Pertinent ADARUN Parameters

This document describes the ADARUN settings pertinent to Event Replicator for Adabas.

ASYTVS Parameter: Asynchronous Buffer Flush

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
ASYTVS whether to flush buffers asynchronously based on volume serial number. YES | NO YES

Specific Product Recommendations

Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.


The following example disables the asynchronous buffer flush based on volume.


FMXIO Parameter: Parallel LFIOP I/O Operations

Parameter Specify . . . ASYTVS= Minimum Maximum Default
FMXIO the maximum number of parallel I/O operations by LFIOP flush processing. YES 1 16 1
NO 1 100 60

The LFIOP parameter enables asynchronous buffer flush operation and sets the I/O pool size. The FMXIO parameter sets the limit on the number of I/O operations that can be started in parallel by LFIOP flush processing.

Parameter Dependencies

The precise meaning of the FMXIO parameter depends on the setting of the ASYTVS parameter):

  • When ASYTVS=YES (perform buffer flushes by volume), FMXIO specifies the number of I/Os to be started in parallel on each volume. The minimum and default number is 1; the maximum number is 16. If the specified number exceeds that, it is automatically reduced to 16.

  • When ASYTVS=NO (perform buffer flushes in ascending RABN sequence, without regard to the distribution of the blocks over volumes), FMXIO specifies the number of I/Os to be started in parallel overall. The minimum number is 1; the maximum value is 100; and the default is 60.

Dynamic Modification

The setting of FMXIO can be modified dynamically using the command FMXIO=nnn from the operator console or the Modify Parameter function of Adabas Online System.

Specific Product Recommendations

Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.


The following example specifies that a maximum of 30 I/O operations for asynchronous buffer flushes can be started in parallel:


LARGEPAGE Parameter: Large Page Support Option

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
LARGEPAGE whether or not the Adabas nucleus should use page-fixed one-megabyte (1M) large pages of real storage above the two-gigabyte (2G) bar (LARGEPAGE=L64), page-fixed 2G large pages above the 2G bar (LARGEPAGE=G64), or pageable one-megabyte (1M) large pages of 64-bit real storage (LARGEPAGE=P64). A value of "YES" is equivalent to specifying a value of L64. Large pages can only be used if your operating system supports them and 64-bit virtual storage. G64 | L64 | P64 | NO | YES NO

This parameter indicates whether or not the Adabas nucleus should use large pages. The default is NO.

At this time, this parameter is applicable only to z/OS systems.

Value Meaning
G64 The Adabas nucleus will attempt to acquire virtual storage above the 2G bar backed by page-fixed 2G large pages. The virtual storage will be backed by large pages if the operating system supports them and if sufficient large pages are available in the system. If insufficient large pages are available, the virtual storage above the 2G bar will be backed by pageable four-kilobyte (4K) pages.

You can specify LARGEPAGE=G64 only if the ADARUN V64BIT parameter is set to "YES".

The LARGEPAGE=G64 setting does not apply to the flush I/O pool, Work and PLOG I/O buffers, or cast-out directory buffer (in a cluster environment). At this time, it applies only to ADARUN parameter LRPL (in an Adabas replication environment) in the Adabas nucleus (but not in the Event Replicator Server).

Allocation requests for storage to be backed by 2G large pages are rounded up to the nearest multiple of two gigabytes. Any difference between the specified size and the allocated size will remain unused. For this reason, we recommend that you specify a multiple of two gigabytes for any storage area to which the LARGEPAGE=G64 setting applies, to avoid leaving a potentially large amount of allocated storage unused. If LARGEPAGE=G64 is specified and 2G large pages are not available for allocation, the specified size will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of one megabyte, and the storage will not be backed by large pages. A console message will report on this case.

L64 or YES The Adabas nucleus will attempt to acquire virtual storage above the 2G bar backed by page-fixed 1M large pages. The virtual storage will be backed by large pages if the operating system supports them and if sufficient large pages are available in the system. If insufficient large pages are available, the virtual storage above the 2G bar will be backed by pageable 4K pages. A value of "YES" is equivalent to specifying a value of "L64".

You can specify LARGEPAGE=L64 or LARGEPAGE=YES only if the ADARUN V64BIT parameter is set to "YES".

P64 Where appropriate, the Adabas nucleus will attempt to acquire virtual storage above or below the 2G bar backed by pageable 1M large pages in 64-bit real storage. The virtual storage will be backed by large pages if the operating system supports them and if sufficient large pages are available in the system. If insufficient large pages are available, the virtual storage above the 2G bar will be backed by pageable 4K pages.

LARGEPAGE=P64 can be specified with the ADARUN V64BIT parameter set to "NO" or to "YES".

NO Virtual storage above the 2G bar will be backed by 4K pages. This is the default value.

The amount of storage in your operating system available for page-fixed 1M or 2G large pages is set using the LFAREA parameter in PARMLIB member IEASYSxx. For complete information on the LFAREA parameter, refer to the IBM z/OS Extended Addressability Guide.


The following example requests that the Adabas nucleus should make use of virtual storage above the 2G bar and should use 1M large pages.


LBP Parameter: Length of Buffer Pool

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LBP the maximum size of the Adabas buffer pool. 80 000 2147483647 350000

The maximum number of bytes to be used for the Adabas buffer pool during a session.

Adabas allocates the number of bytes specified to the Adabas buffer pool if sufficient memory is available. A minimum of 80000 bytes must be available to successfully initiate a session. For performance reasons, however, Software AG recommends that you specify at least 50000 bytes per thread. Ensure that sufficient memory is available to accommodate the LBP size specified. If asynchronous buffer flush management is used (that is, the LFIOP parameter specifies a nonzero value), the LBP value must be greater than that specified by LFIOP.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the buffer pool space is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session.

The buffer efficiency statistic can be used to determine the optimal size of the parameter.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example allocates a maximum of 800000 bytes to the Adabas buffer pool for this session.


LDEUQP Parameter: Length of Unique Descriptor Pool

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LDEUQP the size of the unique descriptor pool. 5000 2147483647 5000

The unique (UQ) descriptor pool comprises elements that are the length of a unique descriptor value plus 14 bytes. The UQ descriptor pool should be large enough to hold all unique descriptor values that are being changed by all transactions at any point in time.

Adabas will make an entry in this pool every time a unique descriptor value is deleted from or inserted into a file's index. A full update of a unique descriptor value produces two entries: one for the deletion of the old value and one for the insertion of the new value. The entry for an insertion is normally removed as soon as the index update has been performed. The entry for a deletion is removed when the current transaction ends. However, Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services nuclei always keep entries for insertions until the end of the transaction too.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


For example, assuming that the average length of unique descriptor values is about 16 bytes, the following Adabas session can process a maximum of about 1000 unique descriptors at one time.


LFIOP Parameter: Asynchronous Buffer Pool Control

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LFIOP whether to enable asynchronous buffer flush operation and set the I/O pool size. 0 | 1 | 80000 18446744073709551615 (although this is really limited by the available amount of virtual and real memory) 0

The asynchronous buffer flush I/O pool enables asynchronous Adabas buffer flush operation and defines the size of the related buffer. Specifying a non-zero value for LFIOP enables asynchronous buffer flush operation; the value specified determines the buffer size, in bytes.

If LFIOP is not specified or zero is specified (the default), synchronous buffer flushing is performed. Note that flushing is always synchronous in single-user mode (MODE=SINGLE).

Value Meaning
0 No asynchronous buffer flush (the default); flushing is synchronous.
1 Asynchronous buffer flush operations occur. The flush pool is sized at 25% of the buffer pool (LBP=) size.
n (minimum of 80000) Asynchronous buffer flush operations occur. The flush pool size is defined by the LFIOP setting (in bytes).

When LFIOP=1 or LFIOP=n and the specified or calculated flush pool size is less than 80000 bytes, Adabas uses a size of 80000 bytes.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the I/O pool is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

In environments supporting 64-bit virtual storage, the flush I/O pool is allocated above the 2 gigabyte bar when the V64BIT ADARUN parameter is set to "YES".

Specific Product Recommendations

  • Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1") consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example enables asynchronous buffer flush operation for this session and allocates an I/O pool of 200000 bytes (25% of the LBP size).


LFP Parameter: Length of Internal Format Buffer Pool

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LFP the size of the Adabas internal format buffer pool. 6000 2147483647 12 000

This pool stores internal format buffers used with Adabas read and update commands as described in the Adabas Command Reference Guide.

Each internal format buffer pool entry requires approximately 60 + (64 * n) bytes, where n equals the number of fields referenced in the command.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the LFP pool is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

Specific Product Recommendations

If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example allocates 8000 bytes for the Adabas internal format buffer pool for this session.


LP Parameter: Length of Data Protection Area (Work Part 1)

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LP the number of blocks to allocate to Work part 1. 200 see text 1000

The LP parameter specifies the number of blocks to allocate to the Work data protection area, which is part 1 of the Work data set. This area must be large enough to accommodate the data protection information for the current transaction for all ET logic users. Details can be found in Adabas Restart and Recovery in the Adabas Operations Manual.

The LP parameter is no longer limited to 65535 blocks; however, it is still limited by the size of the Work data set and the sizes of Work parts 2, 3, and 4.

For any pending autorestart processing, Adabas retains and uses the value of the LP parameter from the previous session. If the LP parameter for the new session is specified with a different value than in the previous session, the nucleus will process any autorestart using the old value of LP, and establish the new LP size at the end of the autorestart.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example uses 2,000 blocks to store data protection information on the Adabas Work data set.


LRPL Parameter: Adabas or Event Replicator Replication Pool Size

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
LRPL The size of the Adabas or Event Replicator replication pools. minimum 20000 100000 (if REPLICATION=YES) or 0 (if REPLICATION=NO)


  1. The LRPL parameter should be specified for an Adabas nucleus running with ADARUN parameter REPLICATION=YES. In addition, the replication pool will be allocated in 64-bit virtual storage when an Adabas nucleus runs with ADARUN parameters REPLICATION=YES and V64BIT=YES.
  2. The LRPL parameter should be specified for an Event Replicator Server.
  3. The LRPL parameter values in the Adabas nucleus and the Event Replicator Server may be different.
  4. Software AG recommends setting LRPL to a relatively large value (e.g. LRPL=40M or greater). To determine what this setting should be for your site, you could run Adabas in a test environment with replication turned on, simulate the activity in the production environment on this test system, and use the Adabas DRES operator command to view the current and high-water mark of replication pool usage.
  5. If Event Replicator 3.4 SP1 or later is installed and if an Adabas nucleus with replication is run with V64BIT=YES and LARGEPAGE=G64, the allocation request for the replication pool will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of two gigabytes. Any difference between the specified size and the allocated size will remain unused. For this reason we recommend that if LARGEPAGE=G64, you specify the LRPL value as a multiple of two gigabytes to avoid leaving a potentially large amount of allocated storage unused. If LARGEPAGE=G64 is specified and 2G large pages are not available for allocation, the specified size will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of one megabyte, and the storage will not be backed by large pages. A console message will report on this case.



LU Parameter: Length of Intermediate User Buffer Area

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LU the size of the intermediate user buffer area. none none (see note 1) 65535 (see note 2)

The LU parameter is optional. The size specified must be large enough to accommodate all Adabas control information (204 bytes), all user buffers (format, record, search, value, ISN) that may be required for any given Adabas command, plus any user information passed from Adabas link routines to nucleus user exits. If the ADALNK has user exits, the addresses of the ACB and each buffer passed will be stored in this space. Also, if the ADALNK has declared LUSIZE and has user exits, this buffer size plus 64 bytes will also be stored in this space.

If the multifetch/prefetch option or a utility that needs large record/ISN buffers is to be used during the session, the setting of LU must be large enough to contain the buffers needed.

If you are using the ADARPD IQETBBROKERID NET communication (used with Event Replicator for Adabas), make sure that the webMethods EntireX Broker NET definition parameter IUBL is set to a value as large as the setting of this LU ADARUN parameter.


  1. An error occurs if the LU parameter specifies a value greater than the byte count implied by the NAB (number of attached buffers) parameter. On z/OS systems, LU cannot exceed a value greater than that produced by the following calculation: (NABvalue x 4096); on z/VSE and BS2000 systems, LU cannot exceed a value greater than that produced by the following calculation: (NABvalue x 4096) – 256. For more information about the NAB parameter, read NAB: Number of Attached Buffers, in Adabas Operations Manual.
  2. Due to the length of the record buffer of the utilities that need the nucleus, e.g., ADAULD, the default value is set to 65,535. If the value of LU is less than 65,535 for an Adabas session, a response code will occur when such a utility is running.

The LU parameter syntax is:

LU={ n | 65535 }

Specific Product Recommendations

  • For Event Replicator Server databases running with Adabas 8, the LU parameter must be greater than or equal to 167,000.

    In addition, if data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Event Replicator Server, the Entire Net-Work LU parameter must be greater than or equal to the LU parameter setting for the Event Replicator Server itself (greater than or equal to 167,000).

  • The ADACHK utility can use large record buffer lengths when making nucleus calls to verify spanned Data Storage records or an index structure with many levels. If this is the case, the settings of your LU and NAB ADARUN parameters may need to be increased.

  • For an Adabas nucleus running with the ADARUN REPLICATION=YES parameter, ensure the LU ADARUN parameter is set to a value greater than or equal to 70000.

  • For an Adabas Audit Server, the LU parameter must be greater than or equal to 167,000.

    In addition, if audit data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Adabas Audit Server, the Entire Net-Work LU parameter must be greater than or equal to the LU parameter setting for the Adabas Audit Server itself (greater than or equal to 167,000).


The following example runs the Adabas nucleus with an Adabas intermediate user buffer area of 20,000 bytes.


LWP Parameter: Length of Adabas Work Pool

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LWP the size of the Adabas work pool. 80000 but not less than NT * 25000 2147483647 150000

The LWP (work pool length) parameter value must be equal to or greater than the LS (internal sort area length) value plus its minimum value (19968) multiplied by 2; that is, (LS + 19968) * 2.

The Adabas work pool area is used to store the following:

  • descriptor value tables (DVT);

  • intermediate user buffer areas (see parameter LU);

  • sort work space areas (see parameter LS);

  • work space during session and command execution.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the work pool space is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session. If expanded files are being used, the LWP value may need to be increased above the normal setting.

Specific Product Recommendations

If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example runs the Adabas nucleus with a work pool of 900000 bytes.


MLWTO Parameter: Multi-Line Console Message Control

At this time, this parameter only affects the appearance of replication-related and cluster-related messages (messages with prefixes ADAF*, ADAX*, PLI*, and PLX*).

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
MLWTO Whether multi-line messages that are normally written to the operator console as a series of single-line write-to-operator (WTO) messages should instead appear as multi-line WTO messages. YES | NO NO

To activate multi-line console messages, set MLWTO to YES in the nucleus startup job. When MLWTO is set to NO (or is allowed to default), no multi-line console messages will appear.

Multi-line console messages are only supported in z/OS and z/VSE environments. Specifying MLWTO=YES in BS2000 environments has no effect on the console messages.



NAB Parameter: Number of Attached Buffers

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NAB the number of attached buffers to be used. 1 varies, depending on the amount of available virtual storage 16

The NAB parameter defines the number of attached buffers to be used during the session. An attached buffer is an internal buffer used for interregion communication. It is required in all environments. Adabas allocates an attached buffer pool with a size equal to the value of NAB multiplied by 4096 bytes.

The allocation for buffers in the attached buffer pool is done in 256 byte slots; this means that each allocation is rounded to a multiple of 256. For example, if a size of 300 bytes is needed, the allocated space is 512 bytes.

You may specify as many attached buffers as fit into the available virtual storage.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the attached buffer pool space is allocated above the 16-MB line.

The NAB parameter syntax is:

NAB={ n | 16 }

Specific Product Recommendations

  • For Event Replicator Server databases, set parameter NAB to a value greater than or equal to: 41 * 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server.

    For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Event Replicator Server, set the NAB parameter greater than or equal to 410 (for example NAB=420).

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.

  • If data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Event Replicator Server, the Entire Net-Work NAB parameter must also be set to a value greater than or equal to: 41 * 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server.

  • Users of the Adabas Review hub should read Storage Requirements in the Adabas Review Concepts Manual for more information about the space requirements of the Command Queue for Adabas Review.

  • The ADACHK utility can use large record buffer lengths when making nucleus calls to verify spanned Data Storage records or an index structure with many levels. If this is the case, the settings of your LU and NAB ADARUN parameters may need to be increased.

  • For an Adabas Audit Server, set parameter NAB to a value greater than or equal to:

    41 * 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Adabas-Audit-Server

    For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Adabas Audit Server, set the NAB parameter greater than or equal to 410 (e.g. NAB=420).

    If data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Adabas Audit Server, the Entire Net-Work NAB parameter must also be set to a value greater than or equal to:

    41 * 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Adabas-Audit-Server


The following example runs the Adabas Review hub nucleus with 50 attached buffers.


NC Parameter: Number of Command Queue Elements

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NC the maximum number of command queue elements. 20 32767 200

The number of command queue elements (CQEs) established for the Adabas or Review hub session determines the maximum number of Adabas commands that may be queued or be in process at any one time during the session.

Each call from the Adabas nucleus is assigned a CQE. The CQE is released when the user receives the results of the command, the Adabas Review hub has processed the command, or the user has been timed out..

192 bytes are required for each CQE.

Software AG recommends that you set NC high enough to allow one command per active user for possible synchronization during execution of the online SAVE database function of the ADASAV utility.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session.

For more information about the space requirements of the Command Queue for Adabas Review, refer to Storage Requirements in the Adabas Review Concepts Manual.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • For Event Replicator Server databases, set parameter NC to a value greater than or equal to: 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server. For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Event Replicator Server, set the NC parameter greater than or equal to 10 (for example NC=20).

  • If data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Event Replicator Server, the Entire Net-Work NC parameter must also be set to a value greater than or equal to: 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.

  • For an Adabas Audit Server, set parameter NC to a value greater than or equal to:

    10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Adabas-Audit-Server

    For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Adabas Audit Server, set the NC parameter greater than or equal to 10 (e.g. NC=20).

    If data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Adabas Audit Server, the Entire Net-Work NC parameter must also be set to a value greater than or equal to:

    10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Adabas-Audit-Server


Run the Adabas nucleus with a maximum of 500 elements in the command queue.


The following example runs the Adabas Review hub nucleus with a maximum of 500 elements in the command queue.


NH Parameter: Number of Hold Queue Elements

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NH the maximum number of hold queue elements. 20 16777215 500

One hold queue element is required for each record (ISN) placed in hold status. A hold queue element is released when the record is released from hold status.

The hold queue is normally used to hold ISNs for the duration of a transaction. Therefore NH should be large enough to contain at least the average number of ISNs held per transaction multiplied by the maximum number of transactions running in parallel.

One hold queue element takes 52 bytes of storage. In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the hold queue is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

Each shared hold request with a different command ID (CID), as well as a (shared or exclusive) hold request without a CID, is counted against the NH limit.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example runs the Adabas nucleus with a maximum of 2000 elements in the hold queue.


NISNHQ Parameter: Number of ISNs in Hold Queue per User

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NISNHQ the maximum number of records that can be placed in hold status at the same time by one user. 1 16777215 (NH parameter maximum) (NH / NU) * 2 or 20, whichever is larger

NISNHQ determines the maximum number of held ISNs the hold queue (see the NH parameter description) can contain from one user. The maximum value allowed for this parameter is the value set for the NH ADARUN parameter (which has a maximum value of 16777215). The default is the greater of either 20 or the number of ISNs the hold queue can contain divided by the number of users, multiplied by two.

A user who attempts to place more records in hold status than permitted receives response code 47 (ADARSP047), subcode 1.

Each shared hold request with a different command ID (CID), as well as a (shared or exclusive) hold request without a CID, is counted against the NISNHQ limit.

Specific Product Recommendations

Consider adjusting the value of this parameter when the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, causing replication data to be written and read from the SLOG file.

Overriding the Parameter Setting

You can override this parameter setting for an individual user by specifying a different value in the Adabas control block for an OP command. See the discussion of the OP command in the Adabas Command Reference Guide.


In the following example, the maximum number of records that may be in hold status for a single user is set at 100.


In the following example, NISNHQ is not specified. The maximum number of records that may be in hold status for a single user is 80 (the NISNHQ default of (NH / NU) * 2, which is greater than the alternative default of 20).


NT Parameter: Number of Threads

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NT the number of user threads to be used during the Adabas session. 4 250 5

A thread is used to execute a single command for any user (access or update). Each thread requires 8192 bytes.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the threads are allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session.

For Event Replicator Server databases, this parameter must be greater than or equal to 15.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • For Event Replicator Server databases, the NT parameter must be greater than or equal to 15.

  • If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.

  • For an Adabas Audit Server, the NT parameter must be greater than or equal to 15.


The following example runs the Adabas nucleus with six (6) user threads.


NU Parameter: Number of User Queue Elements

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NU the maximum number of user queue elements. 20 16777215 200

Adabas assigns a user queue element (UQE) to each active user when the user issues an OP command or (if the user did not issue an OP command) the first Adabas command.

Adabas releases the UQE when the user issues a CL command or when there is a timeout for an ET logic user who did not specify a restart ID in the control block (Additions 1 field) for the OP command.

Currently, 272 * (NU + 4) bytes are allocated to the user queue. The length of each UQE is 288 bytes.

In environments running in 31-bit addressing mode, the user queue is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.

Because each user's file list can be a different size, the number of users who can be active at the same time may be less than the NU value. Therefore, you may need to specify an NU value that is greater than the maximum number of users desired.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session.

Specific Product Recommendations

If the Event Replicator Server is set to support updates by multiple concurrent users to Adabas targets (when the NPADACALLS initialization parameter is set to any value greater than "1"), consider adjusting the value of this parameter in the target Adabas nucleus to ensure the target nucleus can handle updates from multiple concurrent users.


The following example runs the Adabas nucleus with a maximum of 500 elements in the user queue.


REPLICATION Parameter: Replication Control

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
REPLICATION Whether to activate replication for the Adabas nucleus. YES | NO NO

Valid values are described in the following table.

Value Meaning
YES Activate replication for the Adabas nucleus.

The default setting. Do not activate replication for the Adabas nucleus.

When REPLICATION=NO is specified and there are replicated files on the database, replication will be turned off for all replicated files. A message is issued during nucleus initialization indicating which files were defined with replication.

The REPLICATION parameter should not be specified for the Event Replicator Server. REPLICATION=NO must be explicitly specified if:

  • You want to start the Adabas nucleus without replication active, and

  • REPLICATION=YES was specified in the previous Adabas nucleus session, and

  • Replication has been defined for one or more files on the database.

REPLICATION=NO must be explicitly specified for utility execution if:

  • A utility requiring an active nucleus is executed with MODE=SINGLE, and

  • REPLICATION=YES was specified in the previous Adabas nucleus session, and

  • Replication has been defined for one or more files on the database.

The replication pool will be allocated in 64-bit virtual storage when an Adabas nucleus runs with ADARUN parameters REPLICATION=YES and V64BIT=YES.


The following example activates replication for an Adabas session.


RPLCONNECTCOUNT Parameter: Replication Connection Attempt Count

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPLCONNECTCOUNT the number of connection attempts made for the Adabas or Event Replicator Server nucleus after an attempt fails with an unexpected response code. 0 - 2147483647 0

A value of zero indicates that no connection attempts should occur; a value of zero makes the most sense in situations where the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server execute together on the same logical partition (LPAR). If the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server execute on different LPARs, however, setting a real value using this command helps avoid errors that might arise if network problems occur because the network is not started or a network connection between the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server is lost.

RPLCONNECTINTERVAL Parameter: Replication Connection Attempt Interval

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPLCONNECTINTERVAL the interval (in seconds) between connection attempts made for the Adabas or Event Replicator Server nucleus after an attempt fails with an unexpected response code. 0 - 2147483647 0

A value of zero indicates that no connection attempts should occur; a value of zero makes the most sense in situations where the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server execute together on the same logical partition (LPAR). If the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server execute on different LPARs, however, setting a real value using this command helps avoid errors that might arise if network problems occur because the network is not started or a network connection between the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server is lost.

RPLPARMS Parameter: Replication Parameter Location

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPLPARMS Where your replication definitions (initialization parameters) should be read from. BOTH | FILE |NONE | PARMS See below.

This parameter is only used when starting the Event Replicator database.

If the RPLPARMS parameter is not specified, the following logic is used to determine where to read the replication definitions:

  • If the Replicator system file is loaded on the Event Replicator database, the replication definitions are read from that file.

  • If the Replicator system file is not loaded on the Event Replicator database, the replication definitions are read from DDKARTE.

Valid values are described in the following table.

Value Meaning
BOTH The replication definitions are read first from the Replicator system file and secondly from DDKARTE. Separate entries are built for each and errors are generated if there are duplicate entries.
FILE The replication definitions are read from the Replicator system file, which is maintained using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem in Adabas Online System (AOS).
NONE No replication definitions are read. The Event Replicator Server will establish itself with a null set of replication definitions and will not communicate or handshake with related Adabas nuclei. This mode allows maintenance to occur to the Replicator system file, without the Event Replicator Server communicating with related Adabas nuclei.
PARMS The replication definitions are read from DDKARTE.

RPLSORT Parameter: Event Replicator for Adabas Transaction Data Sorting Control

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPLSORT Whether Event Replicator for Adabas transaction data sorting should occur or not. YES | NO YES

This parameter is only used for the Adabas database from which transactions will be replicated. It should not be used for the Event Replicator Server database.

By default (RPLSORT=YES), Event Replicator for Adabas sorts transaction data by a key consisting of the file number, ISN, and relative update number. If you do not want this sort to occur, specify RPLSORT=NO.

It is important to note that the RPLSORT setting will affect how the Event Replicator consolidates transaction modifications and the order in which they are replicated. When RPLSORT=YES, all modifications for a given ISN in a file are consolidated before replication occurs. For complete information on regular modification consolidation, read Detailed Adabas Nucleus Processing. When RPLSORT=NO is specified, the modifications are still consolidated, but their referential integrity is maintained. In other words, the chronological order of the updates is maintained for each ISN in a file.

If one or more source files with unique descriptors are replicated to an Adabas target file also with unique descriptors, you may need to run with RPLSORT set to "NO" to prevent an invalid response code198 (ADARSP198) from occurring when replicating the data.


For example, assume the following modifications occur, in the following order:

Insert File 77 ISN 80 Seq 1
Update File 77 ISN 80 Seq 2
Insert File 77 ISN 1010 Seq 3
Update File 77 ISN 80 Seq 4
Update File 77 ISN 1010 Seq 5

If RPLSORT=YES, these modifications are consolidated and replicated as follows:

Insert File 77 ISN 80 Seq 1 + Seq 2 + Seq 4
Insert File 77 ISN 1010 Seq 3 + Seq 5

If RPLSORT=NO, these modifications are consolidated and replicated as follows:

Insert File 77 ISN 80 Seq 1 + Seq 2 
Insert File 77 ISN 1010 Seq 3
Update File 77 ISN 80 Seq 4
Update File 77 ISN 1010 Seq 5

The end result is the same, regardless of whether RPLSORT is set to YES or NO, but multiple modifications to the same ISN in a file may be necessary when RPLSORT is set to NO.

RPWARNINCREMENT Parameter: Replication Pool Warning Message Interval

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPWARNINCREMENT The interval (in percent of LRPL usage) at which warning messages should be sent that indicate that the replication pool usage has exceeded the threshold set by the RPWARNPERCENT parameter. 1-99 10

This ADARUN parameter applies to both the Adabas and Event Replicator Server replication pools.

RPWARNINTERVAL Parameter: Replication Pool Usage Interval

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPWARNINTERVAL The interval, in seconds, during which replication pool usage warning messages are suppressed on the console. 1-2147483647 60

This ADARUN parameter applies to both the Adabas and Event Replicator Server replication pools.

When the number of replication pool usage warning messages sent to the console exceeds the limit specified by the RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT parameter, all such messages are suppressed for the interval of time specified by this parameter. When the interval specified by the RPWARNINTERVAL parameter has passed, warning messages resume.

This parameter, along with the RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT parameter, is provided to avoid flooding the console with replication pool usage warning messages.

RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT Parameter: Replication Pool Usage Warning Message Count

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT The number of replication pool usage warning messages that can be issued to the console before message suppression begins. 1-2147483647 5

This ADARUN parameter applies to both the Adabas and Event Replicator Server replication pools.

When the threshold specified by this parameter is reached, all replication pool usage warning messages are suppressed until the message interval specified by the RPWARNINTERVAL parameter has passed.

This parameter, along with the RPWARNINTERVAL parameter, is provided to avoid flooding the console with replication pool usage warning messages.

RPWARNPERCENT Parameter: Replication Pool Usage Threshold

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
RPWARNPERCENT The threshold for replication pool usage (expressed as a percentage of LRPL) at which warning messages should be sent. If "0" is specified or taken as the default there are no warning messages 0-99 0

This ADARUN parameter applies to both the Adabas and Event Replicator Server replication pools.

The usage level should be expressed as a percentage. Warning messages will be printed when usage of the replication pool exceeds this percentage (threshold).

V64BIT Parameter: 64-Bit Virtual Storage Option

This parameter is applicable only to z/OS and z/VSE systems.

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
V64bit whether or not the Adabas nucleus should use virtual storage above the two gigabyte bar (64-bit virtual storage). In order for the nucleus to use 64-bit virtual storage, the operating system must also support 64-bit virtual storage. YES | NO NO

This parameter indicates whether or not the Adabas nucleus should use 64-bit virtual storage. The default is NO.

Currently, the following storage areas will be allocated above the two gigabyte bar in an Adabas nucleus:

  • The flush I/O pool (see ADARUN parameter LFIOP)

  • The PLOG protection I/O buffers (see ADARUN parameter NPLOGBUFFERS)

  • The Work part 1 protection I/O buffers (see ADARUN parameter NWORK1BUFFERS)

  • The cast-out directory buffer, in cluster environments (automatically derived from the attributes of the global cache space for Adabas Cluster or Adabas Parallel Services).

The use of 64-bit virtual storage will help alleviate virtual storage constraints below the two gigabyte bar in installations that use large amounts of virtual storage in Adabas nucleus sessions (for example, nucleus sessions with ADARUN parameter settings of LBP=1200M and LFIOP=200M).

Value Meaning
YES The Adabas nucleus will use 64-bit virtual storage (storage above the two gigabyte bar).
NO The default setting. The Adabas nucleus will not use 64-bit virtual storage.

Users in z/OS environments should note that virtual storage above the two gigabyte bar (64-bit virtual storage) is shown in dumps to SVCDUMP or SYSMDUMP but not in dumps to MPMDUMP, SYSABEND, or SYSUDUMP. Therefore, we recommend that you use the SVCDUMP in the JCL of an Adabas nucleus running with ADARUN V64BIT=YES to ensure that 64-bit virtual storage is shown in any SVC dumps that are produced. If, for some reason, you do not want to produce SVC dumps, we recommend that you use SYSMDUMP to ensure 64-bit virtual storage is shown in a dump of the Adabas nucleus address space.

Specific Product Recommendations

  • The replication pool will be allocated in 64-bit virtual storage when an Adabas nucleus runs with ADARUN parameters REPLICATION=YES and V64BIT=YES.

  • The replication pool will be allocated in 64-bit virtual storage when the Event Replicator Server runs with ADARUN V64BIT=YES parameter.

  • The Auditing pool (LAP) will be allocated in 64-bit virtual storage when an Adabas nucleus runs with ADARUN parameters AUDITING=YES and V64BIT=YES.


The following example indicates that the Adabas nucleus will make use of virtual storage above the two-gigabyte bar and should use 1M large pages.


ZIIP Parameter: Activate Usage of Adabas for zIIP

This parameter is valid for z/OS operating environments only.

The ZIIP parameter controls whether Adabas activates Adabas for zIIP (AZPAD).

Adabas for zIIP requires its own license file (AZPAD), in addition to the standard Adabas license file. If the AZPAD license file is missing or found invalid, Adabas will start but will run as if ZIIP=NO had been specified.

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
ZIIP whether or not to activate Adabas for zIIP. YES | NO NO
Value Meaning
YES Usage of Adabas for zIIP is enabled. Adabas offloads CPU time from the general processors to System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP). The purpose of this configuration is to reduce the CPU consumption on the general processors.
NO The default setting. Usage of Adabas for zIIP is disabled. Adabas runs without the option to offload CPU time to zIIPs.

Dynamic Modification

If Adabas was started with ZIIP=YES, the setting of the ZIIP parameter can be changed at runtime - that is, set to NO and subsequently back to YES - using the from the operator console, the ZIIP function, or the Modify Parameters menu of Adabas Online System.

If Adabas was started with ZIIP=NO, the setting of the ZIIP parameter cannot be changed to YES later in this session.

ZIIP may be set differently for different nuclei in a cluster (it is a local, modifiable parameter).

Specific Product Recommendations

  • Event Replicator Server databases and Adabas nuclei running with ADARUN REPLICATION=YES support the use of Adabas for zIIP subject to the availability of the appropriate license file (AZPAD).

  • The Adabas Audit Server and Adabas nuclei running with ADARUN AUDITING=YES support the use of Adabas for zIIP subject to the availability of the appropriate license file (AZPAD).


The following example activates the use of Adabas for zIIP.


Other ADARUN Settings

In addition to the new ADARUN parameters described above, the following ADARUN parameter settings are required in the Event Replicator Server to support the Event Replicator for Adabas:

  • When the Event Replicator Server runs with Adabas 8, the LU parameter must be greater than or equal to 167,000.

  • Set parameter NAB to a value greater than or equal to:

    41 * 10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server

    For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Event Replicator Server, set the NAB parameter greater than or equal to 410 (for example NAB=420).

  • Set parameter NC to a value greater than or equal to:

    10 * the-number-of-Adabas-nuclei-sending-data-to-the-Event-Replicator-Server

    For example, if one Adabas nucleus will be sending data to the Event Replicator Server, set the NC parameter greater than or equal to 10 (for example NC=20).

  • The NT parameter must be greater than or equal to 15.

  • When the SLOG file is defined for use on the Event Replicator Server, replication data may be written and read from the SLOG file. With this in mind, consider the values set for the following ADARUN performance and tuning parameters: ASYTVS, FMXIO, LBP, LDEUQP, LFIOP, LP, NH, NISNHQ.


  1. If data is sent through Entire Net-Work from one or more Adabas nuclei to an Event Replicator Server, the Entire Net-Work parameters LU , NAB , and NC must also be set as described above.
  2. If NPADACALLS is set to a value greater than "1", you should make sure that the following ADARUN parameters are set appropriately for the target Adabas nucleus, ensuring the target nucleus can handle updates by multiple concurrent users: LBP , LDEUQP , LFIOP , LFP , LP , LWP , NAB , NC , NH , NT , and NU .