Version 7.5.1
 —  Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5.1 Release Notes  —

Prerequisites and Installation

This section provides information regarding version 7.5.1 prerequisites and installation changes.


The prerequisites for Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5.1 are described fully in the ATM Installation documentation, sections Prequisites and Before You Install.

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Installation-Related Information

This section contains installation-related information for Version 7.5.1.

For complete installation information and procedures, refer to section Adabas Transaction Manager Installation.

Installation Package

The installation tape contains the following datasets in the sequence shown on the Report of Tape Creation that accompanies the installation tape:

Dataset Description
ATMvrs.JOBS Installation jobs, utility jobs
ATMvrs.LOAD Executable modules
ATMvrs.SYS5 ADALOD input for the ATM PRR file
ATMvrs.SYS6 ADALOD input for the ATM STJ file
ATMvrs.SYS7 ADALOD input for the user proxy log (UPL) file
ATMvrs.SYS8 ADALOD input for the ET data file
ATMvrs.INPL Online Services application
ATMvrs.ERRN Online Services messages
ATMvrs.SYSC ADALOD input for the Adabas System Coordinator file (only required for installation under z/OS)
ADA743.LX06 Adabas load library update (see notes below.)

—where vrs is the version, revision, and system maintenance level of the product. Use the comments in the jobs when modifying them to conform to site requirements.

In addition to the Adabas Transaction Manager installation tape, you will need load library update L005, or higher, for the Adabas System Coordinator.

Load library update LX06 for Adabas version 7.4.3 is needed for certain components. Please refer to the ATM installation documentation for details of how the LX06 library should be used.

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