a user is currently working with the document).

Type of object which was restored (e.g. folder, reminder).

Date Start/Folder/File

If the object restored is a calendar item, the date the calendar item starts is returned. For any other object, the folder or file in which that object is stored is returned.

Date Added/Modified

Date the object was added or modified, which ever is most recent.

Batch Examples

This utility uses the Natural work file 4. Thus when executing this utility in batch, enter the following card in the JCL:

//CMWKF04 DD dataset
//CMPRT05 DD dataset

The definition of the dataset is as follows:


Obtain a list of the contents of a dataset that was previously backed up. This would be coded as follows:

B09000 S

Restore all items from the folder work which begin with BEETLE. Replace already existing documents. This would be coded as follows:

B09000 R,,,BEETLE*,WORK