Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Using Event Replicator Administration  —

Selecting Event Replicator Servers

Database entries listed in Event Replicator Administration are preceded by a stoplight icon:

Only active Event Replicator Servers can be selected for further review or update in Event Replicator Administration.

Start of instruction setTo select an Event Replicator Server to work with:

  1. Click and expand Adabas Manager v.r.s in tree-view, where v.r.s represents the version, release, and system maintenance level of the Adabas Manager installation.

  2. Click and expand Replicators in tree-view.

  3. Click on the database entry under Replicators in tree-view.

    Once a database is selected, the following property information about that database appears in detail-view:

    Property Description
    Database ID The number of the database.
    Database Name The name of the database.
    Database Version The version level of the Adabas database software.
    Database Load Date The date and time the database was loaded.
    Maximum Number of Files The maximum number of files permitted for the database.
    Number of Files Loaded The total number of files currently loaded in the database.
    Highest File Loaded The highest file number currently in use in the database.
    System File(s) The number of Adabas system files allocated to the database.
    Universal Encoding Support Indicates whether Universal Encoding Support (UES) is active or inactive for the database.
    Replication Server Indicates whether or not the database is an Event Replicator Server.
    Replication Server Version Identifies the version number of Event Replicator.
    Current Log Tape Number The number of the most recent data protection log tape for the database
    RABN Size Indicates whether 3- or 4-byte RABNs are being used for the database

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