Be sure your system meets the requirements described in System Requirements.
To install Event Replicator for Adabas on z/OS systems, complete the steps described in this document.
Step 2. Check, Prepare, and Install the Product License File
Step 4. (Optional) Create the ADAMQS Load Module for WebSphere MQ Support
Step 8. (Optional) Load the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem Application Into Natural
Install the replication load modules by concatenating the delivered load library in sequence or copying the modules to the library used for running the Adabas nucleus and utilities. The Replication load modules can be found in ARFvrs.LOAD.
You must install a valid license file on all mainframe platforms in which your Software AG mainframe product is installed. The license file is provided as an XML document (encoding is US-ASCII) and must remain in that format, even on the mainframe. It must not be modified. Any modification of the license file will invalidate the digital signature and the license check will fail. In the event of a check failure, please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
For a full product list of license file names, load modules and DD/Link names, refer to the Adabas installation documentation.
Thirty days before the license expires, license check failure
messages are produced. Your software product will still function, but these
messages warn you that it is time to obtain a new license.
In the following steps, you will prepare the license file and then install it:
The product license file is supplied on the individual customer installation tape or separately via an e-mail attachment. Before you can install the license, you must transfer it from e-mail or the installation tape and store it on a z/OS system. This section describes how to do this for a license distributed either by e-mail or on the installation tape.
ARF411 now requires a unique product license (ARFLIC) along
with the ARF zIIP license (AZPRPLIC) if you have a zIIP product license. For
distribution purposes, these will be known as
ARFvrs.LICS and
ARFvrs.LICZ. For more information, see the section
Special Considerations for zIIP
To prepare the license file from an e-mail attachment, complete
the following steps:
Transfer the license to z/OS, as described in the Adabas documentation Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing > Transferring a License File from PC to a z/OS Host Using FTP.
Verify that the transferred license file is stored in an Adabas source library (with RECFM=F or FB and LRECL=80), taking care to preserve its format as ASCII.
To prepare the license file from the installation tape,
complete the following step:
Verify that the license file is stored from the tape into an Adabas source library (with RECFM=F or FB and LRECL=80), taking care to preserve its format as ASCII.
Once the license file has been prepared, you can install it in one of two ways:
You can convert the license to a load module (ARFLIC) that is then loaded by the Adabas Reptor startup job.
You can reference the license file in the Adabas Reptor startup job by DD statement.
This section describes both methods.
To convert the license file to a load module, complete the
following steps:
Review and modify sample job ASMLICAM in the ADAvrs.JOBS library, as follows:
Set the variable MLCLOAD to point to the license load library (MLCvrs.LOAD).
Set the variable USRLOAD to point to an appropriate user load library.
This user load library must also be included in the
STEPLIB concatenation for Adabas Reptor servers.
Set the LICFILE parameter to point to the dataset containing the Adabas Replication license file you transferred to z/OS earlier.
Set the LMOD parameter to the load module name ARFLIC.
Submit sample job ASMLICAM. This job runs the MAKE function of the LICUTIL utility to convert the license text file to an assembler source module. ASMLICAM then links and assembles the assembler source to generate a load module called ARFLIC, which is stored in the specified user load library (USRLOAD). For more information about the LICUTIL utility, refer to the Adabas documentation's Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing > Using the License Utility: LICUTIL.
Update your Adabas Reptor jobs to reference the user load library so ARFLIC will be loaded by the Adabas Reptor server at startup.
To reference the license file in Adabas Reptor jobs, complete
the following steps:
Make sure any previously created ARFLIC load module is inaccessible to your Reptor jobs. The Reptor server first tries to load ARFLIC and, if unsuccessful, it reads from a dataset defined to the DD statement DDLARF.
Update your Adabas Reptor jobs to reference the license.
Apply any necessary zaps, as described in the $README file on the ARFvrs.MVSZAPS library and in any subsequent ARFvrs.MVSZnnn data sets (if they have been provided).
If WebSphere MQ will be used, execute a job for linking ADAMQS. To create the required Event Replicator Server load module called ADAMQS, use JCL similar to this:
If you are using IBM WebSphere MQ Series definitions for your
DESTINATION or IQUEUE definitions, a S0D3 abend can occur if you run it as a
started task and specify the parameter REUSASID=YES. This is a documented IBM
WebSphere MQ Series issue.
Create a database for use as your Event Replicator Server. Read the ADADEF documentation for the new parameters used when defining an Event Replicator Server.
If you want to perform transaction logging or use TLOG destination definitions, be sure to create and activate a CLOG (command log). For more information, refer to your Adabas DBA Tasks documentation.
User application files should not be loaded on the
Event Replicator Server.
To use Event Replicator for Adabas and customize its processing, you must supply various replication definitions. You can maintain these definitions in one of two ways:
You can specify Event Replicator initialization parameters for the replication definitions in DDKARTE in the Event Replicator Server startup job. For more information about the initialization parameters you can specify in the Event Replicator Server startup job, read Event Replicator Server Initialization Parameters. This method of defining replication definitions does not require the use of a Replicator system file because the definitions are read from the initialization parameters in the startup job.
You can maintain your replication definitions in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem is an online interface that must be loaded into Natural before you can use it. Access to the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem is then available through Natural or from Adabas Online System. For more information, read Using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem.
If you determine that you want to maintain your replication definitions in the Replicator system file, you must load the file on the Event Replicator Server.
To load a Replicator system file on the Event Replicator Server:
Use the ADALOD utility. A sample ADALOD utility job is provided in member ADALODRP of the ARFvrs.JOBS data set. The only ADALOD utility parameter you should specify in this member is the REPLICATOR parameter. The others are not valid when loading the Replicator system file. See the ADALOD documentation for more information.
Do either of the following in Natural to identify the physical database file to be associated with the system file:
Run a Natural NTLFILE macro for the file. For complete information, refer to your Natural LFILE parameter documentation, found in the Natural for Mainframe documentation on Software AG's Empower web site.
When you start the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem, be sure to set the Natural LFILE parameter as described in Accessing the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. The LFILE parameter can be specified either as a dynamic parameter or inside a Natural SYSPARM profile.
If you intend to use the subscription logging (SLOG) facility, you will need an SLOG system file, which is an Adabas system file on the Event Replicator Server. To set this up, please read Setting Up Subscription Logging. For complete information about the SLOG facility, read Using the Subscription Logging Facility.
If you intend to use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to maintain replication definitions in the Replicator system file (see Step 4), it must be loaded into Natural. To do this, use Natural's INPL utility to load the ARFvrs.INPL data set into the Natural system file libraries.
Set up the startup JCL and parameters for the Event Replicator Server job. Use the JCL for an existing Adabas nucleus as a starting point for creating the Event Replicator Server JCL. For complete information on the ADARUN parameters pertinent to the Event Replicator Server, read Pertinent ADARUN Parameters .
Specify an initial setting for the ADARUN parameter RPLPARMS to "NONE". The RPLPARMS parameter identifies where the replication definitions (initialization parameters) should be read from. A setting of "NONE" allows you to run the Event Replicator Server when you have no definitions set up, providing you an opportunity to specify them.
Set ADARUN parameter LRPL to the size of the Event Replicator Server replication buffer. For performance reasons, Software AG recommends setting LRPL to a relatively large value (e.g. LRPL=40M).
Set ADARUN parameter LU to 167,000 or greater.
Set ADARUN parameter NAB to a value greater than or equal to:
41 * 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server
For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Event Replicator Server, set the NAB parameter greater than or equal to 410 (for example NAB=420).
Set ADARUN parameter NT to a value greater than or equal to 15.
Run the Event Replicator Server job you set up in the previous step.
If you are using IBM WebSphere MQ Series definitions for your
DESTINATION or IQUEUE definitions, a S0D3 abend can occur if you run it as a
started task and specify the parameter REUSASID=YES. This is a documented IBM
WebSphere MQ Series issue.
The previous steps in this section allowed you to install Event Replicator for Adabas, but they did not implement or start replication. How replication is implemented varies by site, but general implementation steps are described in Post-Installation Replication Implementation Steps (All Platforms).
This section contains the following topics:
Prerequisite for the zIIP support in the Event Replicator for Adabas is a z13 or z14 mainframe with one or more zIIP engines, running z/OS 2.1 or above. The Event Replicator Server needs one zIIP engine to perform effectively.
For zIIP support, the Event Replicator Server must be based on Adabas Version 8.5.
For online administration of the zIIP-related functions and statistics of the Event Replicator Server, the version of the Adabas Online System provided with Adabas Version 8.5 must be installed.
If one or more destinations defined in the Event Replicator Server use EntireX Broker as the messaging system (DTYPE=ETBROKER), EntireX Broker version 10.1 patch level 11 or higher must be used.
For the zIIP license check in Event Replicator for Adabas (see License below), use the Mainframe License Check version 1.3.3 from the following library:
An Event Replicator Server that is to run with zIIP support requires an
associated license file (AZPRP) in addition to the Adabas license file. If the
AZPRP license is not provided or erroneous, the Event Replicator Server will run, but without
zIIP support (ZIIP=NO
The AZPRP license can be transferred to the mainframe in the same way as the Adabas license. The license can be made available to the Event Replicator Server as a load module with the name ‘AZPRPLIC’. This is similar to the handling of the Adabas license load module ADALIC described in the Adabas documentation under Installing Adabas for z/OS.
Alternatively or in addition, the license file can be referred to by a ‘DDLAZPRP’ DD statement in the nucleus job/started task. This is a fallback for the case that the AZPRPLIC module cannot be loaded.
If the ADA85 INPL dataset for Adabas 8.5 is installed, it will be
possible to use Adabas Online System (AOS) to review the zIIP statistics of the
Event Replicator Server and to view and modify the ZIIP
parameter, even if you do
not have an AOS product license.