Subscription by Account


To view, add or remove subscriptions to KPi's and/or Groups on a per user basis:

  1. On the Accounts tab, select the user you wish to work with and click Subscribe button.  This will bring up the Subscribe Users to KPi's or Groups dialog.



  2. This dialog has two lists.  The Available KPi's/Groups list displays the Groups and KPi's that the user is not yet subscribed to.  The Selected KPi's/Groups list displays the KPi's and Groups that the user is currently subscribed to.  Moving items from the Available list to the Selected list will subscribe the user to those items and moving items from the Selected list to the Available list will removed the subscription.  Changes will not be made until either the Apply or OK buttons are pressed.
  3. For this example, we will have receive updates for all the KPi's in the Food Sales group.  Select Food Sales and then click the Add button.


  4. Press OK to update the KPiSync cloud server with the new subscription information.  To work with another user without leaving this dialog, press Apply to apply the current changes and then select a new user from the User Name pull down.
