Version 8.1.4
 —  DBA Tasks  —

Main Menu Functions

To enter the AOS demo version, log on to the Natural application SYSAOS and enter MENU at the NEXT prompt, if one appears.

If the full version AOS is installed on your system, enter MENU instead. See the Adabas Online System documentation for more information.

14:40:37          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2002-05-29
                               -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             *    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              *    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit

The Main Menu displays the functions available with Adabas Online System. AOS functions that are not not available with the demo version are marked with an asterisk (*) on the screen.

From the Main Menu, you can access available "Basic Services" functions or one of the "Other Services" installed on your system. Other services installed at your site are highlighted.

The Main Menu indicates the main DBA tasks in the demo version:

Code Function
A Session monitoring allows you to display nucleus parameters, session and thread status information, ISNs in the hold queue, and maintenance levels for nucleus modules
C Checkpoint maintenance allows you to list checkpoint information
F File maintenance allows you to define a new FDT for a new file
M Database maintenance is not active for the demo version
O Session opercoms allows you to add or delete PIN modules used by the extended error recovery facilities; display currently loaded PIN routines and activate or deactivate them, display locked files, and terminate a session normally (ADAEND)
R Database report allows you to view general database layout information, tables of database files, and detailed information for any file

Subsequent sections in this chapter describe the major functions of the AOS demo version and menu/screen structures in the order that they appear on the Main Menu.

This document covers the following topics:

Specifying the AOS Demo Version Database

The database on which the AOS demo version is installed becomes the default database for demo version functions. However, you can specify the database of any active Adabas nucleus session. Subsequent AOS demo version functions refer to that database until you specify another database or exit the AOS demo version.

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Using Program Function (PF) Keys

Available PF keys and their functions are listed at the bottom of each screen. The following program function (PF) keys appear on all screens within the AOS demo version; other navigation keys appear on some screens:

PF1 Help
PF3 Exit to previous screen
PF12 Return to the Main Menu

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Selecting a Menu Option

To select a function or option, enter the option code in the Code field.

Selecting a Main Menu function displays a menu of choices for that function.

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Getting Help

From any AOS demo version menu, you can use PF1 to display a brief comment about the current menu. See Using Program Function (PF) Keys .

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AOS Demo Version Messages

The AOS demo version issues a message confirming each completed function. If an error occurs, a message appears containing a reference number and describing the error.

Before analyzing an error, try reviewing the help information (PF1) for the last step you performed to see if any requirements were overlooked; then retry the operation.

Response code 22 is returned if the Adabas session is terminated and restarted while the AOS demo version is active. In this case, the application should be stopped and restarted.

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