Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Using Event Replicator Administration  —

Maintaining Initial-State Definitions

An initial-state definition defines an initial-state request for data from the target application. Initial-state definitions identify the subscription, destination, and specific Adabas files to use in an Event Replicator for Adabas run; at least one subscription, destination, or file must be specified.

Initial-state data can contain any subset of the data on the Adabas database, based on the specifications in the initial-state definition and parameters supplied in the initial-state request. Records can be selected for initial-state processing in one of the following manners:

Each replicated initial-state record contains the related data storage after image. No before image is replicated for an initial-state record.

This document covers the following topics:

In addition, you can populate a database with initial-state data using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem or from a client application. For more information on populating a database with initial-state data from the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem, read Populating a Database With Initial-State Data, in Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem User's Guide. For more information on populating a database with initial-state data from a client application, read Event Replicator Client Requests, in Event Replicator for Adabas Programmer's Reference Guide.

Listing Initial-State Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to list the initial-state definitions stored in the Replicator system file:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Replication Definitions in tree-view under the selected database.

  3. Click on Initial States in the tree-view under Replication Definitions.

    A table listing the initial-state definitions in the Replicator system file appears in detail-view.

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Adding Initial-State Definitions

This section describes the steps you must complete to use Event Replicator Administration to add an initial-state definition to the Replicator system file:

Step 1. Access the Initial-State Definition Area of Event Replicator Administration

Start of instruction setTo access the initial-state definition area of Event Replicator Administration:

  1. List the initial-state definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Initial-State Definitions.

    The initial-state definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Right-click on Initial States in the tree-view under Replication Definitions.

    A drop-down menu appears.

  3. Click on Create New Initial-State in the drop-down menu.

    A blank Initial State panel appears in detail-view.

Step 2. Supply a Name and the Number of Concurrent Initial-State Requests Possible for the Initial-State Definition

Start of instruction setTo supply a name and the number of concurrent initial-state requests possible for the initial-state definition:

  1. In the table on the blank Initial State panel, use the Value columns to supply values for the following parameters:

    Parameter Name Description Default Value
    Initial State Name (NAME) Specify a unique name for the initial-state definition. The name must use alphanumeric characters and be between one and 8 characters long. ---
    Number of Concurrent Initial State Requests (IMAXREQ) Specify the number of concurrent initial-state requests that can occur in a given instance of this initial-state definition. Valid values range from 1 to 2,147,483,647. This is the same as specifying the IMAXREQ parameter directly in the Event Replicator Server startup job. 1

    The Initial State Destinations, Initial State Subscriptions, and Initial State Files parameters are not available immediately. These must be set by modifying the initial-state definition after it is created.

  2. Click OK to add the initial-state definition to the Replicator system file.

Step 3. Select Destinations, Subscriptions, and Files for the Initial-State Definition

At least one subscription, destination, or file must be specified for an initial-state definition; all three may be specified, but at least one must be.

When one or more DBID/file combinations are specified in an initial-state definition, and one or more destinations or subscriptions are also defined, the initial-state data for the specified DBID/files are sent only to the specified destinations or as described by the specified subscriptions. In other words, delivery of the initial-state data in the files is restricted by the destination and subscription definitions. If no DBID/file combinations are specified in the initial-state definition, the specified destination and subscription definitions are used to construct a list of related DBID/files that should be used for the run.

This step describes how to:

Select Destinations for the Initial-State Definition

Start of instruction setTo select destination definitions for the initial-state definition:

The destination definitions must be previously defined.

  1. Click Modify to modify the initial-state definition.

    The Initial State panel refreshes, allowing you to specify destinations, subscriptions, and files for the initial-state definition.

  2. Click on the check mark in the Value column for the Initial State Destinations parameter (IDESTINATION parameter) .

    The Destination List selection panel appears and allows you to select (and remove) destinations for the replicated data that will be generated by this initial-state request. The destination definitions must be previously defined.

  3. Select and remove destination definitions in the table on the Destination List panel:

  4. When the destinations appear correctly in the two tables of the Destination List selection panel, click OK to approve the selections. The Initial State panel appears again in detail-view.

Select Subscriptions for the Initial-State Definition

Start of instruction setTo select subscription definitions for the initial-state definition:

The subscription definitions must be previously defined.

  1. Click Modify to modify the initial-state definition.

    The Initial State panel refreshes, allowing you to specify destinations, subscriptions, and files for the initial-state definition.

  2. Click on the check mark in the Value column for the Initial State Subscriptions parameter (ISUBSCRIPTION parameter) .

    The Subscription List selection panel appears and allows you to select (and remove) subscriptions for the replicated data that will be generated by this initial-state request. The subscription definition must be previously defined.

  3. Select and remove subscription definitions in the table on the Subscription List panel:

  4. When the subscriptions appear correctly in the two tables of the Subscription List selection panel, click OK to approve the selections. The Initial State panel appears again in detail-view.

Select Files for the Initial-State Definition

Start of instruction setTo select files for the initial-state definition:

  1. Click Modify to modify the initial-state definition.

    The Initial State panel refreshes, allowing you to specify destinations, subscriptions, and files for the initial-state definition.

  2. Click on the check mark in the Value column for the Initial State Files parameter (IDBID, IFILE, ISNLIST, and SELCRIT parameters ) .

    The IFILE List selection panel appears and allows you to select (and remove) database files for the replicated data that will be generated by this initial-state request.

  3. Select and remove database files on the IFILE List panel.

    To select a database file for the initial-state definition, click on the New button. A blank line appears. Supply the following information for the database file

    To delete a database file from the list, click the check box in the corresponding All column to select it and then click the Delete button.

  4. When the database files appear correctly in the table of the IFILE List selection panel, click OK to approve the selections. The Initial State panel appears again in detail-view.

Step 4. Save the Initial-State Definition

When all specifications have been made to your satisfaction, click OK to save the initial-state definition.

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Modifying Initial-State Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to modify an initial-state definition in the Replicator system file:

  1. List the initial-state definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Initial-State Definitions.

    The initial-state definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Locate the definition you want to modify in the table in detail-view and click on it.

    The Initial State panel appears in detail-view listing the current settings for the initial-state definition you selected.

  3. Click the Modify button.

    The initial-state parameters you can modify become editable in detail-view. For information on modifying these parameters, read the description of Adding Initial-State Definitions.

  4. When all modifications have been made, click OK to save the changes or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

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Copying Initial-State Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to copy an initial-state definition in the Replicator system file:

  1. List the initial-state definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Initial-State Definitions.

    The initial-state definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Locate the definition you want to copy in the table in detail-view and click on it.

    The Initial State panel appears in detail-view listing the current settings for the initial-state definition you selected.

  3. Click the Copy button.

    A copy of the initial-state definition is created and its parameter values appear in detail-view.

  4. Specify a new, unique name for the copy of the initial-state definition in the Value column for the Initial-State Name parameter.

  5. If you wish, modify any other parameters for the new copy in detail-view. For information on modifying the parameters, read the description of Adding Initial-State Definitions.

  6. When all modifications have been made, click OK to save the changes or click Cancel to cancel the copy.

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Deleting Initial-State Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to delete an initial-state definition in the Replicator system file:

  1. List the initial-state definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Initial-State Definitions.

    The initial-state definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Locate the definition you want to delete in the table in detail-view and click on it.

    The Initial State panel appears in detail-view listing the current settings for the initial-state definition you selected.

  3. Click the Delete button.

    A confirmation panel appears verifying that you want to delete the definition. If you click Yes (indicating that you do want to delete the definition), the definition is deleted. If you click No (indicating that you do not want to delete the definition), the definition is not deleted.

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