Version 7.5.1
 —  Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5.1 Release Notes  —

New Features

This section describes the new features provided by Version 7.5.1.

Distributed Transaction Support for Adabas Parallel Services and Adabas Cluster Services

ATM version 7.5 fully supports use of the parameter DTP=RM with Adabas Parallel Services and Adabas Cluster Services.

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Enhanced Online Statistical Reporting

Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 introduces new statistical displays in the Online Services application. The new displays show an ATM daemon’s counts of transactions with various outcomes, and transaction timings. See ATM Online Services, Display Daemon Statistics.

Here are two examples:

10:32:47   ***** A D A B A S TRANSACTION MANAGER 7.5.1 *****       2004-03-05
                     -  Current Statistics  -                       T12710M1

TM Node: 7064

                                 Tran        Nonact      Heur-     Client
       Transactions  Commits     timeout     timeout     istic     sessions
       ------------  -------     -------     -------     -----     --------
 only           235      227           2
Extrn.         1311     1307
       ------------  -------     -------     -------     -----     --------
Total          1546     1534           2           0         0
       ------------  --------   --------    --------     -----     --------
 Open             0                                                      22
 HWM             19                                                      53
       ------------                                                --------

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu
10:33:22   ***** A D A B A S TRANSACTION MANAGER 7.5.1 *****        2004-03-05
                     -  Transaction Times   -                        T12720M1 

TM Node: 7064

                 (secs.)     Tran count    Committed     Backed out
                 -------     ----------    ---------     ---------- 
                    0.50           1432         1422             10
                    1.00            112          108              4
                    2.00              4            4              0
                    5.00              0            0              0 
                   10.00              2            0              2
                     300              0            0              0
                     600              1            0              1 
                 9999999              0            0              0 
                 -------     ----------    ---------      --------- 
                 Total:            1551         1534             17 
                 -------     ----------    ---------      ---------


  Command ==>
       Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu

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Enhanced Statistical Reporting to Console and DDPRINT

The extended statistical information is written to the DDPRINT dataset on termination of the daemon. It can also be displayed on the console and written to DDPRINT at any time during daemon execution by means of the TM DSTAT operator command.

Here is an example:

ADAI29 Oper cmd: TM DSTAT                                            
ATM110 04 Session statistics:                                        
ATM115 04 No. of transactions processed:          000000000531       
ATM115 04 No. of transactions committed:          000000000527       
ATM115 04 No. of ATM-only transactions processed: 000000000515       
ATM115 04 No. of ATM-only transactions committed: 000000000513       
ATM115 04 No. of external transactions processed: 000000000016       
ATM115 04 No. of external transactions committed: 000000000014       
ATM115 04 No. of transactions timed out (TMGTT):  000000000002       
ATM115 04 No. of transactions timed out (TMGTNA): 000000000000       
ATM115 04 No. of heuristically terminated trans.: 000000000000       
ATM115 04 No. of open client sessions:            000000000001       
ATM115 04 No. of open transactions:               000000000000       
ATM116 04 Tran times: Millisecs  Tran count Committed  Backed out    
ATM117 04             0000000500 0000000497 0000000497 0000000000    
ATM117 04             0000001000 0000000032 0000000030 0000000002    
ATM117 04             0000002000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000    
ATM117 04             0000005000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000    
ATM117 04             0000010000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000    
ATM117 04             0000300000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000    
ATM117 04             0000600000 0000000002 0000000000 0000000002    
ATM117 04             9999999999 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000    
ATM113 04 High-water marks :  Max       HWM        Hits     First hit
ATM114 04     TMABA        :          00000005  0000000003 04/05 13:11
ATM114 04     TMDRQ        : 0000010  00000000                        
ATM114 04     TMRQ2        :          00000001  0000000001 04/05 13:02
ATM114 04     TMDYNTCIDS   : 0010000  00000000                        
ATM114 04     TMGUQ        :          00000033  0000000002 04/05 13:10
ATM114 04     TMGTQ        :          00000003  0000000003 04/05 13:11
ATM114 04     TM nodes     : 0000191  00000001  0000000001 04/05 13:02
ATM114 04     TMTARGETSG   : 0000191  00000003  0000000007 04/05 13:03
ATM114 04     TMTARGETST   : 0000191  00000002  0000000424 04/05 13:03
ATM114 04     TMs/tran     : 0000191  00000001  0000000001 04/05 13:03

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Identification of Open Migrated Transactions using Online Services

A new Online Services feature can be used to identify in-flight transactions that have been migrated within a cluster through dynamic transaction routing (DTR).

For more information, see Online Services, Transaction Manager Database Functions.

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No External Recovery Database

The database files in which an ATM daemon stores vital recovery information must now reside in the ATM daemon’s own database. There is no longer any need for a separate database to contain these files. This makes installation and administration easier.

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