Package com.softwareag.centrasite.appl.framework.validation

Interface Summary
Condition The Condition is used by the Constraint to determine, whether the constraint is met or violated.
Constrained Interface of an object, which may act as the source for instances of ValidationConstraint and ReadOnlyConstraint.
Constraint A constraint is a boolean Condition, combined with a Scope.
Constraint.Context The constraints context is the link between its environment and the constraints implementation.
Constraint.Listener The constraints listener is called, if the constraint detects that its violated.
Control A control is the combination of Validatable, and the Constrained.
Control.ChangeListener Interface of a change listener.
ErrorCode This is a marker interface, which indicates that an object is used as an error code.
NamedObject Interface of an object, which has a name.
ReadOnlyConstraint A ReadOnlyConstraint is a marker interface, which constraints implement, that are used to decide whether an object is read-only.
Scope The Scope is used to enable or disable constraints.
Validatable A Validatable object is basically a list of constraints, which are used to determine the objects state.
ValidatableContainer Interface of a container object, which holds a list of validatable objects.
ValidatableProperty The Validatable interface is independent from the fact, that data beans and reflection are used to access the data.
ValidationConstraint A ValidationConstraint is a marker interface, which constraints implement, that are used to validate an objects state.

Exception Summary
ReadOnlyException This exception is thrown by the Validator, if it has no other possibility to report that an object is read-only.
ValidationAbortedException This error indicates, that validating the control should be aborted.
ValidationException This exception is thrown by the Validator, if it has no other possibility to report a validation error.