Con-nect Cabinet Transfer

With the use of the Con-nect Cabinet Transfer functions and utilities "CCTLOAD" and "CCTRLOAD", you can transfer one or more Con-nect cabinets from one Con-nect system to any other Con-nect system. You can transfer cabinets regardless of the operating system. For example, the cabinets may be transferred from one mainframe system to another.

This document covers the following topics:

General Information About Con-nect Cabinet Transfer

Together with the Cabinet Transfer functions, as displayed on the "Con-nect Cabinet Transfer" screen, and utilities "Load" and "Reload", a mechanism to establish and maintain a Con-nect multi-node environment consisting of several Con-nect systems on several platforms is provided.

The Cabinet Transfer process supports typical downsizing scenarios, including the possibility, for example, of transferring the cabinets of all employees from one specific department to another system.

When a cabinet is transferred to another system, all objects stored in the cabinet and relationships such as memberships are maintained with only a few exceptions. See Cabinet Transfer Supported Objects. Transferring a cabinet via the Cabinet Transfer process is similar to the Copy Cabinet function, in that the original cabinet is unchanged.

To ensure that the integrity of the cabinets and objects stored in the cabinets are maintained across the Con-nect systems, the Cabinet Transfer procedure consists of four components:

  1. The so-called transfer file which is used by the other transfer components as an intermediate storage device for all data which must be transferred.

  2. Cabinet Transfer functions (Mark Cabinet for Transfer, and Display Cabinets Marked for Transfer) which are used to specify and display the cabinets which are to be transferred, or to undo a transfer notification.

  3. Utility "CCTLOAD" which is used to load all cabinets selected for transfer from the original Con-nect system to the transfer file. This utility can be run in either batch mode or online.

  4. Utility "CCTRLOAD" which is used to load all cabinets stored in the transfer file to the target Con-nect system. This utility can be run in either batch mode or online.

See The Cabinet Transfer Components for a complete description.

The actual process of transferring cabinets consists of four steps. These are:

  1. Installing an empty transfer file, or performing an Adabas REFRESH to an existing transfer file. This step must be performed each time you begin the transfer process.

  2. Selecting the cabinets for transfer with the Mark Cabinets for Transfer function. This step may be executed as often as you want, so long as step 1 has been performed and as long as you have not executed step 4.

  3. Running utility "CCTLOAD". This step may also be executed as often as required, if step 1 has been performed and as long as you have not executed step 4.

  4. Running utility "CCTRLOAD".

The Cabinet Transfer Components

The Transfer File

The transfer file is an Adabas file which is used to store all cabinets and the objects that are to be transferred, independent of the current operating system. The transfer file must be available to the Cabinet Transfer functions as well as the "Load" and "Reload" utilities. To do so, you must define the transfer file LFILE parameter, LFILE=(224,dbid,fnr), where "dbid" and"fnr" are the database ID and file number of the transfer file.

Unless you are transferring cabinets for the very first time, you must execute an Adabas REFRESH each time you begin the Cabinet Transfer process. This is to ensure that all records which were previously transferred are deleted from the transfer file.

You need not install the transfer file within the same environment as the original and the target Con-nect system. For example, you can install the transfer file on one of the following environments:

  • local to the original Con-nect system,

  • local to the target Con-nect system, or

  • on any other Adabas file which is accessible.

The Cabinet Transfer Maintenance Functions

To access the Cabinet Transfer functions, you specify the following command after the NEXT prompt:


As a result, the "Con-nect Cabinet Transfer" screen is displayed, as shown below.

   4:21 PM               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3 * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                Con-nect Cabinet Transfer                   CCTA0100

  Select a Function:      _ Mark Cabinets for Transfer

                          _ Display Cabinets Marked for Transfer

                          _ Exit Administration

                   Quit  Mark  Disp
 Mark one item from the list above

You mark the function you want with any character and press ENTER.

If utility "Reload" has been run, PF4 is not available.

The information below contains the following topics:

Mark Cabinets for Transfer

When you select the "Mark Cabinets for Transfer" function, the screen below is displayed:

If you have executed utility Reload, the "Mark Cabinets for Transfer" function is disabled until you execute an Adabas REFRESH.

   4:24 PM               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                Con-nect Cabinet Transfer                   CCTA0200
                                  Mark Cabinets

  Specify Individual Cabinets

       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
       ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________

  Specify a Range of Cabinets

       From Cabinet ________ to Cabinet ________

 Specify cabinets and press ENTER to continue

You can specify the cabinets you want to transfer individually or, as a range of cabinets in the "From Cabinet" and "to Cabinet" fields.

Enter the cabinet IDs you want and press ENTER to mark the cabinets for transfer.

As a result, the following screen is displayed:

   4:27 PM               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                Con-nect Cabinet Transfer                   CCTA0200
                                  Mark Cabinets

  Cabinet  Name/Description                 Status                    Added
  -------- -------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------
  ASHLEY   Ashley,Elizabeth                 Cabinet has been marked           07
  EDUC     Education                        Cabinet has been marked           06
  ECK      Ecker,Edith                      Cabinet has been marked           05
  DOC      Documenation                     Cabinet has been marked           04
  DUM      Demore,Tony                      Cabinet has been marked           03
  FRK      Franklin,Will                    Cabinet has been marked           02
  GBG      Burgmann,Graham                  Cabinet has been marked           01
  AH       Henry,Al                         Cabinet already marked

 Processing completed

It displays the cabinet(s) you have marked for transfer with the current "Mark Cabinets for Transfer" function.


ID of cabinet.


Name or description of cabinet.


Status of cabinet, which can be one of the following:

Cabinet has been marked Cabinet has been marked for transfer.
Cabinet already marked Cabinet is already marked for transfer.
Cabinet does not exist Cabinet does not exist on your Con-nect system.

Display Cabinets Marked for Transfer

In addition to the cabinet and its objects, status information is also stored on the transfer file for each cabinet. This information is displayed when you select the "Display Cabinets Marked for Transfer" function.

You can either display the cabinets marked for transfer when you press PF5, or when you select the Display Cabinets Marked for Transfer function from the "Con-nect Cabinet Transfer" screen.

   6:01 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                Con-nect Cabinet Transfer                   CCTA0300
                             Display Marked Cabinets

  Mark Cabinet  Name/Description                       Status
  ---- -------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------
   _   AH       Heinz,Alfred                           Marked for Transfer
   _   ASHLEY   Ashley,Elizabeth                       Marked for Transfer
   _   BR       Brugger,Ulrich                         Marked for Transfer
   _   BSAC     Boston Aqua Club                       Marked for Transfer
   _   CAL      Richardson,Carol                       Marked for Transfer
   _   CB       Brinkmann,Cindy                        Marked for Transfer
   _   ECK      Ecker,Edith                            Marked for Transfer
   _   DOC      Documentation                          Marked for Transfer
   _   FRK      Franklin,Will                          Marked for Transfer
   _   GBG      Burgmann,Graham                        Marked for Transfer

          or Position to ________

                   Quit  Undo
 Mark item(s) from the list above or press ENTER

The following information is displayed:


ID of cabinet to be transferred.


Full name or description of cabinet.


The status of the cabinet, which can be one of the following:

Marked for transfer Cabinet has been marked for transfer.
Load has been started Utility "CCTLOAD" has been invoked and the cabinet is currently being loaded to the transfer file.
Load has been completed Cabinet has been loaded to the transfer file.
Load has been canceled Cabinet is no longer marked to be transferred. In this case, the Undo command was issued for this cabinet while or after utility "CCTLOAD" was run.
Reload: cabinet exists Cabinet on the target Con-nect system already exists with the same cabinet name, thus, this cabinet was not transferred.

The Undo Command

You can select a cabinet in the Mark column and press PF4 to undo the transfer of that cabinet. Depending upon the original status of the cabinet, the status will be changed to one of the following:

Cabinet Status Before Undo Resulting Status
Marked for Transfer Undo could be done
Load has been started Load has been canceled
Load has been completed Transfer was canceled

The Cabinet Transfer Load Utility





Copy all marked cabinets and their objects from the Con-nect system to the transfer file.


This utility must be executed in the same environment that the original Con-nect system resides. The transfer file, however, can be available in any Adabas file that can be accessed.

The target Con-nect system is not accessed by this utility.

So long as utility "CCTRLOAD" is not run, cabinets can be marked for transfer and loaded to the transfer file with this utility.

When this utility is run, it first automatically checks whether there are any cabinets with the status "Load has been started". If a cabinet with this status is found, the load procedure for the cabinet is restarted at the point this utility was terminated. Once all cabinets with this status are loaded, the cabinets with the status "Marked to be transferred" are loaded.

If no cabinets are found with the status "Load has been started", this utility loads the cabinets with the status "Marked to be transferred" in alphabetical sequence. While a cabinet is loaded to the transfer file, the status for that cabinet is changed to "Load has been started". Once the cabinet and all its objects are loaded, the status for that cabinet is changed to "Load has been completed".

This utility does not modify the cabinet or its objects on the original Con-nect system, i.e. the cabinet is not deleted from the system.

Batch Example

Load all cabinets from the original Con-nect system that are marked as either "Load has been started" or "Marked to be transferred" to the transfer file. This would be coded as follows:


Online Example

Load all cabinets from the original Con-nect system that are marked as either "Load has been started" or "Marked to be transferred" to the transfer file. This would be invoked as follows:


The Cabinet Transfer Reload Utility





Copy each cabinet and its objects on the transfer file with the status "Load has been completed" to the target Con-nect system file.


This utility must be executed in the same environment that the target Con-nect system resides. The transfer file, however, can be available in any Adabas file that can be accessed.

The original Con-nect system is not accessed by this utility.

Once this utility is started, utility "CCTLOAD" cannot be executed and the Mark Cabinets to be Transferred function is disabled. You can, however, still select the Display Marked Cabinets function.

If, for whatever reason, the last reload procedure is terminated before all cabinets are reloaded, this utility automatically begins the next reload at the point the last reload terminated.

This utility first checks for all cabinets with the status "Marked to be transferred" and deletes the notifications from the transfer file. Next, this utility checks for cabinets with the status "Load has been started" and, for each cabinet found, changes the status to "Reload: Load incomplete". The cabinets with the above statuses will not be loaded to the target Con-nect system.

This utility then checks for cabinets with the status "Load has been completed". In this case, the utility verifies that a cabinet with the same name does not exist on the target Con-nect system. If a duplicate is not found, the cabinet and its objects are reloaded to the target system and changes the status to "Reload has been completed". If a duplicate cabinet is found, the status for the cabinet on the transfer file is changed to "Reload: cabinet exists", the cabinet is not reloaded to the target cabinet and the following window is displayed:

  Con-nect Cabinet Transfer Reload Utility  
  Processing completed.                     
  One or more cabinets were not reloaded.   
  These cabinets already exist on the       
  target Con-nect system.                   

To complete the transfer, you can delete the duplicate cabinet(s) from the target Con-nect system and start this utility again.

It is imperative that all reloaded cabinets are not accessed until utility "CCTRLOAD" is completed.

Batch Example

Reload all cabinets from the transfer file that are marked as "Load has been completed" to the target Con-nect system. This would be coded as follows:


Online Example

Reload all cabinets from the transfer file that are marked as "Load has been completed" to the target Con-nect system. This would be invoked as follows:


Cabinet Transfer Supported Objects

Cabinet Environment

The following information, stored in each cabinet, is transferred from the original to the target Con-nect system:

  • Cabinet type and mail/nomail status

  • Cabinet description or name of user

  • Command and object table

  • Work and home address

  • Created and modified information

  • Administrator status

  • Security and address level

  • Cabinet flags (e.g. May-send-to-external, Use-Con-form)

The following information, related to other cabinets, is only transferred if the other cabinets are also transferred:

  • Shared cabinet memberships and type of membership

  • Private cabinet memberships

  • Cabinet ownerships

Profile of Cabinet or Membership

The following information is transferred from the original to the target Con-nect system:

  • Date and time format, delimiter, week and day start

  • Command sequence, blank substitute, autosave

  • Default folder and files

  • Mail status message and setting

  • Display month-mail-calendar, display day name, window border

  • Screen colors

  • Command object table for special memberships of shared cabinets

  • Security level and specification for memberships of private cabinets

The following information is not transferred, but is replaced by the defaults of the target Con-nect system:

  • Timezone

  • Print defaults

  • Password

The following information, related to other cabinets, is only transferred if the other cabinets are also transferred:

  • Overlay calendar ID

The following information, related to other objects, is only transferred if the other objects are also transferred as part of the current cabinet:

  • Main menu name

  • Formatting profile

Fully Supported Objects

The following objects are always transferred from the original to the target Con-nect system:

  • Appointment

  • Command

  • Distribution list

  • Document (excluding Natural Source Native and Natural Object documents)

  • Folder

  • File

  • Meeting

  • Menu

  • Notepad

  • PF-key

  • Reference

  • Reminder

  • Todo

Partially Supported Objects

The following objects are only transferred with restrictions from the original to the target Con-nect system, or under special conditions:

  • Address
    An address is transferred if: it refers to a cabinet which is to be transferred, it is a personal nickname (without a qualified mail adress) such as "My Dentist", or it refers to a distribution list that is to be transferred. Otherwise, addresses are not transferred.

  • Member of a distribution list
    A member is transferred if: it refers to a cabinet which is to be transferred, or it refers to another distribution list that is to be transferred. Otherwise members are not transferred.

  • Query
    Queries are transferred if Con-nect Text Retrieval is installed on the target Con-nect system. Otherwise, queries are not transferred.

  • Languages
    The language used by the cabinet is transferred, if available on the target cabinet. If the language is not available, it is replaced by the defaults of the target Con-nect system.

Objects not Supported

The following object is never transferred from the original to the target Con-nect system:

  • Printer Profile

Cabinet Transfer Additional Information

Text Associated with a Document or Mail Item

Natural Source Native and Natural Object text, which are associated to a document as main text or enclosure, are not transferred.

New Phone Messages, New Mail and Invitations

New phone messages, mail items and invitations are transferred to the target system without restrictions. On the source Con-nect system, the status for the mail items remain unchanged - they are not posted as "Read". On the target Con-nect system, mail items are posted as "Read" and the mail items and phone messages are placed in the Inbasket files New and Phone as postponed items.

Other Mail Commands and Address Lists

Reply to a mail item is disabled at the target Con-nect system, if the sender's cabinet is not transferred.

If a user sends a mail item while on the original Con-nect system and is then transferred, this user is unable to UNDO the mail item unless the recipient(s) is also transferred. However, the recipient status is not updated on the original Con-nect system.

When the address list of a mail item is transferred to the target Con-nect system, the list is copied from the original Con-nect system. Suspended recipients (i.e. selected but not sent) are not copied from the original Con-nect system to the target Con-nect system. Updates to the address list such as when a recipient reads the mail item, or when a recipient has accepted an invitation, are not applied to either the original and target Con-nect system as a "refresh".

Con-nect Text Retrieval

If Con-nect Text Retrieval is not installed on the target Con-nect system, TRS folders are transferred to the target system as any other folder. However, if Con-nect Text Retrieval is installed, the folders are transferred as TRS folders. In either case, objects filed in a TRS folder are also transferred and filed in the folder.

TRS documents are not automatically inverted during the transfer procedure, and therefore, you must run utility B10050 "Invert Contents of TRS Folders in Cabinet(s)".

Accessing a Transferred Cabinet

Once utility "CCTRLOAD" is run, it is recommended that the transferred cabinets are accessed only on the target Con-nect system, since any updates (items read, new files) to the cabinets on the original Con-nect system will not be updated on the target Con-nect system.