ADALOD Utility Replication Functions

Several ADALOD LOAD parameters can be specified for the Adabas database and for the Event Replicator Server when using replication. These are described in this document. In addition, the ADALOD UPDATE RPLLOAD parameter can be specified for the Adabas database files when using replication.

This document covers the following topics:

ADALOD LOAD Parameters for the Adabas Database

Several ADALOD LOAD parameters can be specified for the Adabas database files when using replication. The replication-related parameters are only allowed for ADALOD LOAD if replication is already turned on for a database. These are described in this section:

The version of Event Replicator specified in an ADALOD LOAD or UPDATE utility job that specifies RPLLOAD=YES must match the version of Event Replicator used by the Event Replicator Server. In addition, the Adabas version used by the Event Replicator Server must be greater than or equal to the Adabas version used in an ADALOD LOAD or UPDATE utility job that specifies RPLLOAD=YES.

RPLDSBI: Before Image for Data Storage

The RPLDSBI parameter turns on the collection of before images of data storage during an update command to the file. Parameter RPLDSBI may only be specified if the RPLTARGETID parameter is also specified. Specify RPLDSBI to turn on the collection of data storage before images during an update. For more information about how this setting is used in Adabas database processing during replication, read Adabas Nucleus Replication Setup and Detailed Adabas Nucleus Processing.

The RPLDSBI parameter may not be specified in the same ADALOD LOAD run as the REPLICATOR parameter.

RPLERRORDEACTFILE: Deactivate Replication for File on Error


Use the RPLERRORDEACTFILE parameter to deactivate replication for the file for which replication errors occurred during ADALOD LOAD processing. RPLERRODEACTFILE controls ADALOD LOAD behavior for replication initialization errors as well as other replication errors (in contrast with the RPLINITERROR parameter which affects ADALOD LOAD behavior only for replication initialization errors).

The RPLERRORDEACTFILE parameter can only be specified if the RPLLOAD parameter is set to "YES" or "FILE".

Valid settings for RPLERRORDEACTFILE are "YES" and "NO":

  • Specifying "YES" indicates that replication for the file should be deactivated when a replication error occurs.

  • Specifying "NO" (the default) indicates that replication for the file should not be deactivated.

    If you elect to have ADALOD LOAD continue its processing after a replication error, you are also responsible for recovering your environment appropriately.

Once replication is deactivated for a file it can only be reactivated using Adabas Online System (AOS) or the ADADBS utility.

RPLINITERROR: Replication Control on Error


Use the RPLINITERROR parameter to indicate whether ADALOD processing should continue if replication initialization errors occur.

The RPLINITERROR parameter can only be specified if the RPLLOAD parameter is set to "YES" or "FILE".

Valid settings for RPLINITERROR are "FAIL" and "CONTINUE":

  • Specifying "FAIL" (the default) indicates that ADALOD processing should fail if a replication initialization error occurs. This is the how ADALOD LOAD works now, before the enhancement described in this enhancement preview is applied.

  • Specifying "CONTINUE" indicates that ADALOD LOAD processing should continue if a replication initialization error occurs.

    If you elect to have ADALOD LOAD continue its processing after a replication error, you are also responsible for recovering your environment appropriately.

RPLKEY: Primary Key for Replication

The RPLKEY parameter specifies the primary key for replication. This parameter may only be specified if the RPLTARGETID parameter is also specified. The format is RPLKEY='primary-key-for-replication'. For more information about how this primary key is used in Adabas database processing during replication, read Adabas Nucleus Replication Setup and Detailed Adabas Nucleus Processing.

The RPLKEY parameter may not be specified in the same ADALOD LOAD run as the REPLICATOR parameter.

RPLLOAD: Replicate Load Data

The ADALOD LOAD RPLLOAD parameter can be specified for the Adabas database files when using replication. It is only allowed for ADALOD LOAD if replication is already turned on for a database.

The version of Event Replicator specified in an ADALOD LOAD utility job that specifies RPLLOAD=YES must match the version of Event Replicator used by the Event Replicator Server. In addition, the Adabas version used by the Event Replicator Server must be greater than or equal to the Adabas version used in an ADALOD LOAD utility job that specifies RPLLOAD=YES.

The RPLLOAD parameter indicates whether or not data, and possibly the FCB/FDT, loaded to the Adabas database via the ADALOD LOAD utility will be replicated to the Event Replicator Server. Valid values are "YES", "FILE", and "NO"; the default is "NO":

  • When RPLLOAD=YES is specified, ADALOD LOAD replicates data to the Event Replicator Server that it loads to the Adabas database.

  • When RPLLOAD=FILE is specified, ADALOD LOAD replicates the FCB/FDT and data to the Event Replicator Server. When the data is replicated to an Adabas destination, the file is first allocated on the target database. The DESTINATION parameters DREPLICATEUTI for the target destination and DAREPLICATEUTI for the target file must be set to YES to use this option.

  • When RPLLOAD=NO is specified, ADALOD LOAD does not replicate its load data to the Event Replicator Server.

If ADALOD LOAD ends abnormally (due to insufficient space, for example), updates made to the file before the abnormal ending cannot be backed out; there is no automated recovery for the updated data or for the replicated data. Software AG therefore recommends that you perform an ADASAV SAVE on the file before you run ADALOD LOAD.

The ADALOD LOAD RPLLOAD parameter may not be set for a file with spanned DS record support.

RPLTARGETID: Replication Target ID

The RPLTARGETID parameter specifies the Event Replicator target ID used when the Adabas file data is replicated. The format is RPLTARGETID='reptor-target-id'.

The RPLTARGETID parameter may not be specified in the same ADALOD LOAD as the REPLICATOR parameter. For more information about how this target ID is used in Adabas database processing during replication, read Adabas Nucleus Replication Setup.

Replication may not be turned on for an Adabas system file or a ciphered file.

RPLUPDATEONLY: Allow Only Event Replicator Processing Updates

The RPLUPDATEONLY parameter can be used in the ADALOD LOAD function to indicate whether an Adabas database file may be updated only by the Event Replicator Server as part of Adabas-to-Adabas replication or by other means as well. This parameter is optional. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". A value of "YES" indicates that the file can only be updated via Event Replicator processing; a value of NO indicates that the file can be updated by any normal means, including Event Replicator processing.

If the file is a new file, the default for this parameter is "NO".

However, if the file specified in the ADALOD LOAD function is an existing file, there is no default for this parameter. If no value is specified for the RPLUPDATEONLY parameter in the ADALOD LOAD function for an existing file, the value used previously for the file is used.



ADALOD LOAD Parameters for the Event Replicator Server

Several ADALOD LOAD parameters can be specified for the Event Replicator Server when using replication. These are described in this section:

User application files should not be loaded on the Event Replicator Server.

REPLICATOR: Load an Adabas Replicator System File

The REPLICATOR parameter is a file type parameter. Use this parameter to load the Replicator system file into the Event Replicator Server.

The Replicator system file stores the Event Replicator initialization parameters. When it is loaded into the Event Replicator Server, it can be read during Event Replicator Server startup. You can modify the initialization parameters in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. If the Replicator system file cannot be found at startup, the Event Replicator initialization parameters are read from the DDKARTE statements of the Event Replicator Server startup job.

The REPLICATOR parameter may not be specified when loading a file on a database that is not an Event Replicator Server. The contents of DD/EBAND are ignored when loading a Replicator system file. For more information about Adabas system files, read about the FILE parameter of the ADALOD LOAD function in your Adabas utilities documentation.

The REPLICATOR parameter may not be specified in the same ADALOD LOAD as the RPLTARGETID, RPLKEY, and, RPLDSBI parameters.

SLOG: Load an Adabas SLOG File

The SLOG parameter is a file type parameter. Use this parameter to load the SLOG system file into the Event Replicator Server.

An SLOG file is an Adabas system file used only by the Event Replicator Server to store subscription logging data. The SLOG parameter may not be specified when loading a file on a database that is not an Event Replicator Server. The contents of DD/EBAND are ignored when loading an SLOG file.






The ADALOD UPDATE RPLLOAD parameter can be specified for the Adabas database files when using replication. It is only allowed for ADALOD UPDATE if replication is already turned on for a database.

The version of Event Replicator specified in an ADALOD UPDATE utility job that specifies RPLLOAD=YES must match the version of Event Replicator used by the Event Replicator Server. In addition, the Adabas version used by the Event Replicator Server must be greater than or equal to the Adabas version used in an ADALOD UPDATE utility job that specifies RPLLOAD=YES.

The RPLLOAD parameter indicates whether or not inserts and deletes to the Adabas database via the ADALOD UPDATE utility will be replicated to the Event Replicator Server. Valid values are "YES" and "NO"; the default is "NO".

When RPLLOAD=YES is specified, ADALOD UPDATE inserts and deletes to the Adabas database will be replicated to the Event Replicator Server. When RPLLOAD=NO is specified, ADALOD UPDATE inserts and deletes are not replicated.

If ADALOD UPDATE ends abnormally (due to insufficient space, for example), updates made to the file before the abnormal ending cannot be backed out; there is no automated recovery for the updated data or for the replicated data. Software AG therefore recommends that you perform an ADASAV SAVE on the file before you run ADALOD UPDATE.