Transformations Tab

The Transformations Tab provides the ability to view, edit and manage transformations.


Some functions on this screen use icons.  The description of these icons will have a hyperlink to the Glossary of Icons which contains a picture of the icon and an explanation of its purpose.




  • Transformations List
    The transformations list displays summary information about all defined transformations.  Below is a description of each column in the table:  

    • More|Less Chevron
      If more information is present for a row than can be displayed, clicking the more chevron will expand the row.  Clicking the less chevron will collapse the information.  Below is an example of a row that contains an error message.  The more chevron has been clicked to display the additional information.

    • Selection Checkbox
      Click the checkbox next to each row you wish to do an operation against.  The row selection checkbox applies to the Duplicate, Import, Export and Sync functions

    • Status
      The status column will contain either a green success icon or a red error icon depending on whether the last time the transform was run was successful or resulted in an error.  If the transform has never been synchronized, the column will be blank.  If the status shows an error, clicking on the more chevron will expand the row and display the error text.

    • Transformation Name
      This is the name of the transformation that was specified when the transformation was created.

    • Target Table
      Displays the three part name consisting of:

      • Database

      • Owner

      • Table name

    • Sync Type
      Displays the type (Automatic, Full, Incremental, Incremental Only, Baseline or Savepoint) of synchronization from the last time this transformation was run.

    • Start
      Timestamp displaying the starting date and time of the most recent synchronization.

    • Duration
      The duration in hours, minutes and seconds (hh:mm:ss) of the most recent synchronization

    • Rows
      Number of rows affected by the operation

    • Inserted
      Number of rows inserted by the operation

    • Updated
      Number of rows updated by the operation

    • Deleted
      Number of rows deleted by the operation

    • Edit
      Clicking this button will take you to the stepper used when creating a transformation.  When editing a transformation, all fields will be filled in with current values.  Unlike the creation process where each step must be completed in order, when editing it is possible to jump to the specific step you wish to edit.  To jump to a step, click on the step number that is displayed at the top of the stepper.  Depending on which fields are edited, you may be required to complete all subsequent steps before saving changes.  For example, if the source table is changed it will be necessary complete all subsequent steps.  In this case, the stepper will not allow you to jump forward once this change as been made.  Instead, you will need to use the Next button as you would when creating a new transformation.

    • Delete
      Clicking the Delete button will remove the transformation from the list of available transformations to sync. It will not delete the Destination Target Table (if it exists). If the transformation is part of a schedule, the schedule must be deleted before the transformation can be deleted.

  • Duplicate
    To create a duplicate of a transformation, click the selection checkbox for the transformations to be duplicated and then click the duplicate button.  This feature is useful in circumstances where you have a transformation with complex SQL as the source and you want to create a second transformation that does the same thing but writes the data to a different database.  For each transformation selected, a copy will be created with _Copy_x appended to the name where x represents a unique number for the copy.  For example, if the transform TestTransform1 is duplicated, the new transform name will be TestTransform1_Copy_1.  The duplicate transform will be created with a target table that has _Copy_x appended to the name.  You may need to edit the new transform and adjust the target table name to the suit your needs.

  • Import and Export
    Transformations can be moved from one environment (i.e. development), to another environment (i.e. production) with Export and Import.  One or multiple transformations can be exported/imported to/from a single file.  In the first environment, check the desired transformations to move and press Export, then specify a file name and that file will be downloaded to the machine logged into the DataSync Administrator.  Then a connection can be made to the second environment, when Import is pressed, specify the file that was downloaded and those transformations will be put into DataSync.

  • Search Filter
    Pressing this button activates search fields for the Status, Transformation Name and Target Table fields.  To filter the results in the list of transformations, enter a value in one or more of these search fields.  For example, entering the word EMPLOYEES in the Transformation Name search box will cause only those transformations that have the word EMPLOYEES in the Transformation Name to be displayed.

  • Sync button
    To perform an on demand sync, select the transformation(s) by clicking the selection checkbox next to the transformation(s) you want to sync.  Once your selection has been made, press the Sync button.  This will start the synchronization process on the selected transforms.  The view will switch to the Overview Summary Page where you will be able to monitor the progress.

    To perform this synchronization on a regular basis, you can create a schedule. To create a schedule, go to the Schedule tab to establish the timing of the synchronization. See To schedule a synchronization task for more information.

    For more information about On Demand Synchronization, see Synchronizing Transformations to Target Destination.

  • Refresh button
    The refresh button refreshes the list of transforms.

  • Add Transformation button
    Adding a Transform will add a new Transform to the list of existing Transforms that can be synchronized.  This button will take you to the Transformation Creating Stepper where you will be guided through each step of creating a transform.  The steps are:

    • Select a Transform Name

    • Choose a Transform Source

    • Choose a Destination Target

    • Choose a Sync Type

    • Set Column Mapping

    • Check Indexes

    For more information on creating transformations, see Creating a Transformation in the "Designing a Transformation". section