Version 7.5.1
 —  Adabas Transaction Manager Operations Guide  —

Operator Commands

ATM operator commands can be issued by the operator in the normal way or from the Online Services application.

The following operator commands are supported by an Adabas Transaction Manager daemon:

Command Description
TM DSTAT In response to this command, the ATM daemon will display, on the console log and in DDPRINT, the current high-water marks and other statistics. Refer to the descriptions of messages ATM113 , ATM114 , ATM116 and ATM117 for details.
TM END This command requests an orderly shutdown of the ATM daemon. ATM prevents any new global transactions from starting. It waits until any in-flight global transactions have completed, then terminates.
TM FEOFLOG In response to this command, the ATM daemon closes the log dataset that is currently in use and opens the other log dataset. A message appears on the console indicating the dataset currently in use. If logging to the ATMLOG datasets is not active, the command will have no effect.
TM HALT This command requests an immediate shutdown of the ATM daemon. ATM prevents any new global transactions from starting. It terminates without waiting for any in-flight global transactions to complete. Recovery of incomplete transactions occurs during restart.
TM LOG In response to this command, the ATM daemon starts writing log records to the ATMLOG dataset. A message appears on the console indicating that logging is active. This command has no effect if the daemon was started with ADARUN TMLOG=NEVER.
TM NOLOG In response to this command, the ATM daemon stops writing log records to the ATMLOG dataset. A message appears on the console indicating that logging is no longer active.
TM RSTAT In response to this command, the ATM daemon resets all of its statistical counts to zero. A message appears on the console confirming that statistics have been reset.
TM STOPU=’jobname’ This command asks the ATM daemon to perform a stop users operation for all users with the given jobname. The ATM daemon will attempt to terminate any incomplete transactions belonging to these users by backing them out, or (if the commit decision has already been taken) committing them, then it will discard its knowledge of any such users who now have no incomplete transaction. An ATM082 message will appear on the console to indicate that this operation was requested by the operator.

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