Version 7.4.2

About ADASAF Security Services

This option can be used to display an overview of Adabas SAF Security Services. This screen can also be displayed by pressing PF1 on the main menu.

09:26:43  *****   A D A B A S SAF SECURITY SERVICES  7.4.2   *****  2003-03-10
                  -   About Adabas SAF Security   -                  A19000M1

Welcome to Adabas SAF Security
This Adabas option allows you to integrate Adabas with a central security
repository such as RACF, CA-ACF2 or CA-TopSecret.

ADASAF provides all the safeguards you would expect for:
* Database nuclei                     * Database files
* Database access/update commands     * Adabas utilities
* Console operator commands

In addition ADASAF provides:

* Optional consideration of the originating job as well as user, known as
  Cross-level Checking, allowing differentiation between a user running in
  production and that same user running in development
* Protection of transaction data for ET, RE, OP and CL commands
* Storing of Adabas passwords and cipher codes in the security repository
* Adabas Fastpath compatibility and utility sensitivity 

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