Version 7.4.2

Using Adabas SAF Security Online Services

Online Services Main Menu

AAF Online Services is available from a Natural application installed in library SYSAAF.

Because of the sensitive nature of ADASAF, you are advised to ensure that the Natural application SYSAAF is well protected using Natural Security.

Start of instruction setto invoke Adabas SAF Security Online Services

The Main Menu screen will then appear:

09:15:03    *****  A D A B A S SAF SECURITY SERVICES  7.4.2   *****   2003-05-06
                          -  Main Menu  -                               A1000M1

                          Code    Options
                          ----    -----------------------
                           1      System Statistics 
                           2      User Statistics
                           3      Zap Display
                           4      Storage Display
                           5      System Tracing
                           6      Server Restart
                           8      System Parameters
                           9      About SAF Security
                           .      Exit
                          ----    -----------------------
            Code......   : ___             You can easily switch around the
            Database ID  : 153             tools for Fastpath, Vista, etc., by
            Nucleus ID   : ___             use of the PF Keys shown, or use 
 System Coordinator Node : ___             the codes COR, AFP, AVI, AAF,ATM
            User ID      : ___             as commands - anytime.
Command ==>
       Help         Exit              COR   AFP   AVI         ATM         Vers

To select an option, enter a code and a Database ID. To communicate with ADASAF in a particular nucleus running as part of an ADAPLEX II or ADASMP cluster, enter the Nucleus ID as well as the Database ID. Alternatively, if you do not know the available Nucleus IDs, enter the Database ID and the node number of the Adabas System Coordinator daemon for that cluster to obtain a list of active Nucleus IDs for the database, from which you may select one.

For User Statistics (option code 2), also enter a User ID if you wish to view statistics for an individual user without first displaying the list of active users.

From the main menu, you may switch to the online systems of Adabas System Coordinator (PF6), Adabas Fastpath (PF7), Adabas Vista (PF8), or Adabas Transaction Manager (PF10), by pressing the appropriate PF key. You may also switch from any screen with a Command ==> line by entering the appropriate three-character code as a command.

PF12 can be used to display a list of installed versions of SYSAAF. To select the required version, mark it with any non-blank character. The default is to use the latest installed version. The ADASAF demo INPL is supplied with Adabas and is converted to full licensed mode by installing the INPL dataset supplied with ADASAF. If any of the versions on the screen are followed by (D), it indicates that only the demo INPL was installed for that version. The online services version selected will work with the same or later versions of ADASAF in a protected nucleus.

The following options are available:

Option Description
System Statistics Provides statistics at the database level.
User Statistics Provides statistics for users.
Zap Display Display zap information.
Storage Display Display internal storage information.
System Tracing Display trace information.
Server Restart Restart server.
System Parameters Display system parameters.
About SAF Security Display product overview information.

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From the main menu, you enter an option code, an ADASAF-protected Database ID, and an optional user ID. To move from one option to another, you can return to the main menu using PF12 , or enter the number of the desired target option in the command line.

Entering Commands

The command line in the SYSAAF screens is useful for jumping quickly from one function to another. For example, entering the value 2 on the command line will invoke the User Statistics option. If you enter an invalid number, you are returned to the main menu.

You can also use the command line to change the ID of the database that you are monitoring without returning to the main menu. Enter the dbid=nnnnn (this can be abbreviated to db=). For example, dbid=12345 or db=12345. Alternatively, you can change the Database ID by simply overtyping it on any screen.

Any other command is passed to Natural.

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Using PF Keys

Throughout SYSAAF, PF1 (Help) provides information about the current function, PF3 is Exit and PF12 returns to the main menu.

In list functions, PF7 (Up) and PF8 (Down) scroll up and down the list, PF6 (Top) returns to the top of the list, and PF9 (Bttm) goes to the end of the list. PF9 is available only in the system trace display.

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Help Information

Start of instruction setTo invoke help information

The help screen that appears applies to the current screen and may comprise several pages. From each help screen, you can access lower level options or return to previous, higher levels.

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