Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Using Event Replicator Administration  —

Refreshing Definitions

If your Event Replicator Server definitions are stored in a Replicator system file, you can refresh them on the Event Replicator Administration screens. You can:

Using the Event Replicator Administration screens, you cannot refresh all of the definitions of a specific type at one time. For example, while you can refresh a single subscription definition, you cannot refresh all subscription definitions at once using the Event Replicator Administration screens. To do this you would need to refresh all of the definitions in the Replicator system file -- regardless of definition type.

This is the same as running an RPLREFRESH command, except that you cannot refresh all of the definitions for a specific resource type. For more information about the RPLREFRESH command, read about the RPLREFRESH command in Event Replicator for Adabas Administration and Operations Guide provided with your Event Replicator Administration documentation.

This document covers the following topics:

Refreshing All Definitions

Start of instruction setTo refresh all of the definitions on the Event Replicator Administration screens:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Replication Definitions in tree-view under the selected database.

    A subset of the replication parameters and definitions appear in detail-view.

  3. At the bottom of the detail-view display, click the RPLREFRESH All button.

    All replication definitions stored in the Replicator system file are refreshed on the Event Replicator Administration screens.

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Refreshing Individual Definitions

Start of instruction setTo refresh an individual definition on the Event Replicator Administration screens:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Replication Definitions in tree-view under the selected database.

    Click and expand Active Parameters and then click and expand Replication in tree-view under the selected database.

  3. Click and expand the type of resource definition you are interested in refreshing. For example, if you are interested in refreshing an individual subscription definition, click and expand the Subscriptions list.

    A list of the definitions of the type you selected appears in detail-view.

  4. Locate the definition you want to refresh in the table in detail-view and click on it.

    The definition appears in detail-view listing the current settings for the definition you selected.

  5. At the bottom of the detail-view display, click the RPLREFRESH button.

    A confirmation panel appears verifying that you want to refresh the definition. If you click Yes (indicating that you do want to refresh the resource), the replication definition stored in the Replicator system file is used to refresh the Event Replicator Administration screen. If you click No (indicating that you do not want to refresh the resource), the replication definition is not refreshed.

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