User Subscriptions


Once User Accounts, KPi's and/or Groups have been created, users need to be subscribed to individual KPi's or groups of KPi's.  Users will only receive data for KPi's or Groups to which they are subscribed.


Subscriptions allow you to control which users see which Key Performance Indicators.  For example, you may wish to group all sales related KPi's into a single group named Sales.  You can then set up subscriptions for every member of the sales force to receive those KPi's.


Subscriptions may be managed from three different perspectives:

  1. From the Accounts Tab, you can view, add or remove subscriptions to individual KPi's or Groups on a per user basis.  Please see the Subscription by Account topic in this chapter for more information.
  2. From the KPi's Tab, you can view, add or remove subscribed users to individual KPi's.  Please see the Subscription by KPi topic in this chapter for more information.
  3. From the Groups Tab, you can view, add or remove subscribed users to individual Groups.  Please see the Subscription by Group topic in this chapter for more information.

While the needs of each environment will vary, it is recommended that KPi's be added to Groups and then users can be subscribed once to a group rather than creating multiple subscriptions for several KPi's.