Version 8.1.4
 —  DBA Tasks  —

System Operator Command Functions

Selecting Session opercoms (option O) from the Main Menu displays the following menu:

14:43:03          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2002-05-29
                             -  Session Opercoms  -                 PACI002   
 Code  Service                           Code  Service                        
 ----  ------------------------------    ----  ------------------------------ 
  *    Allocate/Deallocate CLOG/PLOG      S    Stop user(s)                   
  E    Extended Error Recovery            T    Termination Commands           
  *    Force Dual CLOG or PLOG switch     *    Manage Online Utilities        
  L    Lock or unlock files               *    User Table Maintenance         
  *    Reset ONLINE-DUMP-Status                                               
  ?    Help                                                                   
  .    Exit                                                                   
 ----  ------------------------------    ----  ------------------------------ 
       Code ........... _                                                     
       Userid(ETID) ... ________                                              
       CLOG/PLOG Ind .. _       Global.. _                                    
       Database ID .... 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1022            
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu

The following functions are available to the AOS demo version:

Code Function
E Add or delete PIN modules used by the extended error recovery facilities; display, activate or deactivate current PIN routines
L Display locked files
S Stop a specific user, all users of a specific file or job, or all inactive users
T Terminate a session normally (ADAEND)

This document covers the following topics:

Extended Error Recovery

Selecting option E (extended error recovery) from the Session Opercoms menu displays the Extended Error Recovery menu:

14:44:35         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-05-12
                            -  Extended Error Recovery  -             DPACIE2

                     Code    Service
                     ----    ----------------------------------
                      *      Display message buffer
                      *      Display/modify environment
                      *      Display/modify Exit routines
                      M      Add/Delete PIN modules
                      P      Display/modify PIN routines
                      *      Refresh threshold and alert exits
                      *      SNAP a nucleus dump
                      ?      Help
                      .      Exit
                   ------    ----------------------------------

     Code ........... _
     Start Address ..            End Address ...
     Database ID .... 823    (RD-CK-823)

   Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

From this menu you can

Add / Delete PIN Modules

Selecting option M (add/delete PIN modules) from the Extended Error Recovery menu displays a list of currently available PIN modules:

13:42:45         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-06-18
  DBID 823                 - Add/Delete PIN Modules -                PACIEM2

 Mark entries with 'A' to Add or 'D' to Delete:

           M   Module    Description                      Message
           -   --------  ------------------------------   -------
           _   ADAMXY    Standard Nucleus PIN Routines
               PINAAF    SAF Security
               PINAFP    Adabas Fastpath
               PINATM    Adabas Transaction Manager
               PINAVI    Adabas Vista
           _   PINRSP    Adabas Response Code Handler
           _   PINUES    Universal Encoding Support

To load a PIN module into memory, enter `A' in the M column next to the module name.

This command is successful only if the exit module exists in a library accessible to the Adabas nucleus.

To remove a PIN module from memory, enter a `D' in the M column next to the module name.

When deleting a PIN module from memory, all related PIN routines are also removed.

These functions are the same as the extended error recovery operator commands

SMGT,{ADDPIN | DELPIN}=module-name

Display/Modify PIN Routines

Selecting option P (display/modify PIN routines) from the Extended Error Recovery menu displays a list of PINs currently loaded in memory:

13:08:49         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-06-16
  DBID 105               -  List/Modify PIN Routines   -             PACIEP2

 Mark entries with 'A' Activate, or 'D' Deactivate:         Total Pins: 012

  M  Condition        Error Location        Status  Uses  Module     Message
  -  --------- ---------------------------- ------- ---- --------  -----------
  _  000C1000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000C2000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000C3000  All Locations                Not Act    0   ADAMXY
  _  000C4000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000C5000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000C6000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000C7000  All Locations                Not Act    0   ADAMXY
  _  000C8000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000C9000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000CB000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  000CF000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY
  _  00047000  All Locations                Active     0   ADAMXY

 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
 Help               Exit      Refr       --       -        +       Menu

For all PIN routines on the list, the screen indicatess the conditions that cause them to be executed, the current status, the number of times they have been used, and the module in which they are located.

To change the status of the PINs from this screen, enter in the M column next to the PIN number

A to activate a PIN
D to deactivate a PIN

After changes have been made, use PF4 to refresh the screen.

These functions are the same as the extended error recovery operator commands

  SMGT,{ACTPIN | DEACTPIN}=pin-number

Top of page

Display Locked Files

Selecting option L from the Session Opercoms menu displays the following:

16:02:10         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-01-28
                           -  Lock / Unlock Files   -               PACIL02

                  Code    Service
                  ----    ----------------------------------
                   D      Display locked files
                   *      Lock file for all users
                   *      Advance lock file
                   *      Lock file except for UTI/EXF users
                   *      Unlock file from general lock
                   *      Release an advance lock
                   *      Unlock file from UTI/EXF lock
                   ?      Help
                   .      Exit
                  ----    -----------------------------------
    Code ......... _
    File Number .. 30
    UTI/EXF Ind .. U
    Database ID .. 105    (RD-105)

Command ==>
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help               Exit                                           Menu

Option D from this menu displays the Display Locked Files screen:

10:57:45         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1998-07-31
 DBID 105                 -  Display Locked Files   -               PACID02
 M  Fnr.   Lock Status                  M  Fnr.   Lock Status
 -  -----  -------------------------    -  -----  -------------------------
    1      Locked for ALL users
    35     Locked except for UTI
    50     Locked except for EXU/EXF
    55     Locked for ALL users
    60     Locked for ALL users

PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help               Exit                 --       -        +       Menu

Top of page

Stop User(s)

Selecting option S (stop users) from the Session Opercoms menu displays the Stop Users menu:

18:26:02         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-07-29
                               -  Stop Users   -                    PACIS02

                      Code  Service
                      ----  -----------------------
                       *    Stop users using file
                       *    Stop inactive users
                       *    Stop users by jobname
                       *    Stop a selected user
                       ?    Help
                       .    Exit
                      ----  -----------------------
    Code ............. _
    File Number ...... _____
    Last Activity .... ________ (elapsed time in seconds)
    Job Name ......... ________
    Purge UQE(s) ..... N
    Selected Userid ..
    Database ID ...... 105   (RD-105)

Command ==>
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help     Disp UQ   Exit      Clear UID                            Menu

None of the Stop Users functions are active for the demo version.

Top of page

Terminate a Session Normally (ADAEND)

Selecting option T from the Session Opercoms menu invokes the Session Termination menu from which you can terminate a session normally (ADAEND).

11:43:00         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1997-01-30
                             -  Session Termination   -               PACT002

                      Code    Service
                      ----    -----------------------------------
                       A      Normal session termination (ADAEND)
                       *      Cancel session immediately (CANCEL)
                       *      Stop session               (HALT)
                       ?      Help
                       .      Exit
                    --------  -----------------------------------
        Code ......... _
        Database ID .. 105    (RD-MPM105)
         Current nr. of users in User Queue ... 9
         Nr. of users with open transactions .. 0

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

You are prompted to confirm your termination request before the action is taken.

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