Version 7.4.2

User Statistics

This option provides information on active users.

List of Active Users

Selecting code 2 from the main menu causes a list of active users to be displayed (unless a User ID parameter was also specified, in which case the User Statisitics screen will be displayed).

09:18:54   *****   A D A B A S SAF SECURITY SERVICES 7.4.2   *****  2003-03-10
                      -  User List For Database:  153  -             A12000M1

                      C    User ID     Date           Time
                      -    UKSJU       2003-03-07   09:01:17
                      -    DAEFCODE    2003-03-07   09:07:19
                      -    UKKXM       2003-03-07   09:07:19

Mark with S(tatistics), C(ached Files), R(eset), L(ogoff)
Top of List
 Command  ==>
      Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu

In the Command (C) column, enter S to view a user's statistics, C to view a user's cached file details, R to reset that user's statistics, or L to log the user off, which will discard the user's cached security information.

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User Statistics

The user statistics screen shows the number of times that the security system was called for the selected user and gives information on the number of successful and unsuccessful verifications made against the external security system. It also shows the number of verifications satisfied from the resource profile cache, the number of times an entry for this user was overwritten, and the current number of cached checks for this user.

09:19:37   *****   A D A B A S SAF SECURITY SERVICES 7.4.2   *****  2003-03-10
                   - User Statistics For Database: 153   -           A12100M1

     User ID: DAEFCODE

     Initialized from:  Adabas Cross-Level     on: 2003-03-07  At:  09:01:17

 Authorization    Check (+ve)  Check (-ve)  Check Saved  Overwrites   Active
 ADABAS (Normal)           2             0            0           0        0
 ADABAS (Xlevel)           0             0            4           0        2

 Command  ==>
      Help        Exit        Lgoff                                     Menu

Pressing PF5 will remove this user and associated security information from ADASAF.

Top of page

User Cached Files

This screen shows, for a given SAF user, the Adabas Internal ID for the user, the Cross Level ID under which the user is operating, the effectiveness of ADASAF's cache for this user, as well as the cached files and access levels currently held for the user.

A SAF user may have more than one cache entry, for example when accessing a database from different jobs. PF10 can be used to scroll through the cache entries for that user.

09:20:40   *****   A D A B A S SAF SECURITY SERVICES 7.4.2   *****  2003-03-10 
                   - User Cached Files for Database: 153 -           A12100M1

Communication ID:  000D7100206400140404040404040404000F7AA00EE2D1E44040404F2
SAF User ID     :  UKKXM
Cross Level ID  :  DAEFCODE

Saved Checks    : 288
Number of Files : 3
Last File Access: 5
Overwrites      : 0

File Details
 File L    File L  File L  File L  File L  File L  File L  File L 
    5 R      11 R    12 R

Command  ==>
      Help        Exit                                      Next        Menu

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