Package com.softwareag.centrasite.appl.framework.validation.acl

Interface Summary
AclContext Interface of the context information, which the AclController requires to grant or deny access.
AclController The AclController is an abstract object, which is used to grant or deny access to objects.
AclProvider The AclProvider is used by the AclController
RoleAclProvider.RoleAclContext Interface, which the AclContext must implement to be applicable.
UserAclProvider.UserAclContext Interface, which the AclContext must implement to be applicable.

Class Summary
AbstractAclProvider Default implementation of AclProvider.
Acl Used to specify an ACL.
Action Used to specify an action.
CentraSiteAclContext Default implementation of the CentraSiteAclContext, which is built by reading a JAXR connections authentication details.
DefaultAclController Default implementation of AclController.
DefaultAclControllerConfiguration An instance of this class is used to specify a controllers configuration.
DefaultAclControllerConfigurationParser This parser is used to create instances of DefaultAclControllerConfiguration by reading XML documents.
DefaultAclProvider This ACL provider is used to specify defaults.
Provider Used to specify an AclProvider.
RoleAclProvider This ACL provider is used to grant or deny access to roles.
Rule Used to specify a rule.
UserAclProvider This ACL provider is used to grant or deny access to users.

Enum Summary
Rule.Type Enumeration for the possibly types of a rule.

Exception Summary
CSAppAuthenticationException This exception is thrown, if unauthorized access to an object occurs.