About the Installation Tape

This document describes the installation tape. It covers the following topics:

Data Sets Delivered

This section describes the data sets that are delivered with the Event Replicator for Adabas. In all data set names, vrs represents the version, release, and maintenance level numbers of the release of the Event Replicator for Adabas.

The following data sets are delivered with the Event Replicator for Adabas on z/OS platforms:

Data Set Name Contains
ARFvrs.INPL INPL of the online application
ARFvrs.JOBS Sample JCL
ARFvrs.LOAD Load modules
ARFvrs.MTSI Sample input to ADAMTS
ARFvrs.SRCE Sample source members
ARFvrs.ZAPS Zaps for support of the Event Replicator for Adabas

The following data sets are delivered with the Event Replicator for Adabas on BS2000 platforms:

Data Set Name Contains
ARFvrs.INPL INPL of the online application
ARFvrs.MOD Module library
ARFvrs.SRC Sample JCL and sources
ARFvrs.ZAPS Zaps for support of the Event Replicator for Adabas
ARFvrs.JOBS Example installation jobs

On z/VSE platforms, the following data sets are delivered with the Event Replicator for Adabas:

Data Set Name Contains
ARFvrs.INPL INPL of the online application
ARFvrs.LIBR Objects, phases, sample sources, jobs, and input to ADAMTS
ARFvrs.ZAPS Zaps for support of the Event Replicator for Adabas

Copying the Tape Contents

This section describes how to copy the contents of the installation tape in different environments.

z/OS Environments

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy all data sets from tape to disk.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPY.JOB from Tape to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    //* ---------------------------------
    // DISP=(OLD,PASS),
    // UNIT=(CASS,,DEFER),
    // VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=tape-volser),
    // LABEL=(2,SL)
    //SYSUT2 DD DSN=hilev.COPY.JOB,
    // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=disk-volser,
    // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),
    // DCB=*.SYSUT1


    tape-volser is the VOLSER of the tape, for example: T12345,
    hilev is a valid high-level qualifier, and
    disk-volser is the VOLSER of the disk.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPY.JOB to your disk.

Step 2: Modify hilev.COPY.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify hilev.COPY.JOB according to your requirements:

    Set EXPDT to a valid expiration date, for example, 99365.

    Set HILEV to a valid high-level qualifier, for example, USERLIB.

    Set LOCATION to a storage location, for example, STORCLAS=ABC or UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=USR123.

Step 3: Submit COPY.JOB

  • Execute hilev.COPY.JOB to copy single, multiple, or all data sets to your disk.

z/VSE Environments

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS (if supplied) from tape to disk. All other data sets can be installed directly from the tape.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPYTAPE.JOB to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    * $$ JOB JNM=LIBRCAT,CLASS=0,                                          +
    * $$ DISP=D,LDEST=(*,UID),SYSID=1                                      
    * $$ LST CLASS=A,DISP=D                                                
    // JOB LIBRCAT                                                         
    * *****************************************                            
    *     STORE COPYTAPE.JOB IN LIBRARY                                    
    * *****************************************
    // ASSGN SYS004,nnn 
    // MTC REW,SYS004                                                        
    // MTC FSF,SYS004,4                                                      
    ASSGN SYSIPT,SYS004                                                      
    // TLBL IJSYSIN,'COPYTAPE.JOB'                                           
    // EXEC LIBR,PARM='MSHP; ACC S=lib.sublib'
    // MTC REW,SYS004
    ASSGN SYSIPT,FEC                                                         
    * $$ EOJ


    nnn is the tape address, and
    lib.sublib is the library and sublibrary in which the data set COPYTAPE.JOB is to be stored.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPYTAPE.JOB to disk.

    COPYTAPE.JOB contains the JCL required to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS from tape to disk.

Step 2: Modify COPYTAPE.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify COPYTAPE.JOB according to your requirements and set the disk space parameters as appropriate.

Step 3: Submit COPYTAPE.JOB

  • Execute COPYTAPE.JOB to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS to your disk.

BS2000 Environments

Copy the files (data sets) from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the files depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you want to copy the files from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you want to copy the files from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy all files from tape to disk.

Step 1: Copy Library SRVvrs.LIB from Tape to Disk

This step is not necessary if you have already copied the library SRVvrs.LIB from another Software AG installation tape. For further information, refer to the element #READ-ME in this library. The library SRVvrs.LIB is stored on the tape as a sequential file named SRVvrs.LIBS containing LMS commands. The current version vrs can be obtained from the Software AG Product Delivery Report.

  • Execute the following commands to convert SRVvrs.LIBS into an LMS library:

    /   VOLUME=volser, DEV-TYPE=tape-device)
    @READ  '/'
    @WRITE  'SRVvrs.LIBS'
    /MOD-JOB-SW  ON=1
    /MOD-JOB-SW  OFF=1


    tape-device is the device type of the tape, for example, TAPE-C4, and
    volser is the VOLSER of the tape (see the Software AG Product Delivery Report).

Step 2: Copy the Procedure COPY.PROC from Tape to Disk

  • Call the procedure P.COPYTAPE in the library SRVvrs.LIB to copy the procedure COPY.PROC to disk:

    /   (VSNT=volser, DEVT=tape-device)

    If you use a TAPE-C4 device, you can omit the parameter DEVT.

Step 3: Copy all Product Files from Tape to Disk

  • Enter the procedure COPY.PROC to copy all product files to disk:


    If you use a TAPE-C4 device, you can omit the parameter DEVT.

    The result of this procedure is written to the file L.REPORT.SRV.