DBA Tasks

This documentation describes the complete range of management and control tasks necessary for the successful operation of the database environment. This information is organized in the following parts:

DBA Roles and Responsibilities Reviews the role and functions of the database administrator (DBA).
Database Design Provides information on database design. It includes information on Adabas file structures, multiple value fields and periodic groups, record design, use of keys (descriptors), disk space usage (compression, null-value suppression, padding factors), security planning, restart and recovery planning, and multiclient files.
Date-Time Edit Mask Reference Provides information on each of the possible date-time edit masks and processing and conversion information for them.
Expanded Files Provides information about expanded files.
Large Object (LB) Files and Fields Provides information about large object (LOB) files and fields.
Defining an Adabas Database Describes the procedure for defining an Adabas database.
Database Space Management Provides pertinent information related to database space management.
Database Monitoring and Tuning Provides information about monitoring and tuning your Adabas database.
Error Handling and Message Buffering Describes Adabas error handling and message buffering.
Universal Encoding Support (UES) Describes universal encoding support (UES) for Adabas databases.
Multiple Platform Support Describes Adabas data translation for multiple platform support.
Adabas SMF Records Describes Adabas SMF records and how they can be produced.
Adabas Online System Demo Version Describes the Adabas Online System (AOS) demo version supplied with Adabas that provides also access to the online services of selected other Adabas products.
AFPLOOK Describes the Adabas Fastpath command analysis sampler (AFPLOOK), which can be used to determine where the best results may be expected from Adabas Fastpath by reporting on the command constructs that qualify for Adabas Fastpath.
AVILOOK Describes the Adabas Vista command analysis sampler (AVILOOK), which can be used to determine those files which may benefit from Adabas Vista’s Partitioning option by reporting on the command constructs used to access the file.