Maintain the application portfolio

Alfabet FastLane enables a single-source of truth about the applications in your IT portfolio. All applications should be documented to ensure that the application portfolio is reliable to make good strategic decisions. As a user with the Portfolio Manager user profile, you can add new applications to the repository and maintain the data on applications that are already in the system.

In addition to describing an application by defining its attributes such as name and start date, you can also document the users who have a functional role for the application, the lifecycle of the application, and indicators relevant for evaluation of the application. Furthermore, you can capture information about the application's relevance for the business, such as the business capabilities that it supports or the business data that it exchanges with other applications.


The class model describes the object classes most relevant for maintaining the application porfolio.

Describe the business context for your application portfolio:

  • Document the business capabilities that your application portfolio supports. Once the business capabilities are in your repository, you can specify which applications support which business capabilities.
  • Describe the business processes that the applications in your application portfolio provide operational business support to.
  • Describe the organizations in your company that rely on the applications in the application portfolio.
  • Document the locations where applications are running.
  • Document the vendors that provide the components that the applications use.

Capture the application portfolio: Add applications and assign the applications to application groups. Document the business capabilities that the applications support and the organizations that use the applications.

Describe the exchange of business data by applications

  • Describe the information flows between applications
  • Document the business data that is exchanged by the applications