Version 8.1.4
 —  DBA Tasks  —

Session Monitoring

Adabas session monitoring functions display major Adabas resources. These functions are most useful when analyzing system performance or seeking the cause of performance problems.

14:38:19          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2002-05-29
                           -  Session Monitoring  -                 PAC0002   
 Code   Service                         Code   Service                        
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
  *     Display cluster members          *     Refresh nucleus statistics     
  *     Maintain user profiles           *     Current session statistics     
  D     Display parameters               *     Maintain TCP/IP URL            
  *     Modify parameters                U     Display session utilization    
  Q     Display queues                   Z     Display maintenance levels     
  ?     Help                                                                  
  .     Exit                                                                  
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
        Code ......... _                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955    (WIS1955)               NucID .. 1022          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu

You can use the Session Monitoring environment to monitor the Adabas nuclei in a multiprocessing (Parallel Services or Cluster Services) environment. When the DBID of a Parallel or Cluster Services database is entered on the Session Monitoring menu, subsequent screens include a field to specify the ID of the nucleus in the cluster that you want to monitor.

Each of the functions on the Session Monitoring menu is discussed in the following sections:

Code Function
D Display Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters
Q Display the contents of the hold queue
U Display session status and thread usage
Z Display Adabas nucleus modules: maintenance levels and ZAPs applied

This document covers the following topics:

Display ADARUN Parameters

You can view Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters.

To view the parameters, select option D from the Session Monitoring menu.

Three screens are used for displaying parameters:

16:33:03         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-01-28
   DBID 105                   -  Display Parameters  -                 PACP002

   Modify parameters below, as required:
   -------------- Pools ---------------   ----------- Queues ------------------
   Sort Area          (LS) .. 19968       Command Queue          (NC) .. 100
   Int. User Buffer   (LU) .. 65535       Hold Queue             (NH) .. 9000
   Buffer Pool       (LBP) .. 127936      User Queue             (NU) .. 700
   Format Pool       (LFP) .. 12000       ---------- Time Windows -------------
   ISN List Table     (LI) .. 10000       Transaction Time       (TT) .. 300
   Seq. Cmd. Table    (LQ) .. 2500        Max Transaction Time (MXTT) .. 3600
   Work Pool         (LWP) .. 500000      Nonactivity ACC-User (TNAA) .. 300
   Attached Buffer   (NAB) .. 35          Nonactivity ET-User  (TNAE) .. 300
   Security Pool     (LCP) .. 10000       Nonactivity EXU-User (TNAX) .. 300
   UQ-DE Pool     (LDEUQP) .. 5000        Max Nonactivity Time(MXTNA) .. 3600
   Flush I/O Pool  (LFIOP) .. 125000      Time Limit Sx-Cmds (TLSCMD) .. 286
   Err. Recovery(SMGTBUFF) .. 0           Max Time for Sx-Cmds(MXTSX) .. 3600
                                          Command Time           (CT) .. 9000
                                          SYNS60 Interval    (INTNAS) .. 3600

                                                                     Page 1 of 3
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                  +        Menu
16:33:03         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-01-28
   DBID 105                   -  Display Parameters  -                PACP002

   Modify parameters below, as required:
   --------- Miscellaneous -----------   -------- User Specific Limits ---------
   ReadOnly session (READONLY) .. NO     Hold Queue Limit  (NISNHQ) .. 2200
   UTI only session  (UTIONLY) .. NO     CIDs per User      (NQCID) .. 75
   OPEN required      (OPENRQ) .. NO     ISNs / TBI Element (NSISN) .. 51
   Ignore DIB Entry   (IGNDIB) .. NO     ------------ Buffer Pool --------------
   Local nucleus       (LOCAL) .. NO     Bufferflush Dur.  (TFLUSH) .. 1
   Number of Threads      (NT) .. 4      Parallel LFIOP I/O (FMXIO) .. 60
   Non DE Search      (NONDES) .. YES    Async. by Vol-Ser (ASYTVS) .. YES
   Log AOS/DBS Update (AOSLOG) .. NO
   Batch Support       (BATCH) .. NO
   Data Protection Area   (LP) .. 500
   Ignore Work Part 4 (IGNTPC) .. NO
   WORK-Part-4 Area     (LTPC) .. 0
   WORK-Part-2 Area    (LWKP2) .. 0
                                                                    Page 2 of 3
Modify parameters below, as required:
   ---- Command Logging ----      ---------- Protection Logging -----------
   Command Logging .. NO          PLOG required        (PLOGRQ) .. NO
   LOGCB ............ NO          DUAL PLOG Size      (DUALPLS) .. 0
   LOGFB ............ NO          DUAL PLOG Device    (DUALPLD) .. 0
   LOGRB ............ NO          ------------ Other Services -------------
   LOGSB ............ NO          Triggers and Procedures (SPT) .. NO
   LOGVB ............ NO          Delta Save Facility     (DSF) .. NO
   LOGIB ............ NO          Cache Facility        (CACHE) .. NO
   LOGIO ............ NO          Transaction Manager     (ATM) .. NO
   LOGUX ............ NO          TCP/IP Support        (TCPIP) .. NO
   LOGSIZE .......... 8904        Ext. Error Recovery    (SMGT) .. NO
   DUAL CLOG Size ... 0           2 Phase Commit Support  (TPC) .. NO
   DUAL CLOG Dev. ... 0           Review Support       (REVIEW) .. NO

                                                                    Page 3 of 3
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit 

Top of page

Display Hold Queue

Selecting Queue displays (option Q) from the Session Monitoring menu displays the following menu:

09:00:20         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1997-01-29
                                -  Queue Displays   -                 PACQ002

                         Code  Service
                         ----  ---------------------------
                          *    Display User Queue Elements
                          *    Display Command Queue
                          H    Display Hold Queue
                          ?    Help
                          .    Exit
                        ----  ----------------------------
     Code ............... _
     Max No. Elements ... 100
     Last Activity ...... 0         (elapsed time in seconds)
     Selection Criteria
       ET-ID (User-ID) .. ________  User Type ... ___
       Job Name ......... ________
       Terminal ID ...... ________
     Database ID ........ 105       (RD-105)
  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Clear UID                            Menu

Option H displays a list of the ISNs currently in hold status.

If the queue is currently empty, an appropriate message appears.

Top of page

Display System Status and Thread Usage

Selecting Resource utilization (option U) from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Resource Utilization menu:

11:44:10         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1997-01-30
                            -  Resource Utilization   -               PACU002

                        Code    Service
                        ----    -------------------------------
                         *      Command usage
                         *      File usage
                         *      High water marks (pools/queues)
                         *      Workpool (LWP) usage
                         *      PLOG status
                         S      System status
                         T      Thread usage
                         *      WORK status
                         ?      Help
                         .      Exit
                      --------  -------------------------------
          Code ......... _
          File Number .. 0
          Database ID .. 105    (RD-MPM105)

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

Each option allows you to refresh ( PF4 ) the displayed values, a convenience for long-term monitoring of Adabas system functions.

System Status

System status (option S) displays I/O counts for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, and PLOG data sets; remote and local call distribution; and other current session status information.

16:44:13         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-01-28
   DBID 105                     -  System Status   -                  PACUS02

               Reads          Writes                Call Distribution
             -------------------------   ---------------------------------------
   ASSO             132             29   Remote Logical .............          0
   DATA               3              9   Remote Physical ............          0
   WORK               4             29   Local  Logical .............        145
   PLOG                              0   Local  Physical ............          0
   Logical Reads ........          194   Logical Reads (binary) .....   000000C2
   Buffer Efficiency ....          1.4   No. of HQEs active .........          0
                                         No. of UQEs in User Queue ..          2
   Format Translations ..            0   No. of CQEs waiting in CQ ..          0
   Format Overwrites ....            0
                                         Total intern. Autorestarts .          0
   Throw Backs for ISN ..            0   No. of PLOG switches .......          0
   Throw Backs for Space.            0   No. of Bufferflushes .......          8

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

Thread Usage

Thread usage (option T) displays a table of all defined Adabas threads, the status of each, the command type currently in process in each active thread, and the number of commands processed by each thread in the current session.

11:47:18         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1997-01-30
   DBID 105                     -  Thread Status   -                  PACUT02

        Nr. I Thread Status             I Command Type    I Nr. CMDs  I
         1  I Active                    I Simple Cmd.     I 18992     I
         2  I Not active                I                 I 109       I
         3  I Not active                I                 I 0         I
         4  I Not active                I                 I 0         I
         5  I Not active                I                 I 0         I
            I                           I                 I           I

Top of page

Display Maintenance Levels

Selecting Display maintenance levels (option Z) from the Session Monitoring menu displays information about the Adabas nucleus modules:

13:43:09         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       1999-06-09
   DBID 105               -  Display Maintenance Levels  -            DPACZ02

   Select Module Name:  ________
     ADARUN   RUNMVS   Date 1998-10-27, Version 7.1. 0, Zap Base AO10000
              RUNIND   Date 1998-10-27, Version 7.1. 0, Zap Base AI10000
     ADATSP            Date 1998-10-30, SM Level 00, Zap Level 0000
                       Zaps 0034 0040 0043 0083 0084 0099
     ADATCP            Date 1998-10-30, SM Level 00, Zap Level 0000
                       Zaps 0136
     ADAMSG            Date 1998-10-30, SM Level 00, Zap Level 0000
     ADAIOR            Date 1998-10-29, SM Level 00, Zap Level 0000
     ADAIOS            Date 1998-10-29, SM Level 00, Zap Level 0000
                       Zaps 0001 0003 0004 0005 0007
     ADANC0            Date 1998-11-01, SM Level 00, Zap Level 0000
                       Zaps 0036

  Command ===>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                --       -        +        Menu

Maintenance levels for each module are displayed. Any ZAPs that are applied to the module are also listed.

The list of modules can be limited by entering a specific module name in the Select Module Name field at the top of the screen. A starting value may also be used. For example, specifying ADANC3 displays information for the ADANC3 module only. Specifying ADANC* lists all modules with names that begin with ADANC.

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