Select Item to Schedule

Note: Do not attempt to schedule a new task while a Data Sync scheduling task is currently running.


From the Schedules Tab, either click the Add Schedules button to create a new schedule or click the Edit button on an existing schedule.  The Schedules stepper will be displayed.



  1. Enter the name for the schedule in the Schedule Name field.

  2. Select an item to schedule from the Item Name list.  This list contains a list of all the source tables (tables from the default target database are excluded from this list), transformations and groups.  There is a search box at the top of the list that can be used to filter the list.  For example, entering "employees" in the search field will filter the list so it only displays entries with the text "employees" in it.  Note that the list supports pagination.  You may need to move forward to another page to find the desired item.

  3. Click Next to proceed to Step 2: Schedules